Example #1
 void SendChat(PhotonTargets target)
     if (chatInput != "")
         photonView.RPC("SendChatMessage", target, chatInput);
         chatInput = "";
        void DoREC()
            // get the photon proxy for Photon RPC access
            GameObject go = GameObject.Find("PlayMaker Photon Proxy");

            if (go == null)

            if (remoteEvent != null && remoteEvent.IsGlobal == false)

            PhotonTargets _photonTargets = getPhotonTargets();

            // get the proxy component
            PlayMakerPhotonProxy _proxy = go.GetComponent <PlayMakerPhotonProxy>();

            if (_proxy == null)

            if (!stringData.IsNone && stringData.Value != "")
                _proxy.PhotonRpcBroacastFsmEventWithString(_photonTargets, remoteEvent.Name, stringData.Value);
                _proxy.PhotonRpcBroacastFsmEvent(photonTargets, remoteEvent.Name);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 ///  A method to send a public chat message.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targets">
 /// The players to whom this message should be sent.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="message">
 /// The message to send.
 /// </param>
 public void SendChat(PhotonTargets targets, string message)
     if (message != "")
         photonView.RPC("AddMessage", targets, message);
Example #4
        /*Public methods*/

        public void StartGame()
            if (false == UseRoom)
                //Create room with default settings and join it
                SimulationSettings.InitialBalance = this.InitialCompanyBalance;
                SimulationSettings.TargetBalance  = this.TargetCompanyBalance;
                SimulationSettings.MinimalBalance = this.MinimalCompanyBalance;
                RoomOptions options = new RoomOptions()
                    MaxPlayers = MAX_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS_PER_ROOM
                PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom("Default", options, PhotonNetwork.lobby);

            //Master client will wait for other clients until they are ready to receive data
            //then start game
            if (true == PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
                PhotonNetwork.room.IsOpen = false;
                //In offline mode game will be started immediately
                PhotonTargets targets = PhotonNetwork.offlineMode ? PhotonTargets.All : PhotonTargets.Others;
                this.photonView.RPC("StartGameInternal", targets);
Example #5
    //public void RPCBroadcastInterceptor(PhotonTargets targets, CardVisual interceptor) {


    public void RPCBroadcastCombat(PhotonTargets targets, CardVisual attacker, CardVisual defender)
        int attackerID = attacker.photonView.viewID;
        int defenderID = defender.photonView.viewID;

        owner.photonView.RPC("BroadcastCombat", targets, attackerID, defenderID);
Example #6
 void SendChat(PhotonTargets target)
     if (chatInput != "")
         photonView.RPC("SendChatMessage", target, chatInput);
         chatInput = "";
Example #7
    public IEnumerator RPCBroadcastTurnStart(PhotonTargets targets, Player player)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

        int playerID = player.photonView.viewID;

        photonView.RPC("BroadcastTurnStart", targets, playerID);
    /// <summary>
    /// Function typically called from the action "PhotonViewRpcBroadcastFsmEvent" that use RPC to send information about the event to Send to self over the network
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='target'>
    /// Photon Target.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='globalEventName'>
    /// Global Fsm event name to send using the photon target rule.
    /// </param>
    public void PhotonRpcSendFsmEvent(PhotonTargets target,string globalEventName)
        if (LogMessageInfo)
            Debug.Log("RPC to send global Fsm Event:"+globalEventName+" to self, with network target:"+target.ToString());

        photonView.RPC("rpc", target, globalEventName);// method name used to be too long : "RPC_PhotonRpcBroadcastFsmEvent"
    }                                                   // sendPhotonInstantiationFsmEvent


    #region Photon RPC TARGETS

    /// <summary>
    /// Function typically called from the action "PhotonViewRpcBroadcastFsmEvent" that use RPC to send information about the event to Send to self over the network
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='target'>
    /// Photon Target.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='globalEventName'>
    /// Global Fsm event name to send using the photon target rule.
    /// </param>
    public void PhotonRpcSendFsmEvent(PhotonTargets target, string globalEventName)
        if (LogMessageInfo)
            Debug.Log("RPC to send global Fsm Event:" + globalEventName + " to self, with network target:" + target.ToString());

        photonView.RPC("rpc", target, globalEventName);        // method name used to be too long : "RPC_PhotonRpcBroadcastFsmEvent"
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal to send an RPC on given PhotonView.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">photonView</param>
 /// <param name="methodName">string methodName</param>
 /// <param name="target">PhotonTargets.?</param>
 /// <param name="encrypt">encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">params</param>
 public void SendRPC(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
     if (!photonView)
         Debug.Log($"Can't send RPC to {target.ToString()} players because photonView is null");
     photonView.RPC(methodName, target, parameters);
    /// <summary>
    /// Function typically called from the action "PhotonViewRpcBroadcastFsmEvent" that use RPC to send information about the event to Send to self over the network
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='target'>
    /// Photon Target.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='globalEventName'>
    /// Global Fsm event name to broadcast using the photon target rule.
    /// </param>	
    /// <param name='stringData'>
    /// String data to pass with this event. WARNING: this is not supposed to be (nor efficient) a way to synchronize data. This is simply to comply with
    /// the ability for FsmEvent to include data.
    /// </param>
    public void PhotonRpcSendFsmEventWithString(PhotonTargets target,string globalEventName,string stringData)
        if (LogMessageInfo)
            Debug.Log("RPC to send string:"+stringData+"  with global Fsm Event:"+globalEventName+" to self, with network target:"+target.ToString());

        photonView.RPC("rpc_s", target, globalEventName, stringData);// method name used to be too long :  "RPC_FsmPhotonRpcBroadcastFsmEventWithString"
Example #12
 void SendChat(PhotonTargets target)
     if (chatInput != "")
         string tempChat = " " + chatInput;
         photonView.RPC("SendChatMessage", target, tempChat, (string)PhotonNetwork.player.customProperties["TeamName"]);
         chatInput = "";
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal to send an RPC on given PhotonView.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view">photonView</param>
 /// <param name="methodName">string methodName</param>
 /// <param name="target">PhotonTargets.?</param>
 /// <param name="encrypt">encrypt</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">params</param>
 public void Send(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
     if (view == null)
         Debug.Log($"Can't send RPC to {target.ToString()} players because photonView is null");
     view.RPC(methodName, target, encrypt, parameters);
        void DoREC()
            // get the photon proxy for Photon RPC access
            GameObject go = GameObject.Find("PlayMaker Photon Proxy");

            if (go == null)

            if (remoteEvent != null && remoteEvent.IsGlobal == false)

            PhotonTargets _photonTargets = getPhotonTargets();

            // get the proxy component
            PlayMakerPhotonProxy _proxy = go.GetComponent <PlayMakerPhotonProxy>();

            if (_proxy == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("PlayMakerPhotonProxy is missing");

            if (eventTarget.target == FsmEventTarget.EventTarget.BroadcastAll)
                if (!stringData.IsNone && stringData.Value != "")
                    _proxy.PhotonRpcBroacastFsmEventWithString(_photonTargets, remoteEvent.Name, stringData.Value);
                    _proxy.PhotonRpcBroacastFsmEvent(photonTargets, remoteEvent.Name);
                PlayMakerPhotonGameObjectProxy _goProxy = Owner.GetComponent <PlayMakerPhotonGameObjectProxy>();
                if (_proxy == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("PlayMakerPhotonProxy is missing");

                if (!stringData.IsNone && stringData.Value != "")
                    _goProxy.PhotonRpcSendFsmEventWithString(_photonTargets, remoteEvent.Name, stringData.Value);
                    _goProxy.PhotonRpcSendFsmEvent(photonTargets, remoteEvent.Name);
Example #15
    public void RPCTransferCard(PhotonTargets targets, CardVisual card, Deck targetLocation)
        //Debug.Log(card.cardData.cardName + " is being sent from " + card.currentDeck.decktype.ToString() + " to " + targetLocation.decktype.ToString());

        int cardID = card.photonView.viewID;
        int deckID = targetLocation.photonView.viewID;

        photonView.RPC("TransferCard", targets, cardID, deckID);
 public static void Centerprint(string message, PhotonTargets targets, string tag = "msg", Color color = new Color(), EWarningType type = EWarningType.E_NORMAL)
     PLServer.Instance.photonView.RPC("AddCrewWarning", targets, new object[] {
    /// <summary>
    /// Function typically called from the action "PhotonViewRpcBroadcastFsmEvent" that use RPC to send information about the event to Send to self over the network
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='target'>
    /// Photon Target.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='globalEventName'>
    /// Global Fsm event name to broadcast using the photon target rule.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='stringData'>
    /// String data to pass with this event. WARNING: this is not supposed to be (nor efficient) a way to synchronize data. This is simply to comply with
    /// the ability for FsmEvent to include data.
    /// </param>
    public void PhotonRpcSendFsmEventWithString(PhotonTargets target, string globalEventName, string stringData)
        if (LogMessageInfo)
            Debug.Log("RPC to send string:" + stringData + "  with global Fsm Event:" + globalEventName + " to self, with network target:" + target.ToString());

        photonView.RPC("rpc_s", target, globalEventName, stringData);        // method name used to be too long :  "RPC_FsmPhotonRpcBroadcastFsmEventWithString"
Example #18
 void SendChat(PhotonTargets target)
     if (chatInput != "")
         string tempChat = " " + chatInput;
         photonView.RPC("SendChatMessage", target, tempChat);
         chatInput = "";
Example #19
    public override void RPCCheckDeath(PhotonTargets targets, CardVisual source, bool forceDeath, bool waitForVFX)
        int cardID = source.photonView.viewID;

        if (health < 0 && deathEffect != "")
            Debug.Log(cardData.cardName + " is showing a death effect");

        photonView.RPC("CheckDeath", targets, cardID, forceDeath, waitForVFX);
Example #20
 public void CallRPC(Action n, PhotonTargets m)
     if (PhotonNetwork.connectionState != ConnectionState.Disconnected)
         photonView.RPC(n.Method.Name, m);
 public static void ChatMessage(PhotonTargets targets, string message, int sendingPlayerId = -1)
     if (sendingPlayerId == -1)
         sendingPlayerId = PLNetworkManager.Instance.LocalPlayerID;
     PLServer.Instance.photonView.RPC("TeamMessage", targets, new object[] {
Example #22
 public void CallRPC <T>(Action <T> n, PhotonTargets m, T p)
     if (PhotonNetwork.connectionState != ConnectionState.Disconnected)
         photonView.RPC(n.Method.Name, m, p);
Example #23
 public void CallRPC <T, T2, T3>(Action <T, T2, T3> n, PhotonTargets m, T p, T2 p2, T3 p3)
     if (PhotonNetwork.connectionState != ConnectionState.Disconnected)
         photonView.RPC(n.Method.Name, m, p, p2, p3);
         n(p, p2, p3);
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Call a RPC method of this GameObject on remote clients of this room (or on all, inclunding this client).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual) are an essential tool in making multiplayer games with PUN.
 /// It enables you to make every client in a room call a specific method.
 /// RPC calls can target "All" or the "Others".
 /// Usually, the target "All" gets executed locally immediately after sending the RPC.
 /// The "*ViaServer" options send the RPC to the server and execute it on this client when it's sent back.
 /// Of course, calls are affected by this client's lag and that of remote clients.
 /// Each call automatically is routed to the same PhotonView (and GameObject) that was used on the
 /// originating client.
 /// See: [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual).
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="methodName">The name of a fitting method that was has the RPC attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="target">The group of targets and the way the RPC gets sent.</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">The parameters that the RPC method has (must fit this call!).</param>
 public void RPC(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
     if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.hasSwitchedMC && target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
         PhotonNetwork.RPC(this, methodName, PhotonNetwork.masterClient, parameters);
         PhotonNetwork.RPC(this, methodName, target, parameters);
Example #25
 public void CallRPC <T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(Action <T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> n, PhotonTargets m, T p, T2 p2, T3 p3, T4 p4, T5 p5, T6 p6)
     if (PhotonNetwork.connectionState != ConnectionState.Disconnected)
         photonView.RPC(n.Method.Name, m, p, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
         n(p, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
        public override void Reset()
            // JFF: how can I set this silently without a plubic variable? if I set it to private, it doesn't work anymore. maybe I forgot a setting?
            eventTarget        = new FsmEventTarget();
            eventTarget.target = FsmEventTarget.EventTarget.BroadcastAll;

            remoteEvent             = null;
            photonTargets           = PhotonTargets.All;
            photonTargetsFromString = null;
            stringData = null;
		public override void Reset()
			// JFF: how can I set this silently without a plubic variable? if I set it to private, it doesn't work anymore. maybe I forgot a setting?
			eventTarget = new FsmEventTarget();
			eventTarget.target = FsmEventTarget.EventTarget.BroadcastAll;
			remoteEvent = null;
			photonTargets = PhotonTargets.All;
			photonTargetsFromString = null;
			stringData = null;
Example #28
    public void RPCBeginDrawing(PhotonTargets targets, Vector3 sourcePos, Vector3 targetPos)
        float xpos = sourcePos.x;
        float ypos = sourcePos.y;
        float zpos = sourcePos.z;

        float targetX = targetPos.x;
        float targetY = targetPos.y;
        float targetZ = targetPos.z;

        photonView.RPC("BeginDrawing", targets, xpos, ypos, zpos, targetX, targetY, targetZ);
Example #29
        public static void Echo(PhotonTargets targets, string message)
            if (message == null)
                AntiNullReferenceException($"targets: {targets}, {(message == null ? "message: null" : $"message: \"{message}\"")}");

            PLServer.Instance.photonView.RPC("ConsoleMessage", targets, new object[] {
 public static void Notification(string message, PhotonTargets targets, int subjectPlayerId = 0, int durationMs = 6000, bool addToShipLog = false)
     if (PLServer.Instance == null)
         Logger.Info($"Notification attempted and PLServer was null. Message: {message}");
     PLServer.Instance.photonView.RPC("AddNotification", targets, new object[] {
         PLServer.Instance.GetEstimatedServerMs() + durationMs,
Example #31
    // Token: 0x0600BE9A RID: 48794 RVA: 0x004587AE File Offset: 0x004569AE
    private void KDMKDEKCELE()
        if (!base.IBKCMBIGOEJ().BGJKMGJBPFA())
        PhotonView    photonView  = base.OELHGNKAMEG();
        string        lblkdnnpaco = "You must complete your map before submiting it to Workshop";
        PhotonTargets mpnmoonbmii = PhotonTargets.All;

        object[] array = new object[0];
        array[0] = 0;
        photonView.MIAHMDGOOPJ(lblkdnnpaco, mpnmoonbmii, array);
Example #32
    // Token: 0x0600BE9B RID: 48795 RVA: 0x004587E1 File Offset: 0x004569E1
    private void MKIMDFLBFOM()
        if (!base.JAEJDHHCJJO().DOLKFPIABDD())
        PhotonView    photonView  = base.GBMJAPGLMGB();
        string        lblkdnnpaco = "maps.";
        PhotonTargets mpnmoonbmii = PhotonTargets.All;

        object[] array = new object[0];
        array[1] = 1;
        photonView.KEKKFNNMLMG(lblkdnnpaco, mpnmoonbmii, array);
Example #33
    // Token: 0x0600BE92 RID: 48786 RVA: 0x00458672 File Offset: 0x00456872
    private void NPLCENPNJBM()
        if (!base.JAEJDHHCJJO().BGJKMGJBPFA())
        PhotonView    photonView  = base.JAEJDHHCJJO();
        string        lblkdnnpaco = "_Offsets";
        PhotonTargets mpnmoonbmii = PhotonTargets.All;

        object[] array = new object[0];
        array[1] = 0;
        photonView.MIAHMDGOOPJ(lblkdnnpaco, mpnmoonbmii, array);
Example #34
    // Token: 0x0600BE8F RID: 48783 RVA: 0x004585FE File Offset: 0x004567FE
    private void KLILJHJNICK()
        if (!base.photonView.isMine)
        PhotonView    photonView  = base.ACPGHFHDCIP();
        string        lblkdnnpaco = "scn";
        PhotonTargets mpnmoonbmii = PhotonTargets.Others;

        object[] array = new object[0];
        array[1] = 1;
        photonView.PBMFBOOALKA(lblkdnnpaco, mpnmoonbmii, array);
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Call a RPC method of this GameObject on remote clients of this room (or on all, inclunding this client).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual) are an essential tool in making multiplayer games with PUN.
 /// It enables you to make every client in a room call a specific method.
 /// RPC calls can target "All" or the "Others".
 /// Usually, the target "All" gets executed locally immediately after sending the RPC.
 /// The "*ViaServer" options send the RPC to the server and execute it on this client when it's sent back.
 /// Of course, calls are affected by this client's lag and that of remote clients.
 /// Each call automatically is routed to the same PhotonView (and GameObject) that was used on the
 /// originating client.
 /// See: [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual).
 /// </remarks>
 ///<param name="methodName">The name of a fitting method that was has the RPC attribute.</param>
 ///<param name="target">The group of targets and the way the RPC gets sent.</param>
 ///<param name="encrypt"> </param>
 ///<param name="parameters">The parameters that the RPC method has (must fit this call!).</param>
 public void RpcSecure(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
     PhotonNetwork.RPC(this, methodName, target, encrypt, parameters);
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Call a RPC method of this GameObject on remote clients of this room (or on all, inclunding this client).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual) are an essential tool in making multiplayer games with PUN.
 /// It enables you to make every client in a room call a specific method.
 /// RPC calls can target "All" or the "Others".
 /// Usually, the target "All" gets executed locally immediately after sending the RPC.
 /// The "*ViaServer" options send the RPC to the server and execute it on this client when it's sent back.
 /// Of course, calls are affected by this client's lag and that of remote clients.
 /// Each call automatically is routed to the same PhotonView (and GameObject) that was used on the
 /// originating client.
 /// See: [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual).
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="methodName">The name of a fitting method that was has the RPC attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="target">The group of targets and the way the RPC gets sent.</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">The parameters that the RPC method has (must fit this call!).</param>
 public void RPC(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
     RpcSecure(methodName, target, false, parameters);
Example #37
    /// RPC Hashtable Structure
    /// (byte)0 -> (int) ViewId (combined from actorNr and actor-unique-id)
    /// (byte)1 -> (short) prefix (level)
    /// (byte)2 -> (int) server timestamp
    /// (byte)3 -> (string) methodname
    /// (byte)4 -> (object[]) parameters
    /// (byte)5 -> (string) method shortcut (alternative to name)
    /// This is sent as event (code: 200) which will contain a sender (origin of this RPC).
    internal void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
        if (this.blockSendingGroups.Contains(view.group))
            return; // Block sending on this group

        if (view.viewID < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Illegal view ID:" + view.viewID + " method: " + methodName + " GO:" + view.gameObject.name);

        if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
            this.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "Sending RPC \"" + methodName + "\" to " + target);

        //ts: changed RPCs to a one-level hashtable as described in internal.txt
        Hashtable rpcEvent = new Hashtable();
        rpcEvent[(byte)0] = (int)view.viewID; // LIMITS NETWORKVIEWS&PLAYERS
        if (view.prefix > 0)
            rpcEvent[(byte)1] = (short)view.prefix;
        rpcEvent[(byte)2] = this.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds;

        // send name or shortcut (if available)
        int shortcut = 0;
        if (rpcShortcuts.TryGetValue(methodName, out shortcut))
            rpcEvent[(byte)5] = (byte)shortcut; // LIMITS RPC COUNT
            rpcEvent[(byte)3] = methodName;

        if (parameters != null || parameters.Length == 0)
            rpcEvent[(byte)4] = (object[])parameters;

        // Check scoping
        if (target == PhotonTargets.All)
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PhotonNetworkMessages.RPC, (byte)view.group, rpcEvent, true, 0);
            // Execute local
            this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.Others)
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PhotonNetworkMessages.RPC, (byte)view.group, rpcEvent, true, 0);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllBuffered)
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PhotonNetworkMessages.RPC, rpcEvent, true, 0, EventCaching.AddToRoomCache, ReceiverGroup.Others);

            // Execute local
            this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered)
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PhotonNetworkMessages.RPC, rpcEvent, true, 0, EventCaching.AddToRoomCache, ReceiverGroup.Others);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
            if (this.mMasterClient == this.mLocalActor)
                this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
                this.OpRaiseEvent(PhotonNetworkMessages.RPC, rpcEvent, true, 0, EventCaching.DoNotCache, ReceiverGroup.MasterClient);//TS: changed from caching to non-cached. this goes to master only
            Debug.LogError("Unsupported target enum: " + target);
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Call a RPC method of this GameObject on remote clients of this room (or on all, inclunding this client).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual) are an essential tool in making multiplayer games with PUN.
 /// It enables you to make every client in a room call a specific method.
 /// RPC calls can target "All" or the "Others".
 /// Usually, the target "All" gets executed locally immediately after sending the RPC.
 /// The "*ViaServer" options send the RPC to the server and execute it on this client when it's sent back.
 /// Of course, calls are affected by this client's lag and that of remote clients.
 /// Each call automatically is routed to the same PhotonView (and GameObject) that was used on the
 /// originating client.
 /// See: [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual).
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="methodName">The name of a fitting method that was has the RPC attribute.</param>
 /// <param name="target">The group of targets and the way the RPC gets sent.</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">The parameters that the RPC method has (must fit this call!).</param>
 public void RPC(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
     PhotonNetwork.RPC(this, methodName, target, false, parameters);
Example #39
    /// RPC Hashtable Structure
    /// (byte)0 -> (int) ViewId (combined from actorNr and actor-unique-id)
    /// (byte)1 -> (short) prefix (level)
    /// (byte)2 -> (int) server timestamp
    /// (byte)3 -> (string) methodname
    /// (byte)4 -> (object[]) parameters
    /// (byte)5 -> (byte) method shortcut (alternative to name)
    /// This is sent as event (code: 200) which will contain a sender (origin of this RPC).

    internal void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
        // Check scoping
        if (target == PhotonTargets.All)
            RPC(view, methodName, PhotonNetwork.playerList, encrypt, parameters);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.Others)
            RPC(view, methodName, PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers, encrypt, parameters);
        else if(target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
            RPC(view, methodName, PhotonNetwork.masterClient, encrypt, parameters);
Example #40
    /// RPC Hashtable Structure
    /// (byte)0 -> (int) ViewId (combined from actorNr and actor-unique-id)
    /// (byte)1 -> (short) prefix (level)
    /// (byte)2 -> (int) server timestamp
    /// (byte)3 -> (string) methodname
    /// (byte)4 -> (object[]) parameters
    /// (byte)5 -> (byte) method shortcut (alternative to name)
    /// This is sent as event (code: 200) which will contain a sender (origin of this RPC).
    internal void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, PhotonPlayer player, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
        if (this.blockSendingGroups.Contains(view.group))
            return; // Block sending on this group

        if (view.viewID < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Illegal view ID:" + view.viewID + " method: " + methodName + " GO:" + view.gameObject.name);

        if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
            Debug.Log("Sending RPC \"" + methodName + "\" to target: " + target + " or player:" + player + ".");

        //ts: changed RPCs to a one-level hashtable as described in internal.txt
        Hashtable rpcEvent = new Hashtable();
        rpcEvent[(byte)0] = (int)view.viewID; // LIMITS NETWORKVIEWS&PLAYERS
        if (view.prefix > 0)
            rpcEvent[(byte)1] = (short)view.prefix;
        rpcEvent[(byte)2] = PhotonNetwork.ServerTimestamp;

        // send name or shortcut (if available)
        int shortcut = 0;
        if (rpcShortcuts.TryGetValue(methodName, out shortcut))
            rpcEvent[(byte)5] = (byte)shortcut; // LIMITS RPC COUNT
            rpcEvent[(byte)3] = methodName;

        if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0)
            rpcEvent[(byte)4] = (object[])parameters;

        // if sent to target player, this overrides the target
        if (player != null)
            if (this.LocalPlayer.ID == player.ID)
                this.ExecuteRpc(rpcEvent, player);
                RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { TargetActors = new int[] { player.ID }, Encrypt = encrypt };
                this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);


        // send to a specific set of players
        if (target == PhotonTargets.All)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group, Encrypt = encrypt };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);

            // Execute local
            this.ExecuteRpc(rpcEvent, this.LocalPlayer);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.Others)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group, Encrypt = encrypt };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllBuffered)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache, Encrypt = encrypt };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);

            // Execute local
            this.ExecuteRpc(rpcEvent, this.LocalPlayer);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache, Encrypt = encrypt };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
            if (this.mMasterClientId == this.LocalPlayer.ID)
                this.ExecuteRpc(rpcEvent, this.LocalPlayer);
                RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { Receivers = ReceiverGroup.MasterClient, Encrypt = encrypt };
                this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllViaServer)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group, Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All, Encrypt = encrypt };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
            if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
                this.ExecuteRpc(rpcEvent, this.LocalPlayer);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllBufferedViaServer)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group, Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All, CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache, Encrypt = encrypt };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
            if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
                this.ExecuteRpc(rpcEvent, this.LocalPlayer);
            Debug.LogError("Unsupported target enum: " + target);
 void resetDoorTime(PhotonTargets ptarget)
     photonView.RPC("resetDoors",ptarget, false);
Example #42
 private void SendChat(PhotonTargets target)
     photonView.RPC("SendChatMessage", target, chatInput);
     chatInput = "";
Example #43
    void SendChat(PhotonTargets target)
        if (chatInput != "")
            //Send to other players
            if (photonView)
            photonView.RPC("SendChatMessage", target, "<"+chatterClass+">: " +chatInput, chatterClass);

            //Send to online database

            //Empty input
            chatInput = "";
Example #44
    /// <summary>
    /// Call a RPC method of this GameObject on remote clients of this room (or on all, inclunding this client).
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual) are an essential tool in making multiplayer games with PUN.
    /// It enables you to make every client in a room call a specific method.
    /// RPC calls can target "All" or the "Others".
    /// Usually, the target "All" gets executed locally immediately after sending the RPC.
    /// The "*ViaServer" options send the RPC to the server and execute it on this client when it's sent back.
    /// Of course, calls are affected by this client's lag and that of remote clients.
    /// Each call automatically is routed to the same PhotonView (and GameObject) that was used on the
    /// originating client.
    /// See: [Remote Procedure Calls](@ref rpcManual).
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="methodName">The name of a fitting method that was has the RPC attribute.</param>
    /// <param name="target">The group of targets and the way the RPC gets sent.</param>
    /// <param name="parameters">The parameters that the RPC method has (must fit this call!).</param>
    public void RPC(string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
		if(PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.hasSwitchedMC && target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
			PhotonNetwork.RPC(this, methodName, PhotonNetwork.masterClient, parameters);
        	PhotonNetwork.RPC(this, methodName, target, parameters);
Example #45
    /// <summary>
    /// Internal to send an RPC on given PhotonView. Do not call this directly but use: PhotonView.RPC!
    /// </summary>
    internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
        if (!VerifyCanUseNetwork())

        if (room == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("RPCs can only be sent in rooms. Call of \"" + methodName + "\" gets executed locally only, if at all.");

        if (networkingPeer != null)
            if (PhotonNetwork.room.serverSideMasterClient)
                networkingPeer.RPC(view, methodName, target, null, encrypt, parameters);
                if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.hasSwitchedMC && target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
                    networkingPeer.RPC(view, methodName, PhotonTargets.Others, PhotonNetwork.masterClient, encrypt, parameters);
                    networkingPeer.RPC(view, methodName, target, null, encrypt, parameters);
            Debug.LogWarning("Could not execute RPC " + methodName + ". Possible scene loading in progress?");
 public static void RpcSecureAsMaster(this PhotonView photonView, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
     RpcManager.SendRpcSecureToMaster(photonView, methodName, target, encrypt, parameters);
Example #47
    /// <summary>
    /// Internal to send an RPC on given PhotonView. Do not call this directly but use: PhotonView.RPC!
    /// </summary>
    internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, bool encrypt, params object[] parameters)
        if (!VerifyCanUseNetwork())

        if (room == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Cannot send RPCs in Lobby! RPC dropped.");

        if (networkingPeer != null)
            if (PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.hasSwitchedMC && target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
                networkingPeer.RPC(view, methodName, PhotonNetwork.masterClient, encrypt, parameters);
                networkingPeer.RPC(view, methodName, target, encrypt, parameters);
            Debug.LogWarning("Could not execute RPC " + methodName + ". Possible scene loading in progress?");
    /// <summary>
    /// Internal to send an RPC on given PhotonView. Do not call this directly but use: PhotonView.RPC!
    /// </summary>
    internal static void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
        if (!VerifyCanUseNetwork())

        if (room == null)
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Cannot send RPCs in Lobby! RPC dropped.");

        if (networkingPeer != null)
            networkingPeer.RPC(view, methodName, target, parameters);
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Could not execute RPC " + methodName + ". Possible scene loading in progress?");
    /// RPC Hashtable Structure
    /// (byte)0 -> (int) ViewId (combined from actorNr and actor-unique-id)
    /// (byte)1 -> (short) prefix (level)
    /// (byte)2 -> (int) server timestamp
    /// (byte)3 -> (string) methodname
    /// (byte)4 -> (object[]) parameters
    /// (byte)5 -> (byte) method shortcut (alternative to name)
    /// This is sent as event (code: 200) which will contain a sender (origin of this RPC).

    internal void RPC(PhotonView view, string methodName, PhotonTargets target, params object[] parameters)
        if (this.blockSendingGroups.Contains(view.group))
            return; // Block sending on this group

        if (view.viewID < 1)
            Debug.LogError("Illegal view ID:" + view.viewID + " method: " + methodName + " GO:" + view.gameObject.name);

        if (PhotonNetwork.logLevel >= PhotonLogLevel.Full)
            Debug.Log("Sending RPC \"" + methodName + "\" to " + target);

        //ts: changed RPCs to a one-level hashtable as described in internal.txt
        Hashtable rpcEvent = new Hashtable();
        rpcEvent[(byte)0] = (int)view.viewID; // LIMITS NETWORKVIEWS&PLAYERS
        if (view.prefix > 0)
            rpcEvent[(byte)1] = (short)view.prefix;
        rpcEvent[(byte)2] = this.ServerTimeInMilliSeconds;

        // send name or shortcut (if available)
        int shortcut = 0;
        if (rpcShortcuts.TryGetValue(methodName, out shortcut))
            rpcEvent[(byte)5] = (byte)shortcut; // LIMITS RPC COUNT
            rpcEvent[(byte)3] = methodName;

        if (parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0)
            rpcEvent[(byte)4] = (object[])parameters;

        // Check scoping
        if (target == PhotonTargets.All)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
            //this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, (byte)view.group, rpcEvent, true, 0);

            // Execute local
            this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.Others)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllBuffered)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache};
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);

            // Execute local
            this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.MasterClient)
            if (this.mMasterClient == this.mLocalActor)
                this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
                RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { Receivers = ReceiverGroup.MasterClient };
                this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllViaServer)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group, Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
            if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
                this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
        else if (target == PhotonTargets.AllBufferedViaServer)
            RaiseEventOptions options = new RaiseEventOptions() { InterestGroup = (byte)view.group, Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All, CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache };
            this.OpRaiseEvent(PunEvent.RPC, rpcEvent, true, options);
            if (PhotonNetwork.offlineMode)
                this.ExecuteRPC(rpcEvent, this.mLocalActor);
            Debug.LogError("Unsupported target enum: " + target);
Example #50
 void sendLiftTime(PhotonTargets ptarget)
     photonView.RPC("updateLiftTime", ptarget, localLiftTime);