Example #1
        public override ColorModeDataSection Read(PhotoshopFileReader reader, PhotoshopFile photoshopFile)
            var length = reader.ReadInt32();
            var data   = reader.ReadBytes(length);

            return(new ColorModeDataSection(length, data));
        public void Should_correctly_read_image_data_section([NotNull] string path)
            const string exportedPngPath = "files/image-data/empty.png";

            using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
            var image         = Image.Load <Rgb24>(exportedPngPath);
            var channelStride = photoshopFile.Width * photoshopFile.Height;

            for (var i = 0; i < image.Height; i++)
                var row = image.GetPixelRowSpan(i);
                for (var j = 0; j < image.Width; j++)
                    var expectedPixel = row[j];
                    var actualR       = photoshopFile.ImageData[i * image.Width + j];
                    var actualG       = photoshopFile.ImageData[channelStride + i * image.Width + j];
                    var actualB       = photoshopFile.ImageData[channelStride * 2 + i * image.Width + j];
        public override LayerMaskInformationSection Read(PhotoshopFileReader reader, PhotoshopFile photoshopFile)
            var length = reader.ReadInt32();
            var data   = reader.ReadBytes(length);

            return(new PsdLayerMaskInformationSection(length, data));
        public override HeaderSection Read(PhotoshopFileReader reader, PhotoshopFile photoshopFile)
            var buffer         = reader.ReadBytes(26);
            var bufferedReader = new PhotoshopFileReader(buffer);
            var signatureBytes = bufferedReader.ReadBytes(4);
            var signature      = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(signatureBytes);
            var version        = bufferedReader.ReadInt16();
            var reservedBytes  = bufferedReader.ReadBytes(6);
            var channelCount   = bufferedReader.ReadInt16();
            var height         = bufferedReader.ReadInt32();
            var width          = bufferedReader.ReadInt32();
            var depth          = bufferedReader.ReadInt16();
            var colorMode      = (ColorMode)bufferedReader.ReadInt16();

            return(new HeaderSection(
        public override ImageResourcesSection Read(PhotoshopFileReader reader, PhotoshopFile photoshopFile)
            var length = reader.ReadInt32();
            var data   = reader.ReadBytes(length);

            return(new ImageResourcesSection(length, data));
Example #6
        public override LayerMaskInformationSection Read(PhotoshopFileReader reader, PhotoshopFile photoshopFile)
            var length = reader.ReadInt64();
            // TODO: Don't just convert to int pls
            var data = reader.ReadBytes((int)length);

            return(new PsbLayerMaskInformationSection(length, data));
Example #7
 public void Should_correctly_read_image_size([NotNull] string path, int expectedHeight, int expectedWidth)
     using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
        public override ImageDataSection Read(PhotoshopFileReader reader, PhotoshopFile photoshopFile)
            var channelCount      = photoshopFile.ChannelCount;
            var width             = photoshopFile.Width;
            var height            = photoshopFile.Height;
            var depth             = photoshopFile.Depth;
            var compressionMethod = reader.ReadInt16();
            var dataLength        = 0;
            var pitch             = DepthToPitch(depth, width);

            byte[] data;
            if (compressionMethod == 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)
                    dataLength += pitch * height;

                data = reader.ReadBytes(dataLength);
            else if (compressionMethod == 1)
                var dataBuffer     = new List <byte>();
                var channelLengths = new List <int[]>();
                for (var i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)
                    var lengths = new int[height];
                    for (var j = 0; j < height; j++)
                        lengths[j] = photoshopFile.Version == 1
                            ? reader.ReadInt16()
                            : reader.ReadInt32();


                for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)
                    var lengths = channelLengths[i];
                    for (var j = 0; j < lengths.Length; j++)
                        var rleData          = reader.ReadBytes(lengths[j]);
                        var decompressedData = new byte[width];
                        DecompressRleData(rleData, decompressedData);

                data = dataBuffer.ToArray();
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            return(new ImageDataSection(compressionMethod, data));
 public void Should_fail_to_open_non_photoshop_file(string path)
     Assert.Throws <InvalidPhotoshopFileException>(
         () =>
         using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.OpenPsd(path);
     Assert.Throws <InvalidPhotoshopFileException>(
         () =>
         using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.OpenPsb(path);
Example #10
        public Bevel(PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo info)
            this.m_data = info.Data;
            this.m_key = info.Key;
            this.m_layer = info.Layer;

            BinaryReverseReader r = this.DataReader;

            //string blendModeSignature = null;

            uint version = r.ReadUInt32();

            switch (version)
                case 0:
                    this.Blur = r.ReadUInt32();
                    this.Data = null;
                case 2:
                    this.Angle = (uint)r.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Strength = (uint)r.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Blur = (uint)r.ReadUInt16();

                    this.Unknown1 = r.ReadByte();
                    this.Unknown2 = r.ReadByte();
                    this.Unknown3 = r.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Unknown4 = r.ReadUInt16();

                    this.BlendModeKey = this.ReadBlendKey(r);
                    this.ShadowBlendModeKey = this.ReadBlendKey(r);

                    this.Color = r.ReadPSDColor(16, true);
                    this.ShadowColor = r.ReadPSDColor(16, true);

                    this.BevelStyle = r.ReadByte();
                    this.Opacity = r.ReadByte();
                    this.ShadowOpacity = r.ReadByte();

                    this.Enabled = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.UseGlobalAngle = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.Inverted = r.ReadBoolean();

                    System.Drawing.Color someColor = r.ReadPSDColor(16, true);
                    System.Drawing.Color someColor2 = r.ReadPSDColor(16, true);
            this.Data = null;
        public void Should_save_file_correctly([NotNull] string path)
            using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
            var tempPath     = Path.GetTempPath();
            var guid         = Guid.NewGuid();
            var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempPath, guid.ToString());

            var expectedBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            var actualBytes   = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFilePath);

            // TODO: move cleanup out of here
Example #12
        public Shadow(PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo info)
            this.m_data = info.Data;
            this.m_key = info.Key;
            this.m_layer = info.Layer;

            BinaryReverseReader r = this.DataReader;

            //string blendModeSignature = null;

            int version = r.ReadInt32();
            switch (version)
                case 0:
                    this.Blur = r.ReadUInt32();
                    this.Intensity = r.ReadUInt32();

                    this.Angle = r.ReadUInt32();
                    this.Distance = r.ReadUInt32();

                    this.Color = r.ReadPSDColor(16, true);

                    this.BlendModeKey = this.ReadBlendKey(r);
                    //this.BlendModeSignature = r.ReadUInt32();
                    //this.BlendModeKey = r.ReadUInt32();
                    this.Enabled = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.UseGlobalAngle = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.Opacity = r.ReadByte();

                case 2:
                    this.Blur = (uint)r.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Intensity = r.ReadUInt32();

                    this.Angle = r.ReadUInt32();
                    this.Distance = r.ReadUInt32();

                    ushort something = r.ReadUInt16();//TODO:?

                    this.Color = r.ReadPSDColor(16, true);

                    this.BlendModeKey = this.ReadBlendKey(r);
                    this.Enabled = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.UseGlobalAngle = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.Opacity = r.ReadByte();
                    //TODO: 10 unknown bytes!

            this.Data = null;
Example #13
        public Glow(PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo info)
            this.m_data = info.Data;
            this.m_key = info.Key;
            this.m_layer = info.Layer;

            BinaryReverseReader r = this.DataReader;

            //string blendModeSignature = null;
            uint version = r.ReadUInt32(); //two version specifications?!?
            switch (version)
                case 0:
                    this.Blur = r.ReadUInt32();
                    this.Data = null;
                case 2:
                    this.Blur = (uint)r.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Intensity = r.ReadUInt32();
                    ushort something = r.ReadUInt16();
                    this.Color = r.ReadPSDColor(16, false); //Inner color (no alpha)

                    this.BlendModeKey = this.ReadBlendKey(r);
                    this.Enabled = r.ReadBoolean();
                    this.Opacity = r.ReadByte();
                    if (this.Inner)
                        this.Unknown = r.ReadByte();
                    this.UnknownColor = r.ReadPSDColor(16, false); //unknown color(no alpha)
                    this.Data = r.ReadBytes((int)r.BytesToEnd);
Example #14
        public Effects(PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo info)
            this.m_data = info.Data;
            this.m_key = info.Key;
            this.m_layer = info.Layer;

            BinaryReverseReader r = this.DataReader;

            r.BaseStream.Position += 2; //unused
            ushort nNumEffects = r.ReadUInt16();
            this._resources = new Dictionary<string, PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo>();
            for (int nEffectNum = 0; nEffectNum < nNumEffects; nEffectNum++)
                PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo res = new PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo(r, info.Layer);
                //if (res.Tag != "cmnS")
                //  continue;
                this._resources.Add(res.Key, res);
                //    case "sofi": //unknown

            this.Data = null;
Example #15
 public void Should_correctly_read_color_mode([NotNull] string path, ColorMode expectedColorMode)
     using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
Example #16
 public void Should_correctly_read_depth([NotNull] string path, int expectedDepth)
     using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
Example #17
 public void Should_correctly_read_channel_count([NotNull] string path, int expectedChannelCount)
     using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
Example #18
        public TypeToolObject(PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo info)
            this.m_data = info.Data;
            this.m_key = info.Key;
            this.m_layer = info.Layer;

            BinaryReverseReader r = this.DataReader;

            ushort PhotshopVersion = r.ReadUInt16(); //2 bytes, =1 Photoshop 6 (not 5)

            this.Transform = new Matrix2D(r); //six doubles (48 bytes)

            ushort TextVersion = r.ReadUInt16(); //2 bytes, =50. For Photoshop 6.0.
            uint DescriptorVersion = r.ReadUInt32(); //4 bytes,=16. For Photoshop 6.0.

            this.TxtDescriptor = DynVal.ReadDescriptor(r); //Text descriptor

            ushort WarpVersion = r.ReadUInt16(); //2 bytes, =1. For Photoshop 6.0.
            uint WarpDescriptorVersion = r.ReadUInt32(); //4 bytes, =16. For Photoshop 6.0.

            engineData = (Dictionary<string, object>)TxtDescriptor.Children.Find(c => c.Name == "EngineData").Value;
            StylesheetReader = new TdTaStylesheetReader(engineData);

            //string desc = this.TxtDescriptor.getString();

            this.WarpDescriptor = DynVal.ReadDescriptor(r); //Warp descriptor
            this.Data = r.ReadBytes((int)r.BytesToEnd); //17 bytes???? All zeroes?
            if (Data.Length != 17 || !(Array.TrueForAll(Data, b => b == 0)))
                string s = ReadableBinary.CreateHexEditorString(Data);

            //this.WarpRect = new RectangleF();
            //WarpRect.X = (float)r.ReadDouble();
            //WarpRect.Y = (float)r.ReadDouble();
            //WarpRect.Width = (float)r.ReadDouble() - WarpRect.X;
            //WarpRect.Height = (float)r.ReadDouble() - WarpRect.Y;

            //this.Data = r.ReadBytes((int)r.BytesToEnd);
Example #19
 public abstract T Read([NotNull] PhotoshopFileReader reader, [NotNull] PhotoshopFile photoshopFile);
Example #20
 public DecompressChannelContext(PhotoshopFile.Layer.Channel ch)
     this.ch = ch;
 public void Should_open_valid_file([NotNull] string path)
     using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);
Example #22
 public static void Flatten(this PhotoshopFile.Layer layer, PhotoshopFile.Layer destinationLayer, Color[] layerData0, Color[] layerData1)
     for (int i = 0; i < layerData1.Length; i++)
         layerData1[i] = Blend(layerData0[i], layerData1[i]);
Example #23
        public TypeTool(PhotoshopFile.Layer.AdjustmentLayerInfo info)
            this.m_data = info.Data;
            this.m_key = info.Key;
            this.m_layer = info.Layer;

            BinaryReverseReader reader = this.DataReader;
            ushort Version = reader.ReadUInt16(); //1= Photoshop 5.0

            //2D transform matrix (6 doubles)
            Transform = new Matrix2D(reader);

            //Font info:
            ushort FontVersion = reader.ReadUInt16(); //6 = Photoshop 5.0
            ushort FaceCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.FontInfos = new List<FontInfo>();
            for (int i = 0; i < FaceCount; i++)
                this.FontInfos.Add(new FontInfo(reader));

            //TODO: make classes of styles as well...
            ushort StyleCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
            for (int i = 0; i < StyleCount; i++)
                ushort Mark = reader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort FaceMark = reader.ReadUInt16();
                uint Size = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint Tracking = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint Kerning = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint Leading = reader.ReadUInt32();
                uint BaseShift = reader.ReadUInt32();

                byte AutoKern = reader.ReadByte();
                byte Extra = 0;
                if (Version <= 5)
                    Extra = reader.ReadByte();
                byte Rotate = reader.ReadByte();

            //Text information
            ushort Type = reader.ReadUInt16();
            uint ScalingFactor = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint CharacterCount = reader.ReadUInt32();

            uint HorizontalPlacement = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint VerticalPlacement = reader.ReadUInt32();

            uint SelectStart = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint SelectEnd = reader.ReadUInt32();

            ushort LineCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
            for (int i = 0; i < LineCount; i++)
                uint CharacterCountLine = reader.ReadUInt32();
                ushort Orientation = reader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort Alignment = reader.ReadUInt16();

                ushort DoubleByteChar = reader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort Style = reader.ReadUInt16();

            ushort ColorSpace = reader.ReadUInt16();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                reader.ReadUInt16(); //Color compensation
            byte AntiAlias = reader.ReadByte();
Example #24
 public void Should_correctly_read_empty_data_section([NotNull] string path)
     using var photoshopFile = PhotoshopFile.Open(path);