Example #1
    private void spawnARandomPirate()
        GameObject origin      = randomDoor();
        GameObject destination = randomDoor();
        PirateType type        = GetRandomEnum <PirateType>();
        GameObject newGO       = GameObject.Instantiate(getPiratePrefab(type), origin.transform.position, origin.transform.rotation, transform);
        Pirate     newPirate   = newGO.GetComponent <Pirate>();

        newPirate.Destination = destination;
Example #2
 private GameObject getPiratePrefab(PirateType type)
     foreach (PiratePrefabEntry entry in piratePrefabs)
         if (entry.type == type)
     Debug.Log("No Prefab for Pirate Type: " + type);
 //0= sailor  1= warrior  2= slave  3= passenger 4= navigator 5= auger
 //A sailor is the base class--no benefits/detriments
 //	--navigators provide maps to different settlements and decrease negative random events
 //	--warriors make sure encounters with pirates or other raiding activities go better in your favor
 //	--slaves have zero clout--few benefits--but they never leave the ship unless they die
 public CrewMember(int ID, string name, int originCity, int clout, CrewType typeOfCrew, string backgroundInfo, bool isKillable, bool isPartOfMainQuest, bool isPirate, PirateType pirateType)
     this.ID                = ID;
     this.name              = name;
     this.originCity        = originCity;
     this.clout             = clout;
     this.typeOfCrew        = typeOfCrew;
     this.backgroundInfo    = backgroundInfo;
     this.isKillable        = isKillable;
     this.isPartOfMainQuest = isPartOfMainQuest;
     this.isPirate          = isPirate;
     this.pirateType        = pirateType;
Example #4
        public List <Pirate> GetPirateType(PirateType type)
            var result = new List <Pirate>();

            foreach (var pirate in pirates)
                if (pirate.Type == type)
    private void onPirateTurnedIn(System.Object args)
        PirateTurnedInArgs pirateTurnedInArgs = (PirateTurnedInArgs)args;
        PirateType         turnInType         = pirateTurnedInArgs.TurnedInPirate.myType;

        if (thisBounty[turnInType] > 0)
            thisBounty[turnInType] -= 1;
        if (bountyIsComplete())
Example #6
    //pirate ship builder template
    public PirateModel(SpaceModel location, PirateType type, int health, int shotDamage, int detectRange, int attackRange, int maxPirateMovement, int shotCounter, PirateAiModel pirateAi)
        // The "base" for these are unnecessary, but it helps keep them seperate. Base gets the superclass
        base.currentSpace       = location;
        this.type               = type;
        base.shipHealth         = health;
        base.maxHealth          = health;
        base.shotDamage         = shotDamage;
        this.playerDetectRange  = detectRange;
        base.attackRange        = attackRange;
        base.maxMovement        = maxPirateMovement;
        base.currentMovement    = maxPirateMovement;
        base.shotCounter        = shotCounter;
        base.currentShotCounter = shotCounter;
        this.pirateAi           = pirateAi;

        base.shipArmor = 0;
    private CrewMember CrewFromPirateHometown(PirateType pirate)
        List <CrewMember> allPirates = Globals.GameVars.Pirates.Where(x => x.pirateType.Equals(pirate)).ToList();

        foreach (CrewMember c in Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.ship.crewRoster)
            IEnumerable <Settlement> crewNetwork = Globals.GameVars.Network.GetCrewMemberNetwork(c);
            foreach (CrewMember p in allPirates)
                if (crewNetwork.Contains(Globals.GameVars.GetSettlementFromID(p.originCity)))
                    //Debug.Log($"{c.name} knows the home city of Pirate {p.name}: {Globals.GameVars.GetSettlementFromID(c.originCity).name}");

    private void OnEnable()
        if (rsp == null)
            rsp = GetComponent <RandomSlotPopulator>();
        cloutChange = 0;

        alreadyTriedRunning     = false;
        alreadyTriedNegotiating = false;

        foreach (ButtonExplanation button in negotiateButtons)
            button.SetExplanationText("The pirates may let you go\nYou will be known as a coward");
            button.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().interactable = true;

        //check true zones, out of those, have a pirate type spawn from one of the "true" areas
        //no pirates should appear if there aren't any actve zones
        if (Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.zonesList.Count > 0)
            //below line is unneeded
            //int randomPirateTypeFromActiveZones = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.zonesList.Count);

            string randomPirateTypeName = Globals.GameVars.playerShipVariables.zonesList.RandomElement();

            PirateType theType = Globals.GameVars.PirateTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.name == randomPirateTypeName);
            //Debug.Log("theType = " + theType);
            //Debug.Log("Pirate type in game is: " + rsp.GetType());
            //temporary code

        runChance = CalculateRunChance();
        foreach (ButtonExplanation button in runButtons)
            button.SetExplanationText($"{runChance * 100}% success chance\nYou will be known as a coward");
            button.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().interactable = true;

        string     pirateTypeText = "";
        CrewMember pirateKnower   = CrewFromPirateHometown(rsp.CurrentPirates);

        if (pirateKnower != null)
            string typeInfo = Globals.GameVars.pirateTypeIntroText[0];
            typeInfo = typeInfo.Replace("{0}", pirateKnower.name);
            typeInfo = typeInfo.Replace("{1}", rsp.CurrentPirates.name);

            //commented out the "1 + " to test for text matching up to type of Pirate in PMG
            //works as of 08/14/2020
            pirateTypeText = typeInfo + " " + Globals.GameVars.pirateTypeIntroText[/*1 + */ rsp.CurrentPirates.ID];
            Debug.Log("current pirate ID: " + rsp.CurrentPirates.ID);
            pirateTypeText = $"You ask around your crew, but it doesn't seem like any of them are from the same region as the pirates. You think they may be {rsp.CurrentPirates.name}. " +
                             "Perhaps if you had more cities in your network you would have some advance warning of how they fight.";

            Globals.GameVars.pirateStartText[0] + "\n\n" + pirateTypeText + "\n\n" + pirateInstructions + "\n\n" + Globals.GameVars.pirateStartText[UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, Globals.GameVars.pirateStartText.Count)],
Example #9
 public Pirate(string name, PirateType type)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Type = type;
Example #10
 public void SetPirateType(PirateType t)
     typeToSpawn = t;
     //Debug.Log($"Spawning only pirates of type {typeToSpawn.name}"); //<-- that type gets changed again later when the actual pirate cardds are loaded in (based on the zone(s) the player is currently in
Example #11
 public void SetPirateType(PirateType t)
     typeToSpawn = t;
Example #12
 public Pirate(string name, double drunkLevel, PirateType type)
     Name       = name;
     DrunkLevel = drunkLevel;
     Type       = type;