Example #1
        private static object _OverlapBox(FPVector2 point, FPVector2 size, FP angle, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType, int layerMask = UnityEngine.Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)
            size  *= FP.Half;
            angle *= FP.Deg2Rad;

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(Physics2D.PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(size.x, size.y, point, angle * -1), 1), point, sensorType, layerMask));
Example #2
        private static object _OverlapBox(TSVector2 point, TSVector2 size, FP angle, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType)
            size  *= FP.Half;
            angle *= FP.Deg2Rad;

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(Physics2D.PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(size.x, size.y, point, angle * -1), 1), point, sensorType));
Example #3
         *  @brief Returns the first {@link TSCollider2D} within a rectangular area. Returns null if there is none.
         *  @param pointA Top-left corner of the rectangle.
         *  @param radius Bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
         *  @param layerMask Unity's layer mask to filter objects.
        public static object _OverlapArea(FPVector2 pointA, FPVector2 pointB, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType, int layerMask = UnityEngine.Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)
            FPVector2 center;

            center.x = (pointA.x + pointB.x) * FP.Half;
            center.y = (pointA.y + pointB.y) * FP.Half;

            Physics2D.Vertices vertices = new Physics2D.Vertices(4);
            vertices.Add(new FPVector2(pointA.x, pointA.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new FPVector2(pointB.x, pointA.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new FPVector2(pointB.x, pointB.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new FPVector2(pointA.x, pointB.y) - center);

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(vertices, 1), center, sensorType, layerMask));
        public static object _OverlapArea(TSVector2 i_PointA, TSVector2 i_PointB, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor i_SensorType, int i_Mask)
            TSVector2 center;

            center.x = (i_PointA.x + i_PointB.x) * FP.Half;
            center.y = (i_PointA.y + i_PointB.y) * FP.Half;

            Physics2D.Vertices vertices = new Physics2D.Vertices(4);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(i_PointA.x, i_PointA.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(i_PointB.x, i_PointA.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(i_PointB.x, i_PointB.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(i_PointA.x, i_PointB.y) - center);

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(vertices, 1), center, i_SensorType, i_Mask));
Example #5
         *  @brief Returns the first {@link TSCollider2D} within a rectangular area. Returns null if there is none.
         *  @param pointA Top-left corner of the rectangle.
         *  @param radius Bottom-right corner of the rectangle.
        public static object _OverlapArea(TSVector2 pointA, TSVector2 pointB, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType)
            TSVector2 center;

            center.x = (pointA.x + pointB.x) * FP.Half;
            center.y = (pointA.y + pointB.y) * FP.Half;

            Physics2D.Vertices vertices = new Physics2D.Vertices(4);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(pointA.x, pointA.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(pointB.x, pointA.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(pointB.x, pointB.y) - center);
            vertices.Add(new TSVector2(pointA.x, pointB.y) - center);

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(vertices, 1), center, sensorType));
Example #6
 private static object _OverlapCircle(FPVector2 point, FP radius, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType, int layerMask = UnityEngine.Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)
     return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.CircleShape(radius, 1), point, sensorType, layerMask));
Example #7
        public static object _CircleCast(FPVector2 origin, FP radius, FPVector2 direction, FP distance, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType, int layerMask = UnityEngine.Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)
            if (distance + radius > FP.MaxValue)
                distance = FP.MaxValue - radius;


            FPVector2 offsetToCenter = ((direction * distance) * FP.Half);

            offsetToCenter.x = FP.Abs(offsetToCenter.x);
            offsetToCenter.y = FP.Abs(offsetToCenter.y);

            FP angle = FPVector2.Angle(direction, FPVector2.right);

            if (direction.x <= 0 && direction.y >= 0)
                offsetToCenter.x = -offsetToCenter.x;
            else if (direction.x <= 0 && direction.y <= 0)
                offsetToCenter.x = -offsetToCenter.x;
                offsetToCenter.y = -offsetToCenter.y;
                angle            = -angle;
            else if (direction.x >= 0 && direction.y <= 0)
                offsetToCenter.y = -offsetToCenter.y;
                angle            = -angle;

            FPVector2 center = origin + offsetToCenter;

            object result = _OverlapCapsule(center, new FPVector2(distance + radius * 2, radius * 2), TSCapsuleDirection2D.HORIZONTAL, -angle, sensorType, layerMask);

            if (result is FPCollider2D)
                return(new FPRaycastHit2D((FPCollider2D)result));
                FPCollider2D[]   resultAux = (FPCollider2D[])result;
                FPRaycastHit2D[] resultHit = new FPRaycastHit2D[resultAux.Length];

                for (int index = 0; index < resultHit.Length; index++)
                    resultHit[index] = new FPRaycastHit2D(resultAux[index]);

Example #8
        private static object _OverlapCapsule(FPVector2 point, FPVector2 size, TSCapsuleDirection2D direction, FP angle, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType, int layerMask = UnityEngine.Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)
            if (direction == TSCapsuleDirection2D.HORIZONTAL)
                FP aux = size.y;
                size.y = size.x;
                size.x = aux;

                angle += 90;

            FP radius = size.x * FP.Half;

            Physics2D.Vertices capVerts = Physics2D.PolygonTools.CreateCapsule(size.y, radius, 8, radius, 8);

            Physics2D.PolygonTools.TransformVertices(capVerts, point, angle * FP.Deg2Rad * -1);

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(capVerts, 1), point, sensorType, layerMask));
Example #9
        private static object OverlapGeneric(Physics2D.Shape shape, FPVector2 position, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType, int layerMask)
            Physics2D.World world = (Physics2D.World)Physics2DWorldManager.instance.GetWorld();

            Physics2D.Body body = Physics2D.BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);

            body.BodyType     = Physics2D.BodyType.Static;
            body.IsSensor     = true;
            body.CollidesWith = Physics2D.Category.All;

            body.SpecialSensor     = sensorType;
            body.SpecialSensorMask = layerMask;
            body.Position          = position;


            if (body._specialSensorResults.Count > 0)
                if (sensorType == Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor.ActiveOnce)
                    return(Physics2DWorldManager.instance.GetGameObject(body._specialSensorResults[0]).GetComponent <FPCollider2D>());
                    FPCollider2D[] result = new FPCollider2D[body._specialSensorResults.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < body._specialSensorResults.Count; i++)
                        result[i] = Physics2DWorldManager.instance.GetGameObject(body._specialSensorResults[i]).GetComponent <FPCollider2D>();


 private static object _OverlapCircle(TSVector2 i_Point, FP i_Radius, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor i_SensorType, int i_Mask)
     return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.CircleShape(i_Radius, 1), i_Point, i_SensorType, i_Mask));
        private static object OverlapGeneric(Physics2D.Shape i_Shape, TSVector2 i_Position, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor i_SensorType, int i_Mask)
            Physics2D.World world = (Physics2D.World)PhysicsManager.GetWorld();

            Physics2D.Body body = Physics2D.BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);

            body.BodyType = Physics2D.BodyType.Static;

            body.CollisionCategories = Physics2D.Category.All; // Category.All is used for sweep test objects.
            body.CollidesWith        = (Physics2D.Category)i_Mask;

            body.CollisionGroup = 0;

            body.IsSensor          = true;
            body.SpecialSensor     = i_SensorType;
            body.SpecialSensorMask = (int)Physics2D.Category.All;

            body.Position = i_Position;


            if (body._specialSensorResults.Count > 0)
                if (i_SensorType == Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor.ActiveOnce)
                    return(PhysicsManager.GetGameObject(body._specialSensorResults[0]).GetComponent <TSCollider2D>());
                    TSCollider2D[] result = new TSCollider2D[body._specialSensorResults.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < body._specialSensorResults.Count; i++)
                        result[i] = PhysicsManager.GetGameObject(body._specialSensorResults[i]).GetComponent <TSCollider2D>();


        private static object _OverlapBox(TSVector2 i_Point, TSVector2 i_Size, FP i_Angle, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor i_SensorType, int i_Mask)
            i_Size  *= FP.Half;
            i_Angle *= FP.Deg2Rad;

            return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.PolygonShape(Physics2D.PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(i_Size.x, i_Size.y, i_Point, i_Angle * -1), 1), i_Point, i_SensorType, i_Mask));
Example #13
 private static object _OverlapCircle(TSVector2 point, FP radius, Physics2D.BodySpecialSensor sensorType)
     return(OverlapGeneric(new Physics2D.CircleShape(radius, 1), point, sensorType));