Example #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> SubmitOrderPayment([FromRoute] Guid orderGuid, PaymentInfoMBE paymentInfo)
            #region === Validation =====================
            if (orderGuid != GeneralConstants.ORDER_1_GUID)
                return(NotFound($"Merchant order with ID: {orderGuid} not found"));
            // Step: Is it even a valid date (this takes care of wacky month values)
            if (!DateTime.TryParse($"{paymentInfo.ExpMonth}/1/{ paymentInfo.ExpYear}", out DateTime parsedDate))
                return(BadRequest($"{paymentInfo.ExpMonth}/{paymentInfo.ExpYear} is not a valid expiration date"));

            // Step 2: The expiration date cannot be to far into the future (this takes care of yrs too far into the future)
            if (parsedDate > DateTime.Today.AddYears(5))
                return(BadRequest($"{paymentInfo.ExpMonth}/{ paymentInfo.ExpYear} is not a valid expiration date"));

            // Step 3: Is the card still valid today (cards are valid thru the last day of the month  (this check prevents dates in the past)
            DateTime calcExpireDate = parsedDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
            if (DateTime.Today > calcExpireDate)
                return(BadRequest($"Payment Instrument is no longer valid, expired on {calcExpireDate:MM/dd/yyyy}"));
            if (paymentInfo.TipAmount < 0)
                return(BadRequest($"Your tip amount cannot be less then zero."));
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentInfo.PAN))
                return(BadRequest($"Your Credit card number cannot be empty. "));
            // == CC Number ===================================
            string paymentPan = paymentInfo.PAN.Trim().CleanUp();
            // // Step 4a: Biz Logi  cc: check to see if credit card number is fine.
            if (paymentPan.Length != 16)
                return(BadRequest("Your Credit card number must be 16 digits."));

            if (!paymentPan.CheckLuhn())
                return(BadRequest("Your Credit card number must pass a LUN check."));

            await _messageHub.Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "Server", $"Order: [{orderGuid}] updated");

Example #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> SubmitOrderPayment([FromRoute] Guid orderGuid, [FromBody] PaymentInfoMBE paymentInfo)
            //query the db
            var dbOrderExploded = await _dbContext.GetOrderExplodedAsync(orderGuid);

            #region === Validation =====================
            //Biz Logic: check to see if the order guid is correct
            if (dbOrderExploded == null)
                return(NotFound($"Customer order with ID: {orderGuid} not found"));

            // == Expiration Date =====================================
            // Step 2a: Is it even a valid date (this takes care of wacky month values)
            if (!DateTime.TryParse($"{paymentInfo.ExpMonth}/1/{ paymentInfo.ExpYear}", out DateTime parsedDate))
                return(BadRequest($"{paymentInfo.ExpMonth}/{paymentInfo.ExpYear} is not a valid expiration date"));

            // Step 2b: The expiration date cannot be to far into the future (this takes care of yrs too far into the future)
            if (parsedDate > DateTime.Today.AddYears(5))
                return(BadRequest($"{paymentInfo.ExpMonth}/{ paymentInfo.ExpYear} is not a valid expiration date"));

            // Step 2c: Is the card still valid today (cards are valid thru the last day of the month  (this check prevents dates in the past)
            DateTime calcExpireDate = parsedDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
            if (DateTime.Today > calcExpireDate)
                return(BadRequest($"Payment Instrument is no longer valid, expired on {calcExpireDate:MM/dd/yyyy}"));

            // == Tip Amount ====================================
            // Step 3a: Check to see if the order has a tip even when the merchant doesn't support tips.
            if (dbOrderExploded.Merchant.IsSupportsTips == false &&
                paymentInfo.TipAmount.HasValue &&
                paymentInfo.TipAmount.Value != 0.0M)
                return(BadRequest($"This merchant does NOT support tips."));

            // Step 3b: Biz Logic: check to see if tip is less than zero
            if (paymentInfo.TipAmount.HasValue &&
                paymentInfo.TipAmount.Value < 0.0M)
                return(BadRequest($"The tip amount: {paymentInfo.TipAmount} cannot less than $0.00."));

            // == CC Number ===================================
            string paymentPan = paymentInfo.PAN.Trim().CleanUp();
            // // Step 4a: Biz Logi  cc: check to see if credit card number is fine.
            if (paymentPan.Length != 16)
                return(BadRequest("Your Credit card number must be 16 digits."));

            if (!paymentPan.CheckLuhn())
                return(BadRequest("Your Credit card number must pass a LUN check."));

            // == Auth Code ===================================
            // check to see if auth code is present
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbOrderExploded.AuthCode))
                return(BadRequest("Order has already been marked paid."));

                //update the dbOrder with the values we just got
                dbOrderExploded.CreditCardNumber = paymentPan;
                dbOrderExploded.ExpMonth         = paymentInfo.ExpMonth;
                dbOrderExploded.ExpYear          = paymentInfo.ExpYear;
                dbOrderExploded.AuthCode         = CardNetworkHelper.GenerateAuthCode();
                dbOrderExploded.TipAmount        = paymentInfo.TipAmount ?? 0.9M;

                //update order
                dbOrderExploded.Status = Enums.ORDER_STATUS.Paid;
                await _dbContext.UpdateOrderAsync(dbOrderExploded);

                //Write the order payment event
                var dbOrderEvent = new OrderEventDBE()
                    OrderId          = dbOrderExploded.OrderId,
                    EventDateTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    OrderStatus      = Enums.ORDER_STATUS.Paid,
                    EventDescription = $"Order has been paid."

                //save order event
                await _dbContext.InsertOrderEventAsync(dbOrderEvent);

                // send notification to all connected clients
                await _messageHub.Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", "Server", $"Order: [{orderGuid}] updated");

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(BadRequest(new ApplicationException($"Error: [{ex.Message}] Failed to send order payment.")));