public List <Connection> PathfindAStar(Graph aGraph, GameObject start, GameObject end, Heuristic myHeuristic) { // Set up the start record. NodeRecord StartRecord = new NodeRecord(); StartRecord.Node = start; StartRecord.Connection = null; StartRecord.CostSoFar = 0; StartRecord.EstimatedTotalCost = myHeuristic.Estimate(start, end); // Create the lists. PathfindingList OpenList = new PathfindingList(); PathfindingList ClosedList = new PathfindingList(); // Add the start record to the open list. OpenList.AddNodeRecord(StartRecord); // Iterate through and process each node. NodeRecord CurrentRecord = null; List <Connection> Connections; while (OpenList.GetSize() > 0) { // Find the smallest element in the open list (using the estimatedTotalCost). CurrentRecord = OpenList.GetSmallestElement(); // If it is the goal node, then terminate. if (CurrentRecord.Node.Equals(end)) { break; } // Otherwise get its outgoing connections. Connections = aGraph.GetConnections(CurrentRecord.Node); // Loop through each connection in turn. GameObject EndNode; float EndNodeCost; NodeRecord EndNodeRecord; float EndNodeHeuristic; foreach (Connection aConnection in Connections) { // Get the cost estimate for the end node. EndNode = aConnection.ToNode; EndNodeCost = CurrentRecord.CostSoFar + aConnection.Cost; // If the node is closed we may have to skip, or remove it from the closed list. if (ClosedList.Contains(EndNode)) { // Here we find the record in the closed list corresponding to the endNode. EndNodeRecord = ClosedList.Find(EndNode); // If we didn’t find a shorter route, skip. if (EndNodeRecord.CostSoFar <= EndNodeCost) { continue; } // Otherwise remove it from the closed list. ClosedList.RemoveNodeRecord(EndNodeRecord); // We can use the node’s old cost values to calculate its heuristic without calling // the possibly expensive heuristic function. EndNodeHeuristic = EndNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost - EndNodeRecord.CostSoFar; } // Skip if the node is open and we’ve not found a better route. else if (OpenList.Contains(EndNode)) { // Here we find the record in the open list corresponding to the endNode. EndNodeRecord = OpenList.Find(EndNode); // If our route is no better, then skip. if (EndNodeRecord.CostSoFar <= EndNodeCost) { continue; } // We can use the node’s old cost values to calculate its heuristic without calling // the possibly expensive heuristic function. EndNodeHeuristic = EndNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost - EndNodeRecord.CostSoFar; } // Otherwise we know we’ve got an unvisited node, so make a record for it. else { EndNodeRecord = new NodeRecord(); EndNodeRecord.Node = EndNode; // We’ll need to calculate the heuristic value using the function, since we don’t have an existing record to use. EndNodeHeuristic = myHeuristic.Estimate(EndNode, end); } // We’re here if we need to update the node Update the cost, estimate and connection. EndNodeRecord.CostSoFar = EndNodeCost; EndNodeRecord.Connection = aConnection; EndNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost = EndNodeCost + EndNodeHeuristic; // And add it to the open list. if (!(OpenList.Contains(EndNode))) { OpenList.AddNodeRecord(EndNodeRecord); } } //#END: Looping through Connections. // We’ve finished looking at the connections for the current node, so add it to the closed list // and remove it from the open list OpenList.RemoveNodeRecord(CurrentRecord); ClosedList.AddNodeRecord(CurrentRecord); } // We’re here if we’ve either found the goal, or if we’ve no more nodes to search, find which. List <Connection> tempList = new List <Connection>(); if (!CurrentRecord.Node.Equals(end)) { // We’ve run out of nodes without finding the goal, so there’s no solution return(tempList); } else { while (!CurrentRecord.Node.Equals(start)) { tempList.Add(CurrentRecord.Connection); CurrentRecord = ClosedList.Find(CurrentRecord.Connection.FromNode); } // The path is in the wrong order. Reverse the path, and return it. List <Connection> tempList2 = new List <Connection>(); for (int i = (tempList.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--) { tempList2.Add(tempList[i]); } return(tempList2); } }
public List <Connection> PathfindAStar(Graph graph, GameObject start, GameObject end, Heuristic heuristic) { NodeRecord startRecord = new NodeRecord(); startRecord.Node = start; startRecord.Connection = null; startRecord.CostSoFar = 0; startRecord.EstimatedTotalCost = heuristic.Estimate(start, end); PathfindingList openList = new PathfindingList(); PathfindingList closedList = new PathfindingList(); openList.AddRecord(startRecord); NodeRecord currentRecord = null; List <Connection> connections; while (openList.GetSize() > 0) { currentRecord = openList.GetSmallestElement(); if (currentRecord.Node.Equals(end)) { break; } connections = graph.GetConnections(currentRecord.Node); GameObject endNode; float endNodeCost; NodeRecord endNodeRecord; float endNodeHeuristic; foreach (Connection aConnection in connections) { endNode = aConnection.ToNode; endNodeCost = currentRecord.CostSoFar + aConnection.Cost; if (closedList.Contains(endNode)) { endNodeRecord = closedList.Find(endNode); if (endNodeRecord.CostSoFar <= endNodeCost) { continue; } closedList.RemoveRecord(endNodeRecord); endNodeHeuristic = endNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost - endNodeRecord.CostSoFar; } else if (openList.Contains(endNode)) { endNodeRecord = openList.Find(endNode); if (endNodeRecord.CostSoFar <= endNodeCost) { continue; } endNodeHeuristic = endNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost - endNodeRecord.CostSoFar; } else { endNodeRecord = new NodeRecord(); endNodeRecord.Node = endNode; endNodeHeuristic = heuristic.Estimate(endNode, end); } endNodeRecord.CostSoFar = endNodeCost; endNodeRecord.Connection = aConnection; endNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost = endNodeCost + endNodeHeuristic; if (!openList.Contains(endNode)) { openList.AddRecord(endNodeRecord); } } openList.RemoveRecord(currentRecord); closedList.AddRecord(currentRecord); } List <Connection> tempList = new List <Connection>(); if (!currentRecord.Node.Equals(end)) { return(tempList); } else { while (!currentRecord.Node.Equals(start)) { tempList.Add(currentRecord.Connection); if (currentRecord.Connection == null) { Debug.Log("Current Record " + currentRecord.ToString() + " is null"); } if (currentRecord.Connection.FromNode == null) { Debug.Log("Current FromNode " + + " is null"); } currentRecord = closedList.Find(currentRecord.Connection.FromNode); } // Reverse path and return List <Connection> tempList2 = new List <Connection>(); for (int i = tempList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tempList2.Add(tempList[i]); } return(tempList2); } }