Example #1
         * Just for testing remove all peers and orderers and add them back.
         * @param client
         * @param channel
        public static void TestRemovingAddingPeersOrderers(HFClient client, Channel channel)
            Dictionary <Peer, PeerOptions> perm = new Dictionary <Peer, PeerOptions>();

            Thread.Sleep(1500); // time needed let channel get config block

            channel.Peers.ToList().ForEach(peer =>
                perm[peer] = channel.GetPeersOptions(peer);

            perm.Keys.ToList().ForEach(peer =>
                PeerOptions value = perm[peer];
                Peer newPeer      = client.NewPeer(peer.Name, peer.Url, peer.Properties);
                channel.AddPeer(newPeer, value);

            List <Orderer> removedOrders = new List <Orderer>();

            foreach (Orderer orderer in channel.Orderers.ToList())

            removedOrders.ForEach(orderer =>
                Orderer newOrderer = client.NewOrderer(orderer.Name, orderer.Url, orderer.Properties);
Example #2
    public RestApi(string key, string domain, string peerId, bool turn)
        var peerParams = new PeerOptions();

        peerParams.key     = key;
        peerParams.domain  = domain;
        peerParams.peer_id = peerId;
        peerParams.turn    = turn;
        string peerParamsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(peerParams);

        byte[] peerParamsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(peerParamsJson);
        ObservableWWW.Post(entryPoint + "/peers", peerParamsBytes).Subscribe(x =>
            //この時点ではSkyWay WebRTC GWが「このPeer IDで処理を開始する」という応答でしかなく、
            //SkyWayサーバで利用できるPeer IDとは限らない(重複で弾かれる等があり得るので)
            var response   = Json.Deserialize(x) as Dictionary <string, object>;
            var parameters = (IDictionary)response["params"];
            var peer_id    = (string)parameters["peer_id"];
            var token      = (string)parameters["token"];
            //SkyWayサーバとSkyWay WebRTC Gatewayが繋がって初めてPeer ID等が正式に決定するので、
            var url = string.Format("{0}/peers/{1}/events?token={2}", entryPoint, peer_id, token);
            ObservableWWW.Get(url).Repeat().Where(wx =>
                var res = Json.Deserialize(wx) as Dictionary <string, object>;
                return(res.ContainsKey("event") && (string)res["event"] == "OPEN");
            }).First().Subscribe(sx =>             //ここでは最初の一回しか監視しない。着信等のイベントは後で別の場所で取ることにする
                var response_j   = Json.Deserialize(sx) as Dictionary <string, object>;
                var parameters_s = (IDictionary)response_j["params"];
                _peerId    = (string)parameters_s["peer_id"];
                _peerToken = (string)parameters_s["token"];
            }, ex =>
                //もしくはSkyWay WebRTC GWとSkyWayサーバの間で通信ができてない
        }, ex =>
            //ここが発火する場合はSkyWay WebRTC GWと通信できてないのでは。
            //その場合はWebRTC GWを再起動するか、別のPeer IDを利用する
Example #3
        public virtual async Task <Peer> AddAsync(Properties config, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            Properties properties     = new Properties();
            string     protocol       = this.FindClientProp(config, "protocol", "grpcs:");
            string     clientCertFile = this.FindClientProp(config, "clientCertFile", null);
            Peer       peer           = EndpointMap.GetOrNull(Endpoint); // maybe there already.

            if (null != peer)
            if (null != clientCertFile)
                properties.Set("clientCertFile", clientCertFile);
            string clientKeyFile = this.FindClientProp(config, "clientKeyFile", null);

            if (null != clientKeyFile)
                properties.Set("clientKeyFile", clientKeyFile);
            string clientCertBytes = this.FindClientProp(config, "clientCertBytes", null);

            if (null != clientCertBytes)
                properties.Set("clientCertBytes", clientCertBytes);
            string clientKeyBytes = this.FindClientProp(config, "clientKeyBytes", null);

            if (null != clientKeyBytes)
                properties.Set("clientKeyBytes", clientKeyBytes);
            string hostnameOverride = this.FindClientProp(config, "hostnameOverride", null);

            if (null != hostnameOverride)
                properties.Set("hostnameOverride", hostnameOverride);
            byte[] pemBytes = this.GetAllTLSCerts();
            if (pemBytes?.Length > 0)
                properties.Set("pemBytes", pemBytes);
            peer = Client.NewPeer(Endpoint, protocol + "//" + Endpoint, properties);
            PeerOptions opts = PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions();

            opts.SetPeerRoles(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY);
            await Channel.AddPeerAsync(peer, opts, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

Example #4
        public void TestChannelInitialize()
            //test may not be doable once initialize is done

            Channel testChannel = new MockChannel(CHANNEL_NAME, hfclient);
            Peer    peer        = hfclient.NewPeer("peer_", "grpc://localhost:7051");

            testChannel.AddPeer(peer, PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().SetPeerRoles(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER));
Example #5
        // ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Local
        private static void SetPeerRole(PeerOptions peerOptions, JToken jsonPeer, PeerRole role)
            string propName = RoleNameRemap(role);
            JToken val      = jsonPeer[propName];

            if (val != null)
                bool isSet = val.Value <bool>();

                /*if (isSet == null) {
                 *  // This is an invalid boolean value
                 *  throw new NetworkConfigurationException(format("Error constructing channel %s. Role %s has invalid boolean value: %s", channelName, propName, val.toString()));
                 * }*/
                if (isSet)
         * Construct client for accessing Peer eventing service using the existing managedChannel.
        public PeerEventServiceClient(Peer peer, Endpoint endpoint, Properties properties, PeerOptions peerOptions)
            channelBuilder             = endpoint;
            filterBlock                = peerOptions.IsRegisterEventsForFilteredBlocks;
            this.peer                  = peer;
            name                       = peer.Name;
            url                        = peer.Url;
            channelName                = peer.Channel.Name;
            toString                   = $"PeerEventServiceClient{{id: {Config.Instance.GetNextID()}, channel: {channelName}, peerName: {name}, url: {url}}}";
            this.peerOptions           = peerOptions;
            clientTLSCertificateDigest = endpoint.GetClientTLSCertificateDigest();

            channelEventQue = peer.Channel.ChannelEventQueue;

            if (null == properties)
                peerEventRegistrationWaitTimeMilliSecs = PEER_EVENT_REGISTRATION_WAIT_TIME;
                peerEventRegistrationWaitTimeMilliSecs = properties.GetLongProperty("peerEventRegistrationWaitTime", PEER_EVENT_REGISTRATION_WAIT_TIME);
        [Ignore] //Hostnames reported by service discovery won't work unless you edit hostfile
        public void Setup()
            //Persistence is not part of SDK. Sample file store is for demonstration purposes only!
            //   MUST be replaced with more robust application implementation  (Database, LDAP)
            Util.COut("\n\n\nRUNNING: %s.\n", "ServiceDiscoveryIT");

            SampleStore sampleStore = new SampleStore(sampleStoreFile);

            //  SampleUser peerAdmin = sampleStore.getMember("admin", "peerOrg1");
            SampleUser user1  = sampleStore.GetMember("user1", "peerOrg1");
            HFClient   client = HFClient.Create();

            client.CryptoSuite = Factory.GetCryptoSuite();
            client.UserContext = user1;
            Properties properties = testConfig.GetPeerProperties("peer0.org1.example.com");

            string protocol = testConfig.IsRunningFabricTLS() ? "grpcs:" : "grpc:";

            Properties sdprops = new Properties();

            //Create initial discovery peer.

            Peer    discoveryPeer = client.NewPeer("peer0.org1.example.com", protocol + "//localhost:7051", properties);
            Channel foo           = client.NewChannel("foo"); //create channel that will be discovered.

            foo.AddPeer(discoveryPeer, PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().SetPeerRoles(PeerRole.SERVICE_DISCOVERY, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY));

            // Need to provide client TLS certificate and key files when running mutual tls.
            if (testConfig.IsRunningFabricTLS())
                sdprops.Add("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.discovery.default.clientCertFile", "fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/v1.2/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/[email protected]/tls/client.crt".Locate());
                sdprops.Add("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.discovery.default.clientKeyFile", "fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/v1.2/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/users/[email protected]/tls/client.key".Locate());

                // Need to do host name override for true tls in testing environment
                sdprops.Add("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.discovery.endpoint.hostnameOverride.localhost:7050", "orderer.example.com");
                sdprops.Add("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.discovery.endpoint.hostnameOverride.localhost:7051", "peer0.org1.example.com");
                sdprops.Add("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.discovery.endpoint.hostnameOverride.localhost:7056", "peer1.org1.example.com");
                sdprops.Add("org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.discovery.default.protocol", "grpc:");

            foo.ServiceDiscoveryProperties = sdprops;

            string channel = foo.Serialize();

            // Next 3 lines are for testing purposes only!
            foo = client.DeSerializeChannel(channel);
            foo.Initialize(); // initialize the channel.
            List <string> expect = new List <string>()
                protocol + "//orderer.example.com:7050"
            };                                                                                  //discovered orderer

            foreach (Orderer orderer in foo.Orderers)

            Assert.IsTrue(expect.Count == 0);

            List <string> discoveredChaincodeNames = foo.GetDiscoveredChaincodeNames();


            ChaincodeID chaincodeID = new ChaincodeID();

            chaincodeID.Name = CHAIN_CODE_NAME;

            // Send transaction proposal to all peers
            TransactionProposalRequest transactionProposalRequest = client.NewTransactionProposalRequest();

            transactionProposalRequest.SetArgs("a", "b", "1");

            //Send proposal request discovering the what endorsers (peers) are needed.

            List <ProposalResponse> transactionPropResp = foo.SendTransactionProposalToEndorsers(transactionProposalRequest, DiscoveryOptions.CreateDiscoveryOptions().SetEndorsementSelector(ServiceDiscovery.ENDORSEMENT_SELECTION_RANDOM).SetForceDiscovery(true));

            Assert.IsFalse(transactionPropResp.Count == 0);

            transactionProposalRequest = client.NewTransactionProposalRequest();
            transactionProposalRequest.SetArgs("a", "b", "1");

            //Send proposal request discovering the what endorsers (peers) are needed.
            transactionPropResp = foo.SendTransactionProposalToEndorsers(transactionProposalRequest, DiscoveryOptions.CreateDiscoveryOptions().IgnoreEndpoints("blah.blah.blah.com:90", "blah.com:80",
                                                                         // aka peer0.org1.example.com our discovery peer. Lets ignore it in endorsers selection and see if other discovered peer endorses.
                                                                         // if chaincode makes additional chaincode calls or uses collections you should add them with setServiceDiscoveryChaincodeInterests
                                                                         //         .setServiceDiscoveryChaincodeInterests(Channel.ServiceDiscoveryChaincodeCalls.createServiceDiscoveryChaincodeCalls("someOtherChaincodeName").addCollections("collection1", "collection2"))
            Assert.AreEqual(transactionPropResp.Count, 1);
            ProposalResponse proposalResponse = transactionPropResp.First();
            Peer             peer             = proposalResponse.Peer;

            Assert.AreEqual(protocol + "//peer1.org1.example.com:7056", peer.Url); // not our discovery peer but the discovered one.

            string expectedTransactionId = null;

            StringBuilder evenTransactionId = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (ProposalResponse response in transactionPropResp)
                expectedTransactionId = response.TransactionID;
                if (response.Status != ChaincodeResponse.ChaincodeResponseStatus.SUCCESS || !response.IsVerified)
                    Assert.Fail("Failed status bad endorsement");

            //Send it to the orderer that was discovered.
                TransactionEvent transactionEvent = foo.SendTransaction(transactionPropResp);

                evenTransactionId.Length = 0;

            catch (TransactionEventException e)
                TransactionEvent te = e.TransactionEvent;
                if (te != null)
                    throw new System.Exception($"Transaction with txid {te.TransactionID} failed. {e.Message}");
            catch (System.Exception e)
                throw new System.Exception($"Test failed with {e.Message} exception {e}");

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTransactionId, evenTransactionId.ToString());
            Util.COut("That's all folks!");
Example #8
 public LoginParameters(string peerId)
     this.options_ = new PeerOptions(peerId);
Example #9
        // Reconstructs an existing channel
        private async Task <Channel> ReconstructChannelAsync(HFClient client, string channelName, JToken jsonChannel, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            Channel channel;

            channel = client.NewChannel(channelName);

            // orderers is an array of orderer name strings
            JArray ordererNames = jsonChannel["orderers"] as JArray;

            //out("Orderer names: " + (ordererNames == null ? "null" : ordererNames.toString()));
            if (ordererNames != null)
                foreach (JToken jsonVal in ordererNames)
                    string  ordererName = jsonVal.Value <string>();
                    Orderer orderer     = GetOrderer(client, ordererName);
                    if (orderer == null)
                        throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. Orderer {ordererName} not defined in configuration");


            // peers is an object containing a nested object for each peer
            JToken jsonPeers = jsonChannel["peers"];
            bool   foundPeer = false;

            //out("Peers: " + (peers == null ? "null" : peers.toString()));
            if (jsonPeers != null)
                foreach (JProperty prop in jsonPeers.Children <JProperty>())
                    string peerName = prop.Name;

                    if (logger.IsTraceEnabled())
                        logger.Trace($"NetworkConfig.reconstructChannel: Processing peer {peerName}");

                    JToken jsonPeer = prop.Value;
                    if (jsonPeer == null)
                        throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. Invalid peer entry: {peerName}");

                    Peer peer = GetPeer(client, peerName);
                    if (peer == null)
                        throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. Peer {peerName} not defined in configuration");

                    // Set the various roles
                    PeerOptions peerOptions = PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions();
                    foreach (PeerRole peerRole in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PeerRole)))
                        SetPeerRole(peerOptions, jsonPeer, peerRole);

                    foundPeer = true;

                    // Add the event hub associated with this peer
                    EventHub eventHub = GetEventHub(client, peerName);
                    if (eventHub != null)
                        await channel.AddEventHubAsync(eventHub, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (!peerOptions.HasPeerRoles())
                            // means no roles were found but there is an event hub so define all roles but eventing.
                            peerOptions.SetPeerRoles(new List <PeerRole> {
                                PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY

                    await channel.AddPeerAsync(peer, peerOptions, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!foundPeer)
                // peers is a required field
                throw new NetworkConfigurationException($"Error constructing channel {channelName}. At least one peer must be specified");

        private void TestPeerServiceEventingReplay(HFClient client, Channel replayTestChannel, long start, long stop, bool useFilteredBlocks)
            if (testConfig.IsRunningAgainstFabric10())
                return; // not supported for v1.0

            Assert.IsFalse(replayTestChannel.IsInitialized); //not yet initialized
            Assert.IsFalse(replayTestChannel.IsShutdown);    // not yet shutdown.

            //Remove all peers just have one ledger peer and one eventing peer.
            List <Peer> savedPeers = new List <Peer>(replayTestChannel.Peers);

            foreach (Peer peer in savedPeers)

            Assert.IsTrue(savedPeers.Count > 1); //need at least two
            Peer eventingPeer = savedPeers[0];

            eventingPeer = client.NewPeer(eventingPeer.Name, eventingPeer.Url, eventingPeer.Properties);
            Peer ledgerPeer = savedPeers[1];

            ledgerPeer = client.NewPeer(ledgerPeer.Name, ledgerPeer.Url, ledgerPeer.Properties);


            Assert.IsTrue(replayTestChannel.Peers.Count == 0);                                                                 // no more peers.
            Assert.IsTrue(replayTestChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER }).Count == 0); // just checking :)
            Assert.IsTrue(replayTestChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY }).Count == 0);                             // just checking

            Assert.IsNotNull(client.GetChannel(replayTestChannel.Name));                                                       // should be known by client.

            PeerOptions eventingPeerOptions = PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().SetPeerRoles(new List <PeerRole> {

            if (useFilteredBlocks)

            if (-1L == stop)
                //the height of the blockchain

                replayTestChannel.AddPeer(eventingPeer, eventingPeerOptions.StartEvents(start)); // Eventing peer start getting blocks from block 0
                replayTestChannel.AddPeer(eventingPeer, eventingPeerOptions.StartEvents(start).StopEvents(stop)); // Eventing peer start getting blocks from block 0

            //add a ledger peer
            replayTestChannel.AddPeer(ledgerPeer, PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().SetPeerRoles(new List <PeerRole> {

            TaskCompletionSource <long> done = new TaskCompletionSource <long>(); // future to set when done.
            // some variable used by the block listener being set up.

            long    bcount       = 0;
            long    stopValue    = stop == -1L ? long.MaxValue : stop;
            Channel finalChannel = replayTestChannel;
            ConcurrentDictionary <long, BlockEvent> blockEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, BlockEvent>();

            string blockListenerHandle = replayTestChannel.RegisterBlockListener((blockEvent) =>
                    long blockNumber = blockEvent.BlockNumber;
                    if (blockEvents.ContainsKey(blockNumber))
                        Assert.Fail($"Block number {blockNumber} seen twice");
                    blockEvents[blockNumber] = blockEvent;

                    Assert.IsTrue(useFilteredBlocks ? blockEvent.IsFiltered : !blockEvent.IsFiltered, $"Wrong type of block seen block number {blockNumber}. expected filtered block {useFilteredBlocks} but got {blockEvent.IsFiltered}");
                    long count = Interlocked.Increment(ref bcount) - 1;

                    //out("Block count: %d, block number: %d  received from peer: %s", count, blockNumber, blockEvent.getPeer().getName());

                    if (count == 0 && stop == -1L)
                        BlockchainInfo blockchainInfo = finalChannel.QueryBlockchainInfo();

                        long lh   = blockchainInfo.Height;
                        stopValue = lh - 1L; // blocks 0L 9L are on chain height 10 .. stop on 9
                        //  out("height: %d", lh);
                        if (Interlocked.Read(ref bcount) + start > stopValue)
                            // test with latest count.

                            done.SetResult(Interlocked.Read(ref bcount));
                        if (Interlocked.Read(ref bcount) + start > stopValue)
                catch (System.Exception e)

                replayTestChannel.Initialize(); // start it all up.
                done.Task.Wait(30 * 1000);
                Thread.Sleep(1000);             // sleep a little to see if more blocks trickle in .. they should not

                long expectNumber = stopValue - start + 1L; // Start 2 and stop is 3  expect 2

                Assert.AreEqual(expectNumber, blockEvents.Count, $"Didn't get number we expected {expectNumber} but got {blockEvents.Count} block events. Start: {start}, end: {stop}, height: {stopValue}");

                for (long i = stopValue; i >= start; i--)
                    //make sure all are there.
                    BlockEvent blockEvent = blockEvents[i];
                    Assert.IsNotNull(blockEvent, $"Missing block event for block number {i}. Start= {start}", blockEvent);

                //light weight test just see if we get reasonable values for traversing the block. Test just whats common between
                // Block and FilteredBlock.

                int transactionEventCounts = 0;
                int chaincodeEventsCounts  = 0;

                for (long i = stopValue; i >= start; i--)
                    BlockEvent blockEvent = blockEvents[i];
//                out("blockwalker %b, start: %d, stop: %d, i: %d, block %d", useFilteredBlocks, start, stopValue.longValue(), i, blockEvent.getBlockNumber());
                    Assert.AreEqual(useFilteredBlocks, blockEvent.IsFiltered); // check again

                    if (useFilteredBlocks)
                        Assert.IsNull(blockEvent.Block);            // should not have raw block event.
                        Assert.IsNotNull(blockEvent.FilteredBlock); // should have raw filtered block.
                        Assert.IsNotNull(blockEvent.Block);      // should not have raw block event.
                        Assert.IsNull(blockEvent.FilteredBlock); // should have raw filtered block.

                    Assert.AreEqual(replayTestChannel.Name, blockEvent.ChannelId);

                    foreach (EnvelopeInfo envelopeInfo in blockEvent.EnvelopeInfos)
                        if (envelopeInfo.EnvelopeType == EnvelopeType.TRANSACTION_ENVELOPE)
                            TransactionEnvelopeInfo transactionEnvelopeInfo = (TransactionEnvelopeInfo)envelopeInfo;
                            Assert.IsTrue(envelopeInfo.IsValid); // only have valid blocks.
                            Assert.AreEqual(envelopeInfo.ValidationCode, 0);

                            foreach (TransactionActionInfo ta in transactionEnvelopeInfo.TransactionActionInfos)
                                //    out("\nTA:", ta + "\n\n");
                                ChaincodeEventDeserializer evnt = ta.Event;
                                if (evnt != null)
                            Assert.AreEqual(blockEvent.BlockNumber, 0, "Only non transaction block should be block 0.");

                Assert.IsTrue(transactionEventCounts > 0);

                if (expectNumber > 4)
                    // this should be enough blocks with CC events.

                    Assert.IsTrue(chaincodeEventsCounts > 0);

                replayTestChannel.Shutdown(true); //all done.
            catch (System.Exception e)
        private Channel ReconstructChannel(string name, HFClient client, SampleOrg sampleOrg)
            Util.COut("Reconstructing {0} channel", name);

            client.UserContext = sampleOrg.GetUser(TESTUSER_1_NAME);

            Channel newChannel;

            if (BAR_CHANNEL_NAME.Equals(name))
                // bar channel was stored in samplestore in End2endIT testcase.

                 *  sampleStore.getChannel uses {@link HFClient#deSerializeChannel(byte[])}
                newChannel = sampleStore.GetChannel(client, name);

                if (!IS_FABRIC_V10)
                    // Make sure there is one of each type peer at the very least. see End2end for how peers were constructed.
                    Assert.IsFalse(newChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE }).Count == 0);
                    Assert.IsFalse(newChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE }).Count == 0);

                Assert.AreEqual(testConfig.IsFabricVersionAtOrAfter("1.3") ? 0 : 2, newChannel.EventHubs.Count);
                Util.COut("Retrieved channel {0} from sample store.", name);
                newChannel = client.NewChannel(name);

                foreach (string ordererName in sampleOrg.GetOrdererNames())
                    newChannel.AddOrderer(client.NewOrderer(ordererName, sampleOrg.GetOrdererLocation(ordererName), testConfig.GetOrdererProperties(ordererName)));

                bool everyOther = false;

                foreach (string peerName in sampleOrg.GetPeerNames())
                    string      peerLocation        = sampleOrg.GetPeerLocation(peerName);
                    Properties  peerProperties      = testConfig.GetPeerProperties(peerName);
                    Peer        peer                = client.NewPeer(peerName, peerLocation, peerProperties);
                    PeerOptions peerEventingOptions = // we have two peers on one use block on other use filtered
                                                      everyOther ? PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().RegisterEventsForBlocks().SetPeerRoles(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE) : PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().RegisterEventsForFilteredBlocks().SetPeerRoles(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE);

                    newChannel.AddPeer(peer, IS_FABRIC_V10 ? PeerOptions.CreatePeerOptions().SetPeerRoles(PeerRole.ENDORSING_PEER, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY, PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY) : peerEventingOptions);

                    everyOther = !everyOther;

                //For testing mix it up. For v1.1 use just peer eventing service for foo channel.
                if (IS_FABRIC_V10)
                    //Should have no peers with event sources.
                    Assert.IsTrue(newChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE }).Count == 0);
                    //Should have two peers with all roles but event source.
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, newChannel.Peers.Count);
                    foreach (string eventHubName in sampleOrg.GetEventHubNames())
                        EventHub eventHub = client.NewEventHub(eventHubName, sampleOrg.GetEventHubLocation(eventHubName), testConfig.GetEventHubProperties(eventHubName));
                    //Peers should have all roles. Do some sanity checks that they do.

                    //Should have two peers with event sources.
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, newChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.EVENT_SOURCE }).Count);
                    //Check some other roles too..
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, newChannel.GetPeers(new[] { PeerRole.CHAINCODE_QUERY, PeerRole.LEDGER_QUERY }).Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, newChannel.GetPeers(PeerRoleExtensions.All()).Count); //really same as newChannel.getPeers()

                Assert.AreEqual(IS_FABRIC_V10 ? sampleOrg.GetEventHubNames().Count : 0, newChannel.EventHubs.Count);

            //Just some sanity check tests
            Assert.IsTrue(newChannel == client.GetChannel(name));
            Assert.IsTrue(client == newChannel.client);
            Assert.AreEqual(name, newChannel.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, newChannel.Peers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, newChannel.Orderers.Count);
            string serializedChannelBytes = newChannel.Serialize();

            //Just checks if channel can be serialized and deserialized .. otherwise this is just a waste :)
            // Get channel back.

            newChannel = client.DeSerializeChannel(serializedChannelBytes);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, newChannel.Peers.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, newChannel.Orderers.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(newChannel, client.GetChannel(name));
            Assert.AreEqual(TESTUSER_1_NAME, client.UserContext.Name);

            //Begin tests with de-serialized channel.

            //Query the actual peer for which channels it belongs to and check it belongs to this channel
            foreach (Peer peer in newChannel.Peers)
                HashSet <string> channels = client.QueryChannels(peer);
                if (!channels.Contains(name))
                    Assert.Fail($"Peer {peer.Name} does not appear to belong to channel {name}");

            //Just see if we can get channelConfiguration. Not required for the rest of scenario but should work.
            byte[] channelConfigurationBytes = newChannel.GetChannelConfigurationBytes();
            Config channelConfig             = Config.Parser.ParseFrom(channelConfigurationBytes);


            ConfigGroup channelGroup = channelConfig.ChannelGroup;


            Dictionary <string, ConfigGroup> groupsMap = channelGroup.Groups.ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Value);



            //Before return lets see if we have the chaincode on the peers that we expect from End2endIT
            //And if they were instantiated too. this requires peer admin user

            client.UserContext = sampleOrg.PeerAdmin;

            foreach (Peer peer in newChannel.Peers)
                if (!CheckInstalledChaincode(client, peer, CHAIN_CODE_NAME, CHAIN_CODE_PATH, CHAIN_CODE_VERSION))
                    Assert.Fail($"Peer {peer.Name} is missing chaincode name: {CHAIN_CODE_NAME}, path:{CHAIN_CODE_PATH}, version: {CHAIN_CODE_VERSION}");

                if (!CheckInstantiatedChaincode(newChannel, peer, CHAIN_CODE_NAME, CHAIN_CODE_PATH, CHAIN_CODE_VERSION))
                    Assert.Fail($"Peer {peer.Name} is missing instantiated chaincode name: {CHAIN_CODE_NAME}, path:{CHAIN_CODE_PATH}, version: {CHAIN_CODE_VERSION}");

            client.UserContext = sampleOrg.GetUser(TESTUSER_1_NAME);


            Util.COut("Finished reconstructing channel {0}.", name);
