Example #1
        public void PipeVariableRewriter_test()
            string query = "match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                           "WITH * WITH *, p WITH p, collect(r) WITH *, collect(r)";

            PipeVariableRewriter obj = new PipeVariableRewriter();

            string       res = obj.Tokenize(query).Rebuild();
            List <Match> m   = Regex.Matches(res, "_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}").ToList();

            Assert.Equal("match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                         $"WITH p,r WITH p,r,p WITH p,collect(r) AS {m[0]} WITH p,{m[0]},collect(r) AS {m[2]}", res);

            res = obj.Tokenize(res).Rebuild();
            List <Match> m1 = Regex.Matches(res, "_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}").ToList();

            Assert.Equal("match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                         $"WITH p,r WITH p,r,p WITH p,collect(r) AS {m[0]} WITH p,{m[0]},collect(r) AS {m1[2]}", res);

            query = "match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                    "WITH p, collect(r) AS q WITH *";

            res = obj.Tokenize(query).Rebuild();

            Assert.Equal("match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                         $"WITH p,collect(r) AS q WITH p,q", res);

            query = "MATCH (_8f4a36df17da497d93d2ffde4677e0d4:`N4pper.Ogm.Entities.IOgmEntity`{Name:'a083e3e08ca5407eab11687974520036'}) " +
                    "WITH _8f4a36df17da497d93d2ffde4677e0d4  WITH * WITH count(*)";

            res = obj.Tokenize(query).Rebuild();

            Assert.StartsWith("MATCH (_8f4a36df17da497d93d2ffde4677e0d4:`N4pper.Ogm.Entities.IOgmEntity`{Name:'a083e3e08ca5407eab11687974520036'}) " +
                              "WITH _8f4a36df17da497d93d2ffde4677e0d4  WITH _8f4a36df17da497d93d2ffde4677e0d4 WITH count(*) AS _", res);
Example #2
        public void PipeVariableRewriter_test2()
            string query = "with val as d match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                           "WITH * WITH *, p WITH p, collect(r) WITH *, collect(r)";

            PipeVariableRewriter obj = new PipeVariableRewriter();

            string       res = obj.Tokenize(query).Rebuild();
            List <Match> m   = Regex.Matches(res, "_[a-fA-F0-9]{32}").ToList();

            Assert.Equal("WITH val as d match (p:Parent {Name:\"Luca\", Age:2}-[r:Of {Id:1}]->(:Son {Name:\"Carlo\"}) " +
                         $"WITH d,p,r WITH d,p,r,p WITH p,collect(r) AS {m[0]} WITH p,{m[0]},collect(r) AS {m[2]}", res);
Example #3
        internal static object Execute <TResult>(IStatementRunner runner, Statement statement, Func <IRecord, Type, object> mapper, Expression expression)
            bool IsEnumerable = typeof(TResult).IsEnumerable();
            Type typeResult;

            QueryTranslator tranaslator = new QueryTranslator();

            expression = Evaluator.PartialEval(expression);

            string statementText          = Regex.Replace(statement.Text, "RETURN", "WITH", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            PipeVariableRewriter rewriter = new PipeVariableRewriter();

            statementText = rewriter.Tokenize(statementText).Rebuild();

            (string firstVar, IEnumerable <string> otherVars) = GetFirstCypherVariableName(statementText);

            string queryText = tranaslator.Translate(expression, out MethodCallExpression terminal, out int?countFromBegin, out typeResult, firstVar, otherVars);

            queryText = Regex.Replace($"{statementText} {queryText}", "RETURN", "WITH", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            queryText = rewriter.Tokenize(queryText).Rebuild();
            queryText = Regex.Replace(queryText, "WITH(.+?)$", "RETURN$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft);

            IStatementResult result = runner.Run(queryText, statement.Parameters);

            IQueryable <IRecord> records = result.ToList().AsQueryable();

            if (terminal != null)
                IRecord r = records.FirstOrDefault();

                if (terminal.Method.Name.StartsWith("First"))
                    if (r == null)
                        if (terminal.Method.Name.EndsWith("Default"))
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(records), "The collection is empty");

                    return(mapper(r, typeResult));
                    return(Convert.ChangeType(r.Values[r.Keys[0]], terminal.Type));//can only be an aggregate numeric value
                System.Collections.IList lst = (System.Collections.IList) typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(typeResult).GetInstanceOf(null);
                foreach (object item in records.Select(p => mapper(p, typeResult)))

                IQueryable lstQ = lst.AsQueryable();
                if (countFromBegin == null)
                    ExpressionInitialModifier treeCopier = new ExpressionInitialModifier(lstQ, countFromBegin.Value);
                    Expression newExpressionTree         = treeCopier.Visit(expression);

                    // This step creates an IQueryable that executes by replacing Queryable methods with Enumerable methods.
                    if (IsEnumerable)