public StatusPane(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { _graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice; _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(_graphicsDevice); _font = new PixelFont(_graphicsDevice); _fps = new FramesPerSecondCounter(_graphicsDevice); }
public override void Draw(PixelFont f,AD2SpriteBatch sb) { if (HP > 0) f.Draw(sb, Symbol.ToString(), BasementExplorer.MapXOffset + X, BasementExplorer.MapYOffset + Y, Color.Red); else f.Draw(sb, Symbol.ToString(), BasementExplorer.MapXOffset + X, BasementExplorer.MapYOffset + Y, Color.DarkRed); }
public void ShowClock(Color color) { var font = new PixelFont(new TryOutLetters(), new TryOutNumbers(color), new TryOutSpecialSigns(color)); var cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("de-DE"); var oldTimeMinute = -1; while (true) { if (oldTimeMinute != -1 && DateTime.Now.Minute == oldTimeMinute) { Thread.Sleep(2000); continue; } oldTimeMinute = DateTime.Now.Minute; var time = GetLocalDateTime().ToString("t", cultureInfo); if (_stateHandler.GetCurrentState().StateCode != StateCode.ShowClock) { break; } _resetLogic.Reset(); Console.WriteLine(time); for (var i = 0; time.Length > i; i++) { int spaceTop = TopRowSpace, spaceLeft = GetColSpace(i); PrintPixelFont(MapStringToPixel(font, time[i].ToString()), spaceTop, spaceLeft); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
private void calculateBaseSizes() { // compute the max size of a digit and separators in the English font, for the timer part. PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; PixelFontSize pixelFontSize = font.Get(fontFaceSize); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { float digitWidth = pixelFontSize.Measure(i.ToString()).X; if (digitWidth > numberWidth) { numberWidth = digitWidth; } } spacerWidth = pixelFontSize.Measure('.').X; numberHeight = pixelFontSize.Measure("0:.").Y; // measure the ranks in the font for the current language. rankMeasurements = new Dictionary <string, Vector2>() { { "Gold", ActiveFont.Measure(Dialog.Clean("collabutils2_speedberry_gold") + " ") * targetTimeScale }, { "Silver", ActiveFont.Measure(Dialog.Clean("collabutils2_speedberry_silver") + " ") * targetTimeScale }, { "Bronze", ActiveFont.Measure(Dialog.Clean("collabutils2_speedberry_bronze") + " ") * targetTimeScale } }; }
private void drawTime(Vector2 position, string timeString, Color color, float scale = 1f, float alpha = 1f) { PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; float currentScale = scale; float currentX = position.X; float currentY = position.Y; color = color * alpha; Color colorDoubleAlpha = color * alpha; foreach (char c in timeString) { bool flag2 = c == '.'; if (flag2) { currentScale = scale * 0.7f; currentY -= 5f * scale; } Color colorToUse = (c == ':' || c == '.' || currentScale < scale) ? colorDoubleAlpha : color; float advance = (((c == ':' || c == '.') ? spacerWidth : numberWidth) + 4f) * currentScale; font.DrawOutline(fontFaceSize, c.ToString(), new Vector2(currentX + advance / 2, currentY), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), Vector2.One * currentScale, colorToUse, 2f, Color.Black); currentX += advance; } }
public static PixelFont Load(string face) { PixelFont font = orig_Load(face); Emoji.Fill(font); return(font); }
public override void Initialize() { _font = new PixelFont(GraphicsDevice); _camera = new Camera2D(GraphicsDevice); _statusPane = new StatusPane(GraphicsDevice); _landscape = new Landscape(GraphicsDevice); _landscape.Initialize(); }
private static void DrawTime(Vector2 position, string timeString, float scale = 1f, bool valid = true, bool finished = false, bool bestTime = false, float alpha = 1f) { float numberWidth = 0f; float spacerWidth = 0f; PixelFontSize pixelFontSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font.Get(Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize); for (int index = 0; index < 10; ++index) { float x1 = pixelFontSize.Measure(index.ToString()).X; if ((double)x1 > numberWidth) { numberWidth = x1; } } spacerWidth = pixelFontSize.Measure('.').X; PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; float num1 = scale; float x = position.X; float y = position.Y; Color color1 = Color.White * alpha; Color color2 = Color.LightGray * alpha; if (!valid) { color1 = Calc.HexToColor("918988") * alpha; color2 = Calc.HexToColor("7a6f6d") * alpha; } else if (bestTime) { color1 = Calc.HexToColor("fad768") * alpha; color2 = Calc.HexToColor("cfa727") * alpha; } else if (finished) { color1 = Calc.HexToColor("6ded87") * alpha; color2 = Calc.HexToColor("43d14c") * alpha; } for (int index = 0; index < timeString.Length; ++index) { char ch = timeString[index]; Color color3 = ch == ':' || ch == '.' || (double)num1 < (double)scale ? color2 : color1; float num2 = (float)((ch == ':' || ch == '.' ? spacerWidth : numberWidth) + 4.0) * num1; font.DrawOutline(fontFaceSize, ch.ToString(), new Vector2(x + num2 / 2f, y), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), Vector2.One * num1, color3, 2f, Color.Black); x += num2; } }
/// <summary> /// Fill a font with emoji. /// </summary> /// <param name="font">The font to fill.</param> public static void Fill(PixelFont font) { Auto(); foreach (PixelFontSize size in font.Sizes) { foreach (PixelFontCharacter c in _Chars) { size.Characters[c.Character] = c; } } }
//Loads a basic rectangle, some text, some sounds. And a RNG. public static void Load() { #if DEBUG WhiteRect = Utils.TextureLoader(@"..\..\API\assets\rect.png"); DefaultFont = new PixelFont(@"..\..\API\assets\spireFont.xml"); #else WhiteRect = Utils.TextureLoader(@"rect.png"); DefaultFont = new PixelFont(@"spireFont.xml"); #endif SoundManager.Load("sounds/"); Random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks & 0x0000FFFF); }
public static TextLabel AddTextLabel(PixelFont font, Vector2 position, string text, Panel panel = null, int glyphSpacing = 1) { TextLabel textLabel = new TextLabel(); textLabel.AutoSize = AutoSizeModes.None; textLabel.Font = font; textLabel.Position = position; textLabel.Text = text; if (panel != null) { panel.Components.Add(textLabel); } return(textLabel); }
public new void Draw(PixelFont font, float baseSize, Vector2 position, Vector2 scale, float alpha) { Color prevColor = Color; if (Emoji.Start <= Character && Character <= Emoji.Last && !Emoji.IsMonochrome((char)Character)) { Color = new Color(Color.A, Color.A, Color.A, Color.A); } orig_Draw(font, baseSize, position, scale, alpha); Color = prevColor; }
public static void CalculateBaseSizes() { PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; PixelFontSize pixelFontSize = font.Get(fontFaceSize); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { float x = pixelFontSize.Measure(i.ToString()).X; if (x > numberWidth) { numberWidth = x; } } spacerWidth = pixelFontSize.Measure('.').X; }
private void CalculateBaseSizes() { // compute the max size of a digit and separators in the English font, for the timer part. PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; PixelFontSize pixelFontSize = font.Get(fontFaceSize); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { float digitWidth = pixelFontSize.Measure(i.ToString()).X; if (digitWidth > numberWidth) { numberWidth = digitWidth; } } spacerWidth = pixelFontSize.Measure('.').X; }
private BaseFont MapStringToPixel(PixelFont pixelfont, string stringToMap) { switch (stringToMap) { case "0": return(; case "1": return(; case "2": return(pixelfont.Numbers.two); case "3": return(pixelfont.Numbers.three); case "4": return(pixelfont.Numbers.four); case "5": return(pixelfont.Numbers.five); case "6": return(pixelfont.Numbers.six); case "7": return(; case "8": return(pixelfont.Numbers.eight); case "9": return(pixelfont.Numbers.nine); case ":": return(pixelfont.SpecialSigns.colon); default: return(null); } }
public static void DrawTime(Vector2 position, string timeString, float scale = 1f, bool valid = true, bool finished = false, bool bestTime = false, float alpha = 1f) { PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; float num = scale; float num2 = position.X; float num3 = position.Y; Color color = Color.White * alpha; Color color2 = Color.LightGray * alpha; if (!valid) { color = Calc.HexToColor("918988") * alpha; color2 = Calc.HexToColor("7a6f6d") * alpha; } else if (bestTime) { color = Calc.HexToColor("fad768") * alpha; color2 = Calc.HexToColor("cfa727") * alpha; } else if (finished) { color = Calc.HexToColor("6ded87") * alpha; color2 = Calc.HexToColor("43d14c") * alpha; } for (int i = 0; i < timeString.Length; i++) { char c = timeString[i]; if (c == '.') { num = scale * 0.7f; num3 -= 5f * scale; } Color color3 = (c == ':' || c == '.' || num < scale) ? color2 : color; float num4 = (((c == ':' || c == '.') ? spacerWidth : numberWidth) + 4f) * num; font.DrawOutline(fontFaceSize, c.ToString(), new Vector2(num2 + num4 / 2f, num3), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), Vector2.One * num, color3, 2f, Color.Black); num2 += num4; } }
public override void Render() { base.Render(); if (DrawLerp > 0f) { float num = -300f * Ease.CubeIn(1f - DrawLerp); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GameData.Instance.players.Length; i++) { if (GameData.Instance.players[i] != null) { bg.Draw(new Vector2(num, Y + 44 * (index + 1))); PlayerToken token = GameData.Instance.players[i].token; token.textures[(int)token.frame].DrawCentered(new Vector2(num + 60, Y - 8 + 44 * (index + 1.5f)), Color.White, .3f); PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; font.DrawOutline(fontFaceSize, string.Format("{0:F1} M", (GameData.Instance.minigameResults.FirstOrDefault((t) => t.Item1 == i)?.Item2 ?? GameData.Instance.minigameStatus[i]) / 50.0), new Vector2(num + 200, Y + 44f * (index + 2)), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), Vector2.One * (1f + wiggler.Value * 0.15f), Color.White, 2f, Color.Black); index++; } } } }
public override void Render() { base.Render(); if (DrawLerp > 0f) { float num = -300f * Ease.CubeIn(1f - DrawLerp); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GameData.Instance.players.Length; i++) { if (GameData.Instance.players[i] != null) { scoreBg.Draw(new Vector2(num, Y + 44 * (index + 1))); GFX.Gui[PlayerToken.GetFullPath(BoardController.TokenPaths[i]) + "00"].DrawCentered(new Vector2(num + 40, Y - 8 + 44 * (index + 1.5f)), Color.White, .3f); PixelFont font = Dialog.Languages["english"].Font; float fontFaceSize = Dialog.Languages["english"].FontFaceSize; string text = (GameData.Instance.minigameStatus.ContainsKey(i) ? GameData.Instance.minigameStatus[i].ToString() : "0") + (max > 0 ? "/" + max : ""); font.DrawOutline(fontFaceSize, text, new Vector2(num + 120, Y + 44f * (index + 2)), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), Vector2.One * (1f + wiggler.Value * 0.15f), Color.White, 2f, Color.Black); index++; } } } }
public void Draw(PixelFont f, AD2SpriteBatch sb) { Utils.DrawRect(sb, 0, 0, 200, 20, Player.DarkColor); Utils.DrawRect(sb, 0, 0, 70, 150, Player.DarkColor); //print message in message zone. f.Draw(sb, Messages.CurrentMessage.RevealedText(), 2, 11, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, Messages.LastMessage.RevealedText(), 2, 1, Color.White); //Print HP Bar. Utils.DrawRect(sb, 1, 23, 67, 13, Color.White); if (Player.HP > 0) { Utils.DrawRect(sb, 2, 24, (int)(65 * ((double)Player.HP / Player.MaxHP())), 11, Color.Red); } string HPmsg = Player.HP +""; //center it up. //ignore space of last letter. f.Draw(sb, HPmsg, 35 - ((f.GetWidth(HPmsg, true) - 2) / 2), 26,Color.White,1,true); PrimaryWeapon primaryDisplay = PrimaryWeaponDisplay == null ? Player.PrimaryWeapon : PrimaryWeaponDisplay; if (PrimaryWeaponDisplay != null) { Utils.DrawRect(sb, 0, 37, 70, 59, Player.MainColor); } if (primaryDisplay != null) { f.Draw(sb, primaryDisplay.Name, 2, 38, Color.White, 1); f.Draw(sb, "Pow: " + primaryDisplay.Power(Player), 2, 48, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, "Acc: " + primaryDisplay.Accuracy(Player), 2, 58, Color.White); //Special ability here if applicable. //TODO: CRIT, +HP, -HP, STUN, f.Draw(sb, primaryDisplay.SpecialMessage(), 2, 68, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, primaryDisplay.WarningMessage(Player), 2, 78, Color.Gray); } else { f.Draw(sb, "Punch", 2, 38, Color.White, 1); f.Draw(sb, "Pow: " + Player.PunchPower(), 2, 48, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, "Acc: " + (Player).PunchAccuracy(), 2, 58, Color.White); } f.Draw(sb, "9 Darts", 2, 98, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, "Pow: 99", 2, 108, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, "Range 99", 2, 118, Color.White); Utils.DrawRect(sb, 24, 129, 12, 12, Color.Yellow); for (int i = 3; i < 62; i = i + 11) { Utils.DrawRect(sb, i, 130, 10, 10, Color.Gray); } f.Draw(sb, ".", 1+4, 131, Color.White); f.Draw(sb, "=", 1+15, 131, Color.Red); f.Draw(sb, ",", 1+26, 131, Color.Green); f.Draw(sb, "Y", 1+37, 131, Color.Brown); }
public abstract void Draw(PixelFont f, AD2SpriteBatch sb);
public override void Draw(PixelFont f, AD2SpriteBatch sb) { f.Draw(sb, Symbol.ToString(), BasementExplorer.MapXOffset + X, BasementExplorer.MapYOffset + Y, (HP > 0) ? MainColor : DarkColor); }
public extern void orig_Draw(PixelFont font, float baseSize, Vector2 position, Vector2 scale, float alpha);
public override void LoadConent(ContentManager _content) { m_background1 = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\intro1"); m_background2 = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\intro2"); m_arrowSheet = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\Arrow"); m_blueShipTexture = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\blueShip"); m_redShipTexture = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\redShip"); m_greenShipTexture = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\greenShip"); m_titleTexture = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\title"); m_subtitleTexture = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\Subtitle"); m_segaLogoSheet = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\SegaLogo"); m_logoTexture = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Graphic\\Logo"); m_pixelFontSheet = _content.Load<Texture2D>("Menu\\Font\\Standart2"); m_standartFont = _content.Load<SpriteFont>("Menu\\Font\\Standart"); m_titleMusic = _content.Load<SoundEffect>("Menu\\Music\\Title"); m_menuSelect = _content.Load<SoundEffect>("Menu\\Sound\\Menu Select"); m_standartPixelFont = new PixelFont(new Spritesheet(m_pixelFontSheet, new Vector2(8, 8))); }
public override void Draw(PixelFont f, AD2SpriteBatch sb) { if (OnFloor) f.Draw(sb, Symbol.ToString(), BasementExplorer.MapXOffset + X, BasementExplorer.MapYOffset + Y, this.Color); }
public TextBox(Vector2 offset, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, MTexture unsel, bool selectable, bool blockClickThrough) : base(offset, size, scale, unsel, selectable, blockClickThrough) { Logger.Log("CLE", Dialog.Language.FontFace); pixelFont = Fonts.Faces[Dialog.Language.FontFace]; currentText = "N/A"; }
protected override void AD2LoadContent() { P = new Player("Blue",Color.Blue, new Color(0, 0, 100, 255), 100, 100); H = new HUD(1, P); P.AddObserver(H); IBMFont = new PixelFont("fonts/IBMCGA.xml"); TestMap = new OcclusionMap("testmap/testmap.xml",BaseWidth,BaseHeight); //functionify this Entities = new LinkedList<Entity>(); AliveCreatures = new LinkedList<Creature>(); DeadCreatures = new LinkedList<Creature>(); ItemsOnGround = new LinkedList<Item>(); AddCreature(P); AddCreature(new Rodent("Hamster",'h', 30, 30, 0, 20)); AddCreature(new Rodent("Gerbil", 'g', 40, 30, 2, 20)); AddItem(new PrimaryCrit("Stick", '/', Color.Brown, 0, 10, 0, 4, 30, 50, 10)); //A god pwns you. AddCreature(new Rodent("God",'G', 80, 200, 100, 100)); MapGenerator.Generate(); }