public void Dispose() { if (_database != null) { _database.Dispose(); _database = null; } }
public static PetaPoco.Database GetDatabase(bool ValidateDatabase = true) { dbMutex.WaitOne(); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(DbFile)) CreateDatabase(DbFile); try { var db = new PetaPoco.Database(@"Data Source={0};Version=3;".FormatStr(DbFile), "System.Data.SQLite"); if (ValidateDatabase) { int version = 0; try { version = db.ExecuteScalar<int>("select databaseversion from [version]"); #if(DEBUG) if (version != Globals.DB_VERSION) { db.Dispose(); // recreate db System.IO.File.Delete(DbFile); CreateDatabase(DbFile); db = new PetaPoco.Database(@"Data Source={0};Version=3;".FormatStr(DbFile), "System.Data.SQLite"); } #endif } catch (Exception) { throw new SetupException(); } } return db; } finally { dbMutex.ReleaseMutex(); } }
public SettingsProvider(string scope) { _currentSettings = new Hashtable(); _scopelessSettings = new Hashtable(); string p = System.IO.Path.Combine(new string[] { System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "GAPP" }); if (!Directory.Exists(p)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(p); } string fn = System.IO.Path.Combine(p, "settings.db3"); //create backup first List<string> availableBackups = new List<string>(); if (File.Exists(fn)) { File.Copy(fn, string.Format("{0}.{1}.bak", fn, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); //keep maximum of X backups availableBackups = Directory.GetFiles(p, "settings.db3.*.bak").OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); while (availableBackups.Count > 20) { File.Delete(availableBackups[0]); availableBackups.RemoveAt(0); } } bool dbOK; bool backupUsed = false; do { try { _database = new PetaPoco.Database(string.Format("data source=file:{0}", fn), Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient.SqliteClientFactory.Instance); dbOK = _database.ExecuteScalar<string>("PRAGMA integrity_check") == "ok"; //if (availableBackups.Count > 2) dbOK = false; //test } catch { dbOK = false; } if (!dbOK) { backupUsed = true; try { _database.Dispose(); } catch { } _database = null; //delete settings and move to latest File.Delete(fn); if (availableBackups.Count > 0) { File.Move(availableBackups[availableBackups.Count - 1], fn); availableBackups.RemoveAt(availableBackups.Count - 1); } } } while (!dbOK); if (backupUsed) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The settings file was corrupt and a backup file is restored.", "Settings"); } if (!TableExists("Settings")) { _database.Execute("create table 'Settings' (Name text, Value text)"); _database.Execute("insert into Settings (Name, Value) values ('Scope', 'default')"); } if (!TableExists("SettingsScope")) { _database.Execute("create table 'SettingsScope' (ID integer primary key autoincrement, Name text)"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope)) { scope = _database.ExecuteScalar<string>("select Value from Settings where Name=@0", "Scope"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope)) { scope = "default"; } } _scope = _database.FirstOrDefault<SettingsScope>("where Name=@0", scope); if (_scope == null) { _scope = new SettingsScope(); _scope.Name = scope; _database.Save(_scope); } if (!TableExists(string.Format("Settings_{0}",_scope.ID))) { _database.Execute(string.Format("create table 'Settings_{0}' (Name text, Value text)", _scope.ID)); } var settings = _database.Fetch<Setting>(string.Format("select * from Settings_{0}", _scope.ID)); foreach (var s in settings) { _currentSettings.Add(s.Name, s.Value); } var scopelesssettings = _database.Fetch<Setting>("select * from Settings"); foreach (var s in scopelesssettings) { _scopelessSettings.Add(s.Name, s.Value); } }
public SettingsProvider(string scope) { _currentSettings = new Hashtable(); _scopelessSettings = new Hashtable(); string p = System.IO.Path.Combine(new string[] { System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), "GAPP" }); if (!Directory.Exists(p)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(p); } string fn = System.IO.Path.Combine(p, "settings.db3"); //create backup first List <string> availableBackups = new List <string>(); if (File.Exists(fn)) { File.Copy(fn, string.Format("{0}.{1}.bak", fn, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); //keep maximum of X backups availableBackups = Directory.GetFiles(p, "settings.db3.*.bak").OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); while (availableBackups.Count > 20) { File.Delete(availableBackups[0]); availableBackups.RemoveAt(0); } } bool dbOK; bool backupUsed = false; do { try { _database = new PetaPoco.Database(string.Format("data source=file:{0}", fn), Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient.SqliteClientFactory.Instance); dbOK = _database.ExecuteScalar <string>("PRAGMA integrity_check") == "ok"; //if (availableBackups.Count > 2) dbOK = false; //test } catch { dbOK = false; } if (!dbOK) { backupUsed = true; try { _database.Dispose(); } catch { } _database = null; //delete settings and move to latest File.Delete(fn); if (availableBackups.Count > 0) { File.Move(availableBackups[availableBackups.Count - 1], fn); availableBackups.RemoveAt(availableBackups.Count - 1); } } } while (!dbOK); if (backupUsed) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The settings file was corrupt and a backup file is restored.", "Settings"); } if (!TableExists("Settings")) { _database.Execute("create table 'Settings' (Name text, Value text)"); _database.Execute("insert into Settings (Name, Value) values ('Scope', 'default')"); } if (!TableExists("SettingsScope")) { _database.Execute("create table 'SettingsScope' (ID integer primary key autoincrement, Name text)"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope)) { scope = _database.ExecuteScalar <string>("select Value from Settings where Name=@0", "Scope"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope)) { scope = "default"; } } _scope = _database.FirstOrDefault <SettingsScope>("where Name=@0", scope); if (_scope == null) { _scope = new SettingsScope(); _scope.Name = scope; _database.Save(_scope); } if (!TableExists(string.Format("Settings_{0}", _scope.ID))) { _database.Execute(string.Format("create table 'Settings_{0}' (Name text, Value text)", _scope.ID)); } var settings = _database.Fetch <Setting>(string.Format("select * from Settings_{0}", _scope.ID)); foreach (var s in settings) { _currentSettings.Add(s.Name, s.Value); } var scopelesssettings = _database.Fetch <Setting>("select * from Settings"); foreach (var s in scopelesssettings) { _scopelessSettings.Add(s.Name, s.Value); } }