public async Task <IActionResult> EditPerson(int businessEntityID, [FromBody] Person.Person value)
            var existing = await _db.Person_Person.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.BusinessEntityID == businessEntityID);

            if (existing == null)

            existing.BusinessEntityID      = value.BusinessEntityID;
            existing.PersonType            = value.PersonType;
            existing.NameStyle             = value.NameStyle;
            existing.Title                 = value.Title;
            existing.FirstName             = value.FirstName;
            existing.MiddleName            = value.MiddleName;
            existing.LastName              = value.LastName;
            existing.Suffix                = value.Suffix;
            existing.EmailPromotion        = value.EmailPromotion;
            existing.AdditionalContactInfo = value.AdditionalContactInfo;
            existing.Demographics          = value.Demographics;
            existing.rowguid               = value.rowguid;
            existing.ModifiedDate          = value.ModifiedDate;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePerson([FromBody] Person.Person value)
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

Example #3
 public SearchResult(ResultElement resultElement)
     if ( != null)
         _person = new Person.Person(resultElement.user);
         _person.PropertyChanged += PersonOnPropertyChanged;
Example #4
 public SearchResult(ResultElement resultElement)
     if ( != null)
         _person = new Person.Person(resultElement.user);
         _person.PropertyChanged += PersonOnPropertyChanged;
        public void TestPropertyAge_True(string stingBirthDay, int age)
            DateTime birthDay;

            if (stingBirthDay.ToLower().Contains("now"))
                int[] date = new int[3]
                string[] str = stingBirthDay.ToLower().Split('.');
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (str[i].Contains("now"))
                        if (str[i].Contains("-"))
                            string[] a = str[i].Split('-');
                            date[i] -= Convert.ToInt32(a[1]);
                        else if (str[i].Contains("+"))
                            string[] a = str[i].Split('+');
                            date[i] += Convert.ToInt32(a[1]);
                        else if (str[i].Equals("now"))
                            throw new Exception();
                        date[i] = Convert.ToInt32(str[i]);
                birthDay = new DateTime(date[2], date[1], date[0]);
                birthDay = DateTime.Parse(stingBirthDay);

            var person = new Person.Person(standatrName, standatrGender, birthDay, standatrLiving);

            Assert.AreEqual(age, person.Age);
        // public string Name;
        // public Visa.Status StatusC;

        // public Person.Person Person;

        // public PersonC2(Person.Person person){
        //     Name = person.Name;
        //     StatusC = person.Status;
        // }

        // public Visa.Status status2 = Visa.Status.Student;
        public static FSharpResult <Person.Person, string> ValidateStudentC(Person.Person person)
            if (person.Status == Visa.Status.Student)
                return(FSharpResult <Person.Person, string> .NewOk(person));
                return(FSharpResult <Person.Person, string> .NewError("Tourist"));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // One can define a variable from the DU in F#
            Visa.Status studentVisa = Visa.Status.Student;

            // New instances of Person type from F# module
            Person.Person tourist = new Person.Person("John C. Doe", Visa.Status.Tourist);
            // Person.Person student = new Person.Person("Mary C. Eod", studentVisa);

            // One can also instantiate a Person directly from a record in the F# module
            Person.Person defaultStudent = Person.defaultStudent;

            // Call to ValidateStudent function in F#
            var resultOk = Person.ValidateStudent(defaultStudent);

            // C# sets the member .IsOk to True and .IsError to False
            //    when ValidateStudent (returns Ok Person.Person)
            //    person can be accessed through .ResultValue,
            //    while .ErrorValue is null

            if (resultOk.IsOk)
                Console.WriteLine($"{resultOk.ResultValue.Name} is a student");
                Console.WriteLine($"    resultOk.IsOk   : {resultOk.IsOk}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    resultOk.IsError: {resultOk.IsError}");

            if (resultOk.ErrorValue is null)
                Console.WriteLine($"    resultOk.ErrorValue is null");

            // On the other hand,
            // C# sets the member .IsOk to False and .IsError to True
            //    when ValidateStudent (returns Error string)
            //    string can be accessed through .ErrorValue,
            //    while .ResultValue is null

            var resultError = Person.ValidateStudent(tourist);

            if (resultError.IsError)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tourist.Name} is a {resultError.ErrorValue}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    resultOk.IsOk   : {resultOk.IsOk}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    resultOk.IsError: {resultOk.IsError}");

            if (resultError.ResultValue is null)
                Console.WriteLine($"    resultError.ResultValue is null");
        public void TestStandartValue()
            var person = new Person.Person(standatrName, standatrGender, standatrBirthDay, standatrLiving);

            Assert.AreEqual(standatrName, person.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(standatrGender, person.Gender);
            Assert.AreEqual(standatrBirthDay, person.BirthDay);
            Assert.AreEqual(standatrAge, person.Age);
            Assert.AreEqual(standatrLiving, person.Living);
Example #9
        public static void SaveGame(Person.Person t)
            string mydocpath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);

            using (StreamWriter s = new StreamWriter(mydocpath + @"/save.txt"))
                s.WriteLine( + ";" + t.attack + ";" + + ";" + t.armor);

            Console.Write("Press Enter to Quit ...");
 public static void Map(this Person.Person entityObj, ContactDomainObj domainObj)
     entityObj.BusinessEntityID   = domainObj.BusinessEntityID;
     entityObj.PersonType         = domainObj.PersonType;
     entityObj.IsEasternNameStyle = domainObj.IsEasternNameStyle;
     entityObj.Title                 = domainObj.Title;
     entityObj.FirstName             = domainObj.FirstName;
     entityObj.MiddleName            = domainObj.MiddleName;
     entityObj.LastName              = domainObj.LastName;
     entityObj.Suffix                = domainObj.Suffix;
     entityObj.EmailPromotion        = domainObj.EmailPromotion;
     entityObj.AdditionalContactInfo = domainObj.AdditionalContactInfo;
     entityObj.Demographics          = domainObj.Demographics;
        public void TestConstructor_True(string name, string stingBirthDay, string living)
            Gender gender = standatrGender;

            DateTime birthDay = DateTime.Parse(stingBirthDay);

            var person = new Person.Person(name, gender, birthDay, living);

            Assert.AreEqual(name, person.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(gender, person.Gender);
            Assert.AreEqual(birthDay, person.BirthDay);
            Assert.AreEqual(living, person.Living);
        public void TestConstructor_Exception(string name, string stingBirthDay, string living, Type result)

            DateTime birthDay  = DateTime.Parse(stingBirthDay);
            Type     exception = null;

                var person = new Person.Person(name, standatrGender, birthDay, living);
            catch (Exception ex)
                exception = ex.GetType();
                Assert.AreEqual(result, exception);
 private static Func <Person.Person, bool> PersonIsNotTheSame(Person.Person person) => p => p != person;
Example #14
 public BirthdayDifference(Person.Person p1, Person.Person p2)
     YoungerPerson = p1.BirthDate < p2.BirthDate ? p1 : p2;
     OlderPerson   = YoungerPerson == p1 ? p2 : p1;
     Difference    = OlderPerson.BirthDate - (YoungerPerson.BirthDate);
Example #15
 public Login(Person.Person p)
     _users = new Dictionary <string, string>();
     this.P = p;
 private IEnumerable <BirthdayDifference.Model.BirthdayDifference> CreateBirthdayDifferenceWithOtherPersons(
     Person.Person person)
 => _persons.Where(PersonIsNotTheSame(person))
 .Select(p => new Model.BirthdayDifference(person, p));
 public PersonC(Person.Person person)
     Name   = person.Name;
     Status = person.Status;
Example #18
 public Login(Person.Person p)
     _users = new Dictionary<string, string>();
     this.P = p;
Example #19
        static void Main()

            //Gender.Gender gender = new Gender.Gender("мужской");
            //var genders = new List<Gender.Gender>
            //    new Gender.Gender("мужской"),
            //    new Gender.Gender("женский"),
            ClassRoom.ClassRoom classRoom = new ClassRoom.ClassRoom("Аудит1", 101);
            var classRooms = new List <ClassRoom.ClassRoom>
                new ClassRoom.ClassRoom("Аудит1", 50),
                new ClassRoom.ClassRoom("Аудит2", 34),
                new ClassRoom.ClassRoom("Аудит3", 45),
                new ClassRoom.ClassRoom("Аудит4", 107),
                new ClassRoom.ClassRoom("Аудит5", 31),

            Group.Group group  = new Group.Group("TBO", 2, "TBO-2", Interface.Interface.TypeStudy.FullTimeEducation, 35);
            var         groups = new List <Group.Group>
                new Group.Group("TBO", 1, "TBO-1", Interface.Interface.TypeStudy.FullTimeEducation, 35),
                new Group.Group("TBO", 2, "TBO-2", Interface.Interface.TypeStudy.FullTimeEducation, 25),
                new Group.Group("TMO", 3, "TMO-3", Interface.Interface.TypeStudy.FullTimeEducation, 11),
                new Group.Group("TCO", 2, "TCO-2", Interface.Interface.TypeStudy.FullTimeEducation, 54),

            Subject.Subject subject  = new Subject.Subject("Математика");
            var             subjects = new List <Subject.Subject>
                new Subject.Subject("программирование 2 курс"),
                new Subject.Subject("математический анализ 3 курс"),
                new Subject.Subject("введение в специальность 1 курс"),
                new Subject.Subject("история России 1-4 курс"),

            NumberOfLesson.NumberOfLesson numberOfLesson = new NumberOfLesson.NumberOfLesson(subject, 5);
            var numberOfLessons = new List <NumberOfLesson.NumberOfLesson> [groups.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++)
                int r1 = i * 5 % subjects.Count;
                int r2 = i * 3 % subjects.Count;
                if (r1 == r2)
                    r1 = (r1 + 1) % subjects.Count;
                var tempNumberOfLessons = new List <NumberOfLesson.NumberOfLesson>
                    new NumberOfLesson.NumberOfLesson(subjects[r1], 7),
                    new NumberOfLesson.NumberOfLesson(subjects[r2], 9),
                numberOfLessons[i] = tempNumberOfLessons;

            Semester.Semester semester = new Semester.Semester(new DateTime(2019, 02, 02), new DateTime(2019, 05, 31));

            DaysOfStudy.DaysOfStudy daysOfStudy = new DaysOfStudy.DaysOfStudy(DateTime.Now, Interface.Interface.HowDays.DayOff);
            Person.Person           person      = new Person.Person("Dima",, new DateTime(1996, 05, 19), "Юго западная");

            SubjectOfTeacher.SubjectOfTeacher subjectOfTeacher = new SubjectOfTeacher.SubjectOfTeacher(subject, 10);
            Teacher.Teacher teacher = new Teacher.Teacher(new List <SubjectOfTeacher.Interfaces.ISubjectOfTeacherWithConsole> {
            }, "none", 1, person);
            var teachers = new List <Teacher.Teacher>();

            string[] names = { "Александр", "Максим", "Виктор", "Дмитрий", "Олег" };
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                int r1 = i * 5 % subjects.Count;
                int r2 = i * 3 % subjects.Count;
                if (r1 == r2)
                    r1 = (r1 + 1) % subjects.Count;
                var subjectOfTeacher1 = new List <SubjectOfTeacher.Interfaces.ISubjectOfTeacherWithConsole>
                    new SubjectOfTeacher.SubjectOfTeacher(subjects[r1], 100),
                    new SubjectOfTeacher.SubjectOfTeacher(subjects[r2], 100),
                var person1  = new Person.Person(names[i], genders[0], new DateTime(1958 + i, (17 * i) % 12 + 1, (23 * i) % 28 + 1), "Not info");
                var teacher1 = new Teacher.Teacher(subjectOfTeacher1, "none", 1, person1);

            TimeLessons.TimeLessons timeLessons = new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(09, 00, 00), new TimeSpan(10, 30, 00), 1);
            var timeLessonss = new List <TimeLessons.TimeLessons>
                new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(09, 00, 00), new TimeSpan(10, 30, 00), 1),
                new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(10, 40, 00), new TimeSpan(12, 10, 00), 2),
                new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(13, 00, 00), new TimeSpan(14, 30, 00), 3),
                new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(14, 40, 00), new TimeSpan(16, 10, 00), 4),
                new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(16, 20, 00), new TimeSpan(17, 50, 00), 5),
                new TimeLessons.TimeLessons(new TimeSpan(18, 00, 00), new TimeSpan(19, 30, 00), 6),

            TypeLessons.TypeLessons typeLessons = new TypeLessons.TypeLessons("Лекция");
            var typeLessonss = new List <TypeLessons.TypeLessons>
                new TypeLessons.TypeLessons("Лекция"),
                new TypeLessons.TypeLessons("Практика"),

            Console.WriteLine("Вы вышли в основную программу!");
Example #20
        //если есть эта надпись значит я не доделал
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //для задания 1. Описпание в классе Person
            Person.Person person = new Person.Person("MyName", "MySname", 25);

            //для задания 2. Описание в классе Task2
            Console.WriteLine(Task2.Task2.field1 + " " + Task2.Task2.field2 + " " + Task2.Task2.field3);
            List <Bankomat.Account> listAcc = new List <Bankomat.Account>();

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("У вас есть аккаунт?\n1. Создать новый\n2. Войти в существующий\nquit чтобы выйти");
                int choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (choice)
                case 1: createAccount(); break;

                case 2: enterAccount(); break;
            void createAccount()
                Console.WriteLine("Введите ваше имя: ");
                string name = (Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Введите вашу фамилию: ");
                string sname = (Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Введите ваш возраст: ");
                int age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.WriteLine("Введите первоначальный взнос: ");
                double money = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine().Replace('.', ','));

                Bankomat.Account account = new Bankomat.Account(name, sname, age, money);

            void blockAcc(int id)
                foreach (var item in listAcc)
                    if (item.getid(item) == id) //знаю, говнокод
                        item.blockAcc(item);    //знаю, говнокод

            void showMenu()

            bool checkAcc(int id, int pass)

            void enterAccount()
                while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите id:");
                    int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите password:"******"Некорректные данные\nОсталось попыток: " + count); count--;
Example #21
 /// <summary>Adds a new person object to the list of vehicle passengers.</summary>
 /// <param name="person">Person that wishes to become a vehicle passenger.</param>
 public void AddPerson(Person.Person person)
Example #22
 public List <Person.Person> GetChildren(Person.Person person)
     return(Members.Where(m => m.FatherId == person.Id || m.MotherId == person.Id).ToList());
        public void TestToString_True(string name, string stingGender, string stingBirthDay, string living, string toSting)
            Gender gender = Gender.women;

            if (stingGender == "men")
                gender =;

            DateTime birthDay;

            if (stingBirthDay.ToLower().Contains("now"))
                int[] date = new int[3]
                string[] str = stingBirthDay.ToLower().Split('.');
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (str[i].Contains("now"))
                        if (str[i].Contains("-"))
                            string[] a = str[i].Split('-');
                            date[i] -= Convert.ToInt32(a[1]);
                        else if (str[i].Contains("+"))
                            string[] a = str[i].Split('+');
                            date[i] += Convert.ToInt32(a[1]);
                        else if (str[i].Equals("now"))
                            throw new Exception();
                        date[i] = Convert.ToInt32(str[i]);
                birthDay = new DateTime(date[2], date[1], date[0]);
                birthDay = DateTime.Parse(stingBirthDay);
            var person = new Person.Person(name, gender, birthDay, living);

            Assert.AreEqual(toSting, person.ToString());