protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PersistDoctorRequest dRequest = new PersistDoctorRequest(); Doctor doc = new Doctor(); dRequest.SecurityToken = "ABC123"; dRequest.PersistAction = PersistType.Insert; proxy = new WebRef.Service(); proxy.Url = new Uri(proxy.Url).AbsoluteUri; // Package customer data in customer transfer object DoctorTransferObject doctorTransfer = new DoctorTransferObject(); doctorTransfer.fName = this.txtFName.Text; doctorTransfer.LName = this.txtLName.Text; = this.txtPhone.Text + "@" + ddlProvider.SelectedValue.ToString(); = this.Email.Text; doctorTransfer.user = this.UserName.Text; doctorTransfer.pass = Session["Pass"].ToString(); doctorTransfer.secQu = this.Question.Text; doctorTransfer.answer = this.Answer.Text; = this.txtCity.Text; doctorTransfer.dOBirth = this.txtDoB.Text; doctorTransfer.gender = rdGender.Text; doctorTransfer.LicType = ddlLic.Text; doctorTransfer.NatProvID = txtProvID.Text; doctorTransfer.officeAdr = this.txtAddr.Text; doctorTransfer.PrmSpl = this.ddlPrmSpl.Text; doctorTransfer.state = this.txtState.Text; doctorTransfer.title = "Mr."; = this.txtZip.Text; dRequest.Doctor = doctorTransfer; // Issue customer list request to web service PersistDoctorResponse dResponse = proxy.PersistDoctor(dRequest); if (dResponse.Acknowledge == AcknowledgeType.Success) { Session["DocID"] = dResponse.Doctor.docID.ToString(); } else Literal2.Text = "Failure to add the user"; Server.Transfer("~/General/Login.aspx"); }
public PersistDoctorResponse PersistDoctor(PersistDoctorRequest request) { PersistDoctorResponse response = new PersistDoctorResponse(); // Set correlation Id response.CorrelationId = request.RequestId; try { // Call persistence request via Customer Facade. DoctorFacade facade = new DoctorFacade(); switch (request.PersistAction) { case PersistType.Insert: { Doctor doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.fName = request.Doctor.fName; doctor.LName = request.Doctor.LName; doctor.Phone =; doctor.UserID = request.Doctor.user; =; doctor.SecQues = request.Doctor.secQu; doctor.SecAns = request.Doctor.answer; doctor.Password = request.Doctor.pass; doctor.City =; doctor.DateOfBirth = request.Doctor.dOBirth; doctor.gender = request.Doctor.gender; doctor.License_Type = request.Doctor.LicType; doctor.National_PrvID = request.Doctor.NatProvID; doctor.officeAdr = request.Doctor.officeAdr; doctor.Primary_spl = request.Doctor.PrmSpl; doctor.Title = request.Doctor.title; =; doctor.State = request.Doctor.state; facade.AddDoctor(doctor); response.Doctor = request.Doctor; response.Doctor.docID = doctor.DoctorID; break; } //case PersistType.Update: // { // Customer customer = new Customer(); // customer.CustomerId = DecryptId(request.Customer.CustomerId); // customer.Company = request.Customer.Company; // customer.City = request.Customer.City; // customer.Country = request.Customer.Country; // facade.UpdateCustomer(customer); // response.Customer = request.Customer; // break; // } //case PersistType.Delete: // { // int customerId = DecryptId(request.Customer.CustomerId); // int rowsAffected = facade.DeleteCustomer(customerId); // if (rowsAffected == 0) // throw new Exception("Customer has orders and therefore cannot be deleted. "); // break; // } } } catch (Exception ex) { response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure; response.Message = ex.Message; } return response; }