Example #1
 ///<summary>Gets all of the payplanlink entries for the given fKey and linkType.</summary>
 public static List <PayPlanLink> GetForFKeyAndLinkType(long fKey, PayPlanLinkType linkType)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         return(Meth.GetObject <List <PayPlanLink> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), fKey, linkType));
     return(GetForFKeysAndLinkType(new List <long> {
     }, linkType));
Example #2
        ///<summary>Gets a list of charges for the passed in fkey and link type (i.e. adjustment, procedure...)</summary>
        public static List <PayPlanCharge> GetForLinkTypeAndFKeys(PayPlanLinkType linkType, params long[] arrayFKeys)
            if (arrayFKeys.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return(new List <PayPlanCharge>());
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <PayPlanCharge> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), linkType, arrayFKeys));
            string command = $"SELECT * FROM payplancharge " +
                             $"WHERE payplancharge.FKey IN({string.Join(",",arrayFKeys.Select(x => POut.Long(x)))}) " +
                             $"AND payplancharge.LinkType={POut.Int((int)linkType)}";

Example #3
 ///<summary>Construct a payplanproductionentry for an UNATTACHED adjustment (attached adjustments get treated as procedures).</summary>
 public PayPlanProductionEntry(Adjustment adj, PayPlanLink credit)
     ProductionTag   = adj;
     LinkedCredit    = credit;
     ProductionDate  = adj.AdjDate;
     PriKey          = adj.AdjNum;
     ProvNum         = adj.ProvNum;
     ClinicNum       = adj.ClinicNum;
     PatNum          = adj.PatNum;
     AmountOriginal  = (decimal)adj.AdjAmt;
     AmountOverride  = (decimal)credit.AmountOverride;
     AmountRemaining = (AmountOverride == 0)?AmountOriginal:AmountOverride;        //Gets set when calculating
     CreditDate      = credit.SecDateTEntry;
     Description     = $"Adjustment - {Defs.GetName(DefCat.AdjTypes,adj.AdjType)}";
     LinkType        = PayPlanLinkType.Adjustment;
Example #4
 ///<summary>Construct a payplanproductionentry item for a procedure. Calculates pat portion.</summary>
 public PayPlanProductionEntry(Procedure proc, PayPlanLink credit, List <ClaimProc> listClaimProcs, List <Adjustment> listAdjustments)
     ProductionTag   = proc;
     LinkedCredit    = credit;
     ProductionDate  = proc.ProcDate;
     PriKey          = proc.ProcNum;
     ProvNum         = proc.ProvNum;
     ClinicNum       = proc.ClinicNum;
     PatNum          = proc.PatNum;
     AmountOriginal  = ClaimProcs.GetPatPortion(proc, listClaimProcs, listAdjustments);
     AmountOverride  = (decimal)credit.AmountOverride;
     AmountRemaining = (AmountOverride == 0)?AmountOriginal:AmountOverride;
     CreditDate      = credit.SecDateTEntry;
     Description     = $"{ProcedureCodes.GetStringProcCode(proc.CodeNum)} - {ProcedureCodes.GetLaymanTerm(proc.CodeNum)}";
     LinkType        = PayPlanLinkType.Procedure;
Example #5
        ///<summary>Gets all of the payplanlink entries for the given fKey and linkType.</summary>
        public static List <PayPlanLink> GetForFKeysAndLinkType(List <long> listFKeys, PayPlanLinkType linkType)
            if (listFKeys.IsNullOrEmpty())
                return(new List <PayPlanLink>());
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <PayPlanLink> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listFKeys, linkType));
            string command = $"SELECT * FROM payplanlink WHERE payplanlink.FKey IN ({string.Join(",",listFKeys.Select(x => POut.Long(x)))}) " +
                             $"AND payplanlink.LinkType={POut.Int((int)linkType)} ";

Example #6
        ///<summary>For use with Dynamic Payment Plans. Production (proceudres and adjustments) is attached via PayPlanLinks.</summary>
        public static PayPlanLink CreatePaymentPlanLink(PayPlan payplan, long procOrAdjNum, PayPlanLinkType linkType)
            PayPlanLink link = new PayPlanLink();

            link.PayPlanNum     = payplan.PayPlanNum;
            link.AmountOverride = 0;
            link.FKey           = procOrAdjNum;
            link.LinkType       = linkType;