/// <summary>
        /// Displays information found by a person search.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchResults">Result state of a SearchForPersons search.</param>
        private void DisplayPersonSearchResults(PersonSearchResultsState searchResults)
            //Declare a person.
            PersonState person;

            //Clear ResultBox.

            //See remark (1) at the bottom of this file.

            //Search through the result list.
            foreach (Entry singleEntry in searchResults.Results.Entries ?? new List <Entry>())
                //Get a person.
                person = searchResults.ReadPerson(singleEntry);

                //Person could be null, it does happen.
                if (person.Person != null)
                    //Display some person info.
                    ResultBox.Items.Add(person.Person.DisplayExtension.Name + " "
                                        + person.Person.Id);
                    //Show off the rare occasion of a null person.
                //Display it right away, we are inpatient.
        public void TestReadNextPageOfSearchResults()
            GedcomxPersonSearchQueryBuilder query = new GedcomxPersonSearchQueryBuilder()
                .Name("John Smith")
                .BirthDate("1 January 1900")
                .FatherName("Peter Smith");

            PersonSearchResultsState results = collection.SearchForPersons(query);

            var state = (PersonSearchResultsState)results.ReadNextPage();
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => state.IfSuccessful());
            PersonState person = state.ReadPerson(results.Results.Entries.FirstOrDefault());

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => person.IfSuccessful());
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Remember cursor and change to wait-cursor.
            var cursorState = Cursor;

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            lblErrorMessage.Text = "No Error.";

                //Put together a search query.
                GedcomxPersonSearchQueryBuilder query = new GedcomxPersonSearchQueryBuilder()

                                                        //Set all on the form available Parameter for query.
                                                        //Note: This is just a sample of available Parameters.

                //Search the collection.
                PersonSearchResultsState resultsSearchPersons = FamilyTree.SearchForPersons(query);

                //Show results on Form.
            catch (Exception myError)
                //report error to error label
                lblErrorMessage.Text = myError.Message.ToString();
                // Restore Cursor.
                Cursor = cursorState;