} /* MakePredictions */

        public static void  MakePredictions(PicesFeatureVector featureVector,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model1Prediction1,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model1Prediction2,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model2Prediction1,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model2Prediction2,
                                            PicesRunLog runLog
            if (model1Prediction1 == null)
                model1Prediction1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            if (model1Prediction2 == null)
                model1Prediction2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            if (model2Prediction1 == null)
                model2Prediction1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            if (model2Prediction2 == null)
                model2Prediction2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);

            if (model1 != null)
                model1.PredictClass(featureVector, model1Prediction1, model1Prediction2);

            if (model2 != null)
                model2.PredictClass(featureVector, model2Prediction1, model2Prediction2);
        } /* MakePredictions */
Example #2
        private PicesPredictionList  PredictClasses(PicesFeatureVector fv,
                                                    PicesPrediction pred1,
                                                    PicesPrediction pred2,
                                                    String imageFileName,
                                                    String imageFileRootName
            PicesFeatureVector  fvToUse      = fv;
            PicesPredictionList probPredList = null;

            if (fvToUse.FeatureDataMissing)
                fvToUse = null;

                // Feature data is missing.  we need to compute from original image.
                PicesDataBaseImage pdbi = DbConn().ImageLoad(imageFileRootName);
                if (pdbi != null)
                    PicesRaster pr = DbConn().ImageFullSizeFind(imageFileRootName);
                    if (pr == null)
                        ErrorMsgsAdd("Failed to Load FullSize image [" + imageFileRootName + "]");
                        fvToUse = new PicesFeatureVector(pr, imageFileName, null, runLog);
                        // Since we had to compute the FeatureDatya from the raster image we now need to
                        // get the instrument data that matches it.
                        PicesInstrumentData id = DbConn().InstrumentDataGetByScanLine(pdbi.SipperFileName, pdbi.TopLeftRow);
                        if (id != null)
                        DbConn().FeatureDataInsertRow(pdbi.SipperFileName, fvToUse);

                    pr = null;

            if (fvToUse != null)
                classifier.PredictClass(fvToUse, pred1, pred2);
                probPredList = classifier.PredictProbabilities(fvToUse);
                pred1.MLClass = PicesClassList.GetUnKnownClassStatic();   pred1.Probability = 1.0f;
                pred2.MLClass = PicesClassList.GetUnKnownClassStatic();   pred2.Probability = 0.0f;

        } /* PredictClasses */
Example #3
        } /* LoadData */

        private void  PerformPredictions()
            PicesPrediction p1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction p2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);

            foreach (PicesFeatureVector fv  in groundTruth)
                PicesClass knownClass = fv.MLClass;
                if (cancelProcessing)
                trainingModel.PredictClass(fv, p1, p2);
                PicesClass predClass = p1.MLClass;

                confusionMatrix.MakePrediction(knownClass, predClass, p1.Probability, fv, trainingModel);
        } /* PerformPredictions*/
Example #4
        private void  ClassInitialization()
            sizeDistributionDown    = new  SizeDistribution2(0.1f, 1.2f, 10.0f);
            sizeDistributionUp      = new  SizeDistribution2(0.1f, 1.2f, 10.0f);
            depthDistribution_1     = new  SizeDistribution(500, 1);
            depthDistribution_1Down = new  SizeDistribution(500, 1);
            depthDistribution_1Up   = new  SizeDistribution(500, 1);
            depthDistribution_10    = new  SizeDistribution(50, 10);
            classCounts             = new  ClassStatSortedList();

            numImagesClassified = 0;

            pred1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            pred2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            if (classifier != null)
                classesInClassifier = classifier.MLClasses();
        } /* MakePredictions */

        public static void  MakePredictions(PicesRaster raster,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model1Prediction1,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model1Prediction2,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model2Prediction1,
                                            ref PicesPrediction model2Prediction2,
                                            PicesRunLog runLog
            String imageFileName = raster.FileName;

            ParsedImageFileName pifn = PicesFeatureVector.ParseImageFileName(imageFileName);
            String sipperFileName    = pifn.sipperFileName;
            uint   scanLineNum       = pifn.scanLineNum;

            PicesFeatureVector fv = new PicesFeatureVector(raster, imageFileName, null, runLog);

                PicesDataBase       dbConn = PicesDataBase.GetGlobalDatabaseManagerNewInstance(runLog);
                PicesInstrumentData pid    = dbConn.InstrumentDataGetByScanLine(sipperFileName, scanLineNum);
                if (pid != null)
                pid = null;
                dbConn = null;

                            ref model1Prediction1,
                            ref model1Prediction2,
                            ref model2Prediction1,
                            ref model2Prediction2,
            fv = null;
Example #6
        } /* UpdatedataFields*/

        private void MakePredictions()
            if (!ActiveTrainingLibraries.ModelsAreAvailable())
                // Since there are NO training models loaded;  there is no point doing the work for a prediction.

            featureVector = dbConn.FeatureDataRecLoad(image);
            if (featureVector == null)
                featureVector = new PicesFeatureVector(raster, image.ImageFileName, null, runLog);
                // Since we had to compute the FeatureDatya from the raster we now need to
                // get the instrument data that matches it.
                if (instrumentData != null)

                dbConn.FeatureDataInsertRow(image.SipperFileName, featureVector);

            float esd        = 0.0f;
            float eBv        = 0.0f;
            float filledArea = image.PixelCount;
            float cropWidth  = 3800.0f; // (3900.0f - 200.0f);
            float flowRate2  = 0.5f;

            if (featureVector != null)
                filledArea = featureVector.FilledArea;

            if (sipperFile != null)
                scanRate = sipperFile.ScanRate;

            esd = (float)(2.0 * Math.Sqrt(filledArea * (0.096 / cropWidth) * 1000.0 * (flowRate1 / sipperFile.ScanRate) * 1000.0 / 3.1415926));
            eBv = (float)((4.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI * Math.Pow(Math.Sqrt(filledArea * (chamberWidth / cropWidth) * 1000 * (flowRate1 / scanRate) * 1000.0 / Math.PI), 3));

            PicesPrediction model1Prediction1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction model1Prediction2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction model2Prediction1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction model2Prediction2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);

                                                    ref model1Prediction1,
                                                    ref model1Prediction2,
                                                    ref model2Prediction1,
                                                    ref model2Prediction2,

            if (model1Prediction1 != null)
                Lib1Pred1Class.Text = model1Prediction1.ClassName;
                Lib1Pred1Prob.Text  = model1Prediction1.Probability.ToString("##0.00%");
                Lib1Pred1Votes.Text = model1Prediction1.Votes.ToString("#,##0");

            if (model1Prediction2 != null)
                Lib1Pred2Class.Text = model1Prediction2.ClassName;
                Lib1Pred2Prob.Text  = model1Prediction2.Probability.ToString("##0.00%");
                Lib1Pred2Votes.Text = model1Prediction2.Votes.ToString("#,##0");

            if (model2Prediction1 != null)
                Lib2Pred1Class.Text = model2Prediction1.ClassName;
                Lib2Pred1Prob.Text  = model2Prediction1.Probability.ToString("##0.00%");
                Lib2Pred1Votes.Text = model2Prediction1.Votes.ToString("#,##0");

            if (model1Prediction2 != null)
                Lib2Pred2Class.Text = model2Prediction2.ClassName;
                Lib2Pred2Prob.Text  = model2Prediction2.Probability.ToString("##0.00%");
                Lib2Pred2Votes.Text = model2Prediction2.Votes.ToString("#,##0");

            if (featureVector != null)
                AreaMMSquare.Text = featureVector.AreaMMSquare.ToString("#,##0.000");

            ESD.Text = esd.ToString("#,##0.00");
            EBv.Text = eBv.ToString("##0.0000");

        } /* MakePredictions */
Example #7
        } /* GradeAgainstCrossValidationRun */

        void  CrossValidate(PicesFeatureVectorList testExamples,
                            PicesFeatureVectorList trainingExamples,
                            int foldNum
            msgQueue.AddMsg("\n\n" + "Starting Fold[" + (foldNum + 1).ToString() + "]  of Fold[" + numOfFolds + "]" + "\n");

            if (trainingModel != null)
                trainingModel = null;

            msgQueue.AddMsg("Building Classifier");

                trainingModel = new TrainingModel2(runLog, curSelModel);
            catch (Exception e)
                msgQueue.AddMsg("\n\n\n" + "Exception occur building training model" + "\n" + e.ToString() + "\n\n");
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Exception Occurred Building Training Model." + "\n" + e.ToString(), "CrossValidate", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                trainingModel = null;

            if (cancelProcessing)
                trainingModel = null;

            if (!trainingModel.Valid)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Training Model is Invalid.", "Ground Thruthing", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                msgQueue.AddMsg("\n" + "Predictions for fold[" + (foldNum + 1).ToString() + "]");

                PicesClass knownClass = null;

                foreach (PicesFeatureVector example in testExamples)
                    if (cancelProcessing)

                    knownClass = example.MLClass;

                    PicesPrediction prediction = trainingModel.PredictClass(example);
                    if ((otherClass != null) && (prediction.MLClass == noAgreementClass))
                        prediction.MLClass = otherClass;
                    /**@todo  Add code for "NoAgreement:" to be treeted as a Other Class when there is "NoAgreement".  */

                    confusionMatrix.MakePrediction(knownClass, prediction.MLClass, prediction.Probability, example, trainingModel);

            trainingModel = null;
        } /* CrossValidate */
Example #8
        } /* PerformAllOperations */

        private void  MakePredictions()
            pred1ClassName.Text = "";
            pred2ClassName.Text = "";

            BlobDetector bd    = new BlobDetector(raster, 20);
            BlobList     blobs = bd.ExtractBlobs();

            if ((blobs == null) || (blobs.Count < 1))

            Blob largestBlob = blobs.LocateLargestBlob();

            if (largestBlob == null)

            byte[][] largestRaster = bd.ExtractedBlobImage(largestBlob);

            PicesRunLog runLog      = new PicesRunLog();
            PicesRaster picesRaster = new PicesRaster(largestRaster);

            //PicesPredictionList  trainLibrary1Predictions = null;
            //PicesPredictionList  trainLibrary2Predictions = null;

            //ActiveTrainingLibraries.MakePredictions (picesRaster,
            //                                         instrumentData,
            //                                         imageFileName,
            //                                         ref trainLibrary1Predictions,
            //                                         ref trainLibrary2Predictions,
            //                                         runLog
            //                                        );

            picesRaster.FileName = imageFileName;

            PicesPrediction model1Prediction1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction model1Prediction2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction model2Prediction1 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);
            PicesPrediction model2Prediction2 = new PicesPrediction(null, 0, 0.0f);

                                                    ref model1Prediction1,
                                                    ref model1Prediction2,
                                                    ref model2Prediction1,
                                                    ref model2Prediction2,

            if (model1Prediction1 != null)
                TrainLib1Name.Text  = ActiveTrainingLibraries.Model1Name;
                pred1Prob.Text      = model1Prediction1.Probability.ToString("p");
                pred1ClassName.Text = model1Prediction1.ClassName;
                this.Text           = model1Prediction1.ClassName;

                if (model1Prediction2 != null)
                    pred2Prob.Text      = model1Prediction2.Probability.ToString("p");
                    pred2ClassName.Text = model1Prediction2.ClassName;

            if (model2Prediction1 != null)
                TrainLib2Name.Text      = ActiveTrainingLibraries.Model2Name;
                lib2Pred1Prob.Text      = model2Prediction1.Probability.ToString("p");
                lib2Pred1ClassName.Text = model2Prediction1.ClassName;
                if (model2Prediction2 != null)
                    lib2Pred2Prob.Text      = model2Prediction2.Probability.ToString("p");
                    lib2Pred2ClassName.Text = model2Prediction2.ClassName;

            picesRaster = null;

            bd = null;
        } /* MakePredictions */