private PetaPoco.Page <HistoryEntry> PageInternal(long page, long itemsPerPage, QueryParameters parameters, BonusCalculationType bonusCalculation) { Debug.Assert(TableExists(SqlTable.WuHistory)); var select = new PetaPoco.Sql(SqlTableCommandDictionary[SqlTable.WuHistory].SelectSql); select.Append(WhereBuilder.Execute(parameters)); GetProduction.BonusCalculation = bonusCalculation; using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var database = new PetaPoco.Database(connection)) { PetaPoco.Page <HistoryEntry> query = database.Page <HistoryEntry>(page, itemsPerPage, select); Debug.Assert(query != null); return(query); } } }
public int ExecuteUpdate(string tableName, string setString, Dictionary <string, object> updateSets, string strWhere, params object[] p) { var sql = new PetaPoco.Sql("UPDATE " + tableName + " SET "); var values = new List <object>(); var list = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setString)) { list.Add(setString); } var n = 0; foreach (var kv in updateSets) { list.Add(string.Format("{0}=@{1} ", kv.Key, n)); n++; values.Add(kv.Value); } sql.Append(string.Join(",", list.ToArray()), values.ToArray()); sql.Where(strWhere, p); return(this.Execute(sql)); }
public JsonResult GetCustomerQueries(DTParameters parameters) { var columnSearch = parameters.Columns.Select(s => s.Search.Value).Take(CustomerColumns.Count()).ToList(); //XMLPath uses nested queries so to avoid that we construct these 4 filters ourselves var sql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"Select distinct c.CustomerQueryID,ServiceId, ServiceName, Email, Phone, Substring(Query,1,100) + '...' as Query, FName, SName, CheckIn, Tdate, ServiceTypeId, NoPax, Qty from CustomerQuery c"); var fromsql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); var wheresql = new PetaPoco.Sql("where c.CustomerQueryID >0"); wheresql.Append($"{GetWhereWithOrClauseFromColumns(CustomerColumns, columnSearch)} Order By CustomerQueryID Desc "); sql.Append(fromsql); sql.Append(wheresql); try { var res = db.Query <CustomerQuery>(sql).Skip(parameters.Start).Take(parameters.Length).ToList(); var dataTableResult = new DTResult <CustomerQuery> { draw = parameters.Draw, data = res, recordsFiltered = 10, recordsTotal = res.Count() }; return(Json(dataTableResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <Todo> GetFilteredTodos(Todo filter) { using (var db = GetDb()) { PetaPoco.Sql sql = new PetaPoco.Sql("SELECT * FROM Todos"); if (filter.userid != null) { sql.Append("WHERE userid=@0", filter.userid); } if (filter.completed != null) { sql.Append("WHERE completed=@0", filter.completed); } if (filter.urgent != null) { sql.Append("WHERE urgent=@0", filter.urgent); } if (filter.title != null) { sql.Append("WHERE title like @0", "%" + filter.title + "%"); } if (filter.tags != null) { sql.Append("WHERE tags like @0", "%" + filter.tags + "%"); } if (filter.content != null) { sql.Append("WHERE content like @0", "%" + filter.content + "%"); } return(db.Fetch <Todo>(sql)); } }
public PagedDataModelCollection <CombinedLogDataModel> CombinedPageLog(int pageSize, int pageNumber, string sortColumn, string sortDirection, Dictionary <string, string> searchDictionary) { using (AsignioDatabase db = new AsignioDatabase(ConnectionStringName)) { try { PetaPoco.Sql sql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); sql.Append("SELECT "); sql.Append("user.EmailAddress, log.UserID, log.TimeStamp, log.LogID, log.Level, log.Message, log.Source, log.Important "); sql.Append("from log "); sql.Append(" INNER JOIN user on user.userID = log.userID "); //a boolean to keep track of whether sql string is at first search clause bool FirstClause = true; string dateString = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in searchDictionary) { string userInput = entry.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInput)) { if (entry.Key == "Important") //only get logs that are marked as important { if (!FirstClause) { sql.Append(string.Format("AND Important != \'\'")); } else { sql.Append(string.Format("WHERE Important != \'\'")); } FirstClause = false; } else if (entry.Key == "TimeStamp") //get logs from one specific date { if (userInput[0] != '\'') { userInput = string.Format("\'{0}\'", userInput); } if (!FirstClause) { sql.Append(string.Format("AND DATE(TimeStamp) = {0} ", userInput)); } else { sql.Append(string.Format("WHERE DATE(TimeStamp) = {0} ", userInput)); } FirstClause = false; } else if (entry.Key == "beginDate") //format date at beginning of range { if (userInput[0] != '\'') { userInput = string.Format("\'{0}\'", userInput); } dateString = string.Format("DATE(TimeStamp) BETWEEN {0} AND ", userInput); } else if (entry.Key == "endDate" && dateString != "") //format date at end of range { if (userInput[0] != '\'') { userInput = string.Format("\'{0}\'", userInput); } if (!FirstClause) { sql.Append(string.Format("AND {0} {1} ", dateString, userInput)); } else { sql.Append(string.Format("WHERE {0} {1} ", dateString, userInput)); } FirstClause = false; } else { if (userInput.Contains("@")) //format email { string[] sections = userInput.Split(new[] { '@' }); sections[1] = sections[1].Insert(0, "@@"); userInput = string.Join("", sections); } string newKey = entry.Key; //formatting for "get logs marked as important by a specific username" if (entry.Key == "UserImportant") { newKey = "Important"; } if (userInput[0] != '\'') { userInput = string.Format("\'%{0}%\'", userInput); } if (!FirstClause) { sql.Append(string.Format("AND {0} LIKE {1} ", newKey, userInput)); } else { sql.Append(string.Format("WHERE {0} LIKE {1} ", newKey, userInput)); } FirstClause = false; } } } sql.Append(string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1}", sortColumn, sortDirection)); PetaPoco.Page <CombinedLogPoco> page = db.Page <CombinedLogPoco>(pageNumber, pageSize, sql); if (page == null) { return(null); } return(new PagedDataModelCollection <CombinedLogDataModel>() { Items = page.Items.Select(s => s.ToModel()), PageNumber = pageNumber, PageSize = pageSize, TotalItems = page.TotalItems, TotalPages = page.TotalPages, SortBy = sortColumn, SortDirection = sortDirection, SearchDictionary = searchDictionary, }); } catch (Exception ex) { string errorMessage = ex.Message; } finally { } } return(null); }
public JsonResult GetPkgList(DTParameters parameters, int sid) { var columnSearch = parameters.Columns.Select(s => s.Search.Value).Take(PackageColumns.Count()).ToList(); //XMLPath uses nested queries so to avoid that we construct these 4 filters ourselves string supname = ""; string geos = ""; string cats = ""; string conts = ""; int daysl = 0; if (columnSearch[2]?.Length > 0) { geos = columnSearch[2]; columnSearch[2] = null; } if (columnSearch[4]?.Length > 0) { cats = columnSearch[4]; columnSearch[4] = null; } if (columnSearch[6]?.Length > 0) { conts = columnSearch[6]; columnSearch[6] = null; } if (columnSearch[5]?.Length > 0) { supname = columnSearch[5]; columnSearch[5] = null; } if (columnSearch[8]?.Length > 0) { int.TryParse(columnSearch[8], out daysl); columnSearch[8] = null; } string sortOrder = parameters.SortOrder.Replace("EndDateStr", "ValidTo"); var sql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"Select distinct p.*,ValidTo, (select max(v.ValidTo) from PackageValidity v where v.ServiceID=p.PackageID) as EndDate " + $"from Package p Left Join PackageValidity v on v.ServiceID=p.PackageID and v.PVId=(select max(PVId) from PackageValidity where PackageId=p.PackageID)"); var fromsql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); var wheresql = new PetaPoco.Sql($" where p.ServiceTypeId={sid} "); if (geos.Length > 0) { fromsql.Append(", Geotree g, package_geotree pg"); wheresql.Append($" and p.packageId=pg.packageId and pg.geotreeid=g.geotreeid and geoname like '%{geos}%'"); } if (cats.Length > 0) { fromsql.Append(", Category c, package_category pc"); wheresql.Append($" and p.packageId=pc.packageId and pc.categoryid=c.categoryid and categoryname like '%{cats}%'"); } if (supname.Length > 0 || conts.Length > 0) { fromsql.Append(", supplier s, package_supplier ps"); wheresql.Append($" and p.packageId=ps.packageId and ps.Supplierid=s.Supplierid "); if (supname.Length > 0) { wheresql.Append($" and Suppliername like '%{supname}%'"); } if (conts.Length > 0) { wheresql.Append($" and ContractNo like '%{conts}%'"); } } if (daysl > 0) { wheresql.Append($" and datediff(day,GETDATE(), v.ValidTo) <{daysl} "); } wheresql.Append($"{GetWhereWithOrClauseFromColumns(PackageColumns, columnSearch)}"); sql.Append(fromsql); sql.Append(wheresql); sql.Append($"order by {sortOrder}"); try { var res = db.Query <PackageDets>(sql).Skip(parameters.Start).Take(parameters.Length).ToList(); res.ForEach(r => { r.GeoName = String.Join(", ", db.Query <string>("Select GeoName from GeoTree g, package_Geotree pg where g.GeoTreeId=pg.GeoTreeid and pg.packageId=@0", r.PackageID)); r.CategoryName = String.Join(", ", db.Query <string>("Select CategoryName from Category g, package_Category pg where g.CategoryId=pg.Categoryid and pg.packageId=@0", r.PackageID)); r.SupplierNames = String.Join(", ", db.Query <string>("Select SupplierName from Supplier g, package_Supplier pg where g.SupplierId=pg.Supplierid and pg.packageId=@0", r.PackageID)); r.SupplierContractNos = String.Join(", ", db.Query <string>("Select ContractNo from package_supplier where packageId=@0", r.PackageID)); }); var dataTableResult = new DTResult <PackageDets> { draw = parameters.Draw, data = res, recordsFiltered = 10, recordsTotal = res.Count() }; return(Json(dataTableResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private PetaPoco.Page<HistoryEntry> PageInternal(long page, long itemsPerPage, QueryParameters parameters, BonusCalculationType bonusCalculation) { Debug.Assert(TableExists(SqlTable.WuHistory)); var select = new PetaPoco.Sql(SqlTableCommandDictionary[SqlTable.WuHistory].SelectSql); select.Append(WhereBuilder.Execute(parameters)); GetProduction.BonusCalculation = bonusCalculation; using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var database = new PetaPoco.Database(connection)) { PetaPoco.Page<HistoryEntry> query = database.Page<HistoryEntry>(page, itemsPerPage, select); Debug.Assert(query != null); return query; } } }
private IList<HistoryEntry> FetchInternal(QueryParameters parameters, BonusCalculationType bonusCalculation) { Debug.Assert(TableExists(SqlTable.WuHistory)); var select = new PetaPoco.Sql(SqlTableCommandDictionary[SqlTable.WuHistory].SelectSql); select.Append(WhereBuilder.Execute(parameters)); GetProduction.BonusCalculation = bonusCalculation; using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (var database = new PetaPoco.Database(connection)) { List<HistoryEntry> query = database.Fetch<HistoryEntry>(select); return query; } } }
public ActionResult PackagesPartialView(ServiceTypeEnum?st, IEnumerable <int> CatID, IEnumerable <int> ActID, int?Gsize, int?diff, int?dur, int?GuideLanguageID, IEnumerable <int> AttractID, IEnumerable <int> FacilityID, decimal?maxPrice, decimal?minPrice, int?NoPax, int?large, int?small, int?hasAc, int?HasCarrier, IEnumerable <int> DestIds, int?IsBike) { string Dests = ""; if (DestIds != null) { Dests = string.Join(",", DestIds.ToArray()); } PetaPoco.Sql MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); PetaPoco.Sql FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); PetaPoco.Sql WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); = st; if (st == ServiceTypeEnum.Accomodation) { ViewBag.ServiceTitle = "Accomodations"; MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(" Select Count(rv.ReviewID) as TotalReview,Avg(rv.Value) as AvgReview,a.AccomodationID as ServiceId,@0 as ServiceTypeId, " + "a.AccomName as ServiceName, substring(a.Description, 0, 100) + '...' as ServiceDescription," + "g.geoName as ServiceGeoName, min(pr.price) as price ", (int)ServiceTypeEnum.Accomodation); FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("from Accomodation a left join Review rv on rv.ServiceID = a.AccomodationID " + $"left join GeoTree g on a.geoTreeId = g.GeoTreeId and a.GeoTreeID in (SELECT GeoTreeID FROM STRING_SPLIT('{Dests}', ',') CROSS APPLY dbo.GetChildGeos(value))" + "left join Prices pr on pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices where a.AccomodationID = Prices.ServiceID and Prices.WEF < GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) " + "left join OptionType ot on ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID " + "left join Facility_Accomodation fa on a.AccomodationID = fa.AccomodationID " + "left join Facility f on f.FacilityID = fa.FacilityID "); WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"where ot.ServiceTypeID=@0 ", ServiceTypeEnum.Accomodation); if (maxPrice != null && minPrice != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and Price Between @0 and @1", minPrice, maxPrice); } if (FacilityID != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and fa.FacilityID in (@0)", FacilityID.ToArray()); } MainSql.Append(FromSql); MainSql.Append(WhereSql); MainSql.Append(" Group by a.AccomodationID, a.AccomName, [Description], g.geoName "); var accom = db.Query <AccomodationDets>(MainSql); accom = accom.OrderBy(a => a.AccomName); } if (st == ServiceTypeEnum.CarBike) { ViewBag.ServiceTitle = "Car And Bikes Rental"; MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("Select Count(rv.ReviewID) as TotalReview,Avg(rv.Value) as AvgReview,[CarBikeID] as ServiceId, [CarBikeName] as ServiceName,@0 as ServiceTypeId, g.geoName as ServiceGeoName, " + "substring(description, 0, 100) + '...' as ServiceDescription, min(pr.price) as price ", (int)ServiceTypeEnum.CarBike); FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("From CarBike c left join Review rv on rv.ServiceID = c.CarBikeID " + "left join GeoTree g on c.geoTreeId=c.GeoTreeId " + "left join Prices pr on pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices where c.CarBikeID = Prices.ServiceID " + "and Prices.WEF < GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) " + "left join OptionType ot on ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID "); WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"where ot.ServiceTypeID=@0 and c.GeoTreeID in (SELECT GeoTreeID " + $"FROM STRING_SPLIT('{Dests}', ',') CROSS APPLY dbo.GetChildGeos(value)) ", ServiceTypeEnum.CarBike); if (maxPrice != null && minPrice != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and Price Between @0 and @1 ", minPrice, maxPrice); } if (NoPax != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and c.NoPax<=@0", NoPax); } if (large != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and c.NoLargeBags<=@0", large); } if (small != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and c.NoSmallBags<=@0", small); } if (hasAc != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and c.HasAc=@0", hasAc); } if (HasCarrier != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and c.Hascarrier=@0", HasCarrier); } if (IsBike != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and c.IsBike=@0", IsBike); } MainSql.Append(FromSql); MainSql.Append(WhereSql); MainSql.Append(" Group by c.CarBikeID, c.CarBikeName, [Description], g.geoName "); } if (st == ServiceTypeEnum.Packages || st == ServiceTypeEnum.SightSeeing || st == ServiceTypeEnum.Cruise) { ViewBag.ServiceTitle = "Our Best Tours And Excursions"; MainSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("Select Count(rv.ReviewID) as TotalReview,Avg(rv.Value) as AvgReview," + " pv.PackageID as ServiceId,pv.ServiceTypeID ,pv.PackageName as ServiceName, " + "substring(pv.Description, 0, 100) + '...' as ServiceDescription, min(coalesce(pr.price, 0)) as price "); FromSql = new PetaPoco.Sql("from Package pv left join Review rv on rv.ServiceID = pv.PackageID " + "left join Prices pr on pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices " + "where pv.PackageID = Prices.ServiceID and Prices.WEF < GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) " + "left join OptionType ot on ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID " + "left join Package_Category pc on pc.PackageID = pv.PackageID " + "left join Category c on c.CategoryID = pc.CategoryID " + "left join Package_Activity pa on pa.PackageID = pv.PackageID " + "left join Activity a on a.ActivityID = pa.ActivityID " + "left join Package_Attraction pat on pat.PackageID = pv.PackageID " + "left join Attraaction at on at.AttractionID = pat.AttractionID " + "left join Package_Language pl on pl.PackageId = pv.PackageID " + "left join GuideLanguage gl on gl.GuideLanguageID = pl.GuideLanguageId " + "left join Package_GeoTree pg on pg.PackageID = pv.PackageID"); WhereSql = new PetaPoco.Sql(" where pv.ServiceTypeID=@0", (int)st); //WhereSql.Append(" and p.PackageID = pr.ServiceID and ot.OptionTypeID = pr.OptionTypeID and pr.PriceID = (select top 1 PriceID from Prices where p.PackageID = Prices.ServiceID and ot.OptionTypeID = Prices.OptionTypeID and Prices.WEF<GetDate() order by Prices.WEF desc) "); if (maxPrice != null && minPrice != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and Price Between @0 and @1 ", minPrice, maxPrice); } if (CatID != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pc.CategoryID in (@0)", CatID.ToArray()); } if (ActID != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pa.ActivityID in (@0)", ActID.ToArray()); } if (AttractID != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pat.AttractionID in (@0)", AttractID.ToArray()); } if (Gsize != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pv.GroupSize <= @0", Gsize); } if (diff != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pv.Dificulty <= @0", diff); } if (dur != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pv.Duration <= @0", dur); } if (GuideLanguageID != null) { WhereSql.Append(" and pl.GuideLanguageId =@0 ", GuideLanguageID); } //Filter for destination WhereSql.Append($" and pg.GeoTreeId in (SELECT GeoTreeID FROM STRING_SPLIT('{Dests}', ',') CROSS APPLY dbo.GetChildGeos(value))"); MainSql.Append(FromSql); MainSql.Append(WhereSql); MainSql.Append(" Group by pv.PackageID, pv.ServiceTypeID,pv.PackageName, pv.[Description] "); } MainSql.Append(" order by min(pr.price)"); var apc = db.Fetch <AccomPackCarBike>(MainSql); foreach (var i in apc) { i.ServicePic = db.FirstOrDefault <PictureDets>("Select Top 1 * From Picture Where ServiceID=@0 and ServiceTypeID=@1", i.ServiceID, i.ServiceTypeID)?.PictureName ?? ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.ServiceGeoName)) { i.ServiceGeoName = db.First <string>("Select GeoName From GeoTree g,Package_GeoTree pg where pg.PackageID=@0 and g.GeoTreeID = pg.GeoTreeID", i.ServiceID); } i.Attributes = db.Fetch <Attribute>("Select * from Attribute a, Package_attribute pa where a.attributeID=pa.attributeID and pa.packageID=@0 and pa.serviceTypeId=@1", i.ServiceID, i.ServiceTypeID); i.Icons = db.Fetch <string>("select IconPath from Icons where ServiceId=@0 and ServiceTypeId=@1", i.ServiceID, i.ServiceTypeID); } return(PartialView(apc)); }
public ActionResult DReciept(string DriverName, bool?IsSearch, decimal?OA, int?id, decimal?ManAmt, int?SRID, decimal?TotalAmt, int?check) { ViewBag.Type = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AmtType)).Cast <AmtType>().Select(v => new SelectListItem { Text = v.ToString(), Value = ((int)v).ToString() }).ToList(); decimal usedAmt = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(sum(Amount),0) From DRP_SR Where DRPDID =@0", id) ?? 0; decimal ActualOA = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(sum(Cost),0) From SRdetails Where SRID =@0", SRID) ?? 0; if (SRID != null) { usedAmt += ManAmt ?? OA ?? 0; if (OA != null || ManAmt != null) { if (OA <= TotalAmt || ManAmt <= TotalAmt) { if (ManAmt == null) { ManAmt = 0; } if ((ManAmt < OA && usedAmt <= TotalAmt) || (OA <= TotalAmt && ManAmt <= TotalAmt && usedAmt <= TotalAmt && ManAmt <= OA)) { var PExist = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(Amount,0) From DRP_SR Where DRPDID =@0 and SRID = @1", id, SRID) ?? 0; if (PExist != 0) //if there is an existing DRP-SR for this booking update it { if (ManAmt <= OA && OA <= TotalAmt && PExist < (OA + ActualOA)) { db.Execute("Delete from DRP_SR Where SRID=@0 and DRPDID =@1", SRID, id); } } if (ManAmt <= OA || (PExist < (OA + ActualOA) && OA <= TotalAmt)) { if (ManAmt == 0) { ManAmt = null; } ManAmt += PExist; OA += PExist; db.Insert(new DRP_SR { SRID = (int)SRID, DRPDID = (int)id, Amount = ManAmt ?? OA }); if (usedAmt == TotalAmt) { db.Execute("Update DRPDets set AmtUsed=@0 where DRPDID=@1", true, id); } } } } } } var NPbkngs = new PetaPoco.Sql($"select sd.SRID,sr.BookingNo,d.DriverID,d.DriverName as UserName,PayTo,sum(SellPrice) as SellPrice ,sum(SellPrice-Cost) as OA," + $"(select coalesce (sum(Amount),0) from DRP_SR where SRID = sd.SRID ) as PaidAmt " + $"from SRdetails sd inner join ServiceRequest sr on sd.SRID=sr.SRID inner join Driver d on d.DriverID=sd.DriverID where "); if (check == 1) { NPbkngs.Append($" lower(PayTo) like '%us%' "); } else { NPbkngs.Append($" lower(PayTo) like '%driver%' "); } if (DriverName != null) { NPbkngs.Append($" and LOWER(d.DriverName) like '%{DriverName.ToLower()}%'"); } NPbkngs.Append(" group by d.DriverID,d.DriverName,PayTo,sd.SRID, sr.BookingNo"); var bkngs = db.Query <SRBooking>(NPbkngs).Where(a => a.OA > 0).ToList(); ViewBag.UnUsedP = db.Fetch <RPDetails>("Select rp.CDate as [Date], rp.DRPDID,rp.Amount,rp.Type,(Select Coalesce(Sum(Amount),0) from DRP_SR Where DRPDID = rp.DRPDID) as UnUsedAmt from DRPdets rp where AmtUsed is Null and IsPayment = @0", check); decimal getT = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Amount from DRPDets Where DRPDID=@0", id) ?? 0; ViewBag.TotAmt = getT - usedAmt; ViewBag.Bookings = bkngs; if (IsSearch == true) { ViewBag.DReciepts = "true"; ViewBag.check = check; ViewBag.DRPDID = id; return(PartialView("_SearchBooking")); } var p = ""; if (check == 1) { p = "DriverP"; } else { p = "DriverR"; } return(View(p, base.BaseCreateEdit <DRPdet>(id, "DRPDID"))); }
public ActionResult Reciept(string CustName, string AgentName, bool?IsSearch, decimal?OA, int?id, decimal?ManAmt, int?SRID, decimal?TotalAmt) { ViewBag.Type = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AmtType)).Cast <AmtType>().Select(v => new SelectListItem { Text = v.ToString(), Value = ((int)v).ToString() }).ToList(); decimal usedAmt = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(sum(Amount),0) From RP_SR Where RPDID =@0", id) ?? 0; decimal ActualOA = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(sum(SellPrice),0) From SRdetails Where SRID =@0", SRID) ?? 0; if (SRID != null) { usedAmt += ManAmt ?? OA ?? 0; if (OA != null || ManAmt != null) { if (OA <= TotalAmt || ManAmt <= TotalAmt) { if (ManAmt == null) { ManAmt = 0; } if ((ManAmt < OA && usedAmt <= TotalAmt) || (OA <= TotalAmt && ManAmt <= TotalAmt && usedAmt <= TotalAmt && ManAmt <= OA)) { var PExist = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(Amount,0) From RP_SR Where RPDID =@0 and SRID = @1", id, SRID) ?? 0; if (PExist != 0) { if (ManAmt <= OA && PExist < (OA + ActualOA)) { db.Execute("Delete from RP_SR Where SRID=@0 and RPDID =@1", SRID, id); } } if (ManAmt <= OA || (PExist < (OA + ActualOA) && OA <= TotalAmt)) { if (ManAmt == 0) { ManAmt = null; } ManAmt += PExist; OA += PExist; db.Insert(new RP_SR { SRID = (int)SRID, RPDID = (int)id, Amount = ManAmt ?? OA }); if (usedAmt == TotalAmt) { db.Execute("Update RPDets set AmtUsed=@0 where RPDID=@1", true, id); } int pid = 0; if (OA != null || OA == ManAmt) { pid = (int)PayType.Full_Paid; } if (ManAmt != null && (ManAmt <= (OA + PExist)) && OA != ManAmt) { pid = (int)PayType.Part_Paid; } if (pid == (int)PayType.Full_Paid) { db.Execute("Update ServiceRequest set PayStatusID =@0, SRStatusID = @1 Where SRID = @2 ", pid, (int)SRStatusEnum.Confirmed, SRID); } else { db.Execute("Update ServiceRequest set PayStatusID =@0 Where SRID = @1 ", pid, SRID); } } } } } } var NPbkngs = new PetaPoco.Sql($"Select distinct sr.SRID,sr.BookingNo, CONCAT(c.FName,' ' ,c.SName) as cName,anu.UserName," + "(select Coalesce(sum(SellPrice),0) From SRdetails Where SRID =sr.SRID) as OA ," + "(Select Coalesce(Sum(Amount),0) from RP_SR rs Where SRID=sr.SRID) as PaidAmt " + "from ServiceRequest sr left join AspNetUsers anu on anu.Id = sr.AgentID left join Customer c on c.CustomerID =sr.CustID " + $"Where sr.PayStatusID in ({(int)PayType.Not_Paid},{(int)PayType.Part_Paid})"); if (CustName?.Length > 0) { NPbkngs.Append($" and LOWER(CONCAT(c.FName,' ' ,c.SName)) like '%{CustName.ToLower()}%'"); } if (AgentName?.Length > 0) { NPbkngs.Append($" and LOWER(anu.UserName) like '%{AgentName}%'"); } NPbkngs.Append(" order by sr.BookingNo desc"); var bkngs = db.Query <SRBooking>(NPbkngs).Where(a => a.OA > 0).ToList(); ViewBag.UnUsedP = db.Fetch <RPDetails>("Select rp.RPDID,rp.Amount,rp.Type,(Select Coalesce(Sum(Amount),0) from RP_SR Where RPDID = rp.RPDID) as UnUsedAmt from RPdets rp where AmtUsed is Null and IsPayment = @0", false); decimal getT = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Amount from RPDets Where RPDID=@0", id) ?? 0; ViewBag.TotAmt = getT - usedAmt; ViewBag.Bookings = bkngs; if (IsSearch == true) { ViewBag.Reciepts = "true"; ViewBag.RPDID = id; return(PartialView("_SearchBooking")); } return(View(base.BaseCreateEdit <RPdet>(id, "RPDID"))); }
public ActionResult Payment(int?SupplierID, bool?IsSearch, decimal?OA, int?id, decimal?ManAmt, int?SRID, int?SRDID, decimal?TotalAmt) { ViewBag.Type = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AmtType)).Cast <AmtType>().Select(v => new SelectListItem { Text = v.ToString(), Value = ((int)v).ToString() }).ToList(); decimal usedAmt = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(sum(Amount),0) From RP_SR Where RPDID =@0", id) ?? 0; decimal ActualOA = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(sum(Cost),0) From SRdetails Where SRID =@0", SRID) ?? 0; if (SRID != null) { usedAmt += ManAmt ?? OA ?? 0; if (OA != null || ManAmt != null) { if (OA <= TotalAmt || ManAmt <= TotalAmt) { if (ManAmt == null) { ManAmt = 0; } if ((ManAmt < OA && usedAmt <= TotalAmt) || (OA <= TotalAmt && ManAmt <= TotalAmt && usedAmt <= TotalAmt && ManAmt <= OA)) { var PExist = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Coalesce(Amount,0) From RP_SR Where RPDID =@0 and SRID = @1", id, SRID) ?? 0; if (PExist != 0) { if (ManAmt <= OA && PExist < (OA + ActualOA)) { db.Execute("Delete from RP_SR Where SRID=@0 and RPDID =@1", SRID, id); } } if (ManAmt <= OA || (PExist < (OA + ActualOA) && OA <= TotalAmt)) { if (ManAmt == 0) { ManAmt = null; } ManAmt += PExist; OA += PExist; db.Insert(new RP_SR { SRID = (int)SRID, RPDID = (int)id, Amount = ManAmt ?? OA, SRDID = SupplierID }); if (usedAmt == TotalAmt) { db.Execute("Update RPDets set AmtUsed=@0 where RPDID=@1", true, id); } /* int pid = 0; * if (OA != null || OA == ManAmt) * { * pid = (int)PayType.Full_Paid; * } * if (ManAmt != null && (ManAmt <= (OA + PExist)) && OA != ManAmt) * { * pid = (int)PayType.Part_Paid; * } * * * db.Execute("Update ServiceRequest set PayStatusID =@0 Where SRID = @1 ", pid, SRID);*/ } } } } } var NPbkngs = new PetaPoco.Sql("Select sr.BookingNo, (select sum(Amount) from RP_SR where SRID=sd.SRID and SRDID=sd.SupplierID) as PaidAmt,sd.SRID,sd.SupplierID," + "s.SupplierName as UserName,Sum(sd.Cost) as OA From SRdetails sd inner join Supplier s on s.SupplierID=sd.SupplierID inner join ServiceRequest sr on sr.SRID =sd.SRID " + "Where sd.SupplierID is not null and sr.PayStatusID <>@0", PayType.Cancelled); if (SupplierID != null) { NPbkngs.Append($" and sd.SupplierID = {SupplierID}"); } NPbkngs.Append(" Group By sr.BookingNo,sd.SupplierID,sd.SRID,s.SupplierName"); var bkngs = db.Query <SRBooking>(NPbkngs).Where(a => a.OA > 0).ToList(); ViewBag.UnUsedP = db.Fetch <RPDetails>("Select rp.RPDID,rp.Amount,rp.Type,(Select Coalesce(Sum(Amount),0) from RP_SR Where RPDID = rp.RPDID) as UnUsedAmt from RPdets rp where AmtUsed is Null and IsPayment =@0", true); decimal getT = db.ExecuteScalar <decimal?>("Select Amount from RPDets Where RPDID=@0", id) ?? 0; ViewBag.TotAmt = getT - usedAmt; ViewBag.Bookings = bkngs; if (IsSearch == true) { ViewBag.Payments = "true"; ViewBag.RPDID = id; return(PartialView("_SearchBooking")); } return(View(base.BaseCreateEdit <RPdet>(id, "RPDID"))); }
public JsonResult GetAccomList(DTParameters parameters) { var columnSearch = parameters.Columns.Select(s => s.Search.Value).Take(AccomColumns.Count()).ToList(); //XMLPath uses nested queries so to avoid that we construct these 4 filters ourselves string geos = ""; string fac = ""; if (columnSearch[2]?.Length > 0) { geos = columnSearch[2]; columnSearch[2] = null; } if (columnSearch[4]?.Length > 0) { fac = columnSearch[4]; columnSearch[4] = null; } var sql = new PetaPoco.Sql($"Select distinct a.*,Substring(Description,1,100) as Description from Accomodation a"); var fromsql = new PetaPoco.Sql(); var wheresql = new PetaPoco.Sql("where a.AccomodationID >0 "); if (geos.Length > 0) { fromsql.Append(", Geotree g"); wheresql.Append($"and g.GeoTreeID=a.GeoTreeID and geoname like '%{geos}%'"); } if (fac.Length > 0) { fromsql.Append(", Facility f,Facility_Accomodation fa"); wheresql.Append($" and f.FacilityID=fa.FacilityID and a.AccomodationID = fa.AccomodationID and FacilityName like '%{fac}%'"); } wheresql.Append($"{GetWhereWithOrClauseFromColumns(AccomColumns, columnSearch)}"); sql.Append(fromsql); sql.Append(wheresql); try { var res = db.Query <AccomodationDets>(sql).Skip(parameters.Start).Take(parameters.Length).ToList(); res.ForEach(r => { r.GeoName = String.Join(", ", db.Query <string>("Select GeoName from GeoTree where GeoTreeID=@0", r.GeoTreeID)); r.FacilityName = String.Join(", ", db.Query <string>("Select FacilityName from Facility f, Facility_Accomodation fa where f.FacilityID=fa.FacilityID and fa.AccomodationID=@0", r.AccomodationID)); }); var dataTableResult = new DTResult <AccomodationDets> { draw = parameters.Draw, data = res, recordsFiltered = 10, recordsTotal = res.Count() }; return(Json(dataTableResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Append_GivenSimpleStrings() { _sql.Append("LINE 1"); _sql.Append("LINE 2"); _sql.Append("LINE 3"); Assert.Equal("LINE 1\r\nLINE 2\r\nLINE 3", _sql.SQL); Assert.Empty(_sql.Arguments); }
internal static PetaPoco.Sql Append(this PetaPoco.Sql sql, WorkUnitQuery query) { return(sql.Append(query.ToSql())); }