Example #1
        private void processFormResults(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            List <CheckBox> allCheckboxes = new List <CheckBox>();

            allCheckboxes = checkRow1.Children.OfType <CheckBox>().ToList();

            allCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.Concat(checkRow2.Children.OfType <CheckBox>().ToList()).ToList();
            allCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.Concat(checkRow3.Children.OfType <CheckBox>().ToList()).ToList();
            allCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.Concat(checkRow4.Children.OfType <CheckBox>().ToList()).ToList();
            allCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.Concat(checkRow5.Children.OfType <CheckBox>().ToList()).ToList();
            allCheckboxes = allCheckboxes.Concat(checkRow6.Children.OfType <CheckBox>().ToList()).ToList();

            List <CheckBox> selectedBoxes = new List <CheckBox>();

            foreach (CheckBox checkbox in allCheckboxes)
                StackPanel parent = (StackPanel)checkbox.Parent;
                if (checkbox.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault())
                    checkbox.IsChecked = false;
                    Selections.Last().stage3 = int.Parse(checkbox.Name.Split('_')[1]);

            string nums = "";

            string questionValues = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < QuestionShapeValues.shapeValues.Count(); i++)
                questionValues += (i + 1) + ":" + QuestionShapeValues.shapeValues[i] + ", ";

            questionValues += "\r\n";

            int entryNum = 1;

            string diagText = "";

            List <PatternShapeModel> idealShapes = new List <PatternShapeModel>();

            foreach (Phase1Selections selection in  Selections)
                diagText += "**************Entry Number " + entryNum + "******************\r\n\r\n";
                List <PatternShapeModel> patternShapes = new List <PatternShapeModel>()
                foreach (int stage2Val in selection.stage2)
                    patternShapes.Add(new PatternShapeModel(QuestionShapeValues.getQuestionValue(stage2Val), stage2Val));

                patternShapes.Add(new PatternShapeModel(QuestionShapeValues.getQuestionValue(selection.stage3), selection.stage3));
                //               patternShapes.Add(new PatternShapeModel(QuestionShapeValues.getQuestionValue(selection.stage3), selection.stage3));

                int[] idealjdqa = PatternShapeFunctions.calculateIdealJDQA(patternShapes);

                idealShapes.Add(new PatternShapeModel(int.Parse(string.Join("", idealjdqa)), 0, 0, 0));

                diagText += "JDQA's to be averaged (Last shape duplicated for darkened circle value):\r\n";
                diagText += String.Join("\r\n", patternShapes.Select(ps => ps.QuestionNum + ": " + ps.PS).ToList());
                diagText += "\r\nIdeal JDQA:" + string.Join("", idealjdqa) + "\r\n\r\n";


            diagText += "TOTAL IDEAL JDQA: " + string.Join("", PatternShapeFunctions.calculateIdealJDQA(idealShapes));

                SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
                sfd.FileName = "phase1Debug_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt";
                sfd.Filter   =
                    "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";

                if (sfd.FileName != "")
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(sfd.OpenFile())) {

            catch (Exception ex) {
Example #2
        private void ShowCalculations(Dictionary <string, List <PatternShapeModel> > patternShapes)
            List <PatternShapeModel> Z          = patternShapes["Z"];
            List <PatternShapeModel> X          = patternShapes["X"];
            ConvertedScoreTable      scoreTable = new ConvertedScoreTable();

            int[] idealJDQA = PatternShapeFunctions.calculateIdealJDQA(Z);
            IdealJDQAText.Content = string.Format("Job Demands Quotient: {0}{1}{2}{3}", idealJDQA[0], idealJDQA[1], idealJDQA[2], idealJDQA[3]);

            List <ConvertedScoreRow> zConvertedScores = new List <ConvertedScoreRow>();
            List <ConvertedScoreRow> xConvertedScores = new List <ConvertedScoreRow>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Z.Count(); i++)
                double            r         = calculateR(PatternShapeFunctions.sliceCQ(Z[i].PS), idealJDQA);
                int               modifiedR = (int)Math.Round(r * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                ConvertedScoreRow zScoreRow = scoreTable.ConversionRows[modifiedR];
                double convertedScore = zScoreRow.Score;
                Label  zLabel         = new Label();
                zLabel.Content = string.Format("z{0} R Value: {1} Converted Score: {2}", i + 1, Math.Round(r, 2), convertedScore);

                //        ZResults.Children.Add(zLabel);

            for (int i = 0; i < X.Count(); i++)
                double            r         = calculateR(PatternShapeFunctions.sliceCQ(X[i].PS), idealJDQA);
                int               modifiedR = (int)Math.Round(r * 100, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                ConvertedScoreRow xScoreRow = scoreTable.ConversionRows[modifiedR];
                double convertedScore = xScoreRow.Score;
                Label  xLabel         = new Label();
                xLabel.Content = String.Format("x{0} R Value: {1} Converted Score: {2}", i + 1, Math.Round(r, 2), convertedScore);

                //         XResults.Children.Add(xLabel);

            double c = zConvertedScores.Sum(z => z.Score);

            Label cLabel = new Label();

            cLabel.Content = String.Format("c value: {0}", c);
            //      CalculatedValues.Children.Add(cLabel);

            double x1      = c / zConvertedScores.Count();
            Label  x1Label = new Label();

            x1Label.Content = String.Format("x1 value: {0}", Math.Round(x1, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            //       CalculatedValues.Children.Add(x1Label);

            double d      = xConvertedScores.Sum(x => x.Score);
            Label  dLabel = new Label();

            dLabel.Content = String.Format("d value: {0}", d);
            //       CalculatedValues.Children.Add(dLabel);

            double x2 = d / xConvertedScores.Count();

            Label x2Label = new Label();

            x2Label.Content = String.Format("x2 value: {0}", Math.Round(x2, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            //       CalculatedValues.Children.Add(x2Label);

            double a = zConvertedScores.Sum(z => z.Score * z.Score);

            Label aLabel = new Label();

            aLabel.Content = String.Format("a value: {0}", a);
            //     CalculatedValues.Children.Add(aLabel);

            double b = xConvertedScores.Sum(x => x.Score * x.Score);

            Label bLabel = new Label();

            bLabel.Content = String.Format("b value: {0}", b);
            //     CalculatedValues.Children.Add(bLabel);

            double n1      = zConvertedScores.Count();
            Label  n1Label = new Label();

            n1Label.Content = String.Format("n1 value: {0}", n1);
            //   CalculatedValues.Children.Add(n1Label);

            double n2      = xConvertedScores.Count();
            Label  n2Label = new Label();

            n2Label.Content = String.Format("n2 value: {0}", n2);
            //   CalculatedValues.Children.Add(n2Label);

            double S      = (a - ((c * c) / n1)) + (b - ((d * d) / n2));
            Label  sLabel = new Label();

            sLabel.Content = String.Format("S value: {0}", Math.Round(S, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            //   CalculatedValues.Children.Add(sLabel);

            double R      = Math.Sqrt((S / ((n1 + n2) - 2)) * ((1 / n1) + (1 / n2)));
            Label  rLabel = new Label();

            rLabel.Content = String.Format(@"

Regarding individuals being considered for this position, any ITS Self Concept Pattern Shape with a compatibility (COM) of between
.70 and 1.00 would be an excellent match from a behavioral stand point.  From .40 to .69 would be considered a good match.
.10 to .39 a fair match and from -  (minus) 1.00 to + .09 a poor match.", R);

            double T      = (x1 - x2) / R;
            Label  tLabel = new Label();

            tLabel.Content = String.Format("\r\n T value: {0}", Math.Round(T, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            //           CalculatedValues.Children.Add(tLabel);

            int   df      = (int)(n1 + n2 - 2);
            Label dfLabel = new Label();

            dfLabel.Content = String.Format("\r\n df value: {0}", df);
            //           CalculatedValues.Children.Add(dfLabel);

            Label             distributionLabel = new Label();
            DistributionTable dTable            = new DistributionTable();
            DistributionRow   dr = dTable._distributionRows.ContainsKey(df) ? dTable._distributionRows[df] : dTable._distributionRows[0];

            string significanceStatement = getSignificanceStatement(dr, T);

            Label significanceLabel = new Label();

            significanceLabel.Content = significanceStatement;
