/// <summary>
    /// Processes the payment results based on a reply from the payment gateway.
    /// For example, the method can be called from a custom IPN handler that accepts responses/notifications from
    /// the external gateway's responses/notifications.
    /// </summary>
    public void ProcessDirectPaymentReply(bool success, HttpContext context, string testMode)
        // Payport response data
        var resultData = context.Request.Form;

        // Set payment transaction ID
        PaymentResult.PaymentTransactionID = resultData["tid"];
        // Set transaction mode (Test)
        if (testMode == "1")
            PaymentResultItemInfo customItem = new PaymentResultItemInfo();
            customItem.Header = ResHelper.GetString("custom.transaction_mode");
            customItem.Name   = "PaymentMode";
            customItem.Value  = ResHelper.GetString("custom.test_mode");

        // Get payment Key
        string paymentKey = NovalnetHelper.GetPaymentKey(resultData);
        // Set Novalnet Payment Method
        PaymentResultItemInfo NovalnetPaymentMethod = new PaymentResultItemInfo();

        NovalnetPaymentMethod.Header = ResHelper.GetString("custom.payment_method_title");
        NovalnetPaymentMethod.Name   = "PaymentMethod";
        NovalnetPaymentMethod.Value  = NovalnetHelper.GetPaymentMethod(resultData);

        // Handle payment response
        if (success)
            if (resultData["tid_status"] == "100" &&
                !Regex.IsMatch(paymentKey, "^(?:27|59)"))
                if (Regex.IsMatch(paymentKey, "(?:40|41)"))
                    PaymentResult.PaymentDescription = ResHelper.GetString("custom.guarantee_comment");
                PaymentResult.PaymentIsCompleted = true;
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(resultData["tid_status"], "^(?:75|85|86|90|91|98|99)$") || Regex.IsMatch(paymentKey, "^(?:27|59)$"))
                PaymentResult.PaymentIsAuthorized = true;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(paymentKey, "^(?:27|41)$") && resultData["tid_status"] == "100")
                    PaymentResultItemInfo item = new PaymentResultItemInfo();
                    item.Header = ResHelper.GetString("custom.transaction_details");
                    item.Name   = "NovalnetTransactionDetails";
                    item.Value  = string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("custom.duedate_title"), resultData["due_date"]) + " | " + string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("custom.account_holder"), resultData["invoice_account_holder"]) + " | " + string.Format("IBAN: {0}", resultData["invoice_iban"]) + " | " + string.Format("BIC: {0}", resultData["invoice_bic"]) + " | " + string.Format("Bank: {0} ", resultData["invoice_bankname"]) + " | " + string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("custom.amount"), resultData["amount"] + " " + resultData["currency"]) + " | " + ResHelper.GetString("custom.payment_reference_title") + " | " + string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("custom.payment_reference1"), resultData["invoice_ref"]) + " | " + string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("custom.payment_reference2"), resultData["tid"]);
                    // Saves the custom item into the PaymentResultInfo object processed by the gateway provider
                else if (paymentKey == "59")
                    PaymentResultItemInfo ShopDetails = new PaymentResultItemInfo();
                    ShopDetails.Header = string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("custom.slipexpirydate"), resultData["cashpayment_due_date"]);
                    ShopDetails.Name   = "NovalnetTransactionDetails";
                    ShopDetails.Value  = ResHelper.GetString("custom.store_details") + resultData["nearest_store_title_1"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_street_1"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_city_1"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_zipcode_1"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_country_1"] + resultData["nearest_store_title_2"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_street_2"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_city_2"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_zipcode_2"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_country_2"] + resultData["nearest_store_title_3"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_street_3"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_city_3"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_zipcode_3"] + " | " + resultData["nearest_store_country_3"];
                    // Saves the custom item into the PaymentResultInfo object processed by the gateway provider
                else if (resultData["tid_status"] == "75")
                    PaymentResult.PaymentDescription = paymentKey == "41" ? ResHelper.GetString("custom.guarantee_comment") + ResHelper.GetString("custom.guarantee_invoice_comment") : ResHelper.GetString("custom.guarantee_comment") + ResHelper.GetString("custom.guarantee_sepa_comment");
            // Sets the payment result for failed transactions
            PaymentResult.PaymentIsFailed    = true;
            PaymentResult.PaymentDescription = resultData["status_desc"];
        // Saves the payment result to the related order
        // Moves the order to the status configured for successful or failed payments