Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the <see cref="Generator"/> assigned to this instance based on the
        /// set <see cref="MapGeneratorType"/> and returns it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Generator if set, null if <see cref="MapGeneratorType.Custom"/>
        /// is set and no <see cref="CustomGenerator"/> is specified</returns>
        public void UpdateGenerator()
            int       seed = TerraConfig.GenerationSeed;
            Generator gen;

            switch (MapType)
            case MapGeneratorType.Perlin:
                gen = new GradientNoise(seed).ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f);

            case MapGeneratorType.Fractal:
                gen = new PinkNoise(seed).ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f);

            case MapGeneratorType.Billow:
                gen = new BillowNoise(seed).ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f);

            case MapGeneratorType.Custom:
                if (Graph == null)
                gen = Graph.GetEndGenerator();


            _generator = gen;
Example #2
    void PerlinFillMap()
        if (useRandomSeed)
            seed = Time.time.ToString() + transform.position.ToString();

        System.Random pseudoRandom = new System.Random(seed.GetHashCode());
        PinkNoise     pink         = new PinkNoise(pseudoRandom.Next(0, 100));

        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    if (x == 0 || x == width - 1 || y == 0 || y == height - 1 || z == 0 || z == depth - 1)
                        map[x, y, z] = 1;
                        if (pink.GetValue(x, y, z) > 0.15)
                            map[x, y, z] = 1;
                            map[x, y, z] = 0;
Example #3
    protected override Generator OnCreateGenerator()
        PinkNoise n = new PinkNoise(seed);

        n.Frequency   = frequency;
        n.OctaveCount = octaveCount;
        n.Persistence = persistence;
        n.Lacunarity  = lacunarity;
Example #4
        public override Generator GetGenerator()
            PinkNoise noise = new PinkNoise(TerraConfig.Instance.Seed);

            noise.Frequency   = Frequency;
            noise.Lacunarity  = Lacunarity;
            noise.OctaveCount = OctaveCount;
            noise.Persistence = Persistence;

        public override Generator GetGenerator()
            PinkNoise noise = new PinkNoise(TerraSettings.GenerationSeed);

            noise.Frequency   = Frequency;
            noise.Lacunarity  = Lacunarity;
            noise.OctaveCount = OctaveCount;
            noise.Persistence = Persistence;

    private Generator GetTestGenerator()
        RidgeNoise rn = new RidgeNoise(1337);

        rn.Frequency = 2;
        PinkNoise n = new PinkNoise(234);

        Add added = new Add(rn, n);

        BillowNoise bn = new BillowNoise(534);

        return(bn - added);
Example #7
    public void Generate()
        //Make Seed For Noise
        if (randomizeSeed)
            seed = Random.seed;
            Debug.Log("Using " + seed + " as seed for space field");
        //Make Noise
        noise = new PinkNoise(seed);

        //Set Up area

Example #8
    private bool m_CameraChangingHeight; // is camera height changing?

    void Start()
        if (!Terrain1 || !Terrain2)
            Debug.LogError("Terrains not set!!");
            enabled = false;

        // desert dune-like ridges are created using RidgeNoise. it is scaled down a bit, and Gain applied to make ridges more pronounced
        var desert = new Gain(
            new RidgeNoise(23478568)
            OctaveCount = 8
        } *0.6f, 0.4f);
        // hills use a simple pink noise.
        var hills = new PinkNoise(3465478)
            OctaveCount = 5,                 // smooth hills (no higher frequencies)
            Persistence = 0.56f              // but steep (changes rapidly in the frequencies we do have)

        // weight decides, whether a given point is hills or desert
        // cached, as we'd need it to decide texture at every point
        m_Weight = new Cache(new PinkNoise(346546)
            Frequency   = 0.5f,
            OctaveCount = 3
        }.ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f));
        // overall heightmap blends hills and deserts
        m_Generator = desert.Blend(hills, m_Weight).ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f);
        // as changes to terrains made in playmode get saved in the editor, we need to re-generate terrains
        // at start. The coroutine will set m_Move in the end, so that camera does not fly intil it's ready
        m_NoiseCoord = 1;
        m_Move       = true;
Example #9
    void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)
         * This is "the current time of the audio system", as given
         * by Unity. It is updated every time the OnAudioFilterRead() function
         * is called. It's usually every 1024 samples.
         * A note on the sample rate:
         * We don't actually see real numbers for the sample rate, we instead
         * read it from the system in the Start() function.

        //currentDspTime = AudioSettings.dspTime;

        // goes through data chunk
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += channels)
             * Sample duration is just 1/fs. Because dspTime isn't updated every
             * sample, we "update" it ourselves so our envelope sounds smooth.
            //  currentDspTime += _sampleDuration;
            //  envelope = ComputeAmplitude(currentDspTime) * volume;

            // lets you modulate the frequency
            double currentFreq = frequency;

            // Applies Frequency Modulation
            if (useFrequencyModulation)
                phaseIncrementFM = (frequencyModulationOscillatorFrequency) * 2.0 * Mathf.PI / _FS;
                phaseFM         += phaseIncrementFM;
                if (phaseFM > (Mathf.PI * 2))
                    phaseFM = phaseFM % (Mathf.PI * 2);

                double freqOffset = (frequencyModulationOscillatorIntensity * frequency * 0.75) / 100.0;
                currentFreq += mapValueD(SineHP.Sin((float)phaseFM), -1.0, 1.0, -freqOffset, freqOffset);
                frequencyModulationRangeOut = (float)SineHP.Sin((float)phaseFM) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
                frequencyModulationRangeOut = 0.0f;

             * The phase variable below increments by the calculated amount for
             * every audio sample. We can then use this value to calculate what
             * each waveform's value should be.
             *             2pi * f
             *     phase = -------
             *               fs
             * When phase is greater than 2pi, we just reset
             * it so we don't have an ever-increasing variable that will cause
             * an overflow error.

            phaseIncrement = (currentFreq * octave) * 2.0 * Mathf.PI / _FS;
            phase         += phaseIncrement;
            if (phase > (Mathf.PI * 2))
                phase = phase % (Mathf.PI * 2);

            nextOutput  = 0;
            sinOutput   = 0;
            sawOutput   = 0;
            sqrOutput   = 0;
            noiseOutput = 0;

            // Adds sinusoidal wave to the next output sample                   sinOutput = (float)(sinWeight * Mathf.Sin((float)phase));
            sinOutput = (float)(sinWeight * SineHP.Sin((float)phase));
            // nextOutput += (float)(sinWeight * Mathf.Sin((float)phase));

            // Adds sawtooth wave to the next output sample
            sawOutput = (float)sawWeight - (float)(sawWeight / Mathf.PI * phase);

            // nextOutput += (float)(sawWeight * ((phase) / (2 * Mathf.PI)));

            // Adds square wave to the next output sample
            if (phase > Mathf.PI)
                sqrOutput = (float)(sqrWeight);
                //nextOutput += (float) (sqrWeight ) ;
                sqrOutput = (-(float)(sqrWeight));
                //nextOutput += (-(float) ( sqrWeight) ) ;

            // Adds noise wave to the next output sample
            noiseOutput = PinkNoise.Noise();

            /*      Mixa tutti gli output
             *     http://www.vttoth.com/CMS/index.php/technical-notes/68
             * Let's say we have two signals, A and B. If A is quiet, we want to hear B on the output in unaltered form. If B
             * is quiet, we want to hear A on the output (i.e., A and B are treated symmetrically.) If both A and B have a non-zero amplitude,
             * the mixed signal must have an amplitude between the greater of A and B, and the maximum permissible amplitude.
             * If we take A and B to have values between 0 and 1, there is actually a simple equation that satisfies all of the
             * above conditions:       Z= A + B − AB.
             * Simple, isn't it! Moreover, it can be easily adapted for more than two signals.
             * Consider what happens if we mix another signal, C, to Z:  T= Z + C − Z C = A + B + C − AB − AC − BC + ABC.
            nextOutput = sinOutput + sawOutput + sqrOutput - (sinOutput * sawOutput) -
                         (sinOutput * sqrOutput) - (sawOutput * sqrOutput) + (sinOutput * sawOutput * sqrOutput);

            nextOutput += noiseOutput * (float)noiseWeight;      //da cambiare

             * Here we apply a single-pole low-pass filter. Even if the filter
             * is completely open (lowPass = 1) we still compute this step so we
             * don't have to have any conditional logic.
            nextOutput = (float)((nextOutput * lowPass) + (previousOutput * (1 - lowPass)));

            nextOutput = nextOutput * 0.5f * volume;

            // Applies Amplitude Modulation
            if (useAmplitudeModulation)
                phaseIncrementAM = (amplitudeModulationOscillatorFrequency) * 2.0 * Mathf.PI / _FS;
                phaseAM         += phaseIncrementAM;
                if (phaseAM > (Mathf.PI * 2))
                    phaseAM = phaseAM % (Mathf.PI * 2);
                nextOutput *= (float)mapValueD(SineHP.Sin((float)phaseAM), -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                amplitudeModulationRangeOut = (float)SineHP.Sin((float)phaseAM) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
                amplitudeModulationRangeOut = 0.0f;

            // Write the output to the audio filter
            data[i] += nextOutput;

            // This is for the next low-pass calculation
            previousOutput = nextOutput;

            // Copy the sound from one channel into the next channel for stereo
            if (channels == 2)
                data[i + 1] = data[i];