Example #1
        public AlbumEntityModel GetAlbum(int id)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                 *  the error with the disposed thingy is because i missed including the user (lazy loading)
                 *  which caused the app to crash, because when i try to access user properties later on, the user
                 *  for an album is not loaded, and the connection is closed by then
                AlbumEntityModel entity = cx.Albums
                                          .Where(a => a.Id == id)
                                          .Include(a => a.Photos)
                                          .Include(a => a.Comments)
                                          .Include(a => a.User)


            //using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
            //    UserEntityModel user = _context.Users
            //        .Where(u => u.Id == IserModelId)
            //        .Include(u => u.Albums
            //            .Select(p => p.Photos
            //            .Select(c => c.Comments))) //neccessary to include the albums
            //        .FirstOrDefault();
            //    return user;
Example #2
 public List <AlbumEntityModel> GetAll()
     using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
        public ActionResult PhotoCreate(PhotoUploadViewModel model, HttpPostedFileBase[] photofiles, AlbumListedViewModel albumidmodel /*albumid*/)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                AlbumEntityModel entity = cx.Albums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == albumidmodel.Id);

                foreach (var file in photofiles)
                    //Create new photo entity foreach file that gets uploaded through the UI
                    PhotoEntityModel uploadedPhoto = new PhotoEntityModel()
                        Name        = model.Name,
                        FileName    = file.FileName,
                        Description = model.Description,

                    //save physical file representation of photo

                    //save class object representation of photo into album we are currently in

                    //persist/save to database

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800);//simulate waiting time

            return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Account"));
Example #4
        public ActionResult AlbumDetails(int id)
            AlbumDetailsViewModel model = null;

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                var entity = cx.Albums
                             .Include(a => a.Photos)
                             .Include(a => a.Comments)
                             .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == id);

                model = new AlbumDetailsViewModel()
                    Id          = entity.Id,
                    Name        = entity.Name,
                    Comments    = entity.Comments,
                    DateCreated = entity.DateCreated,
                    Description = entity.Description,
                    Photos      = entity.Photos,
                    User        = entity.User,

Example #5
        public ActionResult Dashboard()
            #region retrieving the claim values for the currently logged in user (to retrieve him using his/her id)
            ClaimsIdentity currentIdentity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
            string         modelfullname   = (currentIdentity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Name)).ToString();      //not used
            string         modelusername   = (currentIdentity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.GivenName)).ToString(); //not used
            var            modelid         = int.Parse((currentIdentity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)).Value);

            UserDetailsViewModel model = null;

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                UserEntityModel entity = cx.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == modelid);

                #region mapping necessary properties from entitymodel to the viewmodel
                model = new UserDetailsViewModel()
                    Id             = entity.Id,
                    Username       = entity.Username,
                    Fullname       = entity.Fullname,
                    Albums         = entity.Albums,
                    DateRegistered = entity.DateRegistered,
                    Email          = entity.Email,

Example #6
 public AlbumEntityModel Get(int albumId)
     using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
         return(_context.Albums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == albumId));
Example #7
 public UserEntityModel RetrieveLoggedInUser(string username, string password)
     using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == username &&
                                u.Password == password));
Example #8
        public void Add(UserEntityModel userToBeRegistered)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())

Example #9
        public List <PhotoEntityModel> RetrieveAll()
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                List <PhotoEntityModel> allPhotosFromDB = _context.Photos.ToList();

Example #10
        public ActionResult PhotoDeletePartial(int Id)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                //delete photo with mathcing id
                cx.Photos.Remove(cx.Photos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == Id));

            return(RedirectToAction("index", "Home"));
Example #11
        public void NewAlbumComment(int albumid, CommentEntityModel newAlbumComment)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                var albumEntity = _context.Albums.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == albumid);


Example #12
 public PhotoEntityModel GetPhoto(int id)
     using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                .Include(p => p.User)
                .Include(p => p.Album)
                .Include(p => p.Comments)
                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id));
Example #13
 public UserEntityModel GetUser(int IserModelId)
     using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
         UserEntityModel user = _context.Users
                                .Where(u => u.Id == IserModelId)
                                .Include(u => u.Albums
                                         .Select(p => p.Photos
                                                 .Select(c => c.Comments))) //neccessary to include the albums
Example #14
        public List <UserEntityModel> RetrieveAllUsers()
            List <UserEntityModel> entities = new List <UserEntityModel>();

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                entities = cx.Users
                           .Include(u => u.Albums
                                    .Select(a => a.Photos))

Example #15
        public ActionResult PhotoDetails(int Id)
            //todo: retrieve this photos uploader
            #region retrieve photo to show
            PhotoDetailsViewModel model = null;

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                PhotoEntityModel entity = cx.Photos
                                          .Where(p => p.Id == Id)

                ///todo: make this more effective..
                #region retrieve uploader of photoentity
                UserEntityModel photoOwnerEntity = null;
                foreach (var user in cx.Users)
                    foreach (var album in user.Albums)
                        foreach (var photo in album.Photos)
                            if (photo.Id == Id)
                                photoOwnerEntity = user;

                model = new PhotoDetailsViewModel()
                    Id          = entity.Id,
                    Name        = entity.Name,
                    FileName    = entity.FileName,
                    DateCreated = entity.DateCreated,
                    DateChanged = entity.DateChanged,
                    Album       = entity.Album,
                    Comments    = entity.Comments, //due to us already having the model collection initialized in the photodetailsviewmodel class, we only have to transfer the collection VALUES from the entity collection to the model collection.
                    Description = entity.Description,
                    User        = photoOwnerEntity,

Example #16
        public void UpdatePhoto(int id, string photoName, string photoDescription)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                //retrieve photo and update with new info
                PhotoEntityModel entity = cx.Photos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                entity.Name = photoName;

                entity.Description = photoDescription;

                entity.DateChanged = DateTime.Now;

Example #17
        public ActionResult Comment(int id, string txt_comment)
            PhotoDetailsViewModel model = null;

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                // retrieve currently logged in user
                ClaimsIdentity  currentIdentity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
                int             userid          = int.Parse(currentIdentity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value);
                UserEntityModel loggedInEntity  = cx.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userid);

                // initialize new comment entity
                CommentEntityModel commentModel = new CommentEntityModel()
                    DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                    Comment     = txt_comment,
                    Commenter   = loggedInEntity.Username,

                // retrieve the photo entity commented on
                PhotoEntityModel entity = cx.Photos
                                          .Where(p => p.Id == id)



                model = new PhotoDetailsViewModel()
                    Name        = entity.Name,
                    Album       = entity.Album,
                    DateCreated = entity.DateCreated,
                    FileName    = entity.FileName,
                    Description = entity.Description,
                    Id          = entity.Id,
                    User        = loggedInEntity,
                    Comments    = entity.Comments,

             *  note: only updating portion of the page by using partial view (with the NEW model)
            return(PartialView("_PhotoComments", model));
Example #18
        public void RegisterNewUser(string fullname, string username, string password, string email)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                UserEntityModel entity = new UserEntityModel()
                    Fullname = fullname,
                    Username = username,
                    Password = password,
                    Email    = email,


Example #19
        public void CreateAlbum(int userid, string albumName, string albumDescription)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                AlbumEntityModel newEntityAlbum = new AlbumEntityModel()
                    Name        = albumName,
                    Description = albumDescription,

                var userEntity = cx.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userid);


        public ActionResult Login(UserLoginViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var userToLogin = new UserEntityModel();

                #region get user to login
                using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                    userToLogin = cx.Users
                                  .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == model.Username &&
                                                  u.Password == model.Password);

                if (userToLogin != null)
                    #region when user is found, set the necessary userloginviewmodel properties
                    model.Id       = userToLogin.Id;
                    model.Fullname = userToLogin.Fullname;
                    model.Username = userToLogin.Username;
                    model.Password = userToLogin.Password;

                    var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[]
                        //A claim is a statement that one subject makes about itself or another subject.
                        new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, model.Fullname),
                        new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, model.Username),
                        new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, model.Id.ToString()),
                    }, "ApplicationCookie");

                    // IOwinContext wraps OWIN environment dictionary and provides strongly typed accessors.
                    IOwinContext owinCtx = HttpContext.GetOwinContext();

                    // IAuthenticationManager is used to interact with authentication middleware that have been chained in the pipeline.
                    IAuthenticationManager authManager = owinCtx.Authentication;


                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
            return(View());//we stay on the login page if login fails
Example #21
        public void DeletePhoto(int id)
            //using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
            //    PhotoEntityModel photoToBeRemoved = _context.Photos
            //        .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == photo.Id);

            //    _context.Photos.Remove(photoToBeRemoved);

            //    _context.SaveChanges();

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                cx.Photos.Remove(cx.Photos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id));

Example #22
        public ActionResult PhotoEdit(PhotoEditViewModel model, int id)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                //retrieve photo and update with new info
                PhotoEntityModel entity = cx.Photos.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);

                entity.Name = model.Name;

                entity.Description = model.Description;

                entity.DateChanged = DateTime.Now;


            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800);//simulate waiting time

Example #23
        public ActionResult AlbumCreate(AlbumCreateViewModel model)
            ClaimsIdentity currentIdentity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
            int            userid          = int.Parse(currentIdentity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value);

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                AlbumEntityModel newEntityAlbum = new AlbumEntityModel()
                    Name        = model.Name,
                    Description = model.Description,

                var userEntity = cx.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userid);



            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);//simulate waiting time

            return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Account"));
Example #24
        public AlbumEntityModel Add(AlbumEntityModel newAlbum, int userId)
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities _context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                //get the owner of the album
                var albumUser = _context.Users.Where(u => u.Id == userId)

                //set some properties of the new album
                //newAlbum.AlbumId = Guid.NewGuid();
                newAlbum.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
                newAlbum.Photos      = new List <PhotoEntityModel>();
                newAlbum.User        = albumUser;
                newAlbum.Comments    = new List <CommentEntityModel>();

                //add the album to the users albums


Example #25
        private void Seed()
             *  due to us not adding the user,album and comments properties to the instantiation
             *  of the photoentities, we cannot include them later on for the photos when retrieving them
             *  int he photodetails action in contentmanagementcontroller. we have to get the specific
             *  photo by going through the users and their albums, and then the photos.
            #region user 1
            PhotoEntityModel p1 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "event1.jpg",
                Name        = "first event",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            PhotoEntityModel p2 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "event2.jpg",
                Name        = "second event",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            PhotoEntityModel p3 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "event3.jpg",
                Name        = "third event",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",

            AlbumEntityModel a1 = new AlbumEntityModel()
                Name        = "my coding events",
                Description = "coding events that i have attended",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Comments    = new List <CommentEntityModel>(),
                Photos      = new List <PhotoEntityModel>()
                    p1, p2, p3

            UserEntityModel u1 = new UserEntityModel()
                Fullname       = "Ivan Prgomet",
                Username       = "******",
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                Password       = "******",
                DateRegistered = DateTime.Now,
                Albums         = new List <AlbumEntityModel>()

            #region user 2
            PhotoEntityModel p4 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "code1.jpg",
                Name        = "some code",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            AlbumEntityModel a2 = new AlbumEntityModel()
                Name        = "random coding photos",
                Description = "just some coding casual coding photos",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Comments    = new List <CommentEntityModel>(),
                Photos      = new List <PhotoEntityModel>()

            UserEntityModel u2 = new UserEntityModel()
                Fullname       = "lea winchester",
                Username       = "******",
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                Password       = "******",
                DateRegistered = DateTime.Now,
                Albums         = new List <AlbumEntityModel>()

            #region user 3
            PhotoEntityModel p5 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "mockerie1.jpg",
                Name        = "mock one",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            PhotoEntityModel p6 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "mockerie2.jpg",
                Name        = "mock two",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            PhotoEntityModel p7 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "mockerie3.jpg",
                Name        = "mock three",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            PhotoEntityModel p8 = new PhotoEntityModel()
                FileName    = "mockerie4.jpg",
                Name        = "mock four",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "no description",
            AlbumEntityModel a3 = new AlbumEntityModel()
                Name        = "mockups",
                Description = "some of my experimental mockups",
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Comments    = new List <CommentEntityModel>(),
                Photos      = new List <PhotoEntityModel>()
                    p5, p6, p7, p8

            UserEntityModel u3 = new UserEntityModel()
                Fullname       = "jason bourne",
                Username       = "******",
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                Password       = "******",
                DateRegistered = DateTime.Now,
                Albums         = new List <AlbumEntityModel>()
            using (PhotoExplorerEntities context = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                context.Users.AddRange(new List <UserEntityModel> {
                    u1, u2, u3

Example #26
        public ActionResult Details(int Id)
            PhotoDetailsViewModel model = EFMapper.EntityToModel(photoRepo.GetPhoto(Id));

            using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
                foreach (var user in cx.Users)
                    foreach (var album in user.Albums)
                        foreach (var photo in album.Photos)
                            if (photo.Id == Id)
                                model.User = user;

            #region notused
            ////todo: retrieve this photos uploader
            //#region retrieve photo to show
            //PhotoDetailsViewModel model = null;

            //using (PhotoExplorerEntities cx = new PhotoExplorerEntities())
            //    PhotoEntityModel entity = cx.Photos
            //        .Where(p => p.Id == Id)
            //        .FirstOrDefault();

            //    ///todo: make this more effective..
            //    #region retrieve uploader of photoentity
            //    UserEntityModel photoOwnerEntity = null;
            //    foreach (var user in cx.Users)
            //    {
            //        foreach (var album in user.Albums)
            //        {
            //            foreach (var photo in album.Photos)
            //            {
            //                if (photo.Id == Id)
            //                {
            //                    photoOwnerEntity = user;
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    #endregion

            //    model = new PhotoDetailsViewModel()
            //    {
            //        Id = entity.Id,
            //        Name = entity.Name,
            //        FileName = entity.FileName,
            //        DateCreated = entity.DateCreated,
            //        DateChanged = entity.DateChanged,
            //        Album = entity.Album,
            //        Comments = entity.Comments, //due to us already having the model collection initialized in the photodetailsviewmodel class, we only have to transfer the collection VALUES from the entity collection to the model collection.
            //        Description = entity.Description,
            //        User = photoOwnerEntity,
            //    };

            return(View("Details", model));