Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///	使对象实体化,根据IsPersistent决定是更新还是插入操作
        ///	如果IsPersistent为True,则自动会进行Update操作,在使用Retrieve()后会自动赋上此值,如:
        ///	entity.Retrieve();
        ///	if(entity.IsPersistent)
        ///	{会进行更新操作}
        ///	虽然IsPersistent是public的,但一般的情况下,不建议进行赋值。
        /// </summary>
        public int Save()
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();

            this._IsSaveInMemory = broker.GetClassMap(thisType.Name).IsSaveToMemory;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify parameter order when using unnamed parameters
        /// </summary>
        public void ExecuteTestUnnamedParameterOrder(string providerName)
            GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel = AnalyzerLevel.None;
            PersistenceBroker broker = new PersistenceBroker(providerName, "...");
            GentleSqlFactory  sf     = broker.GetSqlFactory();

            if (!sf.HasCapability(Capability.NamedParameters))
                // create parameterized query
                SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder(broker, StatementType.Select, typeof(MailingList));
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "SenderAddress", "SenderAddress");
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "Name", "Name");
                SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
                foreach (IDataParameter param in stmt.Command.Parameters)
                    Assert.IsTrue(param.ParameterName.IndexOf((string)param.Value) >= 0, "1: Parameter order not correctly maintained.");
                // retry using parameters in reverse order
                sb = new SqlBuilder(broker, StatementType.Select, typeof(MailingList));
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "Name", "Name");
                sb.AddConstraint(Operator.Equals, "SenderAddress", "SenderAddress");
                stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
                foreach (IDataParameter param in stmt.Command.Parameters)
                    Assert.IsTrue(param.ParameterName.IndexOf((string)param.Value) >= 0, "2: Parameter order not correctly maintained.");
Example #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Verify parameter order when using unnamed parameters
		/// </summary>
		public void ExecuteTestUnnamedParameterOrder( string providerName )
			GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel = AnalyzerLevel.None;
			PersistenceBroker broker = new PersistenceBroker( providerName, "..." );
			GentleSqlFactory sf = broker.GetSqlFactory();
			if( ! sf.HasCapability( Capability.NamedParameters ) )
				// create parameterized query
				SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( broker, StatementType.Select, typeof(MailingList) );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "SenderAddress", "SenderAddress" );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Name", "Name" );
				SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement( true );
				foreach( IDataParameter param in stmt.Command.Parameters )
					Assert.IsTrue( param.ParameterName.IndexOf( (string) param.Value ) >= 0, "1: Parameter order not correctly maintained." );
				// retry using parameters in reverse order 
				sb = new SqlBuilder( broker, StatementType.Select, typeof(MailingList) );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "Name", "Name" );
				sb.AddConstraint( Operator.Equals, "SenderAddress", "SenderAddress" );
				stmt = sb.GetStatement( true );
				foreach( IDataParameter param in stmt.Command.Parameters )
					Assert.IsTrue( param.ParameterName.IndexOf( (string) param.Value ) >= 0, "2: Parameter order not correctly maintained." );
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///	根据对象的主键获取唯一对象
        /// 注意,这个方法必须与只能通过主键来获取,因为只有主键在逻辑能确定唯一
        /// 支持双主键,如果是双主键,则两个主键属性必须都要赋上
        /// 如果不能通过主键唯一确定的,则可以通过RetrieveCriteria对象来获取。
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Retrieve()
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();

            this._IsSaveInMemory = broker.GetClassMap(thisType.Name).IsSaveToMemory;
            return(broker.RetrieveObject(this, true, false));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///		执行存储过程,返回DataTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeProcName">存储过程名</param>
        /// <param name="ps">存储过程所需参数数组</param>
        /// <param name="dbName">数据库名</param>
        /// <returns>存储过程返回的DataTable</returns>
        public static DataTable RunProcedure(string storeProcName, IDataParameter[] ps, string dbName)
            IDbCommand        cmd    = Query.BuildQueryCommand(storeProcName, ps, dbName);
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();

            return(broker.ExecuteQuery(cmd, dbName));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     生成一个Query实例
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="className">EntityObject的类名</param>
        public Query(string className)
            ClassMap cm = PersistenceBroker.Instance().GetClassMap(className);

            this.queryClass    = cm;
            sTemp              = " AS " + cm.RelationalDatabase.QuotationMarksStart;
            endQuostationMarks = cm.RelationalDatabase.QuotationMarksEnd;
		public void TestMultipleProviders()
			PersistenceBroker pb1 = new PersistenceBroker( "SQLServer", "first" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "first", pb1.Provider.ConnectionString );
			PersistenceBroker pb2 = new PersistenceBroker( "SQLServer", "second" );
			Assert.AreEqual( "second", pb2.Provider.ConnectionString );
			Assert.AreEqual( "first", pb1.Provider.ConnectionString );
Example #8
        //public static DataTable PageQuery(string needfields, string fromcondition,string keyfields ,string keyfieldsdeclare, int pagesize, int pages, out int counts, string db)
        //    string sqlCreate = "declare @indextable table(indextableid int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY," + keyfieldsdeclare + ") ;";
        //    string KeySql = "select "+keyfields+" from "+fromcondition+" ";
        //    string sqlKeyinsert = "insert into @indextable(" + keyfields + ") " + KeySql + ";";
        //    string sqlCt = "select recrowcount= @@rowcount;";
        //    string[] needf = needfields.Split(new char[] { ',' });
        //    for (int i = 0; i < needf.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        needf[i] = "t1."+needf[i].ToString();
        //    }
        //    string sqlSearch = "select "+string.Join(",",needf)+" from @indextable t0,(" + orgSql + ") t1 where t0.indextableid>=" + ((page - 1) * pageSize + 1).ToString() + " and t0.indextableid<" + (page * pageSize + 1).ToString() + tempKey3;


        /// <summary>
        ///     执行Sql语句返回影响条数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql">SQL语句</param>
        /// <param name="dbName">操作的数据库名</param>
        /// <returns>SQL语句影响条数</returns>
        public static int ProcessSqlNonQuery(string sql, string dbName)
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            IDbCommand        cmd    = broker.GetCommand(dbName);

            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            Logger.Write(sql);   //add by duhu
            return(broker.Execute(dbName, cmd));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        ///     执行Sql语句返回DataTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql">SQL语句</param>
        /// <param name="dbName">操作的数据库名</param>
        /// <returns>SQL语句查询结果集</returns>
        public static DataSet ProcessMultiSql(string sql, string dbName)
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            IDbCommand        cmd    = broker.GetCommand(dbName);

            cmd.CommandTimeout = 120;
            cmd.CommandText    = sql;
            Logger.Write(sql);   //add by duhu
            return(broker.ExecuteMultiQuery(cmd, dbName));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        ///		生成一个Query实例
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classType">EntityObject对象的Type实例</param>
        /// <param name="DatabaseName">多帐套数据库的数据库名</param>
        public Query(Type classType, string DatabaseName)
            string   className = EntityObject.GetClassName(classType);
            ClassMap cm        = PersistenceBroker.Instance().GetClassMap(className);

            this.queryClass    = cm;
            sTemp              = " AS " + cm.RelationalDatabase.QuotationMarksStart;
            endQuostationMarks = cm.RelationalDatabase.QuotationMarksEnd;
            this.DatabaseName  = DatabaseName;
        public void TestMultipleProviders()
            PersistenceBroker pb1 = new PersistenceBroker("SQLServer", "first");

            Assert.AreEqual("first", pb1.Provider.ConnectionString);
            PersistenceBroker pb2 = new PersistenceBroker("SQLServer", "second");

            Assert.AreEqual("second", pb2.Provider.ConnectionString);
            Assert.AreEqual("first", pb1.Provider.ConnectionString);
Example #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a TableMap instance to hold information on the given table.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance used to obtain metadata on the table.
		/// If null is passed the DefaultProvider settings will be used.</param>
		/// <param name="tableName">The name of the table for which to hold information.</param>
		public TableMap( PersistenceBroker broker, string tableName ) : base( broker )
			provider = SessionBroker.Provider;
			// use property accessor to also set quoted name
			if( tableName != null )
				TableName = tableName;
			fields = new FieldList();
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 ///		环境初始化
 /// </summary>
 public void Initialize()
     if (this.m_DatabaseMapFile == "*")
         throw new PlException("请先设置xml文件的位置!", ErrorTypes.PesistentError);
Example #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct an ObjectMap instance for the given type.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance to which this map is related.</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type for which this instance is a map</param>
		public ObjectMap( PersistenceBroker broker, Type type ) : base( broker )
			this.type = type;
			if( type != null )
				SetTableName( type );
			//this.dbMaps = new Hashtable();
			views = new Hashtable();
			validations = new ArrayList();
			objectConstructor = new ObjectConstructor( this );
		/// <summary>
		/// This is the generic base constructor will a full argument set.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="version">The version of this record in the database or 0 for new instances.</param>
		/// <param name="isPersisted">A boolean to indicate whether this object has been persisted.</param>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker to use for connecting to the database.</param>
		public ContextPersistent( int version, bool isPersisted, PersistenceBroker broker )
			databaseVersion = version;
			this.isPersisted = isPersisted;
			if( broker == null )
				this.broker = new PersistenceBroker( GetType() );
			else // use supplied broker and associated provider
				this.broker = broker;
Example #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for error conditions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance to use for database access.</param>
		/// <param name="error">The exception raised by the .NET framework</param>
		public SqlResult( PersistenceBroker broker, Exception error ) : base( broker )
			this.error = error;
			// SQL Server specific:
			if( error.GetType().Equals( typeof(SqlException) ) )
				errorCode = ((SqlException) error).Number;
				errorCode = 42; // it's magic
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取前N条记录(未实现Oracle功能)
        /// add by tintown at 2004-09-06
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        /// <param name="top"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override DataTable AsDataTable(IDbCommand cmd, int top)
            cmd.Connection  = this.connection;
            cmd.Transaction = this.transaction;
            string cmdText = cmd.CommandText;

            cmd.CommandText = PersistenceBroker.AddOracleTopWhere(cmdText, top);;
            OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter((OleDbCommand)cmd);
            DataTable        dt      = new DataTable();

Example #18
        public virtual void Init(string providerName)
            IGentleProvider provider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider(providerName, "");

            Assert.AreEqual(provider.Name, providerName, "Wrong provider returned from factory!");
            sf     = provider.GetSqlFactory();
            broker = new PersistenceBroker(provider);
            sb     = new SqlBuilder(provider);
            // make sure analyzer errors are ignored for this test
            origLevel = GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel;
            GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel = AnalyzerLevel.None;
        public void TestManualProviderCreation()
            string name    = Configurator.GetKey(null, "Gentle.Framework/DefaultProvider/@name");
            string connStr = Configurator.GetKey(null, "Gentle.Framework/DefaultProvider/@connectionString");
            string schema  = Configurator.GetKey(null, "Gentle.Framework/DefaultProvider/@schema");
            //connStr = @"Server=(local)\SQLExpress;Database=Gentle;Integrated Security=true";
            PersistenceBroker broker = ProviderFactory.GetProvider("test", name, connStr, schema).Broker;
            IList             list   = broker.RetrieveList(typeof(MailingList));

            Assert.IsNotNull(list, "No result returned.");
            Assert.IsTrue(list.Count > 0, "List was empty.");
            MailingList ml = list[0] as MailingList;

Example #20
		protected BrokerLock( PersistenceBroker broker, Type type )
			if( broker == null )
				if( type == null )
					type = GetType();
				this.broker = new PersistenceBroker( type );
			else // use supplied broker and associated provider
				this.broker = broker;
Example #21
		public void TestAnalyzerDataOverride()
			PersistenceBroker broker = new PersistenceBroker();
			// Dont run test if the current provider does not have an Analyzer
			GentleAnalyzer analyzer = broker.Provider.GetAnalyzer();
			if( analyzer != null && GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel != AnalyzerLevel.None )
				ObjectMap map = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, typeof(PropertyHolder) );
				// test that analyzer data overrides any TableColumn attributes
				FieldMap fm = map.GetFieldMap( "TDouble" );
				if( analyzer.HasCapability( ColumnInformation.IsNullable ) )
					Assert.IsTrue( fm.IsNullable );
Example #22
        public void TestAnalyzerDataOverride()
            PersistenceBroker broker = new PersistenceBroker();
            // Dont run test if the current provider does not have an Analyzer
            GentleAnalyzer analyzer = broker.Provider.GetAnalyzer();

            if (analyzer != null && GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel != AnalyzerLevel.None)
                ObjectMap map = ObjectFactory.GetMap(broker, typeof(PropertyHolder));
                // test that analyzer data overrides any TableColumn attributes
                FieldMap fm = map.GetFieldMap("TDouble");
                if (analyzer.HasCapability(ColumnInformation.IsNullable))
Example #23
 public void TestMultiBroker()
     if (GentleSettings.DefaultProviderConnectionString.IndexOf("") != -1)
         // use modified connection string
         string            connStr = GentleSettings.DefaultProviderConnectionString.Replace("", "(local)");
         PersistenceBroker pb      = new PersistenceBroker(GentleSettings.DefaultProviderName, connStr);
         // fetch list
         IList pbList = pb.RetrieveList(typeof(MailingList));
         Assert.AreEqual(Broker.RetrieveList(typeof(MailingList)).Count, pbList.Count, "Not same result.");
         // check that connstr remains same when using SqlBuilder with custom broker
         SqlBuilder   sb   = new SqlBuilder(pb, StatementType.Select, typeof(MailingList));
         SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement(true);
         SqlResult    sr   = stmt.Execute();
         Assert.AreEqual(sr.SessionBroker.Provider.ConnectionString, connStr, "ConnStr not preserved.");
Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// add by tintown 2008-7-3使用Parameter的方式进行传参执行SQL
        ///如:string sql = "select top 100 * from Line_TCPF_Line where memberid=@id";
        ///IDataParameter para = PersistenceLayer.Query.GetParameter("hotel");
        ///para.ParameterName = "@id";
        /// para.Value = 6632;
        /// IDataParameter[] paras = new IDataParameter[1];
        ///paras[0] = para;
        /// DataTable dt = PersistenceLayer.Query.ProcessSql(sql, paras, "hotel");
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql">自己写的SQL语句</param>
        /// <param name="param">参数数组</param>
        /// <param name="dbName">数据源名</param>
        /// <returns>查询结果集</returns>
        public static DataTable ProcessSql(string sql, IDataParameter[] param, string dbName)
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            IDbCommand        cmd    = broker.GetCommand(dbName);

            cmd.CommandTimeout = 120;
            cmd.CommandText    = sql;
            if (param != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
                    IDataParameter p = param[i];
            Logger.Write(sql); // add by duhu
            return(broker.ExecuteQuery(cmd, dbName));
Example #25
        private static IDbCommand BuildQueryCommand(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] param, string dbName)
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            IDbCommand        cmd    = broker.GetCommand(dbName);

            cmd.CommandText = storedProcName;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            if (param != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
                    IDataParameter p = param[i];
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        ///		执行查询,并返回查询所返回结果集的第一行第一列。忽略额外的行或列
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public object ExecuteScalar()
            PersistenceBroker  broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            RelationalDatabase rdb    = broker.GetDatabaseCopy(this.DatabaseName);
            IDbCommand         cmd    = rdb.GetCommand();

            cmd.CommandText = this.BuildForQuery(cmd);
            DataTable dt = broker.ExecuteQuery(cmd, this.DatabaseName);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
Example #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new list for storing the specified type of objects.
		/// </summary>
		public GentleRelation( PersistenceBroker broker, Type containedType, IPersistent parent,
		                       params Type[] relatedTypes ) : base( broker )
			Check.VerifyNotNull( relatedTypes, Error.NullParameter, "relatedTypes" );
			/*Check.Verify( parent == null && relatedTypes.Length == 2 ||
				parent != null && relatedTypes.Length == 1, Error.NotImplemented,
			              "The GentleRelation class is currently only able to manage two-way relations." ); */
			this.relatedTypes = relatedTypes;
			this.parent = parent;
			containedMap = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, containedType );
			// note: "this." required on broker param or original null param might get passed
			relations = new GentleList( this.broker, containedType, parent );
			// verify that the linked types are supported by Gentle
			foreach( Type relatedType in relatedTypes )
				Check.Verify( relatedType.IsSubclassOf( typeof(Persistent) ) || relatedType.GetInterface( "IPersistent" ) != null,
				              Error.UnsupportedType, relatedType );
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        ///		执行存储过程
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeProcName">存储过程名</param>
        /// <param name="param">存储过程所需参数数组</param>
        /// <param name="affected">存储过程影响的行数</param>
        /// <param name="dbName">数据库名</param>
        /// <returns>存储过程的返回代码</returns>
        public static int RunProcedure(string storeProcName, IDataParameter[] param, out int affected, string dbName)
            int result;
            PersistenceBroker broker;

            broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            IDbCommand cmd = Query.BuildQueryCommand(storeProcName, param, dbName);
            IDataParameter p = cmd.CreateParameter();

            p.Direction     = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
            p.ParameterName = "ReturnValue";
            p.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
            cmd.Parameters.Insert(0, p);

            affected = broker.Execute(dbName, cmd);
            p        = (IDataParameter)cmd.Parameters["ReturnValue"];
            result   = (int)p.Value;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        ///		执行查询,并返回查询结果集
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>查询结果</returns>
        public DataTable Execute()
            PersistenceBroker  broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
            RelationalDatabase rdb    = broker.GetDatabaseCopy(this.DatabaseName);
            IDbCommand         cmd    = rdb.GetCommand();

            cmd.CommandText = this.BuildForQuery(cmd);
            string cmdText = cmd.CommandText;

            if (rdb.Vendor == DatabaseVendor.Oracle)
                int topInd = cmdText.IndexOf("Top");
                if (topInd != -1)
                    cmdText = cmdText.Substring(0, topInd) + cmdText.Substring(topInd + 6);

                    cmdText = PersistenceBroker.AddOracleTopWhere(cmdText, this.Top);
            cmd.CommandText = cmdText;
            return(broker.ExecuteQuery(cmd, this.DatabaseName));
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        ///		事务处理
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>如果事务成功返回true,失败返回false</returns>
        public bool Process()
            bool result = true;

                PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();
                //if (broker.MultiDatabase )
                result = broker.ProcessTransactionMultiDatabases(this);
                //	broker.ProcessTransactionSingleDatabase (this);
            catch (Exception e)
                result = false;
                throw e;
Example #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for ExecuteScalar results.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance to use for database access.</param>
		/// <param name="retval">The object returned by the .NET database provider.</param>
		/// <param name="stmt">The SqlStatement leading to this SqlResult</param>
		public SqlResult( PersistenceBroker broker, object retval, SqlStatement stmt ) :
			base( broker )
			this.stmt = stmt;
			if( retval != null )
					// some rdbms' return 64-bit row identities 
					long lastId = Convert.ToInt64( retval );
					returnValue = Convert.ToInt32( lastId );
					if( stmt.StatementType != StatementType.Count )
						rowsAffected = 1;
				catch( Exception e )
					throw new GentleException( Common.Error.NoIdentityReturned,
					                           stmt.Sql, e );
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        ///		返回一个IDataParameter,是SqlParameter,还是OleDbParameter
        ///		由databaseName对应数据库的数据库类型确定
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databaseName">数据库名</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IDataParameter GetParameter(string databaseName)
            PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBroker.Instance();

Example #33
		public virtual void Init( string providerName )
			IGentleProvider provider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider( providerName, "" );
			Assert.AreEqual( provider.Name, providerName, "Wrong provider returned from factory!" );
			sf = provider.GetSqlFactory();
			broker = new PersistenceBroker( provider );
			sb = new SqlBuilder( provider );
			// make sure analyzer errors are ignored for this test
			origLevel = GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel;
			GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel = AnalyzerLevel.None;
Example #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Use this This is the recommended constructor
		/// The supplied PersistenceBroker instance will be used to access the database.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="isPersisted">A boolean to indicate whether this object has been persisted.</param>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker to use for connecting to the database.</param>
		protected Persistent( bool isPersisted, PersistenceBroker broker ) : base( broker )
			this.isPersisted = isPersisted;
Example #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve the object of the specified type and identified by the given key. This method will
		/// throw an exception if not exactly one row in the database matches.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker and associated provider used fetch the data</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type of the Persistent descendant</param>
		/// <param name="key">The key identifying the object</param>
		/// <returns>An object instance of the specified type</returns>
		public static object Retrieve( PersistenceBroker broker, Type type, Key key )
			if( broker == null )
				// use default broker instance by use of the Broker class
				return Broker.RetrieveInstance( type, key );
			else // use supplied broker instance
				return broker.RetrieveInstance( type, key );
Example #36
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a new SqlStatement instance of the specified type. The command object to be used
		/// for executing the query and the fully specified sql query string must be specified.  
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance to use for database access.</param>
		/// <param name="stmtType">The type of this statement.</param>
		/// <param name="cmd">The command object to use when executing the query.</param>
		/// <param name="sql">The fully specified sql query string.</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type of object being selected by this query or null if 
		/// not applicable.</param>
		/// <param name="rowLimit">The maximum number of rows to be returned by this query 
		/// or 0 for no limit.</param>
		/// <param name="rowOffset">The number of rows to be skipped by this statement. Note that
		/// for SQL Server this is applied after execution, whereas for other databases it is 
		/// embedded in the SQL string.</param>
		public SqlStatement( PersistenceBroker broker, StatementType stmtType, IDbCommand cmd,
		                     string sql, Type type, int rowLimit, int rowOffset ) : base( broker, type )
			this.cmd = cmd;
			cmd.CommandText = sql;
			statementType = stmtType == StatementType.Unknown ? GetStatementType( sql ) : stmtType;
			map = type != null ? ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, type ) : null;
			this.rowLimit = rowLimit;
			this.rowOffset = rowOffset;
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取数据源的数据库提供者
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dbName">数据源名称</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public DatabaseVendor GetDatabaseVendor(string dbName)
Example #38
		public IEntity Construct( object[] row, PersistenceBroker broker )
			object result;
			// if row content and element order matches constructor exactly
			if( isPerfectMatch )
				result = constructorInfo.Invoke( Reflector.InstanceCriteria, null, row, null );
				object[] constructorParams = GetParams( row );
				result = constructorInfo.Invoke( Reflector.InstanceCriteria, null, constructorParams, null );
				if( AnySet( columnReflectionMask ) )
					UpdateMembers( result, row );
			if( broker != null && result is BrokerLock )
				(result as BrokerLock).SessionBroker = broker;
			return result as IEntity;
Example #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a new SqlStatement instance of the specified type. The command object to be used
		/// for executing the query and the fully specified sql query string must be specified.  
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance to use for database access.</param>
		/// <param name="stmtType">The type of this statement.</param>
		/// <param name="cmd">The command object to use when executing the query.</param>
		/// <param name="sql">The fully specified sql query string.</param>
		/// <param name="rowLimit">The maximum number of rows to be returned by this query 
		/// or 0 for no limit.</param>
		/// <param name="rowOffset">The number of rows to be skipped by this statement. Note that
		/// for SQL Server this is applied after execution, whereas for other databases it is 
		/// embedded in the SQL string.</param>
		public SqlStatement( PersistenceBroker broker, StatementType stmtType, IDbCommand cmd,
		                     string sql, int rowLimit, int rowOffset ) :
		                     	this( broker, stmtType, cmd, sql, null, rowLimit, rowOffset )
Example #40
		/// <summary>
		/// Obtain a new key for the specified object instance. The returned key will contain the
		/// primary keys of the given instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The optional PersistenceBroker instance to use for obtaining the
		/// ObjectMap for the supplied object instance. If this parameter is null, Gentle will try
		/// to infer the broker from the object instance. If that fails, it will use the default
		/// provider.</param>
		/// <param name="key">An optional existing key to add the values to</param>
		/// <param name="isPropertyKeys">False is key indexers are column names, true for property names</param>
		/// <param name="instance">The object instance whose property values will be used</param>
		/// <returns>A key instance containing the primary key values of the given object instance</returns>
		public static Key GetKey( PersistenceBroker broker, Key key, bool isPropertyKeys, object instance )
			// try to infer broker from instance
			if( broker == null && instance is IBrokerLock )
				broker = (instance as IBrokerLock).SessionBroker;
			// WARNING/TODO if broker is null here and no ObjectMap yet exists for the type,
			// the DefaultProvider will be used to create the ObjectMap 
			ObjectMap map = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, instance );
			return GetKey( broker, key, isPropertyKeys, instance, map.GetPrimaryKeyNames( isPropertyKeys ) );
Example #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Obtain a new key for the specified object instance. The returned key will contain the
		/// primary keys of the given instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The optional PersistenceBroker instance to use for obtaining the
		/// ObjectMap for the supplied object instance. If this parameter is null, Gentle will try
		/// to infer the broker from the object instance. If that fails, it will use the default
		/// provider.</param>
		/// <param name="isPropertyKeys">False is key indexers are column names, true for property names</param>
		/// <param name="instance">The object instance whose property values will be used</param>
		/// <returns>A key instance containing the primary key values of the given object instance</returns>
		public static Key GetKey( PersistenceBroker broker, bool isPropertyKeys, object instance )
			return GetKey( broker, null, isPropertyKeys, instance );
Example #42
 public void Init()
     broker = new PersistenceBroker();
     Check.VerifyNotNull(broker.Provider, Error.DeveloperError,
                         "No default provider information specified in the configuration file.");
Example #43
        /// <summary>
        /// 追加数据源,此方法提供代码追加数据源的可能性
        /// 在多帐套的情况下,一般是需要动态追加数据源的
        /// 如果数据源名称重复,则会自动覆盖原连接,如果数据源名称不同,则会自动追加进去。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">数据源名</param>
        /// <param name="databaseType">类型</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">连接字符串</param>
        public void AppendDatabase(string name, DatabaseType databaseType, string connectionString)
            string thisNameSpace = this.ToString().Substring(0, this.ToString().LastIndexOf('.') + 1);

            PersistenceBroker.Instance().AppendDatabase(name, thisNameSpace + databaseType.ToString(), connectionString);
Example #44
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a new SqlStatement instance of the specified type. The command object to be used
		/// for executing the query and the fully specified sql query string must be specified.  
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker instance to use for database access.</param>
		/// <param name="stmtType">The type of this statement.</param>
		/// <param name="cmd">The command object to use when executing the query.</param>
		/// <param name="sql">The fully specified sql query string.</param>
		public SqlStatement( PersistenceBroker broker, StatementType stmtType, IDbCommand cmd, string sql ) :
			this( broker, stmtType, cmd, sql, null, 0, 0 )
Example #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve a statement from the cache. If the statement is not present it will be generated
		/// and added to the cache.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The business object with which the statement is associated</param>
		/// <param name="tableName">The table used in the statement</param>
		/// <param name="stmtType">The type of the SQL statement</param>
		/// <returns>An SqlStatement instance</returns>
		public SqlStatement GetStatement( Type type, string tableName, StatementType stmtType )
			Initialize(); // ensure thread local variables have been initialized
			SqlStatement stmt;
			Hashtable stmts = (Hashtable) stmtByType[ type ];
			// check if an SqlStatement has been cached for the given type and StatementType
			bool isCached = stmts != null && stmts.ContainsKey( stmtType );
			if( isCached )
				stmt = (SqlStatement) stmts[ stmtType ];
				// the npgsql library for postgres does not allow us to update the connection 
				// property when a transaction is active
				if( stmt.Command.Connection == null || providerName != "PostgreSQL" )
					// make sure statement broker reference is updated before returning it
					stmt.SessionBroker = Broker;
					return stmt;
			// otherwise create and return fresh object
			PersistenceBroker broker = new PersistenceBroker( this );
			SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( broker, stmtType, type );
			// set the table name specified in the key (if null the default will be used instead)
			sb.SetTable( tableName );
			// get the statement using primary key fields as constraints
			stmt = sb.GetStatement( false );
			// dont cache statements for objects that map to multiple tables
			ObjectMap map = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, type );
			if( ! (map.IsDynamicTable || isCached) )
				// TODO Prepare only works with a connection :-(
				// stmt.Prepare();
				CacheStatement( type, stmtType, stmt );
			return stmt;
Example #46
 /// <summary>
 ///		constructor
 /// </summary>
 public EntityObject()
     this.thisType        = this.GetType();
     this._IsSaveInMemory = PersistenceBroker.Instance().GetClassMap(thisType.Name).IsSaveToMemory;
Example #47
		/// <summary>
		/// Obtain a new key for the specified object instance and property names. The returned
		/// key will contain the corresponding column names for the type, and thus foreign
		/// key columns must use identical naming for this to work.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The optional PersistenceBroker instance to use for obtaining the
		/// ObjectMap for the supplied object instance. If this parameter is null, Gentle will try
		/// to infer the broker from the object instance. If that fails, it will use the default
		/// provider.</param>
		/// <param name="isPropertyKeys">False is key indexers are column names, true for property names</param>
		/// <param name="instance">The object instance whose property values will be used</param>
		/// <param name="properties">The names of the properties to include in the key</param>
		/// <returns>The requested key</returns>
		public static Key GetKey( PersistenceBroker broker, bool isPropertyKeys, object instance, params string[] properties )
			return GetKey( broker, null, isPropertyKeys, instance, properties );
		public IEntity Construct( int columnComboHashCode, object[] row, PersistenceBroker broker )
			// TODO improve error msg
			Check.Verify( constructorMaps.ContainsKey( columnComboHashCode ), Error.Unspecified,
			              "Invalid columnComboHashCode parameter (no associated ConstructorMap instance)." );
			ConstructorMap cm = constructorMaps[ columnComboHashCode ] as ConstructorMap;
			IEntity result = null;
			// perform object uniqing and caching
			if( GentleSettings.CacheObjects && objectMap.CacheStrategy != CacheStrategy.Never )
				string key = cm.GetRowHashKey( row );
				result = CacheManager.Get( key ) as IEntity;
				if( result == null )
					result = cm.Construct( row, broker );
					CacheManager.Insert( key, result, objectMap.CacheStrategy );
					GentleStatistics.UniqingCount += 1;
				result = cm.Construct( row, broker );
			return result;
Example #49
		/// <summary>
		/// Obtain a key for the specified object instance and property names. The returned
		/// key will contain the corresponding column names for the type, and thus foreign
		/// key columns must use identical naming for this to work.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The optional PersistenceBroker instance to use for obtaining the
		/// ObjectMap for the supplied object instance. If this parameter is null, Gentle will try
		/// to infer the broker from the object instance. If that fails, it will use the default
		/// provider.</param>
		/// <param name="key">An optional existing key to add the values to</param>
		/// <param name="isPropertyKeys">False is key indexers are column names, true for property names</param>
		/// <param name="instance">The object instance whose property values will be used</param>
		/// <param name="members">The names of the properties to include in the key</param>
		/// <returns>The key</returns>
		public static Key GetKey( PersistenceBroker broker, Key key, bool isPropertyKeys, object instance, params string[] members )
			Check.VerifyNotNull( instance, Error.NullParameter, "instance" );
			// try to infer broker from instance
			if( broker == null && instance is IBrokerLock )
				broker = (instance as IBrokerLock).SessionBroker;
			// WARNING/TODO if broker is null here and no ObjectMap yet exists for the type,
			// the DefaultProvider will be used to create the ObjectMap 
			ObjectMap map = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, instance );
			// only set source type reference if this is a new key
			if( key == null )
				key = new Key( map.GetTableName( instance ), instance.GetType(), isPropertyKeys );
			//	Check.Verify( ! key.isPropertyKeys, Error.DeveloperError, 
			//		"Unable to combine keys containing property names due to possible name clashes." );
			Check.VerifyEquals( key.isPropertyKeys, isPropertyKeys, "Cannot combine property and " +
			                                                        "column names in a single key - use one or the other." );
			Check.VerifyNotNull( members, Error.NullParameter, "members" );
			// process the list of specified properties
			foreach( string memberName in members )
				FieldMap fm = isPropertyKeys ? map.GetFieldMap( memberName ) : map.GetFieldMapFromColumn( memberName );
				Check.VerifyNotNull( fm, Error.NoProperty, map.Type, memberName ); // FIXME outdated error message
				object memberValue = fm.GetValue( instance );
				// translate foreign references to local names
				if( key.SourceType != map.Type )
					// WARNING/TODO if broker is null here and no ObjectMap yet exists for the type,
					// the DefaultProvider will be used to create the ObjectMap 
					ObjectMap keyMap = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, key.SourceType );
					fm = keyMap.GetForeignKeyFieldMap( map.TableName, fm.ColumnName );
				key[ isPropertyKeys ? fm.MemberName : fm.ColumnName ] = memberValue;
			// add concurrency value if enabled and instance has revision column
			if( GentleSettings.ConcurrencyControl && map.ConcurrencyMap != null )
				long version = Convert.ToInt64( map.ConcurrencyMap.GetValue( instance ) );
				key[ isPropertyKeys ? map.ConcurrencyMap.MemberName : map.ConcurrencyMap.ColumnName ] = version;
			return key;
Example #50
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct a TableMap instance for an unspecified table.
		/// </summary>
		public TableMap( PersistenceBroker broker ) : this( broker, null )
Example #51
		private static ObjectView GetObjectView( PersistenceBroker broker, Type type, string viewName )
			ObjectMap map = ObjectFactory.GetMap( broker, type );
			Check.VerifyNotNull( viewName, Error.NullParameter, "viewName" );
			ObjectView view = map.Views[ viewName ] as ObjectView;
			Check.VerifyNotNull( view, Error.NoSuchView, viewName, type );
			return view;
Example #52
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve all objects of a certain type (plain select of all rows in a the
		/// table, i.e. a statement without any where-clause).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The PersistenceBroker and associated provider used fetch the data</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type of the Persistent descendant to retrieve</param>
		/// <returns>A collection of objects of the given type</returns>
		public static IList RetrieveList( PersistenceBroker broker, Type type )
			if( broker == null )
				// use default broker instance by use of the Broker class
				return Broker.RetrieveList( type );
			else // use supplied broker instance
				return broker.RetrieveList( type );
Example #53
 /// <summary>
 /// 手动加载ClassMap文件。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="classMapPath">ClassMap地址</param>
 public void LoadClassMap(string classMapPath)
Example #54
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor for the GentleAnalyzer base class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="provider"></param>
		protected GentleAnalyzer( IGentleProvider provider )
			this.provider = provider;
			if( maps == null )
				maps = new Hashtable();
				done = false;
			// make sure we use our own PB to avoid using the DefaultProvider when analyzing the database
			broker = new PersistenceBroker( provider );
			// this.broker = new PersistenceBroker( provider.Name, provider.ConnectionString );
			// set the default analyzer level
			level = GentleSettings.AnalyzerLevel;
 public RestaurantRepositoryImpl(PersistenceBroker<RestaurantConfiguration> persistenceBroker)
     _persistenceBroker = persistenceBroker;
Example #56
		public void TestMultiBroker()
			if( GentleSettings.DefaultProviderConnectionString.IndexOf( "" ) != -1 )
				// use modified connection string
				string connStr = GentleSettings.DefaultProviderConnectionString.Replace( "", "(local)" );
				PersistenceBroker pb = new PersistenceBroker( GentleSettings.DefaultProviderName, connStr );
				// fetch list
				IList pbList = pb.RetrieveList( typeof(MailingList) );
				Assert.AreEqual( Broker.RetrieveList( typeof(MailingList) ).Count, pbList.Count, "Not same result." );
				// check that connstr remains same when using SqlBuilder with custom broker
				SqlBuilder sb = new SqlBuilder( pb, StatementType.Select, typeof(MailingList) );
				SqlStatement stmt = sb.GetStatement( true );
				SqlResult sr = stmt.Execute();
				Assert.AreEqual( sr.SessionBroker.Provider.ConnectionString, connStr, "ConnStr not preserved." );
Example #57
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new list for storing the specified type of objects.
		/// </summary>
		public GentleRelation( PersistenceBroker broker, Type containedType, params Type[] relatedTypes ) :
			this( broker, containedType, null, relatedTypes )