Example #1
        // GET: Roles by Id
        public async Task <IActionResult> RoleIndex(int?Id)
            var userId   = this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
            var _opening = await _context.Openings.Where(m => m.Id == Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            PendingApplicationViewModel _pendingApplicationViewModel = new PendingApplicationViewModel();

            _pendingApplicationViewModel.Opening = _opening;
Example #2
        // ================================================ Mapping Methods ============================================================

        public PendingApplicationViewModel MapPendingApplication(Application application)
            var newModel = new PendingApplicationViewModel
                ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                State           = application.State.ToDescription(),
                FullName        = application.Person.FirstName + " " + application.Person.Surname,
                AppliedOn       = application.Date,
                SupportEmail    = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                Signature       = _configuration.Signature

Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePendingApplication(PendingApplicationViewModel pendingApplicationViewModel)
            var userId        = this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
            var developer     = _context.Developers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.UserId == userId);
            var roleOpeningId = pendingApplicationViewModel.Opening.Id;
            PendingApplication pendingApplication = new PendingApplication();

            pendingApplication.OpeningId   = roleOpeningId;
            pendingApplication.DeveloperId = developer.Id;
            pendingApplication.Email       = pendingApplicationViewModel.PendingApplication.Email;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Example #4
        public static string AppPending(Application application, IPathProvider _templatePathProvider, IConfiguration _configuration, IViewGenerator View_Generator, string baseUri)
            string view;
            string path = _templatePathProvider.Get("PendingApplication");
            PendingApplicationViewModel vm = new PendingApplicationViewModel
                ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                State           = application.State.ToDescription(),
                FullName        = application.Person.FirstName + " " + application.Person.Surname,
                AppliedOn       = application.Date,
                SupportEmail    = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                Signature       = _configuration.Signature

            return(view = View_Generator.GenerateFromPath(string.Format("{0}{1}", baseUri, path), vm));
Example #5
        private static string GetPendingApplicationView(Application application, string baseUri)
            var path = _templatePathProvider.Get("PendingApplication");

            PendingApplicationViewModel PendingApplicationViewModel = new PendingApplicationViewModel
                ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                State           = application.State.ToDescription(),
                //changed for consistency
                FullName     = string.Format("{0} {1}", application.Person.FirstName, application.Person.Surname),
                AppliedOn    = application.Date,
                SupportEmail = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                Signature    = _configuration.Signature

            return(_viewGenerator.GenerateFromPath(string.Format("{0}{1}", baseUri, path), PendingApplicationViewModel));
Example #6
        private PendingApplicationViewModel GetPendingApplicationViewModel(Application application)
            //Validate the Application Model State
            if (application.Person == null)
                _logger.LogWarning($"The application model is invalid.Person Entity Is Null");
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(application.Person));
            PendingApplicationViewModel vm = new PendingApplicationViewModel
                ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                State           = application.State.ToDescription(),
                FullName        = string.Format("{0} {1}", application.Person.FirstName, application.Person.Surname),
                AppliedOn       = application.Date,
                SupportEmail    = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                Signature       = _configuration.Signature

		//Implementing the interface method
		//Add exception handling
		public byte[] Generate(Guid applicationId, string baseUri)
			var application = _dataContext.Applications.Single(app => app.Id == applicationId);

			if (application != null)
                //The substring method here may not be the correct method to use
                //Normally a good base Uri ends with a trailing slash
                //Currently all this would do is return the "/" character as a substring

                if (baseUri.EndsWith("/"))
					baseUri = baseUri.Substring(baseUri.Length - 1);

                //Check for a bad baseUri
                if (!baseUri.EndsWith("/"))
                    //append the trailing slash character
                    baseUri += "/";

                    //NB That this would work assuming that _templatePathProvider.Get() would return a file string path 
                    //which DOES NOT start with a "/" character

                //Initialize string variable
                var view = "";

				switch (application.State)
                    case ApplicationState.Pending:
                        var path = _templatePathProvider.Get("PendingApplication");

                        //Due to the convention used above for the base Uri, we cannot allow any paths to start with a "/" character
                        //Ideally this check should be done in the class which implements IPathProvider's Get() method but is added here as an extra check.
                        if (path.StartsWith("/") && path.Length > 1)
                            path = path.Substring(1);

                        var vm = new PendingApplicationViewModel
                            ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                            State = application.State.ToDescription(),
                            FullName = application.Person.FirstName + " " + application.Person.Surname,
                            AppliedOn = application.Date,
                            SupportEmail = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                            Signature = _configuration.Signature

                        //Add some exception handling before generating the view as an extra measure
                            view = _viewGenerator.GenerateFromPath($"{baseUri}{path}", vm);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.LogWarning("Error generating view: " + e.Message);

                    case ApplicationState.Activated:
                        var path = _templatePathProvider.Get("ActivatedApplication");

                        //Due to the convention used above for the base Uri, we cannot allow any paths to start with a "/" character
                        //Ideally this check should be done in the class which implements IPathProvider's Get() method but is added here as an extra check.
                        if (path.StartsWith("/") && path.Length > 1)
                            path = path.Substring(1);

                        var vm = new ActivatedApplicationViewModel
                            ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                            State = application.State.ToDescription(),
                            FullName = $"{application.Person.FirstName} {application.Person.Surname}", 
                            LegalEntity = application.IsLegalEntity ? application.LegalEntity : null,

                            PortfolioFunds = application.Products.SelectMany(p => p.Funds),

                            PortfolioTotalAmount = application.Products.SelectMany(p => p.Funds)
                                .Select(f => (f.Amount - f.Fees) * _configuration.TaxRate)

                            AppliedOn = application.Date,
                            SupportEmail = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                            Signature = _configuration.Signature

                        //Add some exception handling before generating the view as an extra measure
                            view = _viewGenerator.GenerateFromPath(baseUri + path, vm);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.LogWarning("Error generating view: " + e.Message);

                    case ApplicationState.InReview:
                        var templatePath = _templatePathProvider.Get("InReviewApplication");

                        //Due to the convention used above for the base Uri, we cannot allow any paths to start with a "/" character
                        //Ideally this check should be done in the class which implements IPathProvider's Get() method but is added here as an extra check.
                        if (templatePath.StartsWith("/") && templatePath.Length > 1)
                            templatePath = templatePath.Substring(1);

                        var inReviewMessage = "Your application has been placed in review" +
                                              application.CurrentReview.Reason switch
                                                  { } reason when reason.Contains("address") =>
                                                      " pending outstanding address verification for FICA purposes.",
                                                  { } reason when reason.Contains("bank") =>
                                                      " pending outstanding bank account verification.",
                                                  _ =>
                                                      " because of suspicious account behaviour. Please contact support ASAP."

                        var inReviewApplicationViewModel = new InReviewApplicationViewModel
                            ReferenceNumber = application.ReferenceNumber,
                            State = application.State.ToDescription(),
                            FullName = $"{application.Person.FirstName} {application.Person.Surname}",
                            LegalEntity = application.IsLegalEntity ? application.LegalEntity : null,

                            PortfolioFunds = application.Products.SelectMany(p => p.Funds),

                            PortfolioTotalAmount = application.Products.SelectMany(p => p.Funds)
                                .Select(f => (f.Amount - f.Fees) * _configuration.TaxRate)

                            InReviewMessage = inReviewMessage,
                            InReviewInformation = application.CurrentReview,
                            AppliedOn = application.Date,
                            SupportEmail = _configuration.SupportEmail,
                            Signature = _configuration.Signature

                        //Add some exception handling before generating the view as an extra measure
                            view = _viewGenerator.GenerateFromPath($"{baseUri}{templatePath}", inReviewApplicationViewModel);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _logger.LogWarning("Error generating view: " + e.Message);

                            $"The application is in state '{application.State}' and no valid document can be generated for it.");
                        return null;

				var pdfOptions = new PdfOptions
					PageNumbers = PageNumbers.Numeric,
					HeaderOptions = new HeaderOptions
						HeaderRepeat = HeaderRepeat.FirstPageOnly,
						HeaderHtml = PdfConstants.Header

				//Add exception handling before generating the pdf
                    var pdf = _pdfGenerator.GenerateFromHtml(view, pdfOptions);
                    return pdf.ToBytes();
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogWarning("Error generating pdf: " + e.Message);

                $"No application found for id '{applicationId}' or an unexpected error was encountered");
            return null;