Example #1
    void Start()
        //if we are a foreground mesh, create a background mesh
                if (foreground) {
                        bgPVM = Instantiate (this, transform.position + Vector3.forward * 2, Quaternion.identity) as PerlinVoxelMesh;
                        bgPVM.foreground = false;
                        bgPVM.transform.parent = transform;
                mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh;
                col = GetComponent<MeshCollider> ();
           				if(!foreground){	//darken if in background
           					renderer.material.SetColor("_EmisColor",new Color(0.7f,0.7f,0.7f,0.7f));
                xOffset = new float[Mathf.Max (scale.Length, caveScale.Length)];
                yOffset = new float[Mathf.Max (scale.Length, caveScale.Length)];
                //randomize offsets
                for (int i = 0; i< xOffset.Length; i++) {	//true randomness left out for now....
                        xOffset[i] = Random.Range(-100,100)	+ GeneralOffset.x;
                        //xOffset [i] = GeneralOffset.x;
                        //yOffset [i] = GeneralOffset.y;
                        yOffset[i] = Random.Range(-100,100) + GeneralOffset.y;
                //image stuff
                //make new blank texture, and array of pixels
                noiseTex = new Texture2D(voxWidth, voxHeight);
                noiseTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                bumpMap = new Texture2D(voxWidth, voxHeight);
                bumpMap.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                pix = new Color[noiseTex.width * noiseTex.height];
                bumpix = new Color[noiseTex.width * noiseTex.height];


                //yield return null;

                //CalcNoise ();
           				//Debug.Log("Going to build mesh");

                //StartCoroutine(BuildMesh ());

                //Debug.Log ("after callin method...");
Example #2
 public void SetPVM(PerlinVoxelMesh q)
     pvm = q;
     inTransit = false;