Example #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        numUpdates     = 0;
        moving         = true;
        gunBallSpawned = false;
        initial        = true;
        lastMarker     = numUpdates;
        buffer         = 5;
        fixedTime      = Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        oldVz = gunBallVelocity;

        range       = PhysicsCalculator.calculateRange(boat, target);
        xDifference = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXDifference(boat, target);

        collided = false;

        if (xDifference != 0)
            // gamma = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGamma(xDifference, PhysicsCalculator.calculateRange(boat, target));
            // gammaDegrees = PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma);

            // angle = PhysicsCalculator.calculateAngle(ACCELERATION, xDifference, range, gunBallVelocity);
            // angleAdjusted = (180 - PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(angle)) / 2;

            // angle = PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(angle) / 2;

            // oldVz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGammaVelocity(gunBallVelocity, Mathf.Cos(gamma), Mathf.Sin(angleAdjusted * Mathf.PI / 180));
            // oldVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGammaYVelocity(gunBallVelocity, angleAdjusted);
            // oldVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGammaVelocity(gunBallVelocity, Mathf.Sin(gamma), Mathf.Sin(angleAdjusted * Mathf.PI / 180));
            //calculate theta
            angle = PhysicsCalculator.calculateAngle(ACCELERATION, xDifference, range, gunBallVelocity);

            //change angle to degrees
            angle = PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(angle) / 2;

            //calculate Vx
            oldVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXVelocity(gunBallVelocity, angle);
            //calculate Vy
            oldVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYVelocity(gunBallVelocity, angle);

        //---------------- Lab #8 Additions ----------------
        tau             = PhysicsCalculator.calculateTau(projMass, dragCoefficient);
        windVelocity    = 2.0f;
        windCoefficient = 0.1f;

        //---------------- Lab #9 Additions ----------------
        jImpulse          = PhysicsCalculator.calculateJImpulse((gunBallVelocity - targetVelocity), e, projMass, targetMass);
        momentumInitial.x = PhysicsCalculator.calculateMomentum(projMass, gunBallVelocity);
        momentumInitial.y = PhysicsCalculator.calculateMomentum(targetMass, targetVelocity);
        momentumInitial.z = momentumInitial.x + momentumInitial.y;
Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        numUpdates     = 0;
        range          = PhysicsCalculator.calculateRange(boat, target);
        moving         = true;
        gunBallSpawned = false;
        initial        = true;
        lastMarker     = numUpdates;
        buffer         = 3;
        fixedTime      = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
        xDifference    = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXDifference(boat, target);

        if (xDifference != 0)
            gamma        = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGamma(xDifference, PhysicsCalculator.calculateRange(boat, target));
            gammaDegrees = PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma);

            angle         = PhysicsCalculator.calculateAngle(ACCELERATION, xDifference, range, gunBallVelocity);
            angleAdjusted = (180 - PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(angle)) / 2;

            angle = PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(angle) / 2;

            oldVz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGammaVelocity(gunBallVelocity, Mathf.Cos(gamma), Mathf.Sin(angleAdjusted * Mathf.PI / 180));
            oldVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGammaYVelocity(gunBallVelocity, angleAdjusted);
            oldVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateGammaVelocity(gunBallVelocity, Mathf.Sin(gamma), Mathf.Sin(angleAdjusted * Mathf.PI / 180));
            //calculate theta
            angle = PhysicsCalculator.calculateTheta(range, gunBallVelocity);

            //change angle to degrees
            angle = angle * 180 / Mathf.PI;

            //calculate Vx
            oldVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXVelocity(gunBallVelocity, angle);
            //calculate Vy
            oldVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYVelocity(gunBallVelocity, angle);
Example #3
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (moving && gunBallSpawned)
            if (initial)
                initial = false;

                if (xDifference == 0)
                    //rotates the cannon by the calculated angle
                    boat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-angle, 0, 0);
                    //gamma/alpha rotation of the cannon
                    boat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-angle, PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma), 0);

            angle = PhysicsCalculator.calculateTheta(range, gunBallVelocity) * 180 / Mathf.PI;

            //run lab 4
            // newVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateVelocity(oldVx, 0, fixedTime);
            // newVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYVelocityGamma(oldVy, -ACCELERATION, fixedTime);
            newVz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateVelocity(oldVz, 0, fixedTime);

            // newDx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXPosition(currentDx, oldVx, angle, gamma, fixedTime);
            // newDy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYPosition(currentDy, oldVy, -ACCELERATION, fixedTime);
            // newDz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateZPosition(oldDz, oldVz, angle, PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma), fixedTime);

            if (Mathf.Abs(gunball.transform.position.z - target.transform.position.z) < 1 && numUpdates > 0 && !collided)
                timeText.text = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
                if (xDifference == 0)
                    gunball.transform.Translate(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y, newVx * fixedTime);
                    // //handles any quadrant case
                    // if (target.transform.position.x < boat.transform.position.x && target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z) {
                    //  gunball.transform.Translate(-newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, -newVz * fixedTime);
                    // } else if (target.transform.position.x < boat.transform.position.x) {
                    //  gunball.transform.Translate(-newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, newVz * fixedTime);
                    // } else if (target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z) {
                    //  gunball.transform.Translate(newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, -newVz * fixedTime);
                    // } else {
                    //  gunball.transform.Translate(newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, newVz * fixedTime);
                    // }

                    if (!collided)
                        gunball.transform.Translate(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y, gunBallVelocity * fixedTime);
                        target.transform.Translate(0, 0, targetVelocity * fixedTime);
                        gunball.transform.Translate(bulletXFinal * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.y, bulletZfinal * fixedTime);
                        target.transform.Translate(targetXFinal * fixedTime, target.transform.position.y, targetZfinal * fixedTime);

                if (lastMarker + buffer < numUpdates)
                    lastMarker = numUpdates;
                    Object.Instantiate(flightMarker, new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y + yDisplacement, gunball.transform.position.z + zDisplacement), Quaternion.identity);

        if (moving && gunBallSpawned)

            //update UI
            posText.text     = "Masses (Ball/Target): " + projMass + "kg, " + targetMass + "kg";
            timeText.text    = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
            updatesText.text = "Updates: " + (numUpdates + 1) + " frames";

            oldVx = newVx;
            oldVz = newVz;

            currentDx = newDx;
            currentDy = newDy;
            oldDz     = newDz;
Example #4
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (moving && gunBallSpawned)
            if (initial)
                initial = false;

                if (xDifference == 0)
                    //rotates the cannon by the calculated angle
                    boat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-angle, 0, 0);
                    //gamma/alpha rotation of the cannon
                    boat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-angle, PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma), 0);

            angle = PhysicsCalculator.calculateTheta(range, gunBallVelocity) * 180 / Mathf.PI;

            newVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXVelocityWithWind(fixedTime, tau, oldVx, windCoefficient, windVelocity, gamma, dragCoefficient);
            newVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYVelocityWithWind(dragCoefficient, fixedTime, projMass, oldVy);
            newVz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateZVelocityWithWind(fixedTime, tau, oldVz, windCoefficient, windVelocity, gamma, dragCoefficient);

            newDx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXPositionWithWind(currentDx, oldVx, tau, fixedTime, windCoefficient, windVelocity, dragCoefficient, gamma);
            newDy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYPositionWithWind(currentDy, oldVy, tau, fixedTime);
            newDz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateZPositionWithWind(oldDz, oldVz, tau, fixedTime, windVelocity, gamma, windCoefficient, dragCoefficient);

            if (gunball.transform.position.y <= 0.05 && numUpdates > 0)
                moving        = false;
                timeText.text = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
                if (xDifference == 0)
                    if (target.transform.position.z > boat.transform.position.z)
                        gunball.transform.Translate(gunball.transform.position.x, newVy * fixedTime, newVx * fixedTime);
                        gunball.transform.Translate(gunball.transform.position.x, newVy * fixedTime, -newVx * fixedTime);
                    //handles any quadrant case
                    if (target.transform.position.x < boat.transform.position.x && target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z)
                        gunball.transform.Translate(-newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, -newVz * fixedTime);
                    else if (target.transform.position.x < boat.transform.position.x)
                        gunball.transform.Translate(-newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, newVz * fixedTime);
                    else if (target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z)
                        gunball.transform.Translate(newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, -newVz * fixedTime);
                        gunball.transform.Translate(newVx * fixedTime, newVy * fixedTime, newVz * fixedTime);

                if (lastMarker + buffer < numUpdates)
                    lastMarker = numUpdates;
                    Object.Instantiate(flightMarker, new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y + yDisplacement, gunball.transform.position.z + zDisplacement), Quaternion.identity);

        if (moving && gunBallSpawned)

            //update UI
            posText.text     = "Position: " + gunball.transform.position.x + ", " + gunball.transform.position.y + ", " + gunball.transform.position.z;
            timeText.text    = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
            updatesText.text = "Updates: " + (numUpdates + 1) + " frames";

            oldVx = newVx;
            oldVy = newVy;
            oldVz = newVz;

            currentDx = newDx;
            currentDy = newDy;
            oldDz     = newDz;
Example #5
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (moving && gunBallSpawned)
            if (initial)
                initial = false;

                if (xDifference == 0)
                    //rotates the cannon by the calculated angle
                    boat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-angle, 0, 0);
                    //gamma/alpha rotation of the cannon
                    boat.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-angle, PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma), 0);

            if (xDifference == 0)
                angle = PhysicsCalculator.calculateTheta(range, gunBallVelocity) * 180 / Mathf.PI;

                newVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateVelocity(oldVx, 0, fixedTime);
                newVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateVelocity(oldVy, ACCELERATION, fixedTime);

                //update positions accordingly
                newDx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateDistance(currentDx, 0, newVx, fixedTime);
                newDy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateDistance(currentDy, ACCELERATION, newVy, fixedTime);

                if (gunball.transform.position.y - target.transform.position.y <= 0.05 && numUpdates > 0)
                    moving        = false;
                    timeText.text = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
                    yDisplacement = newVy * fixedTime;
                    zDisplacement = newVx * fixedTime;

                    if (target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z)
                        gunball.transform.position = new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y + yDisplacement, gunball.transform.position.z - zDisplacement);
                        gunball.transform.position = new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y + yDisplacement, gunball.transform.position.z + zDisplacement);

                    // if (lastMarker + buffer < numUpdates) {
                    //  lastMarker = numUpdates;
                    //  Object.Instantiate(flightMarker, new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x, gunball.transform.position.y + yDisplacement, gunball.transform.position.z + zDisplacement), Quaternion.identity);
                    // }
                if (gunball.transform.position.y - target.transform.position.y <= 0.05 && numUpdates > 0)
                    moving        = false;
                    timeText.text = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
                    //run lab 4
                    newVx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateVelocity(oldVx, 0, fixedTime);
                    newVy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYVelocityGamma(oldVy, -ACCELERATION, fixedTime);
                    newVz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateVelocity(oldVz, 0, fixedTime);

                    newDx = PhysicsCalculator.calculateXPosition(currentDx, oldVx, angle, gamma, fixedTime);
                    newDy = PhysicsCalculator.calculateYPosition(currentDy, oldVy, -ACCELERATION, fixedTime);
                    newDz = PhysicsCalculator.calculateZPosition(oldDz, oldVz, angle, PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(gamma), fixedTime);

                    if (target.transform.position.x < boat.transform.position.x && target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z)
                        gunball.transform.position = new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x - newVx * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.y + newVy * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.z - newVz * fixedTime);
                    else if (target.transform.position.x < boat.transform.position.x)
                        gunball.transform.position = new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x - newVx * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.y + newVy * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.z + newVz * fixedTime);
                    else if (target.transform.position.z < boat.transform.position.z)
                        gunball.transform.position = new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x + newVx * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.y + newVy * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.z - newVz * fixedTime);
                        gunball.transform.position = new Vector3(gunball.transform.position.x + newVx * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.y + newVy * fixedTime, gunball.transform.position.z + newVz * fixedTime);

            omegaF = PhysicsCalculator.calculateOmegaFinal(omegaI, alphaI, (numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime);
            theta  = PhysicsCalculator.calculateThetaFinal(omegaI, alphaI, (numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime);
            angularDisplacement     = PhysicsCalculator.calculateAngularDisplacement(theta, omegaF, alphaI, fixedTime);
            totalAngleDisplacement += angularDisplacement;

            //rotate the ball
            gunball.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-PhysicsCalculator.toDegrees(angularDisplacement), 0, 0));

        if (moving && gunBallSpawned)

            //update UI
            gammaText.text   = "Angular Velocity: " + omegaF;
            angleText.text   = "Acceleration: " + theta;
            timeText.text    = "Time: " + ((numUpdates + 1) * fixedTime) + " seconds";
            updatesText.text = "Updates: " + (numUpdates + 1) + " frames";

            oldVx = newVx;
            oldVy = newVy;
            oldVz = newVz;

            currentDx = newDx;
            currentDy = newDy;
            oldDz     = newDz;