static ServerCoreManager()
     UpdateLock = new object();
     ServerCores = new Dictionary<string, ServerCore>();
     QueryCache = Configuration.QueryCache;
     PersistenceType = Configuration.PersistenceType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to create</param>
 /// <param name="namespaceMappings">A collection of prefix to URI mappings to enable CURIEs to be used for resource addresses instead of full URIs</param>
 /// <param name="optimisticLockingEnabled">A boolean flag indicating if optimistic locking should be enabled</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use in the newly created store. If not specified, defaults to the value specified in the application configuration file or <see cref="PersistenceType.AppendOnly"/></param>
 /// <returns>The newly created data object store</returns>
 public IDataObjectStore CreateStore(string storeName, Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings, bool? optimisticLockingEnabled = null, PersistenceType? persistenceType = null)
                        persistenceType.HasValue ? persistenceType.Value : Configuration.PersistenceType);
     return new RestDataObjectStore(
         _connectionString, storeName, namespaceMappings,
         optimisticLockingEnabled.HasValue ? optimisticLockingEnabled.Value : _optimisticLockingEnabled);
Example #3
 public string CreateStore(string storeName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     Logging.LogInfo("Create Store");
     var store = _storeManager.CreateStore(Path.Combine(_baseLocation, storeName), persistenceType, true);
     Logging.LogInfo("Store id is {0}", storeName);
     return storeName;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new store with a specific persistence type for the main store indexes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to be created</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use for the main store indexes</param>
 public void CreateStore(string storeName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.Rewrite)
         throw new NotSupportedException("The rewrite store type is not currently supported by BrightstarDB on Azure");
Example #5
 public ServerCore(string baseLocation, ICache queryCache, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     Logging.LogInfo("ServerCore Initialised {0}", baseLocation);
     _baseLocation = baseLocation;
     _stores = new Dictionary<string, StoreWorker>();
     var configuration = new StoreConfiguration {PersistenceType = persistenceType};
     _storeManager = StoreManagerFactory.GetStoreManager(configuration);
     _queryCache = queryCache;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to create</param>
 /// <param name="namespaceMappings">A collection of prefix to URI mappings to enable CURIEs to be used for resource addresses instead of full URIs</param>
 /// <param name="optimisticLockingEnabled">A boolean flag indicating if optimistic locking should be enabled</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created data object store</returns>
 public IDataObjectStore CreateStore(string storeName, Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings = null, bool? optimisticLockingEnabled = new bool?(), PersistenceType? persistenceType = null)
     // For now persistenceType is ignored, and the store is always an append-only store to match the way the block provider works
     return new BrightstarClusterDataObjectStore(storeName, namespaceMappings,
                                                     ? optimisticLockingEnabled.Value
                                                     : _optimisticLockingEnabled);
Example #7
 public static IPageStore OpenPageStore(string fileName, bool readOnly, PersistenceType persistenceType = PersistenceType.AppendOnly, ulong txnId = 1UL, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Open Page Store"))
         if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.AppendOnly)
             return new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, readOnly, false);
         return new BinaryFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, readOnly, txnId);
 public ServerCore(string baseLocation, ICache queryCache, PersistenceType persistenceType, bool enableTransactionLoggingOnNewStores)
     Logging.LogInfo("ServerCore Initialised {0}", baseLocation);
     _baseLocation = baseLocation;
     _stores = new Dictionary<string, StoreWorker>();
     var configuration = StoreConfiguration.DefaultStoreConfiguration.Clone() as StoreConfiguration;
     configuration.PersistenceType = persistenceType;
     _storeManager = StoreManagerFactory.GetStoreManager(configuration);
     _queryCache = queryCache;
     _enableTransactionLogging = enableTransactionLoggingOnNewStores;
 public CreateStoreRequestObject(string storeName, PersistenceType? persistenceType)
     StoreName = storeName;
     if (persistenceType.HasValue)
         PersistenceType = (int) persistenceType;
         PersistenceType = -1;
        public IStore CreateStore(string storeLocation, PersistenceType storePersistenceType, bool readOnly, bool withTransactionLogging)
            Logging.LogInfo("Create Store {0} with persistence type {1}", storeLocation, storePersistenceType);
            if (_persistenceManager.DirectoryExists(storeLocation))
                throw new StoreManagerException(storeLocation, "Store already exists");


            var dataFilePath = Path.Combine(storeLocation, DataFileName);


            var resourceFilePath = Path.Combine(storeLocation, ResourceFileName);


            var targetStoreConfiguration = _storeConfiguration.Clone() as StoreConfiguration;

            targetStoreConfiguration.PersistenceType = storePersistenceType;
            MasterFile.Create(_persistenceManager, storeLocation, targetStoreConfiguration, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPageStore dataPageStore = null;

            switch (storePersistenceType)
            case PersistenceType.AppendOnly:
                dataPageStore = new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(_persistenceManager, dataFilePath, PageSize, false, _storeConfiguration.DisableBackgroundWrites);

            case PersistenceType.Rewrite:
                dataPageStore = new BinaryFilePageStore(_persistenceManager, dataFilePath, PageSize, false, 0, 1, _storeConfiguration.DisableBackgroundWrites);

            IPageStore resourcePageStore = new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(_persistenceManager, resourceFilePath, PageSize, false, _storeConfiguration.DisableBackgroundWrites);
            var        resourceTable     = new ResourceTable(resourcePageStore);

            using (var store = new Store(storeLocation, dataPageStore, resourceTable))

            if (withTransactionLogging)
                _persistenceManager.CreateFile(Path.Combine(storeLocation, ""));
                _persistenceManager.CreateFile(Path.Combine(storeLocation, ""));

            Logging.LogInfo("Store created at {0}", storeLocation);
            return(OpenStore(storeLocation, readOnly));
    private void DrawListItems(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused)
        float spacing         = 2;
        float persistTogWidth = 20;
        float delBtnWidth     = 20;

        string             entryKey   = currentGroup[index];
        BlackboardVariable entryValue = bb.EditorGetDict()[entryKey];

        string textInKeyField = EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(
            new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, (rect.width - spacing - persistTogWidth - spacing - delBtnWidth) / 2,
                     EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), entryKey);

        BlackboardVariable objectInValueField = (BlackboardVariable)EditorGUI.ObjectField(
            new Rect(rect.x + (rect.width - spacing - persistTogWidth - spacing - delBtnWidth) / 2 + spacing,
                     rect.y, (rect.width - spacing - persistTogWidth - spacing - delBtnWidth) / 2,
                     EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), entryValue, typeof(BlackboardVariable), false);

        PersistenceType persistenceType = PersistenceType.NeverPersist;

        if (entryValue != null)
            persistenceType = (PersistenceType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(
                new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - persistTogWidth - delBtnWidth, rect.y, persistTogWidth,
                         EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), entryValue.persistenceType);

        bool deletebutton = GUI.Button(new Rect(rect.x + rect.width - delBtnWidth, rect.y, delBtnWidth,
                                                EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), "X", deleteButtonStyle);

        if (entryKey != textInKeyField)
            RenameEntry(entryKey, textInKeyField);

        if (entryValue != objectInValueField)
            UpdateEntryValue(entryKey, objectInValueField);

        if (entryValue != null && entryValue.persistenceType != persistenceType)
            Undo.RecordObject(entryValue, "Set blackboard variable's persistence type");
            entryValue.persistenceType = persistenceType;

        if (deletebutton)
Example #12
        public void TestLoadAndQuery25K(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestLoadAndQuery10K", persistenceType);
            const int personCount = 25000;
            var hugosCount = personCount/TestDataLists.Firstnames.Count; // Estimated number of instances with name 'HUGO' we will generate
            using (var doStore = CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType))
                using (var context = new MyEntityContext(doStore))
                    var last10 = new IFoafPerson[10];
                    for (int i = 0; i < personCount; i++)
                        // Create an entity with properties set
                        var person = context.FoafPersons.Create();
                        person.Name = TestDataLists.Firstnames[i%TestDataLists.Firstnames.Count];
                        person.Organisation = TestDataLists.Organizations[i%TestDataLists.Organizations.Count];
                        foreach (var friend in last10.Where(friend => friend != null))
                        last10[i%10] = person;

                    // Attempt a query using the same store handle
                    var hugos = context.FoafPersons.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("HUGO")).ToList();
                    Assert.IsTrue(hugos.Count >= hugosCount, "Expected at least {0} foafPerson instances returned with name HUGO", hugosCount);
                    hugosCount = hugos.Count; // Acual number may be one higher depending on where the iteration leaves off.

            // Try query with a new store context
            using (var doStore = OpenStore(storeName))
                using (var context = new MyEntityContext(doStore))
                    var hugos = context.FoafPersons.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("HUGO")).ToList();
                    Assert.AreEqual(hugosCount, hugos.Count, "Expected count of HUGOs to be unchanged when querying from a second context instance");

            // Try query with a completely new client session
            using (var doStore = OpenStore(storeName))
                using (var context = new MyEntityContext(doStore))
                    var hugos = context.FoafPersons.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("HUGO")).ToList();
                    Assert.AreEqual(hugosCount, hugos.Count, "Expected count of HUGOs to be unchanged when querying from a third context instance");
Example #13
        public ServerCore(string baseLocation, ICache queryCache, PersistenceType persistenceType, bool enableTransactionLoggingOnNewStores)
            Logging.LogInfo("ServerCore Initialised {0}", baseLocation);
            _baseLocation = baseLocation;
            _stores       = new Dictionary <string, StoreWorker>();
            var configuration = new StoreConfiguration {
                PersistenceType = persistenceType

            _storeManager             = StoreManagerFactory.GetStoreManager(configuration);
            _queryCache               = queryCache;
            _enableTransactionLogging = enableTransactionLoggingOnNewStores;
Example #14
 internal void LoadInternal(NativeMethods.CREDENTIAL credential)
     Username = credential.UserName;
     if (credential.CredentialBlobSize > 0)
         Password = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(credential.CredentialBlob, credential.CredentialBlobSize / 2);
     Target           = credential.TargetName;
     Type             = (CredentialType)credential.Type;
     PersistenceType  = (PersistenceType)credential.Persist;
     Description      = credential.Comment;
     LastWriteTimeUtc = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(credential.LastWritten);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// A preference that is stored in the cloud. Automatically added to the <see cref="DataManager"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">A unique identifier used to identify this particular value.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The method of conflict resolution to be used in case of a data conflict. Can happen if the data is altered by a different device.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The starting value for this preference.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultValue">The value the preference will be set to if it is ever reset.</param>
        /// <param name="valueLoader"><c>delegate</c> used to get the preference.</param>
        /// <param name="valueSetter"><c>delegate</c> used to set the preference.</param>
        protected PersistentValue(string key, PersistenceType type, T value, T defaultValue, ValueLoaderDelegate valueLoader, ValueSetterDelegate valueSetter)
            Key             = key;
            Value           = value;
            PersistenceType = type;
            DefaultValue    = defaultValue;
            ValueLoader     = valueLoader;
            ValueSetter     = valueSetter;

            DataManager.CloudPrefs[key] = this;
        private async Task <byte[]> GetPersistedBytesAsync(PersistenceType persistenceType, IEnumerable <IPersistenceStrategy> strategies)
            foreach (var strategy in strategies)
                var bytes = await strategy.RetrieveAsync(persistenceType);

                if (bytes != null && bytes.Length > 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeName">Name of the store to create.</param>
        /// <param name="optimisticLockingEnabled">Optional parameter to override the default optimistic locking setting for the context</param>
        /// <param name="namespaceMappings">Namespace mappings that can be used by CURIE's.</param>
        /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use in the newly created store. If not specified, defaults to the value specified in the application configuration file or <see cref="PersistenceType.AppendOnly"/></param>
        /// <returns>A new store instance.</returns>
        public IDataObjectStore CreateStore(string storeName, Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings = null, bool? optimisticLockingEnabled = null, PersistenceType? persistenceType = null)
            if (namespaceMappings == null)
                namespaceMappings = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            namespaceMappings["rdf"] = "";
            namespaceMappings["rdfs"] = "";

            _serverCore.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType.HasValue ? persistenceType.Value : Configuration.PersistenceType);
            return new EmbeddedDataObjectStore(_serverCore, storeName, namespaceMappings, 
                optimisticLockingEnabled.HasValue ? optimisticLockingEnabled.Value : _optimisticLockingEnabled);
Example #18
        public static IPersistens <Users> GetPersistency(PersistenceType peristenceType)
            switch (peristenceType)
            // File
            case PersistenceType.File: return(new FilePersistence());

            // Database
            case PersistenceType.Database: return(new DBPersistence());

            default: return(new FilePersistence());
        public static IPersistence GetPersistency(PersistenceType peristenceType)
            switch (peristenceType)
            case PersistenceType.Simple: return(new SimplePersistence());

            // File
            case PersistenceType.File: return(new FilePersistence());

            // Database
            case PersistenceType.Database: return(new SamkørselPersistence());

            default: return(new SimplePersistence());
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that a specified <see cref="bool"/> exists in the local <see cref="GameData"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Must be a unique identifier for this specific value.</param>
        /// <param name="persistenceType">
        /// The persistence type to use in case of a data conflict.
        /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Latest"/> will always prefer the newest data.
        /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Highest"/> will prefer <c>true</c>.
        /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Lowest"/> will prefer <c>false</c>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">The initial value for this <see cref="bool"/>.</param>
        public static void InitializeBool(string key, PersistenceType persistenceType, bool value)
            if (!s_localGameData.SyncableItems.ContainsKey(key))
                var metaData = new SyncableItemMetaData(

                var syncableItem = new SyncableItem(

                CreateItem(key, syncableItem);
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that a specified <see cref="decimal"/> exists in the local <see cref="GameData"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Must be a unique identifier for this specific value.</param>
        /// <param name="persistenceType">
        /// The persistence type to use in case of a data conflict.
        /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Latest"/> will always prefer the newest data.
        /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Highest"/> will prefer the highest value.
        /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Lowest"/> will prefer the lowest value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="value">The initial value for this <see cref="decimal"/>.</param>
        public static void InitializeDecimal(string key, PersistenceType persistenceType, decimal value)
            if (!s_localGameData.SyncableItems.ContainsKey(key))
                var metaData = new SyncableItemMetaData(

                var syncableItem = new SyncableItem(

                CreateItem(key, syncableItem);
Example #22
        public void TestExecuteTransaction(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client    = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestExecuteTransaction", persistenceType);

            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);

            // Test a simple addition of triples
            var insertData = new StringBuilder();

            insertData.AppendLine(@"<> <> ""Alice"".");
                @"<> <> ""*****@*****.**"".");
            var job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName,
                                                new UpdateTransactionData {
                InsertData = insertData.ToString()

            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            // Test an update with a precondition which is met
            const string tripleToDelete = @"<> <> ""*****@*****.**"".";
            const string tripleToInsert = @"<> <> ""FAKESHA1""";

            job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName,
                                            new UpdateTransactionData
                ExistencePreconditions = tripleToDelete,
                DeletePatterns         = tripleToDelete,
                InsertData             = tripleToInsert
            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            // Test an update with a precondition which is not met
            job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName,
                                            new UpdateTransactionData
                ExistencePreconditions = tripleToDelete,
                DeletePatterns         = tripleToDelete,
                InsertData             = tripleToInsert
            while (!(job.JobCompletedOk || job.JobCompletedWithErrors))
                job = client.GetJobInfo(storeName, job.JobId);
        public IStore CreateStore(string storeLocation, PersistenceType storePersistenceType, bool readOnly, bool withTransactionLogging)
            Logging.LogInfo("Create Store {0} with persistence type {1}", storeLocation, storePersistenceType);
            if (_persistenceManager.DirectoryExists(storeLocation))
                throw new StoreManagerException(storeLocation, "Store already exists");


            var dataFilePath = Path.Combine(storeLocation, DataFileName);

            var resourceFilePath = Path.Combine(storeLocation, ResourceFileName);

            var targetStoreConfiguration = _storeConfiguration.Clone() as StoreConfiguration;
            targetStoreConfiguration.PersistenceType = storePersistenceType;
            MasterFile.Create(_persistenceManager, storeLocation, targetStoreConfiguration, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPageStore dataPageStore = null;
            switch (storePersistenceType)
                case PersistenceType.AppendOnly:
                    dataPageStore = new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(_persistenceManager, dataFilePath, PageSize, false, _storeConfiguration.DisableBackgroundWrites);
                case PersistenceType.Rewrite:
                    dataPageStore = new BinaryFilePageStore(_persistenceManager, dataFilePath, PageSize, false, 0, 1, _storeConfiguration.DisableBackgroundWrites);

            IPageStore resourcePageStore = new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(_persistenceManager, resourceFilePath, PageSize, false, _storeConfiguration.DisableBackgroundWrites);
            var resourceTable = new ResourceTable(resourcePageStore);
            using (var store = new Store(storeLocation, dataPageStore, resourceTable))

            if (withTransactionLogging)
                _persistenceManager.CreateFile(Path.Combine(storeLocation, ""));
                _persistenceManager.CreateFile(Path.Combine(storeLocation, ""));

            Logging.LogInfo("Store created at {0}", storeLocation);
            return OpenStore(storeLocation, readOnly);
Example #24
        public static BasePersistenceHelper CreateInstence(PersistenceType type = PersistenceType.ADO, DatabaseType dbType = DatabaseType.SqlServer)
            if (type == PersistenceType.ADO)
            else if (type == PersistenceType.NHibernate)
                return(new NHibernateHelper());
            else if (type == PersistenceType.EntityFarmwork)
                return(new EntityFarmworkHelper());

Example #25
        private static string GetPersistenceTypeString(PersistenceType type)
            switch (type)
            case PersistenceType.Latest:

            case PersistenceType.Highest:

            case PersistenceType.Lowest:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type", type, null);
Example #26
     * Generic Load - read athe PersistenceData from the Json file
    public static T LoadObject <T>(PersistenceType type) where T : class
        //string filePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/playerInfo.json";
        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            try {
                using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(filePath)) {
                    String   jsonString = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
                    JsonData jsonData   = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonString);

                    return(jsonData["Item"] as T);
            } catch (Exception e) {
Example #27
 public static IPageStore CreateEmptyPageStore(string fileName, PersistenceType persistenceType = PersistenceType.AppendOnly, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Create Empty Page Store"))
         using (profiler.Step("Delete Existing"))
             if (PersistenceManager.FileExists(fileName)) PersistenceManager.DeleteFile(fileName);
             //if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName);
         using (profiler.Step("Create New Page Store"))
             if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.AppendOnly)
                 return new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, false, false);
             return new BinaryFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, false, 1);
Example #28
        public void TestExecuteTransaction(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestExecuteTransaction", persistenceType);
            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);

            // Test a simple addition of triples
            var insertData = new StringBuilder();
            insertData.AppendLine(@"<> <> ""Alice"".");
                @"<> <> ""*****@*****.**"".");
            var job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName,
                                                new UpdateTransactionData {InsertData = insertData.ToString()});
            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            // Test an update with a precondition which is met
            const string tripleToDelete = @"<> <> ""*****@*****.**"".";
            const string tripleToInsert = @"<> <> ""FAKESHA1""";
            job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName,
                                            new UpdateTransactionData
                                                    ExistencePreconditions = tripleToDelete,
                                                    DeletePatterns = tripleToDelete,
                                                    InsertData = tripleToInsert
            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            // Test an update with a precondition which is not met
            job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName,
                                            new UpdateTransactionData
                                                ExistencePreconditions = tripleToDelete,
                                                DeletePatterns = tripleToDelete,
                                                InsertData = tripleToInsert
            while (!(job.JobCompletedOk || job.JobCompletedWithErrors))
                job = client.GetJobInfo(storeName, job.JobId);
 private void BuildAndScan(IPageStore pageStore, string pageStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType, int keyCount)
     var config = new BPlusTreeConfiguration(8, 64, pageStore.PageSize);
     var builder = new BPlusTreeBuilder(pageStore, config);
     var treeRoot = builder.Build(1, _testOrderedValues.Take(keyCount));
     var treeBeforeSave = new BPlusTree(pageStore, treeRoot);
     treeBeforeSave.Save(1, null);
     //ValidateScan(treeBeforeSave.Scan(null), keyCount, pageStoreName + " before save");
     pageStore.Commit(1, null);
     using(var ps = TestUtils.OpenPageStore(pageStoreName, true, persistenceType, 1))
         var tree = new BPlusTree(ps, treeRoot);
         ValidateScan(tree.Scan(null), keyCount, pageStoreName + " after save");
         ValidateSearch(tree, keyCount, pageStoreName + "after save");
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to set a <see cref="string"/> that will be stored in the cloud. PersistenceType.Latest will be used in case of data conflict.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Must be a unique identifier for this specific value.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value for this <see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="persistenceType">The persistence type to use in case of a data conflict (ignored if value has been set before).</param>
        public static void SetString(string key, string value, PersistenceType persistenceType)
            if (!s_localGameData.SyncableItems.ContainsKey(key))
                var metaData     = new SyncableItemMetaData(DataType.String, persistenceType);
                var syncableItem = new SyncableItem(value, metaData);
                s_localGameData.SyncableItems.Add(key, syncableItem);
                IsLocalDataDirty = true;

            if (s_localGameData.SyncableItems[key].Metadata.DataType == DataType.String)
                s_localGameData.SyncableItems[key].ValueString = value;
                IsLocalDataDirty = true;
                throw new UnexpectedCollectionElementTypeException(key, typeof(string));
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to set a <see cref="decimal"/> that will be stored in the cloud.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Must be a unique identifier for this specific value.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value for this <see cref="decimal"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="persistenceType">The persistence type to use in case of a data conflict (ignored if value has been set before).</param>
        public static void SetDecimal(string key, decimal value, PersistenceType persistenceType)
            if (!s_localGameData.SyncableItems.ContainsKey(key))
                var metaData     = new SyncableItemMetaData(DataType.Decimal, persistenceType);
                var syncableItem = new SyncableItem(value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), metaData);
                s_localGameData.SyncableItems.Add(key, syncableItem);
                IsLocalDataDirty = true;

            if (s_localGameData.SyncableItems[key].Metadata.DataType == DataType.Decimal)
                s_localGameData.SyncableItems[key].ValueString = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                IsLocalDataDirty = true;
                throw new UnexpectedCollectionElementTypeException(key, typeof(decimal));
Example #32
        public void TestRdfImportExport(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestRdfImportExport", persistenceType);
            var importPath = Path.Combine(TestConfiguration.StoreLocation, "import");

            TestHelper.CopyFile("TestData\\simple.txt", importPath, "simple.txt");
            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);

            // RDF import
            var job = client.StartImport(storeName, "simple.txt");
            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            // RDF export
            job = client.StartExport(storeName, "simple.export.nt");
            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            var exportFilePath = Path.Combine(importPath, "simple.export.nt");
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new store with a specific persistence type for the main indexes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to create.</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use for the main store indexes</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Raised if <paramref name="storeName"/> is NULL</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Raised if <paramref name="storeName"/> is an empty string or does not match the allowed regular expression production for store names.</exception>
 /// <remarks>See <see cref="Constants.StoreNameRegex"/> for the regular expression used to validate store names.</remarks>
 public void CreateStore(string storeName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
         if (storeName == null)
             throw new ArgumentNullException("storeName", Strings.BrightstarServiceClient_StoreNameMustNotBeNull);
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeName))
             throw new ArgumentException(Strings.BrightstarServiceClient_StoreNameMustNotBeEmptyString,
         if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(storeName, Constants.StoreNameRegex))
             throw new ArgumentException(Strings.BrightstarServiceClient_InvalidStoreName, "storeName");
         _serverCore.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logging.LogError(BrightstarEventId.ServerCoreException, "Error Creating Store {0}", storeName);
         throw new BrightstarClientException("Error creating store " + storeName + ". " + ex.Message, ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new store with a specific persistence type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName"></param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType"></param>
 public void CreateStoreWithPersistenceType(string storeName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(storeName))
             throw new BrightstarClientException("Store name cannot be NULL or an empty string.");
         if (!Regex.IsMatch(storeName, Constants.StoreNameRegex))
             throw new BrightstarClientException(Strings.BrightstarServiceClient_InvalidStoreName);
         ServerCore.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);
         Logging.LogInfo("Created store {0} with persistence type {1}", storeName, persistenceType);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logging.LogError(BrightstarDB.BrightstarEventId.ServerCoreException, "Error Creating Store {0}", storeName);
         throw new BrightstarClientException("Error creating store " + storeName + ". " + ex.Message, ex);
Example #35
     * Retrieve the data from a JsonData and create an Item list with the info
    private static List <Item> GetItemFromJsonData(JsonData jsonData)
        PersistenceType type  = PersistenceType.itens;
        Item            item  = null;
        List <Item>     itens = new List <Item>();

        for (int i = 0; i < jsonData[type.ToString()].Count; i++)
            item             = new Item();
            = Convert.ToInt32(jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["id"].ToString());
          = jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["name"].ToString();
            item.description = jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["description"].ToString();
            item.amount      = Convert.ToInt32(jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["amount"].ToString());
            item.spritePos   = Convert.ToInt32(jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["spritePos"].ToString());
            int x = Convert.ToInt32(jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["coords"][0].ToString());
            int y = Convert.ToInt32(jsonData[type.ToString()][i]["coords"][1].ToString());
            item.coords = new int[] { x, y };
        private void BuildAndScan(IPageStore pageStore, string pageStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType, int keyCount)
            var config         = new BPlusTreeConfiguration(8, 64, pageStore.PageSize);
            var builder        = new BPlusTreeBuilder(pageStore, config);
            var treeRoot       = builder.Build(1, _testOrderedValues.Take(keyCount));
            var treeBeforeSave = new BPlusTree(pageStore, treeRoot);

            treeBeforeSave.Save(1, null);
            //ValidateScan(treeBeforeSave.Scan(null), keyCount, pageStoreName + " before save");
            pageStore.Commit(1, null);

            using (var ps = TestUtils.OpenPageStore(pageStoreName, true, persistenceType, 1))
                var tree = new BPlusTree(ps, treeRoot);
                ValidateScan(tree.Scan(null), keyCount, pageStoreName + " after save");
                ValidateSearch(tree, keyCount, pageStoreName + "after save");
Example #37
        public void TestRdfImportExport(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client     = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName  = MakeStoreName("TestRdfImportExport", persistenceType);
            var importPath = Path.Combine(TestConfiguration.StoreLocation, "import");

            TestHelper.CopyFile("TestData\\simple.txt", importPath, "simple.txt");
            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);

            // RDF import
            var job = client.StartImport(storeName, "simple.txt");

            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            // RDF export
            job = client.StartExport(storeName, "simple.export.nt");
            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            var exportFilePath = Path.Combine(importPath, "simple.export.nt");

Example #38
 public static IPageStore CreateEmptyPageStore(string fileName, PersistenceType persistenceType = PersistenceType.AppendOnly, BrightstarProfiler profiler = null)
     using (profiler.Step("Create Empty Page Store"))
         using (profiler.Step("Delete Existing"))
             if (PersistenceManager.FileExists(fileName))
             //if (File.Exists(fileName)) File.Delete(fileName);
         using (profiler.Step("Create New Page Store"))
             if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.AppendOnly)
                 return(new AppendOnlyFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, false, false));
             return(new BinaryFilePageStore(PersistenceManager, fileName, 4096, false, 1));
Example #39
        public void TestCreateStore(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestCreateStore", persistenceType);
            var storePath = Path.Combine(TestConfiguration.StoreLocation, storeName);
            var dataPath = Path.Combine(storePath, "");
            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);



            Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); // Wait to allow store to shutdown

            Assert.IsFalse(_pm.FileExists(dataPath), "Expected data file to be deleted, but it was still found at {0}", dataPath);
            Assert.IsFalse(_pm.DirectoryExists(storePath), "Expected store directory to be deleted, but it was still found at {0}", storePath);
            Assert.IsFalse(client.DoesStoreExist(storeName), "Expected client to report that store not longer exists after deletion");
Example #40
        public void TestQuery(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client    = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestQuery", persistenceType);

            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);

            var insertData = new StringBuilder();

            insertData.AppendLine(@"<> <> ""Alice"".");
                @"<> <> <> .");
            insertData.AppendLine(@"<> <> <> .");
            insertData.AppendLine(@"<> <> ""Bob"" .");
            insertData.AppendLine(@"<> <> ""Carol"" .");

            var job = client.ExecuteTransaction(storeName, new UpdateTransactionData {
                InsertData = insertData.ToString()

            AssertJobSuccessful(client, storeName, job);

            const string query        = "PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?p ?n WHERE { <> foaf:knows ?p . ?p foaf:name ?n }";
            var          resultStream = client.ExecuteQuery(storeName, query);
            var          doc          = XDocument.Load(resultStream);

            var rows = doc.SparqlResultRows().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, rows.Count);

            foreach (var row in rows)
Example #41
        public void TestCreateStore(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var client    = GetEmbeddedClient();
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestCreateStore", persistenceType);
            var storePath = Path.Combine(TestConfiguration.StoreLocation, storeName);
            var dataPath  = Path.Combine(storePath, "");

            client.CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType);



            Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); // Wait to allow store to shutdown

            Assert.IsFalse(_pm.FileExists(dataPath), "Expected data file to be deleted, but it was still found at {0}", dataPath);
            Assert.IsFalse(_pm.DirectoryExists(storePath), "Expected store directory to be deleted, but it was still found at {0}", storePath);
            Assert.IsFalse(client.DoesStoreExist(storeName), "Expected client to report that store not longer exists after deletion");
Example #42
 public virtual IPersistenceEngine GetPersistenceEngine(PersistenceType persistenceType)
     if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.Default)
     else if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.ObjectDocument)
     else if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.ObjectObject)
     else if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.ObjectRelational)
     else if (persistenceType == PersistenceType.ObjectService)
Example #43
 internal void CreateSnapshot(string destinationStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType, ulong commitPointId)
     _storeManager.CreateSnapshot(_storeLocation, Path.Combine(_baseLocation, destinationStoreName), persistenceType, commitPointId);
Example #44
        public Guid CreateSnapshot(string sourceStoreName, string targetStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType, ulong sourceCommitPointId)

            var storeWorker = GetStoreWorker(sourceStoreName);
            return storeWorker.QueueSnapshotJob(targetStoreName, persistenceType, sourceCommitPointId);
 /// <summary>
 /// Queues a job to create a snapshot of a store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to take a snapshot of</param>
 /// <param name="targetStoreName">The name of the store to be created to receive the snapshot</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use for the target store</param>
 /// <param name="sourceCommitPoint">OPTIONAL: the commit point in the source store to take a snapshot from</param>
 /// <param name="label">Optional user-friendly label for the job.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="IJobInfo"/> instance for tracking the current status of the job.</returns>
 public IJobInfo CreateSnapshot(string storeName, string targetStoreName,
                                PersistenceType persistenceType,
                                ICommitPointInfo sourceCommitPoint = null,
     string label = null)
         var jobId = _serverCore.CreateSnapshot(storeName, targetStoreName,
                                                sourceCommitPoint == null
                                                    ? StoreConstants.NullUlong
                                                    : sourceCommitPoint.Id,
         return GetJobInfo(storeName, jobId.ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logging.LogError(BrightstarEventId.ServerCoreException, "Error queuing snapshot job for store {0}",
         throw new BrightstarClientException(
             "Error queuing snapshot job for store " + storeName + ". " + ex.Message, ex);
 private void TestBuildSingleLeafNode(IPageStore pageStore, string pageStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     BuildAndScan(pageStore, pageStoreName, persistenceType, 20);
Example #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to store <see cref="long"/>s in the cloud.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">A unique identifier used to identify this particular value.</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">
 /// The method of conflict resolution to be used in case of a data conflict. Can happen if the data is altered by a different device.
 /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Latest"/> will prefer the latest (newest) value.
 /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Highest"/> will prefer the highest value.
 /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Lowest"/> will prefer the lowest value.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="value">The starting value for this <see cref="long"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The value the <see cref="long"/> will be set to if it is ever reset.</param>
 public CloudLong(string key, PersistenceType persistenceType, long value, long defaultValue)
     : base(key, persistenceType, value, defaultValue, DataManager.GetLong, DataManager.SetLong)
     DataManager.InitializeLong(key, persistenceType, value);
Example #48
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO: Add code to start application here
#if (!(DEBUG))
            if (args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("usage: OperaCopy <source> <dest>");
                Console.WriteLine("supported types: TLG, TSR, RWC, RWD, XML");

                Console.WriteLine("TLG -------- input");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone), true, true));
                Console.WriteLine("TLB = TLG, full base track info; TLS = TLG, geometrical base track info only.");
                Console.WriteLine("TLG -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone), false, true));
                Console.WriteLine("AI -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine("Alignment Ignore sections of TLG files translated to text files");
                Console.WriteLine("BI -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine("BaseTrack Index sections of TLG files translated to text files");
                Console.WriteLine("DBMI -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine("DB MicroTrack Index sections of TLG files translated to text files");

                Console.WriteLine("TSR -------- input");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.TotalScan.Volume), true, true));
                Console.WriteLine("TSR -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.TotalScan.Volume), false, true));

                Console.WriteLine("RWC -------- input");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.RawData.Catalog), true, true));
                Console.WriteLine("RWC -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.RawData.Catalog), false, true));

                Console.WriteLine("RWD -------- input");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.RawData.Fragment), true, true));
                Console.WriteLine("RWD -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.RawData.Fragment), false, true));

                Console.WriteLine("XML -------- input");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.OperaDb.ComputingInfrastructure.ProgramSettings), true, true));
                Console.WriteLine("XML -------- output");
                Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Help(typeof(SySal.OperaDb.ComputingInfrastructure.ProgramSettings), false, true));

            PersistenceType T = GetType(args[0]);
            PersistenceType Q = GetType(args[1]);
            if (T != Q && !(Q == PersistenceType.TLG && (T == PersistenceType.TLB || T == PersistenceType.TLS)))
                throw new Exception("Input and output persistence supports must be of the same type.");
            switch (T)
            case PersistenceType.TLG:
                if (args[1].ToLower().EndsWith(".bi"))
                    SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIndex bi = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIndex)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[0], typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIndex));
                    System.IO.StreamWriter wr = new System.IO.StreamWriter(args[1]);
                    foreach (int ix in bi.Ids)
                else if (args[1].ToLower().EndsWith(".ai"))
                    SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIgnoreAlignment ai = (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIgnoreAlignment)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[0], typeof(SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone.BaseTrackIgnoreAlignment));
                    System.IO.StreamWriter wr = new System.IO.StreamWriter(args[1]);
                    foreach (int ix in ai.Ids)
                else if (args[1].ToLower().EndsWith(".dbmi"))
                    SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.DBMIPMicroTrackIndex dbmi = (SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.DBMIPMicroTrackIndex)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore(args[0], typeof(SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.DBMIPMicroTrackIndex));
                    System.IO.StreamWriter wr = new System.IO.StreamWriter(args[1]);
                    foreach (SySal.OperaDb.TotalScan.DBMIPMicroTrackIndex tx in dbmi.TopTracksIndex)
                        wr.Write(tx.ZoneId + "\t" + tx.Side + "\t" + tx.Id);
                    foreach (SySal.OperaDb.TotalScan.DBMIPMicroTrackIndex tx in dbmi.BottomTracksIndex)
                        wr.Write(tx.ZoneId + "\t" + tx.Side + "\t" + tx.Id);
                    SySal.OperaPersistence.LinkedZoneDetailLevel = SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.LinkedZone.DetailLevel.Full;

            case PersistenceType.TLB:
                SySal.OperaPersistence.LinkedZoneDetailLevel = SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.LinkedZone.DetailLevel.BaseFull;
                                                                 (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore((args[0].Substring(0, args[0].Length - 1) + 'G'),

            case PersistenceType.TLS:
                SySal.OperaPersistence.LinkedZoneDetailLevel = SySal.OperaDb.Scanning.LinkedZone.DetailLevel.BaseGeom;
                                                                 (SySal.Scanning.Plate.IO.OPERA.LinkedZone)SySal.OperaPersistence.Restore((args[0].Substring(0, args[0].Length - 1) + 'G'),

            case PersistenceType.TSR:       Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[1],

            case PersistenceType.RWC:       Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[1],

            case PersistenceType.RWD:       Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[1],

            case PersistenceType.XML:       Console.WriteLine(SySal.OperaPersistence.Persist(args[1],
#if (!(DEBUG))

        catch (Exception x)
Example #49
 public SnapshotJob(Guid jobId, string label, StoreWorker storeWorker, string destinationStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType, ulong sourceCommitPointId) : base(jobId, label, storeWorker)
     _destinationStoreName = destinationStoreName;
     _sourceCommitPointId  = sourceCommitPointId;
     _persistenceType      = persistenceType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to create</param>
 /// <param name="namespaceMappings">A collection of prefix to URI mappings to enable CURIEs to be used for resource addresses instead of full URIs</param>
 /// <param name="optimisticLockingEnabled">A boolean flag indicating if optimistic locking should be enabled</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use in the newly created store. If not specified, defaults to the value specified in the application configuration file or <see cref="PersistenceType.AppendOnly"/></param>
 /// <param name="updateGraph">OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph to be updated with any new triples created by operations on the store. If
 /// not defined, the default graph in the store will be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="versionTrackingGraph">OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph that contains version number statements for data objects. 
 /// If not defined, the <paramref name="updateGraph"/> will be used.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created data object store</returns>
 /// <remarks>When creating a new store through this API the default data set used for queries will be automatically set to the single update graph specified by the 
 /// <paramref name="updateGraph"/> parameter (or the default graph if the parameter is ommitted).</remarks>
 /// <exception cref="BrightstarClientException">raised if the store creation failed on the server</exception>
 /// <exception cref="BrightstarInternalException">raised if the underlying DotNetRDF storage server implementation raises an exception during this operation. 
 /// The underlying server exception will be contained in the InnerException property of the BrightstarInternalException.</exception>
 public override IDataObjectStore CreateStore(string storeName, Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings = null,
                                              bool? optimisticLockingEnabled = null,
                                              PersistenceType? persistenceType = null,
                                              string updateGraph = null, string versionTrackingGraph = null)
     if (!_createSupported) throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.DotNetRdf_UnsupportedByServer);
         var storeTemplate = _storageServer.GetDefaultTemplate(storeName);
         if (_storageServer.CreateStore(storeTemplate))
             return OpenStore(storeName, namespaceMappings, optimisticLockingEnabled, updateGraph, null,
         throw new BrightstarClientException(Strings.DotNetRdf_StoreCreationFailed);
     catch (BrightstarException)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new BrightstarInternalException(Strings.DotNetRdf_ErrorFromUnderlyingServer, e);
Example #51
 internal void LoadInternal(NativeMethods.CREDENTIAL credential)
     Username = credential.UserName;
     if (credential.CredentialBlobSize > 0)
         Password = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(credential.CredentialBlob, credential.CredentialBlobSize / 2);
     Target = credential.TargetName;
     Type = (CredentialType)credential.Type;
     PersistenceType = (PersistenceType)credential.Persist;
     Description = credential.Comment;
     LastWriteTimeUtc = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(credential.LastWritten);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to create</param>
 /// <param name="namespaceMappings">A collection of prefix to URI mappings to enable CURIEs to be used for resource addresses instead of full URIs</param>
 /// <param name="optimisticLockingEnabled">A boolean flag indicating if optimistic locking should be enabled</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use in the newly created store. If not specified, defaults to the value specified in the application configuration file or <see cref="PersistenceType.AppendOnly"/></param>
 /// <param name="updateGraph">OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph to be updated with any new triples created by operations on the store. If
 /// not defined, the default graph in the store will be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="versionTrackingGraph">OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph that contains version number statements for data objects. 
 /// If not defined, the <paramref name="updateGraph"/> will be used.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created data object store</returns>
 public IDataObjectStore CreateStore(string storeName, Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings, 
     bool? optimisticLockingEnabled = null, 
     PersistenceType? persistenceType = null,
     string updateGraph = null, string versionTrackingGraph = null)
                        persistenceType.HasValue ? persistenceType.Value : Configuration.PersistenceType);
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateGraph)) updateGraph = Constants.DefaultGraphUri;
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(versionTrackingGraph)) versionTrackingGraph = updateGraph;
     return new RestDataObjectStore(
         _connectionString, storeName, namespaceMappings,
         optimisticLockingEnabled.HasValue ? optimisticLockingEnabled.Value : _optimisticLockingEnabled,
         updateGraph, new string[] {updateGraph}, versionTrackingGraph);
        public void TestCollectionUpdatedByInverseProperty(PersistenceType persistenceType)
            var storeName = MakeStoreName("TestCollectionUpdatedByInverseProperty", persistenceType);
            using (var dataObjectStore = CreateStore(storeName, persistenceType))
                using (var context = new MyEntityContext(dataObjectStore))
                    var dept = new Department {Name = "Research"};

                    // Attach before property is set
                    var alice = new Person {Name = "Alice"};
                    alice.Department = dept;
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, dept.Persons.Count);

                    // Attach after property set
                    var bob = new Person {Name = "Bob", Department = dept};
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, dept.Persons.Count);

                    // Attach after property set by explicit call
                    var charlie = new Person {Name = "Charlie"};
                    charlie.Department = dept;
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, dept.Persons.Count);

                    // Not attached before checking inverse property
                    var dave = new Person {Name = "Dave", Department = dept};
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, dept.Persons.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(4, dept.Persons.Count);


                    Assert.AreEqual(4, dept.Persons.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, dept.Persons.Count);

                    Assert.AreEqual(3, dept.Persons.Count);
 public IJobInfo CreateSnapshot(string storeName, string targetStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType,
                                ICommitPointInfo sourceCommitPoint = null)
         if (sourceCommitPoint == null)
             return new JobInfoWrapper(_service.CreateSnapshot(storeName, targetStoreName, persistenceType, null));
             new JobInfoWrapper(_service.CreateSnapshot(storeName, targetStoreName, persistenceType,
                                                        new CommitPointInfo
                                                                Id = sourceCommitPoint.Id,
                                                                StoreName = sourceCommitPoint.StoreName,
                                                                CommitTime = sourceCommitPoint.CommitTime,
                                                                JobId = sourceCommitPoint.JobId
     catch (FaultException<ExceptionDetail> fault)
         throw new BrightstarClientException(fault);
Example #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to store <see cref="uint"/>s in the cloud.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">A unique identifier used to identify this particular value.</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">
 /// The method of conflict resolution to be used in case of a data conflict. Can happen if the data is altered by a different device.
 /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Latest"/> will prefer the latest (newest) value.
 /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Highest"/> will prefer the highest value.
 /// <see cref="PersistenceType.Lowest"/> will prefer the lowest value.
 /// If you use <see cref="PersistenceType.Lowest"/> and don't set <paramref name="value"/>, the <see cref="uint"/> will always be <c>0u</c>.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="value">The starting value for this <see cref="uint"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The value the <see cref="uint"/> will be set to if it is ever reset.</param>
 public CloudUInt(string key, PersistenceType persistenceType, uint value, uint defaultValue)
     : base(key, persistenceType, value, defaultValue, DataManager.GetUInt, DataManager.SetUInt)
     DataManager.InitializeUInt(key, persistenceType, value);
 public void CreateStore(string storeName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     _service.CreateStore(storeName); // TODO: Pass through persistence type
 private void TestBuildSingleLeafNode(IPageStore pageStore, string pageStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     BuildAndScan(pageStore, pageStoreName, persistenceType, 20);
 public void CreateStoreWithPersistenceType(string storeName, PersistenceType persistenceType)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #59
 public SnapshotJob(Guid jobId, string label, StoreWorker storeWorker, string destinationStoreName, PersistenceType persistenceType, ulong sourceCommitPointId) : base(jobId, label, storeWorker)
     _destinationStoreName = destinationStoreName;
     _sourceCommitPointId = sourceCommitPointId;
     _persistenceType = persistenceType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="storeName">The name of the store to create</param>
 /// <param name="namespaceMappings">A collection of prefix to URI mappings to enable CURIEs to be used for resource addresses instead of full URIs</param>
 /// <param name="optimisticLockingEnabled">A boolean flag indicating if optimistic locking should be enabled</param>
 /// <param name="persistenceType">The type of persistence to use in the newly created store. If not specified, defaults to the value specified in the application configuration file or <see cref="PersistenceType.AppendOnly"/></param>
 /// <param name="updateGraph">OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph to be updated with any new triples created by operations on the store. If
 /// not defined, the default graph in the store will be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="versionTrackingGraph">OPTIONAL: The URI identifier of the graph that contains version number statements for data objects. 
 /// If not defined, the <paramref name="updateGraph"/> will be used.</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created data object store</returns>
 /// <remarks>When creating a new store through this API the default data set used for queries will be automatically set to the single update graph specified by the 
 /// <paramref name="updateGraph"/> parameter (or the default graph if the parameter is ommitted).</remarks>
 public override IDataObjectStore CreateStore(string storeName, Dictionary<string, string> namespaceMappings = null,
                                     bool? optimisticLockingEnabled = null, PersistenceType? persistenceType = null,
                                     string updateGraph = null, string versionTrackingGraph = null)
     throw new NotSupportedException();