Example #1
        public static string BeginOrder(string name, User u, Location l, PizzaStoreRepository repo)
            Console.WriteLine("View your order history?");
            string ans = Console.ReadLine();

            if (ans == "y")

            Order o = new Order
                User       = u,
                UserID     = repo.GetUserID(u),
                OrderTime  = DateTime.Now,
                LocationID = l.LocationID,
                NumPizza   = 0,
                Price      = 0

            o.Id = repo.GetMostRecentOrderID();

            //First check if the user ordered within 2 hours
            //if ((repo.GetMostRecentOrderByUser(o).OrderTime - o.OrderTime).TotalMinutes < 120)
            //    return $"No, {u.FirstName}, we can't prcoess your order since you have ordered within the past 2 hours.";

            if (l.UserExistInOrderHistory(l.OrderHistory, name))
                //if the user exists, give a suggestion based on the last order...
                Pizza Suggested = Location.SortOrderHistory(l.OrderHistoryByUser(l.OrderHistory, name), "latest")[0].PizzaList[0];
                Console.WriteLine($"You have ordered a {Suggested.PizzaSize} with {Suggested.Toppings} in the past. Would you like to add this to your order? [y/n]");
                string answ = Console.ReadLine();
                if (answ == "y")
                    o.Price += Suggested.Price;
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to order more pizzas? [y/n]");
                    string more = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (more == "n")
                        FinalizeOrder(l, o, repo);
            //Now regardless of user in system or not they can order
            while (o.Price < 500)
                if (o.NumPizza > 11)
                    Console.WriteLine("Cannot order more pizza since you are ordering more than 12 pizzas.");
                    return("Failed to place order");
                //Actually begin to order
                Pizza p = new Pizza()
                    OrderID   = repo.GetMostRecentOrderID(),
                    PizzaSize = "A"

                Console.WriteLine("Please select the size of your pizza [S/M/L]");
                p.PizzaSize = Console.ReadLine();
                //Update pizza price based on size
                if (p.PizzaSize == "S")
                    p.Price    += 10;
                    p.PizzaSize = "S";
                if (p.PizzaSize == "M")
                    p.Price    += 15;
                    p.PizzaSize = "M";
                if (p.PizzaSize == "L")
                    p.Price    += 20;
                    p.PizzaSize = "L";
                Console.WriteLine("We have the following toppings:");
                for (var i = 0; i < l.Toppings.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Add {l.Toppings[i]}? [y/n]");
                    AddTopping(l, p, l.Toppings[i], Console.ReadLine(), repo);
                p.Id = repo.GetMostRecentPizza().Id;
                o.Price += p.Price;

                Console.WriteLine($"You currently have {o.NumPizza} pizza(s). Would you like to order more? [y/n]");
                string b = Console.ReadLine();
                if (b == "n")
            FinalizeOrder(l, o, repo);
            return("Order Finished.");
        public ActionResult MakeOrder(IFormCollection viewCollection, MVCustomer cust)
            Random rdm        = new Random();
            int    ONum       = rdm.Next(1, 1000000);
            int    UseridTD   = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("custid").ToString());
            string LocationTD = TempData.Peek("locationName").ToString();
            string NameTD     = TempData.Peek("firstname").ToString();
            string LastnameTD = TempData.Peek("lastname").ToString();
            string PhoneTD    = TempData.Peek("phone").ToString();

            if (Count == 12)
                ViewData["msg"] = "ERROR YOU CANNOT ORDER MORE THAN 12 PIZZAS!!!!! ";

            string selectedSize    = viewCollection["SelectedSize"];
            string selectedTopping = viewCollection["SelectedTopping"];
            string selectedCrust   = viewCollection["SelectedCrust"];

            if (selectedSize == "Small")
                price = 5.00;

                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 5.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
            else if (selectedSize == "Medium")
                price  = 10.00;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 10.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
            else if (selectedSize == "Large")
                price  = 15.00;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 15.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
            else if (selectedCrust == "1")
                price  = .50;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += .50;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
                price  = 20.00;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 20.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;

            if (TempData.Peek("Count").ToString() == "1")
                Count = 1;
                Count = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("Count").ToString());

            if (Count < 2)//only if the order is new is going to be created
                //add order
                Repo.AddOrders(ONum, NameTD, LastnameTD, LocationTD, price, total, DateTime.Now, "T'Challa Slice", PhoneTD);
            bool PG = bool.Parse(selectedCrust);

            Repo.AddPizza(selectedSize, selectedTopping, PG, ONum);
            // increment counter to know next time, that this is not  a new order.
            TempData["Count"] = Count;
            var orderId = Repo.GetOrders().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CustomerPhoneNumber == PhoneTD &&
                                                          x.CustomerName == NameTD);

            TempData["orderId"] = orderId.Id;
