Example #1
    public void SpawnItemIntoWorld(Vector3 posToSpawn, float playerLuck, bool chestInPool = true)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        float randomValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f);
        //determine if it's possible to spawn an item this time round

        DroppableItems itemToSpawn = DroppableItems.Chest;

        //if chests are in the pool then spawn using the following function
        if (chestInPool)
            if (randomValue > DropRate + playerLuck)

            //get a random droppable item
            itemToSpawn = PickupDetails.GetRandomItem();
            itemToSpawn = PickupDetails.GetRandomNonChestItem();

        SpawnItem(posToSpawn, itemToSpawn);
 protected void ToString(List <string> toStringOutput)
     toStringOutput.Add($"Uid = {(Uid == null ? "null" : Uid == string.Empty ? "" : Uid)}");
     toStringOutput.Add($"Type = {(Type == null ? "null" : Type.ToString())}");
     toStringOutput.Add($"State = {(State == null ? "null" : State.ToString())}");
     toStringOutput.Add($"Metadata = {(Metadata == null ? "null" : Metadata.ToString())}");
     toStringOutput.Add($"PickupDetails = {(PickupDetails == null ? "null" : PickupDetails.ToString())}");
     toStringOutput.Add($"ShipmentDetails = {(ShipmentDetails == null ? "null" : ShipmentDetails.ToString())}");
Example #3
    public void SpawnItemFromRoom(Vector3 posToSpawn, float playerLuck, RoomType roomType)
        if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)

        DroppableItems itemToSpawn = PickupDetails.GetDroppableItemFromRoom(roomType, playerLuck);

        //if the item wasn't set that means that the room that was cleared was a room that cannot spawn items, so we return
        if (itemToSpawn == DroppableItems.NULL)

        SpawnItem(posToSpawn, itemToSpawn);
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            if (obj == this)

            return(obj is OrderFulfillment other &&
                   ((Uid == null && other.Uid == null) || (Uid?.Equals(other.Uid) == true)) &&
                   ((Type == null && other.Type == null) || (Type?.Equals(other.Type) == true)) &&
                   ((State == null && other.State == null) || (State?.Equals(other.State) == true)) &&
                   ((Metadata == null && other.Metadata == null) || (Metadata?.Equals(other.Metadata) == true)) &&
                   ((PickupDetails == null && other.PickupDetails == null) || (PickupDetails?.Equals(other.PickupDetails) == true)) &&
                   ((ShipmentDetails == null && other.ShipmentDetails == null) || (ShipmentDetails?.Equals(other.ShipmentDetails) == true)));
Example #5
    private void SpawnItem(Vector3 positionToSpawn, DroppableItems itemToSpawn)
        GameObject itemMesh = ObjectPoolManager.Instance.GetObjectFromNetworkPool(itemToSpawn.ToString());

        //chests behave differently then regular pick up items but can still be dropped so they get managed here
        if (itemToSpawn == DroppableItems.Chest)
            ChestItemMesh chest = itemMesh.GetComponent <ChestItemMesh>();
            //get the closest position to the ground and place the chest in that location
            chest.transform.position = MathFunc.CalculateClosestGroundPosition(positionToSpawn);
        //other 3D items that are not chests
            ItemMesh3D item = itemMesh.GetComponent <ItemMesh3D>();
            //set the item assembly of the item
            item.AssemblyName = PickupDetails.GetDroppableItemAssembly(itemToSpawn);

            if (!m_PickUpItemsInGame.ContainsKey(item.AssemblyName))
                photonView.RPC("RPCCreateAndAddItemToList", PhotonTargets.All, item.AssemblyName);

            float   speed     = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5.0f, 7.5f);
            Vector3 direction = Vector3.up;
            direction.x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.25f, 0.25f);
            direction.z = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.25f, 0.25f);

            item.SetActive(true, positionToSpawn, Quaternion.identity.eulerAngles, direction, speed);

            object actualItem = GetObjectFromName(item.AssemblyName);

            item.photonView.RPC("Item3DSetUp", PhotonTargets.All, item.AssemblyName, (actualItem as AbstractItem).ItemType, (actualItem as AbstractItem).SpriteName, false);
            item.CanPlayerObtainItem = (actualItem as AbstractItem).CanObtainItem;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hashCode = -1081474364;

            if (Uid != null)
                hashCode += Uid.GetHashCode();

            if (Type != null)
                hashCode += Type.GetHashCode();

            if (State != null)
                hashCode += State.GetHashCode();

            if (Metadata != null)
                hashCode += Metadata.GetHashCode();

            if (PickupDetails != null)
                hashCode += PickupDetails.GetHashCode();

            if (ShipmentDetails != null)
                hashCode += ShipmentDetails.GetHashCode();
