public void OpenResource(Panel parentPanel, PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { View.View view = new View.View(resource); view.Parent = parentPanel; view.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; viewBinding.Add(resource, new ResourceBinding(parentPanel, view)); try { view.PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName, true); view.PictureWidth.Text = "" + view.PictureBox.Image.Width + " Pixel(s)"; view.PictureHeight.Text = "" + view.PictureBox.Image.Height + " Pixel(s)"; view.PictureDepth.Text = "" + view.PictureBox.Image.PixelFormat.ToString(); if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(resource.DisplayName + " loaded"); } } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { Host.Log("Problem while loading " + resource.DisplayName); } view.RefreshTitle(); view.IsReady = true; }
public void OpenResource(Panel parentPanel, PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { View.View view = new View.View(resource); view.Parent = parentPanel; view.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; ResourceBinding resourceBinding = new ResourceBinding(parentPanel, view); viewBinding.Add(resource, resourceBinding); resourceBinding.View.Document = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (resourceBinding.View.Document is Document.Document) { if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(resource.DisplayName + " loaded"); } } else { Host.Log("Problem while loading " + resource.DisplayName); } view.RefreshUI(); view.RefreshTitle(); view.IsReady = true; }
public void OpenResource(Panel parentPanel, PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { View.View view = new View.View(resource); view.Parent = parentPanel; view.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; viewBinding.Add(resource, new ResourceBinding(parentPanel, view)); bool highLight = false; string language = ""; switch (Host.GetFileInfo(resource).Extension.ToLower()) { case ".s": case ".asm": case ".c": case ".h": case ".cxx": case ".cpp": highLight = true; break; default: highLight = false; break; } if (language.Length != 0) { //view.textEditorControl.ConfigurationManager.Language = language; } if (highLight) { HighlightingManager.Manager.AddSyntaxModeFileProvider(new FileSyntaxModeProvider(Application.StartupPath)); view.textEditorControl.Document.HighlightingStrategy = HighlightingManager.Manager.FindHighlighter("c_z80"); } FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(fileInfo.FullName);; view.textEditorControl.Text = fileContent; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(resource.DisplayName + " loaded"); } view.IsReady = true; if (resource.IsOutputResource) { view.SetReadOnly(true); } view.RefreshTitle(); }
public bool Compile(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!IsResourceSupported(resource)) { return(false); } var compiler = new Phactory.Modules.Cloud.Compiler.CloudCompiler(); Document.Document tempDocument = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (!tempDocument.CompileInternal()) { return(false); } foreach (Document.Item item in tempDocument.Items) { PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resItem = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (resItem == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } FileInfo resFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resItem); string outputFilename = resFileInfo.FullName; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(outputFilename); } string outputFilenameBin = outputFilename + ".bin"; if (!compiler.WriteCloudBitmap(outputFilenameBin, item.CloudMaskData, item.CloudMaskWidth, item.CloudMaskHeight)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool Run(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { PhactoryHost.Database.Resource parentResource = Host.GetResource(resource.IdDependencies[0]); Document.Document document = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(parentResource).FullName); string fileToExecute = ""; foreach (Document.Item item in document.Items) { if (item.ExecAdress != 0) { fileToExecute = item.AmsdosFilename; } } string DSKFilename = Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName; DSKFilename = DSKFilename.Replace(".cpcdsk", ".dsk"); FileInfo DSKFileInfo = new FileInfo(DSKFilename); string WinAPEFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "WinAPE.exe"; string arguments = "\"" + DSKFileInfo.FullName + "\" /A"; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(WinAPEFullPath + " " + arguments); } return(Host.StartAndWaitAfterProcess(WinAPEFullPath, arguments, DSKFileInfo.DirectoryName)); }
public bool Compile(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!IsResourceSupported(resource)) { return(false); } List <String> resourceFilenames = new List <String>(); List <String> paddingFilenames = new List <String>(); List <int> address = new List <int>(); Document.Document document = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (document == null) { return(false); } document.Expand(); foreach (Document.File file in document.Files) { PhactoryHost.Database.Resource iResource = Host.GetResource(file.ResourceID); if (iResource == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + file.ResourceID); return(false); } FileInfo iFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(iResource); resourceFilenames.Add(iFileInfo.FullName); paddingFilenames.Add(file.Pad256 ? "true" : "false"); address.Add((file.SetAddress == false)?0:file.Address); } var compiler = new Phactory.Modules.BigFile.Compiler.BigFileCompiler(); string resourceRelativePathNoExt = resource.RelativePath; resourceRelativePathNoExt = resourceRelativePathNoExt.Replace(".cpcbigfile", ""); App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); string baseFilename = Host.MakeFullPath(resourceRelativePathNoExt); string headerFilename = Host.MakeFullPath(resourceRelativePathNoExt + ".H"); if (!compiler.Compile(baseFilename, headerFilename, resourceFilenames, paddingFilenames, address, document.TruncateFiles, document.FilesInBank, document.BaseAddress)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void OpenResource(Panel parentPanel, PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { View.View view = new View.View(resource); view.Parent = parentPanel; view.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; viewBinding.Add(resource, new ResourceBinding(parentPanel, view)); view.RefreshContent(); view.RefreshTitle(); if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(resource.DisplayName + " loaded"); } view.IsReady = true; }
private void Convert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int successCount = 0; int failCount = 0; _host.Log("Converting " + Files.Items.Count + " file(s)..."); foreach (var item in Files.Items) { if (ConvertDSK(item.ToString())) { successCount++; _host.Log(item.ToString() + " converted"); } else { failCount++; _host.Log("Failed to convert " + item.ToString() + " !"); } } if (failCount == 0) { _host.Log("All file(s) successfully converted."); MessageBox.Show("File(s) successfully converted", "Conversion result", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { _host.Log("Error(s) occured while converting to HFE format !"); MessageBox.Show("Error(s) occured while converting to HFE format !", "Conversion result", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public bool CompileASM(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { if (resource.IdOutputs.Count == 1) { PhactoryHost.Database.Resource outputResource = Host.GetResource(resource.IdOutputs[0]); if (Host.IsResourceReferencedByOtherResources(outputResource).Count == 0) { // simply skip compilation return(true); } } FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } string exeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "Pasmo.exe"; string arguments = "--bin \"" + fileInfo.FullName + "\" \"" + fileInfo.FullName.Replace(".asm", ".bin") + "\""; bool isOK = Host.StartProcess(exeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); if (isOK) { if (Host.GetLastErrorOutput().ToUpper().IndexOf("ERROR") != -1) { isOK = false; Host.Log("\nCompilation failed with '" + resource.DisplayName + "'..\nLog output:\n" + Host.GetLastErrorOutput()); } } return(isOK); }
public bool Compile(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!IsResourceSupported(resource)) { return(false); } bool isOK = true; string DSKFilename = Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName; DSKFilename = DSKFilename.Replace(".cpcdsk", ".dsk"); FileInfo DSKFileInfo = new FileInfo(DSKFilename); Host.Log(new FileInfo(DSKFilename).Name); Document.Document document = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (!(document is Document.Document)) { return(false); } // create empty DSK if (document.TrackLoaderDisc) { App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); if (File.Exists(DSKFilename)) { try { File.Delete(DSKFilename); } catch { Host.Log("Can't delete " + DSKFilename + " - is the file locked by other process ?"); } } try { string discsysExeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "discsys.exe"; var arguments = "-f \"myd\" " + DSKFileInfo.FullName; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(discsysExeFullPath + " " + arguments); } isOK = Host.StartProcess(discsysExeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); } catch { } } else { string dskTemplateFilename = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "Empty.dsk"; if (File.Exists(DSKFilename)) { try { File.Delete(DSKFilename); } catch { Host.Log("Can't delete " + DSKFilename + " - is the file locked by other process ?"); } } try { File.Copy(dskTemplateFilename, DSKFilename); } catch { } } // copy files into DSK if (document.TrackLoaderDisc) { foreach (Document.Item item in document.Items) { PhactoryHost.Database.Resource depResource = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (depResource == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } FileInfo depFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(depResource); if (!item.TrackLoaderItem) { // addhead -a -t "binary" -s 8192 -x 8192 boot.bin boot.bin string addheadExeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "addhead.exe"; string arguments = String.Empty; if (item.ItemType == Document.ItemType.Basic) { arguments = "-a -t \"basic\" "; arguments += "-s " + 368 + " "; arguments += "-x " + 368 + " "; arguments += depFileInfo.FullName + " "; arguments += "\"" + Path.GetTempPath() + item.AmsdosFilename + "\""; } else { arguments = "-a -t \"binary\" "; arguments += "-s " + item.LoadAdress + " "; arguments += "-x " + item.ExecAdress + " "; arguments += depFileInfo.FullName + " "; arguments += "\"" + Path.GetTempPath() + item.AmsdosFilename + "\""; } if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(addheadExeFullPath + " " + arguments); } isOK = Host.StartProcess(addheadExeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); if (isOK) { string cpcxfsExeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "cpcxfs.exe"; var dstCpcXfsExe = Path.GetTempPath() + new FileInfo(cpcxfsExeFullPath).Name; var dstCpmDisksDef = Path.GetTempPath() + "cpmdisks.def"; if (!File.Exists(dstCpcXfsExe)) { File.Copy(cpcxfsExeFullPath, dstCpcXfsExe, true); } if (!File.Exists(dstCpmDisksDef)) { File.Copy(Host.GetPluginsPath() + "cpmdisks.def", dstCpmDisksDef, true); } arguments = "-o MLOD " + DSKFilename + " -f -b -p "; arguments += "\"" + Path.GetTempPath() + item.AmsdosFilename + "\""; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(cpcxfsExeFullPath + " " + arguments); } isOK = Host.StartProcess(cpcxfsExeFullPath, arguments, Path.GetTempPath(), true); var lastErrorOutput = Host.GetLastErrorOutput(); var lastStandardOutput = Host.GetLastStandardOutput(); App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); if (File.Exists(dstCpcXfsExe)) { File.Delete(dstCpcXfsExe); } if (File.Exists(dstCpmDisksDef)) { File.Delete(dstCpmDisksDef); } } if (File.Exists(Path.GetTempPath() + item.AmsdosFilename)) { File.Delete(Path.GetTempPath() + item.AmsdosFilename); } } } int itemCount = 0; var content = String.Empty; foreach (Document.Item item in document.Items) { PhactoryHost.Database.Resource depResource = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (depResource == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } if (item.TrackLoaderItem) { // discsys test.dsk 1 sabotr2.ayc FileInfo depFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(depResource); content += itemCount + " \"" + depFileInfo.FullName + "\"\n"; itemCount++; } } string fileListFilename = Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName; fileListFilename = fileListFilename.Replace(".cpcdsk", ".filelist"); File.WriteAllText(fileListFilename, content); // discsys test.dsk 1 sabotr2.ayc var discsysExeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "discsys.exe"; var disksysArguments = "-l \"" + fileListFilename + "\" \"" + DSKFilename + "\""; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(discsysExeFullPath + " " + disksysArguments); } isOK = Host.StartProcess(discsysExeFullPath, disksysArguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); } else { string exeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "ManageDSK.EXE"; foreach (Document.Item item in document.Items) { App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); PhactoryHost.Database.Resource depResource = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (depResource == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } FileInfo depFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(depResource); string arguments = "-L\"" + DSKFileInfo.FullName + "\" "; arguments += "-I\"" + depFileInfo.FullName + "\""; arguments += "/" + item.AmsdosFilename; if (item.ItemType == Document.ItemType.Basic) { arguments += "/BAS/368"; } else { arguments += "/BIN"; arguments += "/" + item.LoadAdress; arguments += "/" + item.ExecAdress; } arguments += " "; arguments += "-S\"" + DSKFileInfo.FullName + "\""; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(exeFullPath + " " + arguments); } isOK = Host.StartProcess(exeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); if (isOK) { if (Host.GetLastErrorOutput().ToUpper().IndexOf("ERREUR") != -1) { isOK = false; } } if (item.CopyToWinAPEROMFolder) { string romFilename = item.AmsdosFilename; // depFileInfo.Name.Replace(depFileInfo.Extension, ".ROM"); string destROMFilename = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "ROM\\" + romFilename; if (File.Exists(destROMFilename)) { File.Delete(destROMFilename); } File.Copy(depFileInfo.FullName, destROMFilename); App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); } } } if (document.GenerateHFE) { Host.Log(new FileInfo(DSKFilename.Replace(".dsk", ".hfe")).Name); string tempDir = "\\HFE_CONVERT"; App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir); App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); string src = tempDir + "\\" + DSKFileInfo.Name; if (File.Exists(src)) { File.Delete(src); } File.Copy(DSKFileInfo.FullName, src); App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); string hfeConverterFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "flopimage_convert.exe"; string arguments = tempDir + " " + tempDir + " -HFE"; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(hfeConverterFullPath + " " + arguments); } string dst = ""; isOK = Host.StartProcess(hfeConverterFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); if (isOK) { string dskhfe = src.Replace(".dsk", "_dsk.hfe"); dst = DSKFileInfo.FullName.Replace(".dsk", ".hfe"); App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); if (File.Exists(dst)) { File.Delete(dst); } if (File.Exists(dskhfe)) { File.Copy(dskhfe, dst); File.Delete(dskhfe); } File.Delete(src); } App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); if (File.Exists(dst) == false) { isOK = false; } } return(isOK); }
public bool Compile(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!IsResourceSupported(resource)) { return(false); } string CPCBitmapFilename = Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName; FileInfo CPCBitmapFileInfo = new FileInfo(CPCBitmapFilename); Document.Document tempDocument = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (!tempDocument.CompileInternal()) { return(false); } var CPCBitmapFilenamePalette = CPCBitmapFilename + ".palette"; if (WritePalette(tempDocument, CPCBitmapFilenamePalette) == false) { return(false); } var CPCBitmapFilenameFirmwarePalette = CPCBitmapFilename + ".firmwarePalette"; if (WriteFirmwarePalette(tempDocument, CPCBitmapFilenameFirmwarePalette) == false) { return(false); } string destFilenameH = Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName + ".info.h"; var title = resource.DisplayName.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", "") + "H"; var fileContent = String.Empty; fileContent += "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; fileContent += "#ifndef _" + title + "_INFO_H_\n"; fileContent += "#define _" + title + "_INFO_H_\n"; fileContent += "\n"; fileContent += "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; List <Document.Item> items = new List <Document.Item>(); bool isGroup = false; foreach (Document.Item item in tempDocument.Items) { if (item.IsGroupDelimiter) { if (isGroup) { items.Add(item); isGroup = false; } else { isGroup = true; } } if (isGroup) { items.Add(item); } } isGroup = false; int startIndex = -1; List <Document.Item> resolvedItems = new List <Document.Item>(); for (int iItem = 0; iItem < tempDocument.Items.Count; iItem++) { Document.Item item = tempDocument.Items[iItem]; Document.Item prevItem = null; if (item.IsGroupDelimiter) { if (isGroup) { prevItem = tempDocument.Items[iItem - 2]; isGroup = false; } else { isGroup = true; startIndex = iItem; } } if (isGroup) { if (iItem == startIndex) { prevItem = tempDocument.Items[startIndex + items.Count - 1 - 1]; } else if (iItem == (startIndex + 1)) { prevItem = tempDocument.Items[startIndex + items.Count - 1]; } else { prevItem = tempDocument.Items[iItem - 2]; } } resolvedItems.Add(prevItem); } for (int iItem = 0; iItem < tempDocument.Items.Count; iItem++) { App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); Document.Item item = tempDocument.Items[iItem]; PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resItem = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (resItem == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } FileInfo resFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resItem); string outputFilename = resFileInfo.FullName; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(outputFilename); } bool useMask = false; if (item.UseMaskType == Document.UseMaskType.NoMask) { } else if (item.UseMaskType == Document.UseMaskType.ColorMask) { useMask = true; } else if (item.UseMaskType == Document.UseMaskType.BitmapMask) { useMask = true; } var itemResource = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); var itemTitle = itemResource.DisplayName.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", ""); if (item.IsFade) { for (int iTargetItem = 0; iTargetItem < tempDocument.Items.Count; iTargetItem++) { var targetItem = tempDocument.Items[iTargetItem]; if (targetItem.ResourceID == item.MaskFadeResourceID) { var targetItemResource = Host.GetResource(targetItem.ResourceID); string outputFadeFilename = outputFilename + ".fadePalette"; if (!WriteFadePalette(tempDocument, outputFadeFilename, item, targetItem)) { return(false); } break; } } } else if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.FullScreenBitmap) { string outputTopFilename = outputFilename + ".topBin"; string outputBottomFilename = outputFilename + ".bottomBin"; var bitmapCompiler = BitmapCompiler.CreateCompiler(tempDocument.VideoMode); if (!bitmapCompiler.WriteFullscreenBitmap(outputTopFilename, outputBottomFilename, item.IsFullScreenTitle, (byte)item.MaskPenIndex, item.IntermediateImage.Width, item.IntermediateImage.Height, item.IntermediateImage.Data, (byte)tempDocument.StartIndex)) { return(false); } fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_FSBITMAP_HEIGHT " + item.IntermediateImage.Height + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_FSBITMAP_BYTEWIDTH " + item.IntermediateImage.Width / 2 + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_FSBITMAP_SIZE " + (item.IntermediateImage.Height / 2) * (item.IntermediateImage.Width / 2) + "\n"; } else if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.Font) { string outputFontFilename = outputFilename + ".font"; var bitmapCompiler = BitmapCompiler.CreateCompiler(tempDocument.VideoMode); if (!bitmapCompiler.WriteFont(outputFontFilename, item.FontAlignOnCharaterLine, item.FontCharWidthInBytes, item.IntermediateImage.Width, item.IntermediateImage.Height, item.IntermediateImage.Data, (byte)tempDocument.StartIndex)) { return(false); } fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_FONT_HEIGHT " + item.IntermediateImage.Height + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_FONT_BYTEWIDTH " + item.FontCharWidthInBytes + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_FONT_CHARCOUNT " + ((item.IntermediateImage.Width / 4) / item.FontCharWidthInBytes) + "\n"; } else if ( (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteFullScreen) || (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteRawData) || (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteScreenData) || (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteData) || (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteOpcodes) || (item.Type == Document.ItemType.Font)) { string outputSpriteBitplan1Filename = ""; string outputSpriteBitplan2Filename = ""; string outputCloudSpriteBitplan1Filename = ""; int spriteType = 0; if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteRawData) { outputSpriteBitplan1Filename = outputFilename + ".sprRawData1"; outputSpriteBitplan2Filename = outputFilename + ".sprRawData2"; if (item.IsCloudSprite) { outputCloudSpriteBitplan1Filename = outputFilename + ".cloudSprite.sprRawData1"; } spriteType = 0; } else if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteData) { outputSpriteBitplan1Filename = outputFilename + ".sprData1"; outputSpriteBitplan2Filename = outputFilename + ".sprData2"; spriteType = 1; } else if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteScreenData) { outputSpriteBitplan1Filename = outputFilename + ".sprScrData1"; outputSpriteBitplan2Filename = outputFilename + ".sprScrData2"; spriteType = 3; } else if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteOpcodes) { outputSpriteBitplan1Filename = outputFilename + ".sprZ801"; outputSpriteBitplan2Filename = outputFilename + ".sprZ802"; spriteType = 2; } else if (item.Type == Document.ItemType.SpriteFullScreen) { outputSpriteBitplan1Filename = outputFilename + ".sprFullScreen"; outputSpriteBitplan2Filename = String.Empty; spriteType = 4; } int[] diffData = null; if (resolvedItems[iItem] != null) { diffData = resolvedItems[iItem].IntermediateImage.Data; } var bitmapCompiler = BitmapCompiler.CreateCompiler(tempDocument.VideoMode); if (!bitmapCompiler.WriteSprite(outputSpriteBitplan1Filename, outputSpriteBitplan2Filename, item.IntermediateImage.Width, item.IntermediateImage.Height, item.IntermediateImage.Data, item.IntermediateImage.BackgroundData, spriteType, useMask, item.IntermediateImage.MaskData, tempDocument.StartIndex, item.MergePosX, item.MergePosY, item.IsCloudSprite, outputCloudSpriteBitplan1Filename, item.IntermediateImage.CloudData, item.IntermediateImage.CloudWidth, item.IntermediateImage.CloudHeight, diffData )) { return(false); } fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_HEIGHT " + bitmapCompiler.GetLastHeight() + "\n"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputSpriteBitplan2Filename)) { fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_BYTEWIDTH " + bitmapCompiler.GetLastWidthBytesBitplan1() + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_SIZE 0x" + String.Format("{0:X4}", bitmapCompiler.GetLastWidthBytesBitplan1() * bitmapCompiler.GetLastHeight()) + "\n"; } else { fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_BYTEWIDTH1 " + bitmapCompiler.GetLastWidthBytesBitplan1() + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_BYTEWIDTH2 " + bitmapCompiler.GetLastWidthBytesBitplan2() + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_SIZE1 0x" + String.Format("{0:X4}", bitmapCompiler.GetLastWidthBytesBitplan1() * bitmapCompiler.GetLastHeight()) + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_SPR_SIZE2 0x" + String.Format("{0:X4}", bitmapCompiler.GetLastWidthBytesBitplan2() * bitmapCompiler.GetLastHeight()) + "\n"; } if (item.IsMerge) { fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_MERGE_POSX " + item.MergePosX + "\n"; fileContent += "#define " + itemTitle + "_MERGE_POSY " + item.MergePosY + "\n"; } } } fileContent += "\n"; fileContent += "// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; fileContent += "#endif // _" + title + "_INFO_H_"; File.WriteAllText(destFilenameH, fileContent); return(true); }
public bool Compile(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!IsResourceSupported(resource)) { return(false); } bool isOK = true; int totalOriginalSize = 0; int totalPackedSize = 0; Document.Document document = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (document is Document.Document) { switch (document.PackerType) { default: case CPCPacker.Document.PackerType.Exomizer: Host.Log("Using Exomizer..."); break; case CPCPacker.Document.PackerType.BitBuster: Host.Log("Using BitBuster..."); break; } var allTasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (Document.Item item in document.Items) { App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); PhactoryHost.Database.Resource depResource = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (depResource == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } var task = new Task(() => { FileInfo depFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(depResource); //Host.Log(" +" + depResource.DisplayName + "..."); int originalSize = (int)depFileInfo.Length; bool switchedToExomizer = false; bool switchedToRaw = false; string exeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath(); string arguments = ""; var packerType = document.PackerType; switch (packerType) { default: case CPCPacker.Document.PackerType.Exomizer: exeFullPath += "exomizer.exe"; arguments = "raw \"" + depFileInfo.Name + "\" -o \"" + depFileInfo.Name + ".temp.pck\""; isOK = Host.StartProcess(exeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); break; case CPCPacker.Document.PackerType.BitBuster: exeFullPath += "BitBuster.exe"; arguments = "\"" + depFileInfo.Name + "\""; if (File.Exists(depFileInfo.FullName + ".pck")) { File.Delete(depFileInfo.FullName + ".pck"); } isOK = Host.StartProcess(exeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); isOK = File.Exists(depFileInfo.FullName + ".pck"); if (isOK) { // UNCOMMENT THIS BLOCK IF YOU WANT EXOMIZER FALLBACK IN CASE OF PACK FAIL WITH BITBUSTER /* * int packedSize = (int)new FileInfo(depFileInfo.FullName + ".pck").Length; * if (originalSize<packedSize) * { * switchedToExomizer = true; * isOK = false; * }*/ } if (!isOK) { isOK = true; switchedToExomizer = true; packerType = Document.PackerType.Exomizer; exeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "exomizer.exe"; arguments = "raw \"" + depFileInfo.Name + "\" -o \"" + depFileInfo.Name + ".temp.pck\""; isOK = Host.StartProcess(exeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); } break; } if (isOK) { int packedSize = 0; string destFullName = depFileInfo.FullName + ".pck"; switch (packerType) { default: case CPCPacker.Document.PackerType.Exomizer: exeFullPath = Host.GetPluginsPath() + "exoopt.exe"; arguments = depFileInfo.Name + ".temp.pck " + depFileInfo.Name + ".pck"; isOK = Host.StartProcess(exeFullPath, arguments, fileInfo.DirectoryName, true); File.Delete(depFileInfo.FullName + ".temp.pck"); if (isOK) { FileInfo outFileInfo = new FileInfo(destFullName); if (outFileInfo.Exists) { packedSize = (int)outFileInfo.Length; InsertPackerType(destFullName, 0, 0); } } break; case CPCPacker.Document.PackerType.BitBuster: { string result = Host.GetLastErrorOutput(); packedSize = (int)new FileInfo(destFullName).Length; if (packedSize < originalSize) { InsertPackerType(destFullName, 1, 0); } else { switchedToRaw = true; try { File.Copy(depFileInfo.FullName, destFullName, true); } catch { Host.Log(depFileInfo.FullName + " : failed to copy source file !"); } InsertPackerType(destFullName, 2, (uint)originalSize); } } break; } if (isOK) { string logLine = depResource.DisplayName + ".pck (" + originalSize + " => " + packedSize; if (packedSize >= originalSize) { logLine += " bytes, pack failed)"; // isOK = false; isOK = true; } else { logLine += " bytes)"; } if (switchedToExomizer) { logLine += " (switched to Exomizer)"; } else if (switchedToRaw) { logLine += " (switched to raw)"; } Host.Log(" +" + logLine); totalOriginalSize += originalSize; totalPackedSize += packedSize; } } }); allTasks.Add(task); } foreach (var task in allTasks) { task.Start(); Thread.Sleep(20); Application.DoEvents(); } int aliveCount = 0; do { aliveCount = allTasks.Count; foreach (var task in allTasks) { if (task.IsCompleted) { aliveCount--; } else if (task.IsFaulted) { aliveCount--; } } Thread.Sleep(100); Application.DoEvents(); } while (aliveCount != 0); } if (isOK) { //Host.Log(" = " + totalOriginalSize + " => " + totalPackedSize + " bytes"); } return(isOK); }
public bool Compile(PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resource) { FileInfo fileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resource); if (fileInfo == null) { return(false); } if (!IsResourceSupported(resource)) { return(false); } var compiler = new Phactory.Modules.RawBitmap.Compiler.RawCompiler(); Document.Document tempDocument = Host.XMLRead <Document.Document>(Host.GetFileInfo(resource).FullName); if (!tempDocument.CompileInternal()) { return(false); } List <string> outputFilenames = new List <string>(); foreach (Document.Item item in tempDocument.Items) { App.Controller.View.AppDoEvents(); PhactoryHost.Database.Resource resItem = Host.GetResource(item.ResourceID); if (resItem == null) { Host.Log("Unknown resource identifier : " + item.ResourceID); return(false); } FileInfo resFileInfo = Host.GetFileInfo(resItem); string outputFilename = resFileInfo.FullName; if (Host.IsVerboseOutput()) { Host.Log(outputFilename); } Document.ItemType type = item.Type; if (type == CPCRawBitmap.Document.ItemType.Raw) { string outputTopFilename = outputFilename + ".rawBin"; if (!compiler.WriteRawBinFile(outputTopFilename, item.IntermediateImage.Width, item.IntermediateImage.Height, item.IntermediateImage.Data, false)) { return(false); } } else if (type == CPCRawBitmap.Document.ItemType.VerticalRaw) { string outputTopFilename = outputFilename + ".verticalRawBin"; if (!compiler.WriteRawBinFile(outputTopFilename, item.IntermediateImage.Width, item.IntermediateImage.Height, item.IntermediateImage.Data, true)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }