private void DoContent(Rect rect) { // cop out if nothing is selected. if (_selectedCurrent == null) { return; } // background Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); // begin window GUI.BeginGroup(rect); rect = rect.AtZero(); // rects var optionsColumnRect = new Rect(Utilities.Margin / 2, _topAreaHeight, rect.width / 2 - Utilities.Margin, rect.height - _topAreaHeight - Utilities.Margin - Utilities.ButtonSize.y); var animalsRect = new Rect(optionsColumnRect.xMax + Utilities.Margin, _topAreaHeight, rect.width / 2 - Utilities.Margin, rect.height - _topAreaHeight - Utilities.Margin - Utilities.ButtonSize.y); var optionsColumnTitle = new Rect(optionsColumnRect.xMin, 0f, optionsColumnRect.width, _topAreaHeight); var animalsColumnTitle = new Rect(animalsRect.xMin, 0f, animalsRect.width, _topAreaHeight); // backgrounds GUI.DrawTexture(optionsColumnRect, Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); GUI.DrawTexture(animalsRect, Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); // titles Utilities.Label(optionsColumnTitle, "FMP.Options".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.LowerLeft, lrMargin: Utilities.Margin * 2, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(animalsColumnTitle, "FML.Animals".Translate(), anchor: TextAnchor.LowerLeft, lrMargin: Utilities.Margin * 2, font: GameFont.Tiny); // options GUI.BeginGroup(optionsColumnRect); Vector2 cur =; var optionIndex = 1; // counts header Utilities.Label(ref cur, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight, "FML.TargetCounts".Translate(), alt: optionIndex % 2 == 0); // counts table var cols = 3; float fifth = optionsColumnRect.width / 5; float[] widths = { fifth, fifth * 2, fifth * 2 }; float[] heights = { _entryHeight / 3 * 2, _entryHeight, _entryHeight }; // set up a 3x3 table of rects var countRects = new Rect[cols, cols]; for (var x = 0; x < cols; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < cols; y++) { // kindof overkill for a 3x3 table, but ok. countRects[x, y] = new Rect(widths.Take(x).Sum(), cur.y + heights.Take(y).Sum(), widths[x], heights[y]); if (optionIndex % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(countRects[x, y]); } } } optionIndex++; // headers Utilities.Label(countRects[1, 0], Gender.Female.ToString(), null, TextAnchor.LowerCenter, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(countRects[2, 0], Gender.Male.ToString(), null, TextAnchor.LowerCenter, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(countRects[0, 1], "FML.Adult".Translate(), null, TextAnchor.MiddleRight, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(countRects[0, 2], "FML.Juvenile".Translate(), null, TextAnchor.MiddleRight, font: GameFont.Tiny); // fields DoCountField(countRects[1, 1], Utilities_Livestock.AgeAndSex.AdultFemale); DoCountField(countRects[2, 1], Utilities_Livestock.AgeAndSex.AdultMale); DoCountField(countRects[1, 2], Utilities_Livestock.AgeAndSex.JuvenileFemale); DoCountField(countRects[2, 2], Utilities_Livestock.AgeAndSex.JuvenileMale); cur.y += 3 * _entryHeight; // restrict to area var restrictAreaRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(restrictAreaRect); } Utilities.DrawToggle(restrictAreaRect, "FML.RestrictToArea".Translate(), ref _selectedCurrent.RestrictToArea); cur.y += _entryHeight; if (_selectedCurrent.RestrictToArea) { // area selectors table // set up a 3x3 table of rects var areaRects = new Rect[cols, cols]; for (var x = 0; x < cols; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < cols; y++) { // kindof overkill for a 3x3 table, but ok. areaRects[x, y] = new Rect(widths.Take(x).Sum(), cur.y + heights.Take(y).Sum(), widths[x], heights[y]); if (optionIndex % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(areaRects[x, y]); } } } // headers Utilities.Label(areaRects[1, 0], Gender.Female.ToString(), null, TextAnchor.LowerCenter, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(areaRects[2, 0], Gender.Male.ToString(), null, TextAnchor.LowerCenter, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(areaRects[0, 1], "FML.Adult".Translate(), null, TextAnchor.MiddleRight, font: GameFont.Tiny); Utilities.Label(areaRects[0, 2], "FML.Juvenile".Translate(), null, TextAnchor.MiddleRight, font: GameFont.Tiny); // do the selectors _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[0] = AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors(areaRects[1, 1], _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[ 0 ], manager, AllowedAreaMode.Animal, Utilities.Margin); _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[1] = AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors(areaRects[2, 1], _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[ 1 ], manager, AllowedAreaMode.Animal, Utilities.Margin); _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[2] = AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors(areaRects[1, 2], _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[ 2 ], manager, AllowedAreaMode.Animal, Utilities.Margin); _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[3] = AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors(areaRects[2, 2], _selectedCurrent.RestrictArea[ 3 ], manager, AllowedAreaMode.Animal, Utilities.Margin); cur.y += 3 * _entryHeight; } optionIndex++; // train Utilities.Label(ref cur, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight, "FML.Training".Translate(), alt: optionIndex % 2 == 0); var trainingRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex++ % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(trainingRect); } _selectedCurrent.DrawTrainingSelector(trainingRect, Utilities.Margin); cur.y += _entryHeight; if (_selectedCurrent.Training.Any) { var trainYoungRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex++ % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(trainYoungRect); } Utilities.DrawToggle(trainYoungRect, "FML.TrainYoung".Translate(), ref _selectedCurrent.Training.TrainYoung); cur.y += _entryHeight; } // butchery stuff var butcherExcessRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex++ % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(butcherExcessRect); } Utilities.DrawToggle(butcherExcessRect, "FML.ButcherExcess".Translate(), ref _selectedCurrent.ButcherExcess); cur.y += _entryHeight; var butcherTrainedRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex++ % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(butcherTrainedRect); } Utilities.DrawToggle(butcherTrainedRect, "FML.ButcherTrained".Translate(), ref _selectedCurrent.ButcherTrained); cur.y += _entryHeight; // try tame more? var tameMoreRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); cur.y += _entryHeight; Utilities.DrawToggle(tameMoreRect, "FML.TameMore".Translate(), ref _selectedCurrent.TryTameMore); if (optionIndex % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(tameMoreRect); } // area to train from (if taming more); if (_selectedCurrent.TryTameMore) { var tameAreaRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(tameAreaRect); } cur.y += _entryHeight; var tameAreaSelectorRect = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, optionsColumnRect.width, _entryHeight); if (optionIndex % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(tameAreaSelectorRect); } cur.y += _entryHeight; Utilities.Label(tameAreaRect, "FML.TameArea".Translate()); AreaAllowedGUI.DoAllowedAreaSelectors(tameAreaSelectorRect, ref _selectedCurrent.TameArea, manager, AllowedAreaMode.Any, Utilities.Margin); // why am I getting an error for not being at upperleft? Oh well, force it. Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } optionIndex++; GUI.EndGroup(); // options // Start animals list // get our pawnkind PawnKindDef pawnKind = _onCurrentTab ? _selectedCurrent.Trigger.pawnKind : _selectedAvailable; if (pawnKind != null) { Rect viewRect = animalsRect; viewRect.height = _actualHeight; if (_actualHeight > animalsRect.height) { viewRect.width -= 16f; } Widgets.BeginScrollView(animalsRect, ref _animalsScrollPosition, viewRect); GUI.BeginGroup(viewRect); cur =; // tamed animals DrawAnimalListheader(ref cur, new Vector2(viewRect.width, _entryHeight / 3 * 2), pawnKind, "FML.Tame".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); List <Pawn> tame = pawnKind.GetTame(manager); if (tame.Count == 0) { Utilities.Label(ref cur, viewRect.width, _entryHeight, "FML.NoAnimals".Translate("FML.Tame".Translate()), anchor: TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, color: Color.grey); } for (var i = 0; i < tame.Count; i++) { DrawAnimalRow(ref cur, new Vector2(viewRect.width, _entryHeight), tame[i], i % 2 == 0); } cur.y += _entryHeight; // wild animals DrawAnimalListheader(ref cur, new Vector2(viewRect.width, _entryHeight / 3 * 2), pawnKind, "FML.Wild".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); List <Pawn> wild = pawnKind.GetWild(manager); if (wild.Count == 0) { Utilities.Label(ref cur, viewRect.width, _entryHeight, "FML.NoAnimals".Translate("FML.Wild".Translate()), null, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, color: Color.grey); } for (var i = 0; i < wild.Count; i++) { DrawAnimalRow(ref cur, new Vector2(animalsRect.width, _entryHeight), wild[i], i % 2 == 0); } // update list height _actualHeight = cur.y; GUI.EndGroup(); // animals Widgets.EndScrollView(); } // bottom button var buttonRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - Utilities.ButtonSize.x, rect.yMax - Utilities.ButtonSize.y, Utilities.ButtonSize.x - Utilities.Margin, Utilities.ButtonSize.y - Utilities.Margin); // add / remove to the stack if (_selectedCurrent.Managed) { if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "FM.Delete".Translate())) { _selectedCurrent.Delete(); _selectedCurrent = null; _onCurrentTab = false; Refresh(); return; // just skip to the next tick to avoid null reference errors. } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(buttonRect, "FMP.DeleteBillTooltip".Translate()); } else { if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "FM.Manage".Translate())) { _selectedCurrent.Managed = true; _onCurrentTab = true; Manager.For(manager).JobStack.Add(_selectedCurrent); Refresh(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(buttonRect, "FMP.ManageBillTooltip".Translate()); } GUI.EndGroup(); // window }