Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the disassembling of an incoming document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pContext">The <see cref="Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext"/> containing the current pipeline context.</param>
        /// <param name="pInMsg">The <see cref="Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage"/> containing the message to be disassembled.</param>
        void IDisassemblerComponent.Disassemble(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(pContext, "pContext");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(pInMsg, "pInMsg");

            // Write a TraceIn event indicating when execution started.
            var callToken = PipelineTraceManager.TraceIn(pContext.PipelineID, pContext.PipelineName, pContext.StageID, pContext.StageIndex, pContext.ComponentIndex);

                // Store a reference to IPipelineContext as soon as it's known to the component.
                this.pipelineContext = pContext;

                // The instance of the benchmark activity to measure execution time for the Disassemble method.
                PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity benchmarkActivity = null;

                // A stopwatch object will help accurately measure how long the user-defined portion of the
                // the Disassemble method takes.
                Stopwatch benchmarkStopwatch = null;

                // If BAM instrumentation is enabled, begin the benchmark activity to indicate when Disassemble phase started.
                if (EnableActivityTracking)
                    ActivityBase startedActivity = BeginBenchmarkActivity(pContext, pInMsg.Context != null ? (new SystemMessageContext(pInMsg.Context)).InterchangeID : Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                    benchmarkActivity = new PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity(startedActivity.ActivityID);
                    benchmarkActivity.DisassembleStarted = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // Start the stopwatch so that timer starts measuring elapsed time.
                    benchmarkStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Write the Start event to measure how long it takes to execute the user-defined implementation of the Disassemble method.
                var scopeStarted = PipelineTraceManager.TraceStartScope(this.Name, callToken);

                // Execute the user-defined implementation of the Disassemble method.
                Disassemble(pContext, pInMsg);

                // Once finished, write the End event along with calculated duration.
                PipelineTraceManager.TraceEndScope(this.Name, scopeStarted, callToken);

                // If BAM instrumentation is enabled, update the benchmark activity to indicate when Disassemble phase completed.
                if (EnableActivityTracking)
                    // Safety check if benchmarkActivity is initialized (if not, something went wrong)
                    if (benchmarkActivity != null)
                        // Safety check if benchmarkStopwatch is initialized (if not, something went wrong)
                        if (benchmarkStopwatch != null)
                            // Stop the timer and record the total elapsed time spent inside Disassemble.
                            benchmarkActivity.DisassembleDurationMs = benchmarkStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                        // Record the date and time when the Disassemble method completed.
                        benchmarkActivity.DisassembleCompleted = DateTime.UtcNow;


            catch (Exception e)
                // Put component name as a source in this exception so that the error message could reflect this.
                e.Source = this.Name;

                // Trace the exception details.
                PipelineTraceManager.TraceError(e, EnableDetailedExceptions, callToken);

                // Re-throw the exception so that it can be handled by the caller.
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the document to the list of messages that are included in an interchange.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pContext">The <see cref="Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext"/> that contains the current pipeline context.</param>
        /// <param name="pInMsg">The <see cref="Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage"/> that contains the document to be added to the message set.</param>
        void IAssemblerComponent.AddDocument(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(pContext, "pContext");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(pInMsg, "pInMsg");

            // Write a TraceIn event indicating when execution started.
            var callToken = PipelineTraceManager.TraceIn(pContext.PipelineID, pContext.PipelineName, pContext.StageID, pContext.StageIndex, pContext.ComponentIndex);

                // Store a reference to IPipelineContext as soon as it's known to the component.
                this.pipelineContext = pContext;

                // The instance of the benchmark activity to measure execution time for the AddDocument method.
                PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity benchmarkActivity = null;

                // Check if we are entering AddDocument method for the first time.
                if (!this.addDocumentCalled)
                    this.addDocumentCalled = true;

                    // If BAM instrumentation is enabled, update the AddDocumentStarted milestone.
                    if (EnableActivityTracking)
                        ActivityBase startedBenchmarkActivity = this.BenchmarkActivity;

                        if (null == startedBenchmarkActivity)
                            startedBenchmarkActivity = BeginBenchmarkActivity(pContext, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                        benchmarkActivity = new PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity(startedBenchmarkActivity.ActivityID);
                        benchmarkActivity.AddDocumentStarted = DateTime.UtcNow;


                        // Start the stopwatch so that timer starts measuring elapsed time.
                        addDocumentStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Write the Start event to measure how long it takes to execute the user-defined implementation of the AddDocument method.
                var scopeStarted = PipelineTraceManager.TraceStartScope(this.Name, callToken);

                // Execute the user-defined implementation of the AddDocument method.
                AddDocument(pContext, pInMsg);

                // Once finished, write the End event along with calculated duration.
                PipelineTraceManager.TraceEndScope(this.Name, scopeStarted, callToken);

                // If BAM instrumentation is enabled, update the AddDocumentCompleted milestone.
                if (EnableActivityTracking)
                    double addDocumentDurationMs = Double.NaN;

                    // Safety check if getNextStopwatch is initialized (if not, something went wrong)
                    if (addDocumentStopwatch != null)
                        // Stop the timer and record the total elapsed time spent inside the entire GetNext phase.
                        addDocumentDurationMs = addDocumentStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                        // Restart the stopwatch since AddDocument is expected to be called multiple times.

                    ActivityBase startedBenchmarkActivity = this.BenchmarkActivity;

                    if (null == startedBenchmarkActivity)
                        startedBenchmarkActivity = BeginBenchmarkActivity(pContext, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

                    benchmarkActivity = new PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity(startedBenchmarkActivity.ActivityID);
                    benchmarkActivity.AddDocumentCompleted  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    benchmarkActivity.AddDocumentDurationMs = addDocumentDurationMs;


                // Write a TraceOut event indicating when execution finished.
            catch (Exception e)
                // Put component name as a source in this exception so that the error message could reflect this.
                e.Source = this.Name;

                // Trace the exception details.
                PipelineTraceManager.TraceError(e, EnableDetailedExceptions, callToken);

                // Re-throw the exception so that it can be handled by the caller.
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next message from the message set resulting from the disassembler execution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pContext">The <see cref="Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext"/> for the current pipeline.</param>
        /// <returns>A pointer to the <see cref="Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage"/> containing the next message from the disassembled document. Returns NULL if there are no more messages left.</returns>
        IBaseMessage IDisassemblerComponent.GetNext(IPipelineContext pContext)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(pContext, "pContext");

            // Write a TraceIn event indicating when execution started.
            var callToken = PipelineTraceManager.TraceIn(pContext.PipelineID, pContext.PipelineName, pContext.StageID, pContext.StageIndex, pContext.ComponentIndex);

                // The instance of the benchmark activity to measure execution time for the GetNext method.
                PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity benchmarkActivity = null;

                // Check if we are enterting GetNext method for the first time.
                if (!this.getNextCalled)
                    this.getNextCalled = true;

                    // If BAM instrumentation is enabled, update the GetNextStarted milestone.
                    if (EnableActivityTracking)
                        benchmarkActivity = new PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity(BenchmarkActivity.ActivityID);
                        benchmarkActivity.GetNextStarted = DateTime.UtcNow;


                        // Start the stopwatch so that timer starts measuring elapsed time.
                        getNextStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Write the Start event to measure how long it takes to execute the user-defined implementation of the GetNext method.
                var scopeStarted = PipelineTraceManager.TraceStartScope(this.Name, callToken);

                // Execute the user-defined implementation of the GetNext method.
                IBaseMessage outputMessage = GetNext(pContext);

                // Once finished, write the End event along with calculated duration.
                PipelineTraceManager.TraceEndScope(this.Name, scopeStarted, callToken);

                if (outputMessage != null)
                    PipelineTraceManager.TraceOut(callToken, outputMessage.MessageID, outputMessage.PartCount);
                    // If no more messages are available and BAM instrumentation is enabled, update the GetNextCompleted milestone and complete the benchmark activity.
                    if (EnableActivityTracking)
                        double getNextDurationMs = Double.NaN;

                        // Safety check if getNextStopwatch is initialized (if not, something went wrong)
                        if (getNextStopwatch != null)
                            // Stop the timer and record the total elapsed time spent inside the entire GetNext phase.
                            getNextDurationMs = getNextStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                        if (null == benchmarkActivity)
                            benchmarkActivity = new PipelineComponentBenchmarkActivity(BenchmarkActivity.ActivityID);

                        // Record the date and time when the last GetNext method completed.
                        benchmarkActivity.GetNextCompleted  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        benchmarkActivity.GetNextDurationMs = getNextDurationMs;

                        // Complete the benchmark activity as GetNext returning no results indicates the end of cycle.


            catch (Exception e)
                // Put component name as a source in this exception so that the error message could reflect this.
                e.Source = this.Name;

                // Trace the exception details.
                PipelineTraceManager.TraceError(e, EnableDetailedExceptions, callToken);

                // Re-throw the exception so that it can be handled by the caller.