Example #1
        public void CanSearchDoctords()
            // Организация (arrange)

            PatientAppointmentController controller = new PatientAppointmentController(mock.Object);

            // Действие (act)
            List <PatientAppointmentDoctor> patientAppointmentDoctors = controller.DoctorListViewModel.GetPatientAppointmentDoctorsSearch("С", "Психолог");

            // Утверждение (assert)

            Assert.AreEqual(patientAppointmentDoctors.Count, 1);
        static void CreateStaff()
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                Qualification q = new Qualification();
                q.DateOfQualification = new DateTime(1995, 10, i);
                q.NameOfInstitution   = "John doe instidution" + i;
                q.QualificationID     = i;
                q.Type = "Teacher" + i;

                WorkExperience WE = new WorkExperience();
                WE.FinishDate         = new DateTime(1999, i, 10);
                WE.NameOfOrganisation = "John doe organisation" + i;
                WE.PreviousPosition   = "Head of Office" + i;
                WE.StartDate          = new DateTime(1996, i, 10);
                WE.WorkExperienceID   = i;

                Patient p = new Patient();
                p.Address       = "John doe vej" + i;
                p.DateOfBirth   = new DateTime(1994, 10, i);
                p.FirstName     = "John" + i;
                p.Gender        = "male";
                p.LastName      = "dooe" + i;
                p.MartialStatus = "married";
                p.PatientNumber = i;
                p.Telephone     = "+452342311" + i;

                PatientAppointment pa = new PatientAppointment();
                pa.AppointmentNumber = i;
                pa.AppointmentRoom   = "D" + i;
                pa.DateOfAppointment = new DateTime(1991, i, 10);
                pa.PatientNumber     = i;

                Staff staff = new Staff();
                staff.CurrentPosition      = "Chief officer";
                staff.AppointmentNumber    = i;
                staff.CurrentSalary        = 2.2 + i;
                staff.DateOfBirth          = new DateTime(1999, i, 12);
                staff.FirstName            = "John" + i;
                staff.FullAddress          = "den nye vej 9" + i;
                staff.Gender               = "male";
                staff.InsuranceNumber      = i;
                staff.LastName             = "Doee" + i;
                staff.NumberOfHoursPerWeek = i;
                staff.PermenentOrTemporary = "temp";
                staff.QualificationID      = i;
                staff.SalaryPayment        = "week";
                staff.SalaryScale          = "c" + i;
                staff.StaffNumber          = i;
                staff.WorkExperienceID     = i;

                QualificationController      qc  = new QualificationController();
                WorkExperienceController     wec = new WorkExperienceController();
                PatientController            pc  = new PatientController();
                PatientAppointmentController pac = new PatientAppointmentController();
                StaffController sc = new StaffController();

                SqlException qcec      = qc.Create(q);
                SqlException wecec     = wec.Create(WE);
                SqlException pecc      = pc.Create(p);
                SqlException pacec     = pac.Create(pa);
                SqlException errorCode = sc.Create(staff);
Example #3
        protected void onBtn_Click(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            if (PermissionManager.HasPermission("AddPatient"))
                bool validDates = this.ValidateApptDateTime();

                if (validDates)
                    // load the hashtable with values
                    Hashtable apptParams = new Hashtable();
                    apptParams["ApptMRN"]        = PtMRN.Value;
                    apptParams["ApptFirstName"]  = PtFirstName.Value;
                    apptParams["ApptLastName"]   = PtLastName.Value;
                    apptParams["ApptPhysician"]  = ApptPhysician.Value;// Request.Form[ApptPhysician.ID];
                    apptParams["ApptDept"]       = Request.Form[ApptDept.ID];
                    apptParams["ApptVisitType"]  = Request.Form[ApptVisitType.ID];
                    apptParams["ApptNotes"]      = ApptNotes.Value;
                    apptParams["ApptClinicDate"] = DateTime.Parse(AppointmentDate.Value);
                    apptParams["ApptTime"]       = DateTime.Parse(AppointmentDate.Value + " " + AppointmentTime.Value);

                    PatientDa pda = new PatientDa();
                    DataTable pdt = pda.GetPatientByMRN(PtMRN.Value);

                    PatientAppointmentController apct = new PatientAppointmentController();

                    // verify new MRN

/*					if (pdt.Rows.Count == 0)
 *                                      {
 *                                              // insert new patient record and the appointment
 *                                              BusinessObject bz = GetParams();
 *                                              DataSet ds = apct.InsertPatientAndAppointmentRecord(bz, (int) Session[SessionKey.DatasetId], apptParams);
 *                                              UpdateSession(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
 *                                              // reload page - can we pass a confirmation message to the page?
 *                                              Response.Redirect("AddNewPatientAndAppt.aspx?confirm=addnew");
 *                                      }

                    // verify new MRN

                    if (pdt.Rows.Count == 0)
                        // insert new patient record and the appointment

                        Patient bz = GetParams();

                        DataSet ds = apct.InsertNewPatientRecord(bz, (int)Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]);

                        apct.InsertAppointmentRecord(apptParams, int.Parse(bz[Patient.PatientId].ToString()));

                        // UpdateSession(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

                        // reload page - can we pass a confirmation message to the page?

                    else                     // mrn is already in database
                        // mrn already exists.. is the last name a match?
                        if (PtLastName.Value != "" && pdt.Rows[0][Patient.PtLastName].ToString().ToUpper().Equals(PtLastName.Value.ToUpper()))
                            int pid = Convert.ToInt32(pdt.Rows[0][Patient.PatientId]);

                            // use first name from database if it was not provided
                            if (PtFirstName.Value.Equals(""))
                                apptParams["ApptFirstName"] = pdt.Rows[0][Patient.PtFirstName].ToString();

                            // last name and MRN are a match, add patient to appointments table
                            apct.InsertAppointmentRecord(apptParams, pid);


                            // reload page and display confirmation message
                        else if (PtLastName.Value == "")
                            // last name was blanks so lets find out if this is the right patient
                            errMsg.Message = "Please enter the patients last name and MRN.";
                        else                         // tell user they can't use this combination of last name and mrn
                            errMsg.Message = "This MRN is already in use by patient " + pdt.Rows[0][Patient.PtFirstName].ToString() + " " + pdt.Rows[0][Patient.PtLastName].ToString() + ".";