Example #1
        private void btnXacNhan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string TenBN    = txtTenBN.Text;
            string GT       = txtGioiTinh.Text;
            string NgaySinh = dtpNgaySinh.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            int    SDT      = Convert.ToInt32(txtSDT.Text);
            string Email    = txtEmail.Text;
            string DiaChi   = txtDiaChi.Text;
            string GhiChu   = txtGhiChu.Text;
            string NgayKham = lbNgay.Text;

            string[] formats = { "dd/MM/yyyy", "dd-MMM-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd",
                                 "dd-MM-yyyy", "M/d/yyyy",    "dd MMM yyyy" };
            string   converted = DateTime.ParseExact(NgayKham, formats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            BacSi    bacSi     = new BacSi(-1, lbTenBS.Text, "", -1, -1, -1, "");
            BenhNhan benhNhan  = new BenhNhan(-1, TenBN, GT, NgaySinh, SDT, Email, DiaChi);
            PhieuHen phieuHen  = new PhieuHen(-1, -1, lbThoiGian.Text, GhiChu, converted);

            if (phieuhen.PhieuHen_Insert(bacSi, benhNhan, phieuHen) == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Đặt lịch thành công, chi tiết xem tại mục dành cho bệnh nhân", "Thông báo");
 public bool PhieuHen_Insert(BacSi bacSi, BenhNhan benhNhan, PhieuHen phieuHen)
         string    query  = "BenhNhan_Select N'" + bacSi.TenBS + "',N'" + benhNhan.TenBN + "','" + phieuHen.ThoiGian + "','" + phieuHen.NgayKham + "',N'" + phieuHen.GhiChu + "',N'" + benhNhan.GioiTinh + "','" + benhNhan.NgaySinh + "','" + benhNhan.SDT + "','" + benhNhan.Email + "',N'" + benhNhan.DiaChi + "'";
         DataTable result = DataProvider.Instance.ExecuteQuery(query);
     catch (Exception e)
     { }
        public ActionResult ChiTietPH(int id)
            PhieuHen phieuhen = (from s in db.PhieuHens
                                 orderby s.id_PhieuHen descending
                                 where s.id_PhieuHen == id
                                 select s).SingleOrDefault();

            ViewBag.id_PhieuHen = phieuhen.id_PhieuHen;
            if (phieuhen == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 404;
 public bool PhieuHen_Insert(BacSi bacSi, BenhNhan benhNhan, PhieuHen phieuHen)
     return(phieuhen.PhieuHen_Insert(bacSi, benhNhan, phieuHen));
Example #5
        public ActionResult GetFile(string id, string typeReport)
            byte[] pdf = null;
            SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from DangKyThongTin where Id = 1";
            SqlDataReader abc = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (abc.Read())
                string col = abc["Ho"].ToString();

            string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(
                System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).Replace("file:\\", "");

                string json = "";
                string type = "";
                if (typeReport.Equals("DANG_KY_DU_TUYEN"))
                    type = "DANG_KY_DU_TUYEN";
                    DangKyThongTin dangKyThongTin = new DangKyThongTin();
                    dangKyThongTin.Id                = 0;
                    dangKyThongTin.ViTriDuTuyen      = "ViTriDuTuyen";
                    dangKyThongTin.DonViDuTuyen      = "DonViDuTuyen";
                    dangKyThongTin.HoTen             = "Trần Văn Hậu ABC";
                    dangKyThongTin.NgaySinh          = "24/05/1997";
                    dangKyThongTin.MaDuThi           = "ABC";
                    dangKyThongTin.GioiTinh          = true;
                    dangKyThongTin.DanToc            = "Kinh";
                    dangKyThongTin.TonGiao           = "TC";
                    dangKyThongTin.CMND              = "163363955";
                    dangKyThongTin.NgayCapCMNDString = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    dangKyThongTin.NoiCapCMND        = "NAM DINH";
                    dangKyThongTin.DienThoaiLienHe   = "0123456789";
                    dangKyThongTin.Email             = "*****@*****.**";
                    dangKyThongTin.QueQuan           = "Nam Dinh";
                    dangKyThongTin.HoKhauThuongTru   = "Nam Dinh";
                    dangKyThongTin.ChoOHienNay       = "Ha Dong Ha Noi";
                    dangKyThongTin.SucKhoe           = "Tot";
                    dangKyThongTin.ChieuCao          = "123";
                    dangKyThongTin.CanNang           = "123";
                    dangKyThongTin.BanThanHienNay    = "ABC";
                    dangKyThongTin.TrinhDoVanHoa     = "BCD";
                    dangKyThongTin.TrinhDoChuyenMon  = "BCD";
                    dangKyThongTin.LoaiHinhDaoTao    = "LoaiHinhDaoTao";
                    dangKyThongTin.NgayDangKyString  = ".........., ngày " + DateTime.Now.Day + " tháng " + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();

                    json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dangKyThongTin, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None,
                                                       new JsonSerializerSettings
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
                    type = "PHIEU_HEN";
                    PhieuHen phieuHen = new PhieuHen();
                    phieuHen.id             = 0;
                    phieuHen.MaHoSo         = "ABC";
                    phieuHen.HoVaTen        = "Tran Van Hau";
                    phieuHen.NgaySinh       = "24/05/1997";
                    phieuHen.CMND           = "163363955";
                    phieuHen.DienThoai      = "123456789";
                    phieuHen.Email          = "*****@*****.**";
                    phieuHen.ViTriDuTuyen   = "ViTriDuTuyen";
                    phieuHen.DonViDuTuyen   = "DonViDuTuyen";
                    phieuHen.NgayHenNopHoSo = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                    json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(phieuHen, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None,
                                                       new JsonSerializerSettings
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
                string base64  = Utils.Base64Encode(json);
                var    process = Process.Start(path + "\\pdf\\App.exe", type + " " + base64 + " " + id);
                if (process == null) // failed to start
                    //return InternalServerError();
                else // Started, wait for it to finish
                    pdf = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path + "\\pdf\\" + id + "value.pdf");
            catch (Exception e)

            //return response;
            byte[] byteArray = null;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "\\pdf\\" + id + "value.pdf"))
                byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path + "\\pdf\\" + id + "value.pdf");
                System.IO.File.Delete(path + "\\pdf\\" + id + "value.pdf");
            return(new FileContentResult(byteArray, "application/pdf"));