private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PersonV2 c = new PersonV2();//keeping this called c instead of pv2 for ease of conversion c.FName = txtFName.Text; c.MName = txtMName.Text; c.LName = txtLName.Text; c.StreetOne = txtStreetOne.Text; c.StreetTwo = txtStreetTwo.Text; c.City = txtCity.Text; c.StateCode = txtStateCode.Text; c.ZipCode = txtZipCode.Text; c.PhoneNum = txtPhoneNum.Text; c.EmailAddress = txtEmailAddress.Text; c.CellNum = txtCellPhoneNum.Text; c.InstagramURL = txtInstagramURL.Text; /*Was previously taking advantage of polymorphism that a Customer without any customer * unique data was essentially a PersonV2 object with access to all its stuff so I * kept it Customer and treated it like a PV2 and passed it to PV2 feedback function*/ //This code vastly shortened by moving error feedback to object if (c.Feedback.Contains("Error")) { lblErrorMsg.Text = c.Feedback; c.Feedback = ""; } //Successful submission code else { lblErrorMsg.Text = "Input Errors: NONE"; lblErrorMsg.Text += c.AddARecord(); txtFName.Text = ""; txtMName.Text = ""; txtLName.Text = ""; txtStreetOne.Text = ""; txtStreetTwo.Text = ""; txtCity.Text = ""; txtStateCode.Text = ""; txtZipCode.Text = ""; txtPhoneNum.Text = ""; txtEmailAddress.Text = ""; txtCellPhoneNum.Text = ""; txtInstagramURL.Text = ""; // checkBoxDiscountMember.Checked = false; // txtRewardsEarned.Text = ""; // txtTotalPurchases.Text = ""; setFeedbackV2(c); people.Add(c); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PersonV2 input = new PersonV2(); if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtFName.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtFName.Text) == true) { input.PersonFirst = txtFName.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtMName.Text) == false) { input.PersonMiddle = txtMName.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtLName.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtLName.Text) == true) { input.PersonLast = txtLName.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtStreet.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtStreet.Text) == true) { input.PersonStreet = txtStreet.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtCity.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtCity.Text) == true) { input.PersonCity = txtCity.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtState.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtState.Text) == true) { input.PersonState = txtState.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtZip.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtZip.Text) == true) { input.PersonZip = txtZip.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtNum.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtNum.Text) == true) { input.PersonNum = txtNum.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } if (Validator.gotBadWords(txtMail.Text) == false && Validator.IsitFilledin(txtMail.Text) == true) { input.PersonMail = txtMail.Text; } else { lblFeedback.Text = "Validation Failed Try again."; return; } lblFeedback.Text = input.AddARecord(); }