Example #1
        public void ShowOrgBorderInfo(PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore vxs)
            if (!_clearInfoView)
            _orgVxs = vxs;

            int       count = vxs.Count;
            VertexCmd cmd;
            double    x, y;
            int       index = 0;

            while ((cmd = vxs.GetVertex(index, out x, out y)) != VertexCmd.NoMore)
                var node = new TreeNode()
                    Tag = new NodeInfo(NodeInfoKind.OrgVertexCommand, index)
                node.Text = (index) + " " + cmd + ": (" + x + "," + y + ")";
Example #2
        public override bool Move(int mouseX, int mouseY)
            bool result = base.Move(mouseX, mouseY);

            vxStorage = null;
        public void ShowFlatternBorderInfo(PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore vxs)
            if (!_clearInfoView)
            _flattenVxs = vxs;

            PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexCmd cmd;
            int index = 0;

            while ((cmd = vxs.GetVertex(index, out double x, out double y)) != PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexCmd.NoMore)
                var node = new TreeNode()
                    Tag = new NodeInfo(NodeInfoKind.FlattenVertexCommand, index)
                node.Text = (index) + " " + cmd + ": (" + x + "," + y + ")";
Example #4
        static void FindActualPointCount(PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore vxs, out int actualPointCount)
            int    pp = vxs.Count;
            double vtx0, vty0;

            PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexCmd cmd = vxs.GetVertex(--pp, out vtx0, out vty0);
            while (cmd == PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexCmd.NoMore || cmd == PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexCmd.Close)
                cmd = vxs.GetVertex(--pp, out vtx0, out vty0);
            actualPointCount = pp + 1;
        //======= Crossings Multiply algorithm of InsideTest ========================
        // By Eric Haines, 3D/Eye Inc, [email protected]
        // This version is usually somewhat faster than the original published in
        // Graphics Gems IV; by turning the division for testing the X axis crossing
        // into a tricky multiplication test this part of the test became faster,
        // which had the additional effect of making the test for "both to left or
        // both to right" a bit slower for triangles than simply computing the
        // intersection each time.  The main increase is in triangle testing speed,
        // which was about 15% faster; all other polygon complexities were pretty much
        // the same as before.  On machines where division is very expensive (not the
        // case on the HP 9000 series on which I tested) this test should be much
        // faster overall than the old code.  Your mileage may (in fact, will) vary,
        // depending on the machine and the test data, but in general I believe this
        // code is both shorter and faster.  This test was inspired by unpublished
        // Graphics Gems submitted by Joseph Samosky and Mark Haigh-Hutchinson.
        // Related work by Samosky is in:
        // Samosky, Joseph, "SectionView: A system for interactively specifying and
        // visualizing sections through three-dimensional medical image data",
        // M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
        // Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993.
        // Shoot a test ray along +X axis.  The strategy is to compare vertex Y values
        // to the testing point's Y and quickly discard edges which are entirely to one
        // side of the test ray.  Note that CONVEX and WINDING code can be added as
        // for the CrossingsTest() code; it is left out here for clarity.
        // Input 2D polygon _pgon_ with _numverts_ number of vertices and test point
        // _point_, returns 1 if inside, 0 if outside.
        public static bool IsPointInVxs(PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore vxs, double tx, double ty)
            int m_num_points = vxs.Count;

            if (m_num_points < 3)
            // if (!m_in_polygon_check) return false;

            int    j;
            bool   yflag0, yflag1, inside_flag;
            double vtx0, vty0, vtx1, vty1;

            vxs.GetVertex(m_num_points - 1, out vtx0, out vty0);
            //vtx0 = GetXN(m_num_points - 1);
            //vty0 = GetYN(m_num_points - 1);

            // get test bit for above/below X axis
            yflag0 = (vty0 >= ty);
            //vtx1 = GetXN(0);
            //vty1 = GetYN(0);
            vxs.GetVertex(0, out vtx1, out vty1);
            inside_flag = false;
            for (j = 1; j <= m_num_points; ++j)
                yflag1 = (vty1 >= ty);
                // Check if endpoints straddle (are on opposite sides) of X axis
                // (i.e. the Y's differ); if so, +X ray could intersect this edge.
                // The old test also checked whether the endpoints are both to the
                // right or to the left of the test point.  However, given the faster
                // intersection point computation used below, this test was found to
                // be a break-even proposition for most polygons and a loser for
                // triangles (where 50% or more of the edges which survive this test
                // will cross quadrants and so have to have the X intersection computed
                // anyway).  I credit Joseph Samosky with inspiring me to try dropping
                // the "both left or both right" part of my code.
                if (yflag0 != yflag1)
                    // Check intersection of pgon segment with +X ray.
                    // Note if >= point's X; if so, the ray hits it.
                    // The division operation is avoided for the ">=" test by checking
                    // the sign of the first vertex wrto the test point; idea inspired
                    // by Joseph Samosky's and Mark Haigh-Hutchinson's different
                    // polygon inclusion tests.
                    if (((vty1 - ty) * (vtx0 - vtx1) >=
                         (vtx1 - tx) * (vty0 - vty1)) == yflag1)
                        inside_flag = !inside_flag;

                // Move to the next pair of vertices, retaining info as possible.
                yflag0 = yflag1;
                vtx0   = vtx1;
                vty0   = vty1;
                int k = (j >= m_num_points) ? j - m_num_points : j;
                //vtx1 = GetXN(k);
                //vty1 = GetYN(k);
                vxs.GetVertex(k, out vtx1, out vty1);
Example #6
 internal override void SetVxs(PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore vxs)
Example #7
        public void RenderChar(char testChar, HintTechnique hint)
            GlyphBoneJoint.dbugTotalId        = 0;//reset
            builder.dbugAlwaysDoCurveAnalysis = true;
            _latestHint = hint;
            _testChar   = testChar;
            builder.Build(testChar, _sizeInPoint);
            var txToVxs1 = new GlyphTranslatorToVxs();
            builder.GlyphDynamicEdgeOffset = this.GlyphEdgeOffset;


            var ps = txToVxs1.dbugGetPathWriter();
            PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore vxs = new PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore();


            painter.UseSubPixelLcdEffect = this.UseLcdTechnique;
            //5. use PixelFarm's Agg to render to bitmap...
            //5.1 clear background

            RectD bounds = RectD.ZeroIntersection;
            PixelFarm.CpuBlit.VertexProcessing.BoundingRect.GetBoundingRect(new PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStoreSnap(vxs), ref bounds);
            float scale = _typeface.CalculateScaleToPixelFromPointSize(_sizeInPoint);
            _pxscale = scale;
            this._infoView.PxScale = scale;

            var   left2   = 0;
            int   floor_1 = (int)left2;
            float diff    = left2 - floor_1;
            if (OffsetMinorX)
                MinorOffsetInfo = left2.ToString() + " =>" + floor_1 + ",diff=" + diff;
                MinorOffsetInfo = left2.ToString();

            //5. use PixelFarm's Agg to render to bitmap...
            //5.1 clear background

            if (FillBackGround)
                painter.FillColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Black;

                float xpos = 5;// - diff;
                if (OffsetMinorX)
                    xpos -= diff;

                painter.SetOrigin(xpos, 10);
            if (DrawBorder)
                painter.StrokeColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Green;
                //user can specific border width here...
                int    markOnVertexNo = _infoView.DebugMarkVertexCommand;
                double x, y;
                vxs.GetVertex(markOnVertexNo, out x, out y);
                painter.FillRect(x, y, 4, 4, PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Red);
            builder.dbugAlwaysDoCurveAnalysis = false;

            if (ShowTess)

            //if (DrawDynamicOutline)
            //    GlyphDynamicOutline dynamicOutline = builder.LatestGlyphFitOutline;
            //    WalkDynamicOutline(painter, dynamicOutline, scale, DrawRegenerateOutline);

Example #8
        public override void OnDraw(PixelFarm.Drawing.Painter p)
            //freeze to bitmap ?

            if (vxStorage == null)
                var transform = Affine.NewMatix(
                    AffinePlan.Translate(-lionShape.Center.x, -lionShape.Center.y),
                    AffinePlan.Scale(spriteScale, spriteScale),
                    AffinePlan.Rotate(angle + Math.PI),
                    AffinePlan.Skew(skewX / 1000.0, skewY / 1000.0),
                    AffinePlan.Translate(Width / 2, Height / 2)
                //System.Collections.Generic.List<VertexData> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<VertexData>();
                vxStorage = new PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStore();
                transform.TransformToVxs(lionShape.Vxs, vxStorage);
                //transformedPathStorage = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(lionShape.Path, transform);

                //vxStorage = new VertexStorage(list);

                int             j        = lionShape.NumPaths;
                int[]           pathList = lionShape.PathIndexList;
                Drawing.Color[] colors   = lionShape.Colors;
                for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
                    p.FillColor = colors[i];
                    p.Fill(new PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStoreSnap(vxStorage, pathList[i]));
                    //graphics2D.Render(new VertexStoreSnap(vxStorage, pathList[i]), colors[i]);

            if (!IsFreezed)
                //var destImage = graphics2D.DestImage;
                //var buffer = destImage.GetBuffer();
                //var w = destImage.Width;
                //var h = destImage.Height;

                ////snap to bmp
                //System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(w, h);
                //BitmapHelper.CopyToWindowsBitmap(buffer, 0,
                //    destImage.StrideInBytes(),
                //    destImage.Height,
                //    destImage.BitDepth,
                //    bmp, new RectangleInt(0, 0, w, h));


                //var bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h),
                //     System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
                //     System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);