Example #1
        public static List <PhotoshopLayer> LoadPSD(System.IO.FileStream Stream)
            var psd = new PhotoshopFile.PsdFile(Stream, new PhotoshopFile.LoadContext());
            var r   = new List <PhotoshopLayer>();

            foreach (var layer in psd.Layers)
                var entry = new PhotoshopLayer();
                entry.LayerName = layer.Name;

                // Need to expand the PSD layer to the size of the image as transparent rows/columns are trimmed off in PSD.
                entry.Data = new MemoryTexture(psd.ColumnCount, psd.RowCount);
                TextureTool.Blit(PSDLayerToMemoryTexture(layer), new Rectangle(0, 0, layer.Rect.Width, layer.Rect.Height), entry.Data, new Point(layer.Rect.X, layer.Rect.Y));


    private void ArrangeLayers()
        guiLayers = new PhysicalText[textures.Length];
        guiGOs = new GameObject[textures.Length];
        photoshopLayers = new PhotoshopLayer[textures.Length];
        bool[] groups = new bool[textures.Length];

        // Assign each texture to a PhotoshopLayer struct:
        for(int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++)
            Texture tex = textures[i];
            float width = tex.width;
            float height = tex.height;
            // Work out GUI size:
            if(width > guiSize.x || height > guiSize.y)
                guiSize = new Vector2(width,height);
            // Work out layer name from filename:
            string texName = tex.name;
            string[] nameValues = texName.Split('_');
            gameObject.name = nameValues[0];
            // *Should* be 3-4 values, in format "FileName_0000_Layer-Name" or "FileName_0000s_0000_Layer-Name":
            groups[i] = false;
            if(nameValues.Length > 3)
                texName = nameValues[3];
                groups[i] = true;
            else if(nameValues.Length > 2)
                texName = nameValues[2];
            else // Wrong format:
                texName = nameValues[0];
            photoshopLayers[i] = new PhotoshopLayer();
            photoshopLayers[i].name = texName.ToUpper();
            photoshopLayers[i].texture = tex;
            photoshopLayers[i].layer = i; //Should be overwritten; if not something has gone wrong.

        // Look for the data file containing XY and Layer info:
        guiPath = Application.dataPath+"\\"+guiPath;
        DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(guiPath);
        FileInfo[] files = folder.GetFiles();
        StreamReader reader = null;
        foreach(FileInfo file in files)
            string extension = file.Extension.ToLower();
            string url = file.FullName;
            reader = new StreamReader(url);
        if(reader == null)

        //Found the data file, read the CSV data:
        string line;
        int counter = 0;
        List<PhotoshopLayer> layerList = new List<PhotoshopLayer>();
        while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            line = line.ToUpper();
            PhotoshopLayer layer = new PhotoshopLayer();
                //Grouping code here.
                string[] values = line.Split(',');
                layer.name = values[0].Replace(' ','-');
                    layer.x = int.Parse(values[1]);
                    layer.y = int.Parse(values[2]);
                layer.layer = counter;

        // Match the CSV Layers to the main texture structs:
        foreach(PhotoshopLayer csvLayer in layerList.ToArray())
            for(int i = 0; i < photoshopLayers.Length; i++)
                //Name capitalization should be the same:
                if(csvLayer.name != photoshopLayers[i].name)
                photoshopLayers[i].x = csvLayer.x;
                photoshopLayers[i].y = csvLayer.y;
                photoshopLayers[i].layer = csvLayer.layer;

        // Log relative size and location of each layer:
        for(int i = 0; i < photoshopLayers.Length; i++)
            Texture texture = photoshopLayers[i].texture;
            if(texture == null)
            float xLoc = (float)photoshopLayers[i].x;
            float yLoc = (float)photoshopLayers[i].y;
            photoshopLayers[i].relativeSize = new Vector2((float)texture.width / (float)guiSize.x,(float)texture.height / (float)guiSize.y);
            photoshopLayers[i].relativeLocation = new Vector2(xLoc / (float)guiSize.x, 1 - (yLoc / (float)guiSize.y));
    private PhysicalText PlaceImagePlane(PhotoshopLayer pLayer)
        //Store some reference variables:
        Texture image = pLayer.texture;
        int layer = pLayer.layer;
        string iName = pLayer.name;
        Vector2 imageSize = new Vector2(image.width,image.height);

        // Protect for a not-set GUI size (dividing by 0):
        if(imageSize.x > guiSize.x || imageSize.y > guiSize.y)
            guiSize = imageSize;

        //Work out how big to make the image, based upon its location and size relative to the GUI:
        Vector2 scaledSize = pLayer.relativeSize;
        //Debug.Log ("Size: "+imageSize+", scaled size: "+scaledSize+", GUI Size: "+guiSize);
        Vector2 scaledLocation = pLayer.relativeLocation;
        //Debug.Log ("Location: "+location+", scaled location: "+scaledLocation+", layer: "+layer);

        //Work out how far away to place the image, to create layers:
        float distanceFromCamera = 50.0f + layer;

        //Create the physical representation of the texture in the game world:
        Vector3 center = new Vector3(scaledLocation.x + (scaledSize.x / 2), scaledLocation.y - (scaledSize.y / 2), distanceFromCamera);
        Vector3 position = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(center);
        //Debug.Log("Viewport position: "+center+", real world position: "+position);
        PhysicalText text = new PhysicalText(position);
        text.planeSize = 0.5f;
        Vector3 viewportTopLeft = new Vector3(scaledLocation.x,scaledLocation.y,distanceFromCamera);
        Vector3 viewportBottomRight = new Vector3(scaledLocation.x+scaledSize.x,scaledLocation.y-scaledSize.y,distanceFromCamera);
        //Debug.Log ("Max top left bounds (viewport): "+viewportTopLeft.x+", "+viewportTopLeft.y);
        //Debug.Log ("Max bottom right bounds (viewport): "+viewportBottomRight.x+", "+viewportBottomRight.y);
        Vector3 topLeftBounds = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(viewportTopLeft);
        Vector3 bottomRightBounds = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(viewportBottomRight);
        //Debug.Log ("Max top left bounds (real): "+topLeftBounds);
        //Debug.Log ("Max bottom right bounds (real): "+bottomRightBounds);
        float width = Mathf.Abs(topLeftBounds.x - bottomRightBounds.x);
        float height = Mathf.Abs(topLeftBounds.y - bottomRightBounds.y);
        //Debug.Log ("Real world width: "+width+", real world height: "+height);
        GameObject primitive;
        //Check to see if the texture is designated as a "special texture" (i.e. text):
            text.textString = iName.Replace("^","");
            text.SetMaxBounds(width, height);
            primitive = text.text;
            primitive.transform.position = topLeftBounds;
            text.color = Color.black;
            text.texture = image;
            primitive = text.text;
            primitive.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(
                        primitive.transform.localEulerAngles.y + 180,
                        primitive.transform.localEulerAngles.z + 90);
            primitive.transform.localScale = new Vector3(height,width,1);
            primitive.transform.position = position;
        guiLayers[layer] = text;
        pLayer.text = text;
        pLayer.realWorldBottomRightBounds = bottomRightBounds;
        pLayer.realWorldTopLeftBounds = topLeftBounds;
        primitive.name = "GUI Element "+image.name+", layer "+layer;
        return text;
 public GameObject PlaceImagePlane(Texture image, int imageX, int imageY, int layer)
     if(image == null)
         GameObject primitive = PrimitiveMaker.MakePlane(0.5f);
         guiLayers[layer] = null;
         Vector2 location = new Vector2(imageX, imageY);
         Vector2 scaledLocation = new Vector2(location.x / guiSize.x, location.y / guiSize.y);
         float distanceFromCamera = 50.0f + layer;
         Vector3 position = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(
         primitive.transform.position = position;
         Vector3 topLeftBounds = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0,1,distanceFromCamera));
         Vector3 bottomRightBounds = guiCamera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1,0,distanceFromCamera));
         float x = Mathf.Abs(topLeftBounds.x - bottomRightBounds.x);
         float y = Mathf.Abs(topLeftBounds.y - bottomRightBounds.y);
         primitive.transform.localScale = new Vector3(x,y,1);
         primitive.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(primitive.transform.localEulerAngles.x, primitive.transform.localEulerAngles.y + 180, primitive.transform.localEulerAngles.z);
         primitive.name = "Photoshop GUI Element, layer "+layer;
         return primitive;
     PhotoshopLayer pLayer = new PhotoshopLayer();
     pLayer.texture = image;
     pLayer.x = imageX;
     pLayer.y = imageY;
     pLayer.layer = layer;
     pLayer.name = image.name;
     return PlaceImagePlane(pLayer).text;