Example #1
        ///    Copies a box from another PixelBuffer to a region of the
        ///    this PixelBuffer.
        ///<param name="src">Source/dest pixel buffer</param>
        ///<param name="srcBox">Image.BasicBox describing the source region in this buffer</param>
        ///<param name="dstBox">Image.BasicBox describing the destination region in this buffer</param>
        ///    The source and destination regions dimensions don't have to match, in which
        ///    case scaling is done. This scaling is generally done using a bilinear filter in hardware,
        ///    but it is faster to pass the source image in the right dimensions.
        ///    Only call this function when both  buffers are unlocked.
        public virtual void Blit(HardwarePixelBuffer src, BasicBox srcBox, BasicBox dstBox)
            if (IsLocked || src.IsLocked)
                throw new Exception("Source and destination buffer may not be locked!  In HardwarePixelBuffer.Blit");
            if (src == this)
                throw new Exception("Source must not be the same object, in HardwarePixelBuffer.Blit");

            PixelBox srclock = src.Lock(srcBox, BufferLocking.ReadOnly);

            BufferLocking method = BufferLocking.Normal;

            if (dstBox.Left == 0 && dstBox.Top == 0 && dstBox.Front == 0 &&
                dstBox.Right == width && dstBox.Bottom == height &&
                dstBox.Back == depth)
                // Entire buffer -- we can discard the previous contents
                method = BufferLocking.Discard;

            PixelBox dstlock = Lock(dstBox, method);

            if (dstlock.Width != srclock.Width || dstlock.Height != srclock.Height || dstlock.Depth != srclock.Depth)
                // Scaling desired
                throw new Exception("Image scaling not yet implemented; in HardwarePixelBuffer.Blit");
            // Image.Scale(srclock, dstlock);
                // No scaling needed
                PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(srclock, dstlock);

Example #2
        ///    @copydoc HardwarePixelBuffer.BlitToMemory
        public override void BlitToMemory(BasicBox srcBox, PixelBox dst)
            // Decide on pixel format of temp surface
            PixelFormat tmpFormat = format;

            if (D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(dst.Format) == D3D.Format.Unknown)
                tmpFormat = dst.Format;
            if (surface != null)
                Debug.Assert(srcBox.Depth == 1 && dst.Depth == 1);
                // Create temp texture
                D3D.Texture tmp =
                    new D3D.Texture(device, dst.Width, dst.Height,
                                    1, // 1 mip level ie topmost, generate no mipmaps
                                    0, D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(tmpFormat),
                D3D.Surface subSurface = tmp.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
                // Copy texture to this temp surface
                Rectangle destRect, srcRect;
                srcRect  = ToD3DRectangle(srcBox);
                destRect = ToD3DRectangleExtent(dst);

                SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(subSurface, destRect, surface, srcRect, Filter.None, 0);

                // Lock temp surface and copy it to memory
                int            pitch; // Filled in by D3D
                GraphicsStream data = subSurface.LockRectangle(D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly, out pitch);
                // Copy it
                PixelBox locked = new PixelBox(dst.Width, dst.Height, dst.Depth, tmpFormat);
                FromD3DLock(locked, pitch, data);
                PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(locked, dst);
                // Release temporary surface and texture
                // Create temp texture
                D3D.VolumeTexture tmp =
                    new D3D.VolumeTexture(device, dst.Width, dst.Height, dst.Depth,
                                          0, D3D.Usage.None,
                D3D.Volume subVolume = tmp.GetVolumeLevel(0);
                // Volume
                D3D.Box ddestBox = ToD3DBoxExtent(dst);
                D3D.Box dsrcBox  = ToD3DBox(srcBox);

                VolumeLoader.FromVolume(subVolume, ddestBox, volume, dsrcBox, Filter.None, 0);
                // Lock temp surface and copy it to memory
                D3D.LockedBox  lbox;                // Filled in by D3D
                GraphicsStream data = subVolume.LockBox(LockFlags.ReadOnly, out lbox);
                // Copy it
                PixelBox locked = new PixelBox(dst.Width, dst.Height, dst.Depth, tmpFormat);
                FromD3DLock(locked, lbox, data);
                PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(locked, dst);
                // Release temporary surface and texture
Example #3
        protected virtual void LoadImages(List <Image> images)
            Debug.Assert(images.Count >= 1);
            if (isLoaded)
                log.InfoFormat("Unloading image: {0}", name);
            srcWidth  = width = images[0].Width;
            srcHeight = height = images[0].Height;
            srcDepth  = depth = images[0].Depth;
            if (hasAlpha && images[0].Format == PixelFormat.L8)
                format = PixelFormat.A8;
                srcBpp = 8;
                this.Format = images[0].Format;
            if (finalBpp == 16)
                switch (format)
                case PixelFormat.R8G8B8:
                case PixelFormat.X8R8G8B8:
                    format = PixelFormat.R5G6B5;

                case PixelFormat.B8G8R8:
                case PixelFormat.X8B8G8R8:
                    format = PixelFormat.B5G6R5;

                case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
                case PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8:
                case PixelFormat.A8B8G8R8:
                case PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8:
                    format = PixelFormat.A4R4G4B4;

                    // use the original format

            // The custom mipmaps in the image have priority over everything
            int imageMips = images[0].NumMipMaps;

            if (imageMips > 0)
                numMipmaps = imageMips;
                usage     &= ~TextureUsage.AutoMipMap;

            // Create the texture

            // Check if we're loading one image with multiple faces
            // or a vector of images representing the faces
            int  faces;
            bool multiImage;         // Load from multiple images?

            if (images.Count > 1)
                faces      = images.Count;
                multiImage = true;
                faces      = images[0].NumFaces;
                multiImage = false;

            // Check wether number of faces in images exceeds number of faces
            // in this texture. If so, clamp it.
            if (faces > this.NumFaces)
                faces = this.NumFaces;

            // Say what we're doing
            log.InfoFormat("Texture: {0}: Loading {1} faces({2},{3}x{4}x{5})",
                           name, faces, PixelUtil.GetFormatName(images[0].Format),
                           images[0].Width, images[0].Height, images[0].Depth);
#if NOT // crazy ogre logging
            if (!(mMipmapsHardwareGenerated && mNumMipmaps == 0))
                str << mNumMipmaps;
            if (mUsage & TU_AUTOMIPMAP)
                if (mMipmapsHardwareGenerated)
                    str << " hardware";

                str << " generated mipmaps";
                str << " custom mipmaps";
            if (multiImage)
                str << " from multiple Images.";
                str << " from Image.";
            // Scoped
                // Print data about first destination surface
                HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr buf = getBuffer(0, 0);
                str << " Internal format is " << PixelUtil::getFormatName(buf->getFormat()) <<
                    "," << buf->getWidth() << "x" << buf->getHeight() << "x" << buf->getDepth() << ".";
                LML_NORMAL, str.str());
            // Main loading loop
            // imageMips == 0 if the image has no custom mipmaps, otherwise contains the number of custom mips
            for (int mip = 0; mip <= imageMips; ++mip)
                for (int i = 0; i < faces; ++i)
                    PixelBox src;
                    if (multiImage)
                        // Load from multiple images
                        src = images[i].GetPixelBox(0, mip);
                        // Load from faces of images[0]
                        src = images[0].GetPixelBox(i, mip);

                        if (hasAlpha && src.Format == PixelFormat.L8)
                            src.Format = PixelFormat.A8;

                    if (gamma != 1.0f)
                        // Apply gamma correction
                        // Do not overwrite original image but do gamma correction in temporary buffer
                        IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, src.Format));
                        try {
                            PixelBox corrected = new PixelBox(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, src.Format, buffer);
                            PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(src, corrected);

                            Image.ApplyGamma(corrected.Data, gamma, corrected.ConsecutiveSize, PixelUtil.GetNumElemBits(src.Format));

                            // Destination: entire texture. BlitFromMemory does the scaling to
                            // a power of two for us when needed
                            GetBuffer(i, mip).BlitFromMemory(corrected);
                        } finally {
                        // Destination: entire texture. BlitFromMemory does the scaling to
                        // a power of two for us when needed
                        GetBuffer(i, mip).BlitFromMemory(src);
            // Update size (the final size, not including temp space)
            size = this.NumFaces * PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(width, height, depth, format);

            isLoaded = true;
Example #4
        protected void BlitFromMemoryImpl(PixelBox src, BasicBox dstBox)
            // TODO: This currently does way too many copies.  We copy
            // from src to a converted buffer (if needed), then from
            // converted to a byte array, then into the temporary surface,
            // and finally from the temporary surface to the real surface.
            PixelBox converted   = src;
            IntPtr   bufPtr      = IntPtr.Zero;
            GCHandle bufGCHandle = new GCHandle();

            // convert to pixelbuffer's native format if necessary
            if (D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(src.Format) == D3D.Format.Unknown)
                int    bufSize   = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, format);
                byte[] newBuffer = new byte[bufSize];
                bufGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(newBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                bufPtr      = bufGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                converted   = new PixelBox(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, format, bufPtr);
                PixelUtil.BulkPixelConversion(src, converted);

            // int formatBytes = PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes(converted.Format);
            Surface tmpSurface = device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(converted.Width, converted.Height, D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(converted.Format), Pool.Scratch);
            int     pitch;
            // Ideally I would be using the Array mechanism here, but that doesn't seem to work
            GraphicsStream buf = tmpSurface.LockRectangle(LockFlags.NoSystemLock, out pitch);

            buf.Position = 0;
            unsafe {
                int    bufSize = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(converted.Width, converted.Height, converted.Depth, converted.Format);
                byte * srcPtr  = (byte *)converted.Data.ToPointer();
                byte[] ugh     = new byte[bufSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < bufSize; ++i)
                    ugh[i] = srcPtr[i];

            //ImageInformation imageInfo = new ImageInformation();
            //imageInfo.Format = D3DHelper.ConvertEnum(converted.Format);
            //imageInfo.Width = converted.Width;
            //imageInfo.Height = converted.Height;
            //imageInfo.Depth = converted.Depth;
            if (surface != null)
                // I'm trying to write to surface using the data in converted
                Rectangle srcRect  = ToD3DRectangleExtent(converted);
                Rectangle destRect = ToD3DRectangle(dstBox);
                SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(surface, destRect, tmpSurface, srcRect, Filter.None, 0);
                D3D.Box srcBox  = ToD3DBoxExtent(converted);
                D3D.Box destBox = ToD3DBox(dstBox);
                Debug.Assert(false, "Volume textures not yet supported");
                // VolumeLoader.FromStream(volume, destBox, converted.Data, converted.RowPitch * converted.SlicePitch * formatBytes, srcBox, Filter.None, 0);
                VolumeLoader.FromStream(volume, destBox, buf, srcBox, Filter.None, 0);


            // If we allocated a buffer for the temporary conversion, free it here
            // If I used bufPtr to store my temporary data while I converted
            // it, I need to free it here.  This invalidates converted.
            // My data has already been copied to tmpSurface and then to the
            // real surface.
            if (bufGCHandle.IsAllocated)

            if (doMipmapGen)