public ActionResult UpdatePerCapitaByAjax([Bind(Include = "Id,FirstName,LastName,MobilePhoneNumber,City")] PerCapitaByAjax editedPerson)
            PerCapitaByAjax UpdateAPerson = new PerCapitaByAjax(1);

            UpdateAPerson.Id = editedPerson.Id;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                for (int i = 0; i < PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList.Count; i++)
                    if (PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList[i].Id == editedPerson.Id)
                        PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList[i].FirstName         = editedPerson.FirstName;
                        PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList[i].LastName          = editedPerson.LastName;
                        PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList[i].MobilePhoneNumber = editedPerson.MobilePhoneNumber;
                        PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList[i].City = editedPerson.City;
                return(PartialView("_TableRowOfPeople", editedPerson));

                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400));
 [HttpPost] //This action sorts the data based on which column to sort on
 public ActionResult SortAPeopleList(string sortOnColumn)
     if (sortOnColumn == "FirstName")
     else if (sortOnColumn == "LastName")
     else if (sortOnColumn == "City")
        [HttpPost] //Add a person to existing list
        public ActionResult AddPerCapitaByAjax([Bind(Include = "FirstName,LastName,MobilePhoneNumber,City")] PerCapitaByAjax editedPerson)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                bool addPost = true;
                Session["WrongUserInput"] = "";
                PerCapitaByAjax AddAPerson = new PerCapitaByAjax();
                for (int i = 0; i <= PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList.Count; i++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList.Count; y++)
                        if (PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList[y].Id == i)
                            AddAPerson.Id = i;
                            y             = PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList.Count;

                if (PerCapitaByAjax.CheckNameInput(editedPerson.FirstName)) //if first name is entierly of letters then add it
                    AddAPerson.FirstName = editedPerson.FirstName;
                    Session["WrongUserInput"] = Session["WrongUserInput"] + "You typed " + editedPerson.FirstName + " as a first name which is deemed to not be a first name.";
                    addPost = false;
                if (PerCapitaByAjax.CheckNameInput(editedPerson.LastName))//if last name is entierly of letters then add it
                    AddAPerson.LastName = editedPerson.LastName;
                    Session["WrongUserInput"] = Session["WrongUserInput"] + "You typed " + editedPerson.LastName + " as a last name which is deemed to not be a last name.";
                    addPost = false;
                AddAPerson.MobilePhoneNumber = CheckMobilePhoneNumber(editedPerson.MobilePhoneNumber); //check if mobile number is numbers or separators.
                if (AddAPerson.MobilePhoneNumber == "Letters instead of Numbers")
                    Session["WrongMobilenumber"] = "You have typed a incorrect mobilenumber.";
                    AddAPerson.MobilePhoneNumber = "";
                    addPost = false;
                if (PerCapitaByAjax.CheckNameInput(editedPerson.City))//if city is entierly of letters then add it
                    AddAPerson.City = editedPerson.City;
                    Session["WrongUserInput"] = Session["WrongUserInput"] + "You typed " + editedPerson.City + " as a city which is deemed to not be a city name.";
                    addPost = false;
                if (addPost == true)//if all entered data is correct then add the data to list/database
                return(PartialView("_TableRowOfPeople", AddAPerson));
                Session["WrongUserInput"] = "You have entered one or more incorrect details.";
 [HttpPost]// This Action Filters out the entered text.
 public ActionResult FilterPerCapitaByAjax(string searchFilter)
     return(PartialView("_TableRowOfPeople", PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList));
        public ActionResult EditPerCapitaByAjax(int id)
            PerCapitaByAjax personToList = PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList.SingleOrDefault(Item => Item.Id == id);

            return(PartialView("_EditPerCapitaByAjax", personToList));
        public ActionResult PeopleRowRender(int id)
            PerCapitaByAjax personToList = PerCapitaByAjax.peopleList.SingleOrDefault(Item => Item.Id == id);

            return(PartialView("_TableRowOfPeople", personToList));