public ActionResult AssociatePhysician(int physicianId, int patientId, bool isPrimary) { //Save selected physician for current patient (The patient whos detail is being shown) PatientPhysician pPhysician = new PatientPhysician(); pPhysician.PhysicianId = physicianId; pPhysician.PatientId = patientId; pPhysician.IsPrimary = isPrimary; _patientRepo.SavePatientPhysician(pPhysician); //Get list of saved patients for the current patient. and return this list to the patient detail page via ajax. ViewBag.PPhysicians = _patientRepo.GetPatientPhysicians(patientId); return(PartialView("_PartialPhysicians")); //return "response done"; }
protected void AssignPhysicianClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // assign selected physician as following physician if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FollowingPhysicianId.SelectedValue) && PatientId != 0) { Physician phObj = new Physician(); phObj.Get(Int32.Parse(FollowingPhysicianId.SelectedValue)); if (!phObj.IsEmpty) { PhysicianDa pda = new PhysicianDa(); int physicianId = Int32.Parse(phObj[Physician.PhysicianId].ToString()); PatientPhysicianDa ptPhDa = new PatientPhysicianDa(); DataTable ptphDt = ptPhDa.ValidatePatientPhysician(PatientId, physicianId).Tables[0]; if (VerifyUnique(ptphDt)) { AssignPhysicianErrorLBL.Text = String.Empty; // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier PatientPhysician ptPhysician = new PatientPhysician(); ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PatientId] = PatientId; ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PhysicianId] = physicianId; ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PtPhRole] = "Following"; UserController userCt = new UserController(); int currentUserId = userCt.GetUserId(); UserDa currentUserDa = new UserDa(); DataSet currentUserDs = currentUserDa.GetByUserId(userCt.GetUserId()); ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.EnteredTime] = DateTime.Now; ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.EnteredBy] = (currentUserDs.Tables.Count > 0 && currentUserDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) ? currentUserDs.Tables[0].Rows[0][BOL.User.UserName].ToString() : "not specified"; ptPhysician.Save(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_refreshPage", "refreshPage(); ", true); } else { AssignPhysicianErrorLBL.Text = "Physician " + phObj[Physician.PhFirstName].ToString() + " " + phObj[Physician.PhLastName].ToString() + " already assigned to patient as a(n) " + ptphDt.Rows[0][PatientPhysician.PtPhRole].ToString() + " physician."; } } } }
public int SavePatientPhysician(PatientPhysician patientphysician) { try { if (patientphysician.Id > 0) { _db.Entry(patientphysician).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } else { _db.Entry(patientphysician).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added; } //_db.Users.Add(user); _db.SaveChanges(); return(patientphysician.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { return(0); } }
private void InsertDimension(object atts, int patientId, SqlTransaction trans) { DataRow dr; if (atts is XmlNode) { dr = this.AttributesToRow(((XmlNode)atts).Attributes); } else { dr = (DataRow)atts; } string dimType = (string)dr["type"]; switch (dimType) { case "Institution": InstitutionDa ida = new InstitutionDa(); int institutionId = ida.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"]); this._CheckId(institutionId, dimType, dr); PatientInstitutionDa pida = new PatientInstitutionDa(); if (VerifyUnique((pida.GetPatientInstitution(patientId, institutionId, trans)).Tables[0])) { // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier PatientInstitution ptInstitution = new PatientInstitution(); ptInstitution[PatientInstitution.PatientId] = patientId; ptInstitution[PatientInstitution.InstitutionId] = institutionId; ptInstitution.Save(); // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier // pida.InsertPatientInstitution(patientId, institutionId, trans); add trans logic after concurrency fully tested- spy 2/21 // pida.InsertPatientInstitution(patientId, institutionId, trans); } break; case "Physician": PhysicianDa pda = new PhysicianDa(); //to get Physician primary key need to pass first and last name in from dataset defined in XML int physicianId = pda.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"], (string)dr["value2"]); this._CheckId(physicianId, dimType, dr); PatientPhysicianDa ppda = new PatientPhysicianDa(); if (VerifyUnique((ppda.ValidatePatientPhysician(patientId, physicianId)).Tables[0])) { // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier PatientPhysician ptPhysician = new PatientPhysician(); ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PatientId] = patientId; ptPhysician[PatientPhysician.PhysicianId] = physicianId; ptPhysician.Save(); // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier //should be creating Patient Physician biz object and passing object to PatientPhysicianDa //ppda.InsertPatientPhysicianDimension(patientId, physicianId, _sc.GetUserName(), trans); } break; case "Protocol": ProtocolDa protDa = new ProtocolDa(); int protocolId = protDa.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"]); this._CheckId(protocolId, dimType, dr); PatientProtocolDa ptProtDa = new PatientProtocolDa(); if (VerifyUnique((ptProtDa.ValidatePatientProtocol(patientId, protocolId)).Tables[0])) { // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier PatientProtocol ptProtocol = new PatientProtocol(); ptProtocol[PatientProtocol.PatientId] = patientId; ptProtocol[PatientProtocol.ProtocolId] = protocolId; ptProtocol.Save(); // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier //ptProtDa.InsertPatientProtocolDimension(patientId, protocolId, _sc.GetUserName(), trans); } break; case "Disease": DiseaseDa disDa = new DiseaseDa(); int diseaseId = disDa.GetPrimKey((string)dr["value"]); this._CheckId(diseaseId, dimType, dr); PatientDiseaseDa ptDiseaseDa = new PatientDiseaseDa(); if (VerifyUnique((ptDiseaseDa.GetPatientDisease(patientId, diseaseId)).Tables[0])) { // NEW CODE, insert record though middle tier PatientDisease ptDisease = new PatientDisease(); ptDisease[PatientDisease.PatientId] = patientId; ptDisease[PatientDisease.DiseaseId] = diseaseId; ptDisease.Save(); // OLD CODE, inserts now handled by middle tier //ptDiseaseDa.InsertPatientDisease(patientId, diseaseId, trans); } break; } }