Example #1
    /* xInitialize
     * Sets up following values:
     * location of slot(s)
     * location to spawn product when a cycle ends
     * locations for product completion line renderer
     * primary and secondary attributes
     * time modifiers
     * fatigue rate
     * buff type
    protected override void Initialize()
        /* setting up subobject locations and initial prim/secondary stats
         * citizens will snap to these locations when assigned,
         * and products will spawn in productLoc after completion of a cycle
         * these locations are dependent on the type of the workstation and can
         * vary considerably*/
        slot1Loc   = new Vector3(-.666f, 0, 0) + transform.position;
        slot2Loc   = new Vector3(.666f, 0, 0) + transform.position;
        productLoc = new Vector3(.666f, 0, 2.1f) + transform.position;

        primaryEff    = Utilities.Attributes.None;
        secondaryEff  = Utilities.Attributes.None;
        primaryQual   = Utilities.Attributes.None;
        secondaryQual = Utilities.Attributes.None;

        progressIndicatorOrigin = transform.position + new Vector3(-1.5f, .5f, -1.8f);
        progressIndicatorLength = new Vector3(3, 0, 0);

        pestScript = transform.GetChild(5).GetComponent <PestBehavior>();
        //progressIndicatorOrigin = transform.position + new Vector3(3f, .5f, -1.8f);

        forageGhost = GameObject.Find("Ghost").GetComponent <ForageGhostBehavior>();
Example #2
    /* xInitialize

       Sets up following values:
       location of slot(s)
       location to spawn product when a cycle ends
       locations for product completion line renderer
       primary and secondary attributes
       time modifiers
       fatigue rate
       buff type
    protected override void Initialize()
        /* setting up subobject locations and initial prim/secondary stats
           citizens will snap to these locations when assigned,
           and products will spawn in productLoc after completion of a cycle
           these locations are dependent on the type of the workstation and can
           vary considerably*/
        slot1Loc = new Vector3(-.666f, 0, 0) + transform.position;
        slot2Loc = new Vector3(.666f, 0, 0) + transform.position;
        productLoc = new Vector3(.666f, 0, 2.1f) + transform.position;

        primaryEff = Utilities.Attributes.None;
        secondaryEff = Utilities.Attributes.None;
        primaryQual = Utilities.Attributes.None;
        secondaryQual = Utilities.Attributes.None;

        progressIndicatorOrigin = transform.position + new Vector3(-1.5f, .5f, -1.8f);
        progressIndicatorLength = new Vector3(3, 0, 0);

        pestScript = transform.GetChild (5).GetComponent<PestBehavior>();
        //progressIndicatorOrigin = transform.position + new Vector3(3f, .5f, -1.8f);

        forageGhost = GameObject.Find("Ghost").GetComponent<ForageGhostBehavior>();