Example #1
        public void WhenCreatingProfile_ProfileShouldBeCreatedWithDefaultAttributes()
            var id              = Guid.NewGuid();
            var userId          = Guid.NewGuid();
            var location        = new GeoLocation(63.0001, 15.0001, 123.5);
            var trackPoint      = new TrackPoint(location, 0.0, DateTime.Now);
            var track           = new Track(Guid.NewGuid(), new TrackPoint[] { trackPoint });
            var coffeeAttribute = new PlaceAttribute(PlaceAttributeType.Coffee, true);

            var place = new Place(Guid.NewGuid(), userId, "Test place", "", location, GeoPolygon.CreateRect(location, 0.05), coffeeAttribute);

            var legs = new Leg[] { new Leg(trackPoint, trackPoint, 0.0, 0.0) };

            var startSplit = new ResultSplit(trackPoint);
            var result     = new Result(new Athlete(userId, "IAthlete"), new ResultSplit[] { startSplit, new ResultSplit(trackPoint, startSplit, startSplit) });


            var startProfilePlace  = new ProfilePlace(place, trackPoint, true, true, new ProfilePlaceAttribute(coffeeAttribute.Type, coffeeAttribute.DefaultValue));
            var finishProfilePlace = new ProfilePlace(place, trackPoint, true, true, new ProfilePlaceAttribute(coffeeAttribute.Type, coffeeAttribute.DefaultValue));

            When(new CreateProfile(id, userId, Guid.Empty, "First", track));
            Then(new ProfileCreated(id, userId, Guid.Empty, "First", DateTimeProvider.Now, track, 0.0, 0.0, trackPoint, trackPoint, null, new ProfilePlace[] { startProfilePlace, finishProfilePlace }, legs, result));
Example #2
        private void ExtractPlaces(Feature feature, string @namespace, Dictionary <string, Place> places)
            // Is the passed in value a Placemark?
            Placemark placemark = feature as Placemark;

            if (placemark != null)
                var         name     = placemark.Name;
                var         fullName = @namespace + NamespaceSeparator + name;
                GeoLocation location = null;
                GeoPolygon  fence    = null;

                var point = placemark.Geometry as Point;

                if (point != null)
                    location = new GeoLocation(point.Coordinate.Latitude, point.Coordinate.Longitude, (double)point.Coordinate.Altitude);
                    fence    = GeoPolygon.CreateRect(location, 0.05);

                    if (!places.ContainsKey(fullName))
                        places.Add(fullName, new Place(Guid.NewGuid(), UserId, placemark.Name, @namespace, location, fence, PlaceAttribute.CreateDefault()));
                        var place = places[fullName];
                        place.Location = location;

                var polygon = placemark.Geometry as Polygon;

                if (polygon != null)
                    var locations = polygon.OuterBoundary.LinearRing.Coordinates.Select(vector => new GeoLocation(vector.Latitude, vector.Longitude, (double)vector.Altitude));

                    fence = new GeoPolygon(locations.ToArray());

                    location = fence.Boudary.GetCenter();

                    if (!places.ContainsKey(fullName))
                        places.Add(fullName, new Place(Guid.NewGuid(), UserId, placemark.Name, @namespace, location, fence, null));
                        var place = places[fullName];
                        place.Polygon = fence;
                // Is it a Container, as the Container might have a child Placemark?
                Container container = feature as Container;
                if (container != null)
                    var newNamespace = string.Empty;

                    if (!(container is Document))
                        if (@namespace != string.Empty)
                            newNamespace = @namespace + NamespaceSeparator + container.Name;
                            newNamespace = container.Name;
                    // Check each Feature to see if it's a Placemark or another Container
                    foreach (var f in container.Features)
                        ExtractPlaces(f, newNamespace, places);