internal Pawn Generate(PawnType _PT, Controller _Controller, Vector2 _SpawnPoint, float _Scale = 1.0f, float _Rotation = 0.0f) { Pawn pawn = GetPawn(_PT, _SpawnPoint, _Scale, _Rotation); _Controller.Possess(pawn); return(pawn); }
/// <summary> /// Attack the other pawn. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">The other pawn</param> /// <param name="moveToOpponent">True if should move to opponent position after attack, false otherwise</param> /// <returns>True if the attack leads to a success, false otherwise.</returns> private bool Attack(Pawn other, bool moveToOpponent) { if (!isOpponent(other)) { return(false); } if (CanBeat(other)) { // Destorying the opponent and take his place type = other.type; UpdateMaterial(); Vector3 otherPos = other.transform.position; Vector3 snappedPosition = SnapPosition(otherPos, otherPos.y); Destroy(other.gameObject); if (moveToOpponent) { Target = snappedPosition; } return(true); } // loose against opponent = get eat else if (other.CanBeat(this)) { other.Attack(this, false); } return(false); }
public static void UpgradeUnit(PawnType newPawnType, Pawn pawn) { MeshFilter meshFilter = pawn.modelOfType.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); MeshFilterManager mfm = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MeshFilterManager>(); switch (newPawnType) { case PawnType.Rook: meshFilter.mesh = mfm.rookMesh.mesh; break; case PawnType.Bischop: meshFilter.mesh = mfm.bischopMesh.mesh; break; case PawnType.Knight: meshFilter.mesh = mfm.knightMesh.mesh; break; case PawnType.Queen: meshFilter.mesh = mfm.queenMesh.mesh; break; } pawn.pawnType = PawnType.Queen; }
public void AfterSpawnSetting(Pawn pawn, PawnType type) { if (photonView.isMine) { photonView.RPC("RPCAfterSpawnSetting", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, pawn.GetComponent <PhotonView>().viewID, (int)type); } }
public Pawn(Position position, PawnColor pawnColor, PawnType pawnType, IMoveStrategy moveStrategy) { Position = position; PawnColor = pawnColor; PawnType = pawnType; MoveStrategy = moveStrategy; }
public void InitializePawn(PawnType type, string name, int initlevel, int initattack, int initmagicAttack, int initdefense, int initmagicDefense, int inithp, int initdexterity, int initattackRange) { pawnType = type; Name = name; level = initlevel; attack = currentAttack = initattack; defense = currentDefense = initdefense; hp = currentHP = inithp; dexterity = currentDexterity = initdexterity; attackRange = currentAttackRange = initattackRange; magicAttack = currentMagicAttack = initmagicAttack; magicDefense = currentMagicDefense = initmagicDefense; skipCounter = 0; isSkip = false; isIgnoreDefense = isIgnoreMagicDefense = false; animator = this.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>(); if (animator == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("animator==null!"); } uilog = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>().GetComponent <GameManager>().gameInteraction.uilog; InitPawn(); }
public CharacterDescription GetCharacterDescription(PawnType type, string name) { CharacterDescription data = new CharacterDescription(); string xpath = ""; XmlElement node = null; if (type == PawnType.Monster) { xpath = "/character/monster//" + name; node = (XmlElement)xmlDocDescription.SelectSingleNode(xpath); } else if (type == PawnType.Enemy) { xpath = "/character/enemy//" + name; node = (XmlElement)xmlDocDescription.SelectSingleNode(xpath); } if (node == null) { Debug.Log("On CharacterReader GetCharacterDescription: " + name + " not found"); return(null); } data.race = (node["race"].InnerXml); data.story = (node["story"].InnerXml); data.description = (node["description"].InnerXml); return(data); }
/* * Méthode appelée lorsque le joueur décide de poser un pion (clic gauche). * Cette méthode génère un pion "réel" et détruit le pion fantome si celui-ci est toujours vivant. */ public void OnMouseDown () { Color pawnColor; Color newColor; if (Time.timeScale != 0.0f) { if (this.pawn == null && this.instantiated != null) { this.pawnType = TurnBasedSystem.INSTANCE.GetCurrentPawnType (); this.RetrieveDirectionsValues (); this.UpdateAdjacentIntersections (); this.UpdateFreeLines(); if (!this.CheckFreeLinePatterns()) { this.pawn = (GameObject)Instantiate (BoardManager.INSTANCE.pawn, this.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); this.pawn.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; pawnColor = TurnBasedSystem.INSTANCE.GetCurrentPawnColor (); newColor = new Color (pawnColor.r, pawnColor.g, pawnColor.b); newColor.a = 1.0f; this.pawn.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = newColor; this.ProcessCaptures (); this.CheckCapturePatterns (); this.ProcessConnectFive (); this.OnMouseExit (); foreach (Freeline fl in BoardManager.INSTANCE.excluded) BoardManager.INSTANCE.freelines.Remove(fl); TurnBasedSystem.INSTANCE.EndTurn (); } else { this.ResetDirectionValues (); this.pawnType = PawnType.NONE; this.CheckCaptureOnDestruction (); this.directions = new int[8] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; this.Catchable = 0; BoardManager.INSTANCE.excluded.Clear(); } } } }
//inizializza le winning boards per le celle pari (diagonale si) private static PawnType[,] InitWinningBoardEven(int r, int c) { PawnType[,] oneBoard = new PawnType[7, 7]; //setto l'intorno del centro dato come oche for (int roundR = r - 1; roundR <= r + 1; roundR++) { for (int roundC = c - 1; roundC <= c + 1; roundC++) { if (!IsPositionOutOfCross(roundR, roundC)) { oneBoard[roundR, roundC] = PawnType.Goose; } } } int roundR2 = r - 2; while (roundR2 <= r + 2) { int roundC = c - 2; while (roundC <= c + 2) { if (!IsPositionOutOfCross(roundR2, roundC)) { //Console.WriteLine("Sono triste: " + roundR2 + roundC + !IsPositionOutOfCross(roundR2, roundC)); oneBoard[roundR2, roundC] = PawnType.Goose; } roundC = roundC + 2; } roundR2 = roundR2 + 2; } // setto il centro come volpe oneBoard[r, c] = PawnType.Fox; return(oneBoard); }
//inizializza le winning boards per le celle dispari (diagonale no) private static PawnType[,] InitWinningBoardOdd(int r, int c) { //Console.WriteLine("Sono triste: " + r + c); PawnType[,] oneBoard = new PawnType[7, 7]; //setto l'intorno del centro dato come oche for (int roundR = r - 2; roundR <= r + 2; roundR++) { if (!IsPositionOutOfCross(roundR, c)) { //Console.WriteLine("Sono triste: " + roundR + c + !IsPositionOutOfCross(roundR, c)); oneBoard[roundR, c] = PawnType.Goose; } } for (int roundC = c - 2; roundC <= c + 2; roundC++) { if (!IsPositionOutOfCross(r, roundC)) { //Console.WriteLine("Sono triste: " + r + roundC + !IsPositionOutOfCross(r, roundC)); oneBoard[r, roundC] = PawnType.Goose; } } // setto il centro come volpe oneBoard[r, c] = PawnType.Fox; return(oneBoard); }
public AlphaBeta(PawnType aiPlayer, int maxPly, WeightsForBoardEval weights, bool random) { this.aiPlayer = aiPlayer; this.maxPly = maxPly; this.weights = weights; this.random = random; }
internal Pawn Generate(PawnType _PT, ControllerType _CT, Vector2 _SpawnPoint, float _Scale = 1.0f, float _Rotation = 0.0f) { Controller controller = GetController(_CT); Pawn pawn = GetPawn(_PT, _SpawnPoint, _Scale, _Rotation); controller.Possess(pawn); return(pawn); }
//costruttore public Move(PawnType pawnType, int startingX, int startingZ, int finalX, int finalZ) { this.pawnType = pawnType; this.startingX = startingX; this.startingZ = startingZ; this.finalX = finalX; this.finalZ = finalZ; }
private void mergeAdjacentPawnList(PawnType type, AdjacentPawnList targetList, List<Pawn> srcList) { foreach (Pawn pawn in srcList) { _gridFlags[(int)type, pawn.gridIndex].adjacentPawnList = targetList; if (!targetList.finalList.Contains(pawn)) { targetList.finalList.Add(pawn); } } }
// Constructor public Pawn(World world, PawnType type, Cell cell) { = world; this.type = type; CurrentCell = cell; DestinationCell = cell; NextCell = cell; }
private void collectAdjacentPawns() { for (int traverseType = 0; traverseType < (int)TraverType.Count; ++traverseType) { AdjacentPawnJudger judger = _adjacentJudgers[traverseType]; int[][] traverseIndice = _traverseIndice[traverseType]; int dim0 = traverseIndice.GetLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < dim0; ++i) { int[] indiceOnDim = traverseIndice[i]; if (indiceOnDim == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("collectAdjacentPawns: indiceOnDim is empty traverseType={0} dim0={1}", traverseType, i)); continue; } for (int j = 0; j < CHECK_PAWN_TYPES.Length; ++j) { PawnType checkType = CHECK_PAWN_TYPES[j]; List<Pawn> adjacentPawnList = null; Pawn lastPawn = null; for (int k = 0; k < indiceOnDim.Length; ++k) { int gridIndex = indiceOnDim[k]; Pawn pawn = getPawnByGridIndex(gridIndex); if (pawn != null && pawn.type == checkType) { if (lastPawn == null) { lastPawn = pawn; if (adjacentPawnList == null) { adjacentPawnList = new List<Pawn>(); } adjacentPawnList.Add(pawn); } else { // adjacent if (judger(pawn, lastPawn)) { adjacentPawnList.Add(pawn); } else { if (adjacentPawnList != null && adjacentPawnList.Count > 0) { checkAndAddAdjacentPawnList(checkType, adjacentPawnList); adjacentPawnList = null; } if (adjacentPawnList == null) { adjacentPawnList = new List<Pawn>(); } adjacentPawnList.Add(pawn); } lastPawn = pawn; } } } if (adjacentPawnList != null) { checkAndAddAdjacentPawnList(checkType, adjacentPawnList); adjacentPawnList = null; } } } } }
/// <summary>Pobiera kolor piona na podstawie jego typu</summary> /// <param name="pt">Typ piona</param> /// <returns>Kolor piona</returns> public static PawnColor GetColor(PawnType pt) { if (pt == PawnType.BlackPawn || pt == PawnType.BlackQueen) return PawnColor.Black; if (pt == PawnType.WhitePawn || pt == PawnType.WhiteQueen) return PawnColor.White; return PawnColor.None; }
/// <summary> /// Porównanie dwóch pionów ze względu na ich kolor (z pominięciem typu) /// </summary> public static bool EqualColor(PawnColor pc, PawnType pt) { if (pc == PawnColor.Black && (pt == PawnType.BlackPawn || pt == PawnType.BlackQueen)) return true; if (pc == PawnColor.White && (pt == PawnType.WhitePawn || pt == PawnType.WhiteQueen)) return true; return false; }
private void checkAchieve(int eliminateNeighborCount, PawnType pawnType) { int[] parameters = new int[]{ eliminateNeighborCount, (int)pawnType }; List<int> newlyFinishedAchieves = AchievementConfig.instance().checkAchieve( AchievementConfig.Condition.CLEAR_BY_TYPE, parameters, GameApp.instance().finishedAchieves); if (newlyFinishedAchieves.Count > 0) { _newlyFinishedAchieves.AddRange(newlyFinishedAchieves); GameApp.instance().saveAchieveChange(); } }
/** Rotates pawns */ private IEnumerator RotatePawns(PawnType pawnType) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); RotatePawn[] pawns = FindObjectsOfType <RotatePawn>(); foreach (RotatePawn pawn in pawns) { pawn.Rotate(matchController.localPlayer.pawnType); } }
/* * Méthode appelée lorsque le BoardManager initialise le Goban. * Lors de l'initialisation du goban, chaque intersection est elle-meme initialisée * avec des valeurs par défaut : le x, le y, le fait qu'il n'y ait aucun pion et * le tableau des "poids" des directions. * La texture est proprement assignée en fonction de la position de l'Intersection. * Le nom de l'objet quant à lui est formaté ainsi : [x, y] */ public void Initialize(int x, int y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.pawnType = PawnType.NONE; this.Catchable = 0; this.directions = new int[8] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; this.captures = new PawnType[8] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; BoardManager.INSTANCE.SetProperTexture (this.gameObject); this.Name = "[" + this.X + ", " + this.Y + "]"; }
public void SetPawnType(PawnType pawnType) { _pawnType = pawnType; if (pawnType == PawnType.Normal) { SetSize(0.55f, 0.55f); } else if (pawnType == PawnType.Small) { SetSize(0.25f, 0.25f); } }
private int getNeighborOppoCount(PawnType type, Vector2 pos) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NEIGHBOR_GRID_OFFSETS.Length; ++i) { Vector2 offset = NEIGHBOR_GRID_OFFSETS[i]; Pawn pawn = getPawnAtPos((int)(offset.x + pos.x), (int)(offset.y + pos.y)); if (pawn != null && pawn.type != type) { ++result; } } return result; }
private void modifyScore(int score, PawnType scorePawnType) { _score += score; modifyExp(calculateExp(score)); invalidUI(); _titleLayer.setScorePawnType(scorePawnType); _gameRecord.score = _score; if (_score > _gameRecord.highScore) { _gameRecord.highScore = _score; updateGameRecord(); } }
// Static Methods public static InputTask PawnFactory(PawnType type) { return(new InputTask(InputMode.Single, (cells, selected) => { foreach (Cell cell in cells) { cell.World.AddPawn(new Pawn(cell.World, type, cell)); } }, (cell, spriteBatch) => { Pawn preview = new Pawn(cell.World, type, cell); preview.Draw(spriteBatch, cell.X * World.BlockSize, cell.Y * World.BlockSize); })); }
/** Receives the results of the coin toss*/ private void OnCoinToss(object sender, object args) { bool coinToss = (bool)args; matchController.hostPlayer.pawnType = coinToss ? PawnType.Fox : PawnType.Goose; matchController.clientPlayer.pawnType = coinToss ? PawnType.Goose : PawnType.Fox; ClearBoard(); PawnType localPawnType = matchController.localPlayer.pawnType; mainCamera.GetComponent <MoveCamera>().PositionCamera(localPawnType); game = new Game(settings.geeseNumber); CheckState(); }
public Pawn(PawnColor color, PawnType type) : base("MasterMindPawn") { _effect = new Particle.ParticleSystem("light"); _effect.SetLifeTime(10, 20); _effect.SetParent(this.EntityId); _effect.SetSize(0.2f, 0.2f); _effect.SetSpread(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.PI * 2); _effect.SetRandomSpeed(true, 0.05f); SetPawnColor(color); SetPawnType(type); SetTexture("pawn"); Selected = false; }
private Pawn putPawn(int gridX, int gridY, PawnType type, Side side, bool skipUpdateScene = false) { Pawn pawnAtPos = getPawnAtPos(gridX, gridY); if (pawnAtPos != null) { return null; } Pawn pawn = new Pawn(type, gridX, gridY, side, this); if (!skipUpdateScene) { updateScenePawnState(); } return pawn; }
private Pawn GetPawn(PawnType _PT, Vector2 _SpawnPoint, float _Scale = 1.0f, float _Rotation = 0.0f) { switch (_PT) { case PawnType.Dummy: return(new DummyPawn(_SpawnPoint, _Scale, _Rotation)); case PawnType.Player: return(new PlayerPawn(_SpawnPoint, _Scale, _Rotation)); default: throw new System.Exception("Illegal PawnType Specified"); } }
private void UpdatePanel(PawnType type, int attack, int def, int hp, int dex, int atkRange, string displayname, string name, int maxHp, int level, int magic, int resistance, int remainedStep, ActionType actionType) { txtAttak.text = "ATK:" + attack; txtDefense.text = "DEF:" + def; if ((float)hp / maxHp < 0.4f) { txtHP.text = "<color=#FF0000>" + hp + "</color>/" + maxHp; } else { txtHP.text = hp + "/" + maxHp; } txtDexterity.text = "DEX:" + dex; txtAttackRange.text = "RNG:" + atkRange; txtMagic.text = "MAG:" + magic; txtResistant.text = "RES:" + resistance; txtName.text = displayname; txtLevel.text = "." + level; if ((sprite = Resources.Load("UI/avatar/" + name, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite) != null) { imgAvatar.sprite = sprite; } else { int lv = level; while ((sprite = Resources.Load("UI/avatar/" + name + lv, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite) == null && lv > 1) { lv--; } if ((sprite = Resources.Load("UI/avatar/" + name + lv, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite) != null) { imgAvatar.sprite = sprite; } } if (type == PawnType.Monster) { txtRemainedStep.gameObject.SetActive(true); txtRemainedStep.text = "" + remainedStep; txtActionType.gameObject.SetActive(true); txtActionType.text = actionType.ToString(); } else { txtRemainedStep.transform.gameObject.SetActive(false); txtActionType.transform.gameObject.SetActive(false); } currentPawn.isUIupdated = true; }
public Pawn(PawnType type, int gridX, int gridY, Side side, MainState container) { _container = container; GameObject pawnObj = (GameObject)Instantiate(container.PawnPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); _obj = pawnObj.GetComponent<PawnDisplayer>(); pawnObj.transform.SetParent(container._chessBoard.transform, true); pawnObj.transform.localScale =; = "pawn[" + gridY + "][" + gridX + "]"; this.type = type; this.side = side; this.gridIndex = container._chessBoard.gridPosToIndex(gridX, gridY); _container._pawns.Add(this); }
/** Rotates this pawn to the correct rotation */ public void Rotate(PawnType pawnType) { Vector3 correctRotation =; if (pawnType == PawnType.Fox) { correctRotation = rotationWhenFox; } else if (pawnType == PawnType.Goose) { correctRotation = rotationWhenGoose; } gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(correctRotation); }
private Dialog_Rules(PawnType type) : base(new Vector2(700f, 600f)) { var defaultRules = Registry.GetDefaultRules(type); _type = type; _template = defaultRules.ClonePreset(); _preset = new Listing_Preset <Rules>(type, defaultRules, new[] { Registry.GetVoidPreset <Rules>(type) }, UpdateSelected, CommitTemplate, RevertTemplate); foreach (var pawnType in PawnType.List) { _floatMenuViews.Add(new FloatMenuOption(Lang.Get("Dialog_Rules.DefaultType", pawnType.Label), () => ChangeType(pawnType))); } _floatMenuAssign = GetAssignmentOptions(); }
/* Invoked when the user has chosen which player he wants to play as */ private void OnPlayerChosen(object sender, object args) { humanPlayer = (PawnType)args; cpuPlayer = humanPlayer == PawnType.Fox ? PawnType.Goose : PawnType.Fox; ClearBoard(); mainCamera.GetComponent <MoveCamera>().PositionCamera(humanPlayer); game = new Game(15, false); //weights must be in absolute value alphaBeta = new AlphaBeta(cpuPlayer, 5, new WeightsForBoardEval(4, 3, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0), false); CheckState(); if (game.turn == cpuPlayer) { AiMoves(); } }
private char GetLetter (PawnType type) { char letter; switch (type) { case PawnType.PLAYER: letter = 'P'; break; case PawnType.OPPONENT: letter = 'O'; break; case PawnType.NONE: letter = 'N'; break; default: letter = 'E'; break; } return (letter); }
public void DeletePawn () { this.ResetDirectionValues (); this.pawnType = PawnType.NONE; this.CheckCaptureOnDestruction (); this.directions = new int[8] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; this.Catchable = 0; Destroy (this.pawn); this.pawn = null; }
/// <summary>Sprawdza, czy typ reprezentuje normalny pion (dowolnego koloru)</summary> /// <param name="pt">Typ pionu</param> /// <returns>Zwraca true jeśli typ reprezentuje zwykły pion</returns> public static bool IsNormalPawn(PawnType pt) { return (pt == PawnType.BlackPawn || pt == PawnType.WhitePawn); }
/// <summary>Sprawdza, czy typ reprezentuje damę (dowolnego koloru)</summary> /// <param name="pt">Typ pionu</param> /// <returns>Zwraca true jeśli typ reprezentuje damę</returns> public static bool IsQueenPawn(PawnType pt) { return (pt == PawnType.BlackQueen || pt == PawnType.WhiteQueen); }
public void IAputPawn(PawnType turn) { if (this.pawn == null) { this.pawnType = turn; this.RetrieveDirectionsValues(); this.UpdateAdjacentIntersections(); this.CheckCapturePatterns(); } }
public static bool IsNone(PawnType pt) { return pt == PawnType.None; }
public Freeline(Intersection A, Intersection B) { segment = new Segment (new Point (A.X, A.Y), new Point (B.X, B.Y)); type = A.GetPawnType (); }
public void DeleteIAPawn() { this.ResetDirectionValues(); this.pawnType = PawnType.NONE; this.directions = new int[8] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; this.Catchable = 0; //Destroy(this.pawn); this.pawn = null; }
public void UpdateScore (PawnType type) { if (type == PawnType.PLAYER) this.playerScore.text = this.GetPlayerScore (); else this.opponentScore.text = this.GetOpponentScore (); }
public void AfterSpawnSetting(Pawn pawn,PawnType type,int rTeam) { if (photonView.isMine) { photonView.RPC("RPCAfterSpawnSetting",PhotonTargets.AllBuffered,pawn.GetComponent<PhotonView>().viewID,(int)type,rTeam); } }
private void InternalSetPawn(string field_address, PawnType pt) { Point p = Pawn.FieldAddressToPoint(field_address); this.pawn_matrix[p.Y, p.X] = pt; }
private void InternalSetPawn(Point p, PawnType pt) { Debug.Assert(Pawn.InBound(p)); this.pawn_matrix[p.Y, p.X] = pt; }
private PawnType GetPawn(Point p, PawnType default_type) { if (!Pawn.InBound(p)) return default_type; return GetPawn(p); }
public Point[] GetMovementCoordinates(string field_address, PawnType hypotetical_pawn_type) { Point pselected = Pawn.FieldAddressToPoint(field_address); List<Point> directions = new List<Point>(); // jeżeli typ hipotetycznego piona nie jest pusty (none) to udaj, że PT(pselected) == hipotetyczny PawnType pt_selected = this.GetPawn(pselected); if (hypotetical_pawn_type != PawnType.None) pt_selected = hypotetical_pawn_type; if (Pawn.IsNormalPawn(pt_selected)) { // sprawdź wszystkie kierunki dla piona Point[] deltas; if (Pawn.GetColor(pt_selected) == PawnColor.White) { // białe - tylko w dół deltas = new Point[] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(-1, 1) }; } else { // czarne - tylko w górę deltas = new Point[] { new Point(1, -1), new Point(-1, -1) }; } if (this.dbg.chkAllowNormalPawnMoveBack.Checked) // hack :) deltas = new Point[] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, -1), new Point(-1, -1), new Point(-1, 1) }; // wszystkie cztery przekątne // w najbliższym sąsiedztwie musi być wolne pole foreach (Point delta in deltas) { Point pn = pselected.Add(delta); if (Pawn.IsNone(this.GetPawn(pn, PawnType.None)) && Pawn.InBound(pn)) directions.Add(pn); } } if (Pawn.IsQueenPawn(pt_selected)) { // sprawdź wszystkie kierunki dla damy foreach (Point delta in new Point[] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, -1), new Point(-1, -1), new Point(-1, 1) }) { // mozna bić, jeśli pion przeciwnika ma wolne pole po nim (przed może stać dama) Point p = pselected; p = p.Add(delta); while (Pawn.InBound(p)) { PawnType pt = this.GetPawn(p); if (!Pawn.IsNone(pt)) break; // już tutaj i dalej dama nie może się poruszać directions.Add(p); p = p.Add(delta); // przejdź o jedno pole w kierunku pdest } } } return directions.ToArray(); }
public void SetPawnType(PawnType pawnType) { _pawnType = pawnType; if(pawnType == PawnType.Normal){ SetSize(0.55f,0.55f); } else if( pawnType == PawnType.Small) { SetSize(0.25f,0.25f); } }
public VirtualBoard(MainWindow base_form, DebugWindow dbg, PawnType[,] pawn_matrix) { this.base_form = base_form; this.dbg = dbg; this.pawn_matrix = pawn_matrix.Clone() as PawnType[,]; }
public string[] GetMovementFields(string field_address, PawnType hypotetical_pawn_type) { return Pawn.PointToFieldAddress(this.GetMovementCoordinates(field_address, hypotetical_pawn_type)); }
public Point[] GetCaptureCoordinates(string field_address, PawnType hypotetical_pawn_type) { Point pselected = Pawn.FieldAddressToPoint(field_address); List<Point> directions = new List<Point>(); // jeżeli typ hipotetycznego piona nie jest pusty (none) to udaj, że PT(pselected) == hipotetyczny PawnType pt_selected = this.GetPawn(pselected); if (hypotetical_pawn_type != PawnType.None) pt_selected = hypotetical_pawn_type; if (Pawn.IsNormalPawn(pt_selected)) { // w najbliższym sąsiedztwie musi być pion/dama o przeciwnym kolorze oraz następne pola muszą być puste foreach (PawnColor pc in new PawnColor[] { PawnColor.White, PawnColor.Black }) foreach (Point delta in new Point[] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, -1), new Point(-1, -1), new Point(-1, 1) }) { Point pn = pselected.Add(delta); Point pnn = pn.Add(delta); if (!Pawn.InBound(pn) || !Pawn.InBound(pnn)) continue; if ((Pawn.GetColor(pt_selected) == pc) && (Pawn.GetColor(this.GetPawn(pn, PawnType.None)) == Pawn.GetOpponentColor(pc)) && (Pawn.IsNone(this.GetPawn(pnn, PawnType.None)))) directions.Add(pnn); } } if (Pawn.IsQueenPawn(pt_selected)) { PawnColor my_color = Pawn.GetColor(pt_selected); PawnColor opponent_color = Pawn.GetOpponentColor(my_color); // dama może bić w każdym kierunku foreach (Point delta in new Point[] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, -1), new Point(-1, -1), new Point(-1, 1) }) { Point p = pselected; bool opponent_pawn_found = false; int capture_count = 0; // licznik zbić dam/pionów przeciwnika p = p.Add(delta); while (Pawn.InBound(p)) { PawnType pt = this.GetPawn(p); // jeśli miejsce jest puste a coś udało mi się zbić, to mogę tutaj postawić damę if (Pawn.IsNone(pt) && (capture_count > 0)) directions.Add(p); // dama nie może przeskoczyć nad własnym pionem (tego samego koloru) if (Pawn.GetColor(pt) == my_color) break; if (!Pawn.IsNone(pt) && opponent_pawn_found) // dwa piony przciwnika pod rząd - nie można bić break; opponent_pawn_found = !Pawn.IsNone(pt); if (opponent_pawn_found) capture_count++; p = p.Add(delta); // przejdź o jedno pole w kierunku pdest } } } return directions.ToArray(); }
public PawnType GetOppositePawnType (PawnType type) { if (type == PawnType.PLAYER) return (PawnType.OPPONENT); return (PawnType.PLAYER); }