//Function called from DrawMapRoads to connect 2 tiles with a road
    public void ConnectTiles(TileInfo tile1_, TileInfo tile2_, bool setRoadOnEndpoints_ = true)
        List <TileInfo> roadPath = PathfindingAlgorithms.DijkstraSearchLandTile(tile1_, tile2_);

        //If we put road tiles on the endpoints of each path, all tiles have roads
        if (setRoadOnEndpoints_)
            for (int r = 0; r < roadPath.Count; r++)
                //If we're on an endpoint, the decoration model isn't deleted
                if (r == 0 || r == roadPath.Count - 1)
                    roadPath[r].type         = LandType.Road;
                    roadPath[r].tileMaterial = this.roadMaterial;
                    roadPath[r].decorationModel = null;
                    roadPath[r].type            = LandType.Road;
                    roadPath[r].tileMaterial    = this.roadMaterial;
        //Otherwise the first and last tiles in the path are ignored so the tiles where location markers are at don't get overridden by roads
            for (int r = 1; r < roadPath.Count - 1; r++)
                roadPath[r].decorationModel = null;
                roadPath[r].type            = LandType.Road;
                roadPath[r].tileMaterial    = this.roadMaterial;
    //Function called from GenerateSpokeRegion to expand the borders of each region
    private void ExpandRegionBorders(TileInfo startTile_)
        //We find the list of tiles along the edge of the city tile's region
        List <TileInfo> edgeTiles = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindRegionEdgeTiles(startTile_);

        //And then we have the region step outward based on the size of the region's boarders
        Vector2 minMaxSteps = new Vector2();

        minMaxSteps.x = edgeTiles.Count * this.minMaxStepPercent.x;
        minMaxSteps.y = edgeTiles.Count * this.minMaxStepPercent.y;
        PathfindingAlgorithms.StepOutRegionEdge(edgeTiles, minMaxSteps, this.absoluteMinimumSteps);
Example #3
    //Function called every frame when the player's mouse is over this object's collider
    private void OnMouseOver()
        //If the selection mode is switched to "None", this tile is no longer hilighted
        if (TileSelectionMode.GlobalReference.currentSelectionMode == SelectionMode.None)

        //If the player left clicks over this tile and the selection mode is anything but "None", it becomes the one that's selected
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && TileSelectionMode.GlobalReference.currentSelectionMode != SelectionMode.None)
            //If the left Alt button isn't held down (for rotating the camera)
            if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))
                //Un-hilighting the currently selected file
                if (LandTile.selectedTile != null)

                LandTile.selectedTile = this;

                //If the selection mode is on "Movement" then the selected characters are told to move to this tile
                if (TileSelectionMode.GlobalReference.currentSelectionMode == SelectionMode.Movement)
                    //Making sure the clicked tile isn't the one that the group is already on
                    if (PartyGroup.globalReference.GetComponent <Movement>().currentTile != LandTile.selectedTile.tileReference)
                        //Using the Dijkstra search to find the dravel path for each character
                        TileInfo        startingTile = PartyGroup.globalReference.GetComponent <Movement>().currentTile;
                        TileInfo        endTile      = LandTile.selectedTile.tileReference;
                        List <TileInfo> pathToFollow = PathfindingAlgorithms.DijkstraSearchLandTile(startingTile, endTile);

                        //Setting the path to follow for the character's movement
                        PartyGroup.globalReference.GetComponent <Movement>().TravelToPath(pathToFollow);

                        //Setting the selection mode to nothing so that it doesn't have to be turned off constantly
                    //If the clicked tile IS the one the player group is already on, the selection mode is turned off
Example #4
    //Function inherited from Action.cs
    public override void PerformAction(CombatTile targetTile_)
        //Calling the base function to start the cooldown time

        //If the acting character is an enemy, we need to set the movement path since we're not mousing over tiles
        if (CombatManager.globalReference.enemyCharactersInCombat.Contains(this.actingCharacter))
            this.movementPath = PathfindingAlgorithms.BreadthFirstSearchCombat(this.movementPath[0], targetTile_, true, true);

        //Makes it so that the Update function will now move the character through the movement path
        this.moveCharacter        = true;
        this.currentNumTilesMoved = 0;
Example #5
    //Function called internally to highlight or stop highlighting tiles inside an area of effect spell
    private void HighlightEffectRadius(bool highlightOn_)
        //Only works if this tile is in the action range
        if (!this.inActionRange)

        //If the selected action has a combat effect with a radius greater than 0, we need to highlight those tiles
        if (CombatActionPanelUI.globalReference.selectedAction != null && CombatActionPanelUI.globalReference.selectedAction.GetComponent <AttackAction>())
            //Getting the reference to the attack action
            AttackAction selectedAttack = CombatActionPanelUI.globalReference.selectedAction.GetComponent <AttackAction>();

            int highestRadius = 0;
            //Looping through all effects
            foreach (AttackEffect efc in selectedAttack.effectsOnHit)
                if (efc.effectRadius > highestRadius)
                    highestRadius = efc.effectRadius;

            //If the radius is greater than 0, we need to highlight all tiles in the effect zone
            if (highestRadius > 0)
                List <CombatTile3D> tilesInEffect = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindTilesInActionRange(this, highestRadius);
                foreach (CombatTile3D tile in tilesInEffect)
                    //If we turn on the highlight
                    if (highlightOn_)
                    //If we turn off the highlight
Example #6
 public void RequestPath(PathRequest request, bool useInfluenceData, bool needsSmoothing = false)
     ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state)
         if (needsSmoothing && useInfluenceData)
             PathfindingAlgorithms.AStarSearch(_pathfindingGrid, request, FinishedProcessingPath, true, true);
         else if (needsSmoothing && !useInfluenceData)
             PathfindingAlgorithms.AStarSearch(_pathfindingGrid, request, FinishedProcessingPath, true, false);
         else if (!needsSmoothing && useInfluenceData)
             PathfindingAlgorithms.AStarSearch(_pathfindingGrid, request, FinishedProcessingPath, false, true);
         else if (!needsSmoothing && !useInfluenceData)
             PathfindingAlgorithms.AStarSearch(_pathfindingGrid, request, FinishedProcessingPath, false, false);
Example #7
        public static PathNode FindPath(PathfindingAlgorithms algorithm, PathNode start, PathNode target, NavMap map)
            if (start == null
                || target == null
                || map == null)
                return null;

            switch (algorithm)
                case PathfindingAlgorithms.BreadthFirst:
                    return PathfindingUtilities.ReversePath(BreadthFirst(ref start, ref target));

                case PathfindingAlgorithms.Dijkstra:
                    return PathfindingUtilities.ReversePath(Dijkstra(ref start, ref target));

                case PathfindingAlgorithms.BestFirst:
                    return PathfindingUtilities.ReversePath(BestFirst(ref start, ref target));

                case PathfindingAlgorithms.aStar:
                    return PathfindingUtilities.ReversePath(aStar(ref start, ref target));
Example #8
    //Function called every frame
    private void Update()
        //If we should be animating this character moving from tile to tile
        if (this.moveCharacter)
            //Increasing the total time that's passed
            this.currentTimePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            //If enough time has passed that we've moved one more tile further. We progress the acting character one more tile along the movement path
            if (this.currentTimePassed >= this.timeToCompleteAction)
                //Increasing the index for the number of tiles moved
                this.currentNumTilesMoved += 1;

                //Resetting the current movement time
                this.currentTimePassed = 0;

                //Moving the character sprite to the new tile position
                CharacterSpriteBase charSprite = CombatManager.globalReference.GetCharacterSprite(this.actingCharacter);
                charSprite.transform.position = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position;

                //Making sure the sprites are positioned in front of each other correctly

                //If the new tile is to the left of the old tile, we face the character left
                if (this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position.x < this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved - 1].transform.position.x)
                //If the new tile is to the right of the old tile, we face the character right
                else if (this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position.x > this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved - 1].transform.position.x)
                //If the new tile is above the old tile, we face the character up
                else if (this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position.y > this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved - 1].transform.position.y)
                //If the new tile is below the old tile, we face the character down
                else if (this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position.y < this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved - 1].transform.position.y)

                //Removing the acting character from the tile they're on
                CombatManager.globalReference.combatTileGrid[this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionCol][this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionRow].SetObjectOnTile(null, CombatTile.ObjectType.Nothing);

                //Once the time has passed for this tile, the selected character's position is updated
                this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionCol = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].col;
                this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionRow = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].row;
                CombatManager.globalReference.combatTileGrid[this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionCol][this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionRow].SetObjectOnTile(this.actingCharacter.gameObject, CombatTile.ObjectType.Player);

                //Looping through and triggering all effects on the moving character that happen during movement
                foreach (Effect e in this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.combatEffects)

                    //Checking to see if the acting character has died due to some effect
                    if (this.actingCharacter.GetComponent <PhysicalState>().currentHealth <= 0)
                        //Clearing the movement path tiles
                        for (int t = this.currentNumTilesMoved; t < this.movementPath.Count; ++t)
                            this.movementPath[t].GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, this.movementPath[t].inactiveTransparency);
                        //This game object is destroyed

                //If we've moved through all of the tiles on the movement path, this object is destroyed
                if (this.currentNumTilesMoved + 1 == this.movementPath.Count)
                    //Setting the character's combat sprite to a stationary position directly on the last tile in our movement path
                    CombatManager.globalReference.GetCharacterSprite(this.actingCharacter).transform.position = this.movementPath[this.movementPath.Count - 1].transform.position;

        //If there are tiles in the movement path and the mouse is hovering over a combat tile
        else if (this.movementPath.Count > 0 && CombatTile.mouseOverTile != null)
            //If the tile that the mouse is over is connected to the last tile in the current movement path
            if (this.movementPath[this.movementPath.Count - 1].ourPathPoint.connectedPoints.Contains(CombatTile.mouseOverTile.ourPathPoint) && this.movementPath.Count <= this.range)
                //If the tile that the mouse is over isn't already in the movement path and this type of movement allows the user to ignore obstacles
                if (!this.movementPath.Contains(CombatTile.mouseOverTile))
                    //If the tile has no object on it OR if there is an object and the movement action ignores objects
                    if (CombatTile.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == CombatTile.ObjectType.Nothing ||
                        (CombatTile.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == CombatTile.ObjectType.Object && this.ignoreObstacles) ||
                        ((CombatTile.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == CombatTile.ObjectType.Enemy || CombatTile.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == CombatTile.ObjectType.Player) && this.ignoreEnemies))
                //If the tile that the mouse is over IS already in the movement path and isn't the most recent tile
                    //Removing all tiles in the movement path that come after this one
                    int indexOfPrevTile = this.movementPath.IndexOf(CombatTile.mouseOverTile) + 1;
                    for (int t = indexOfPrevTile; t < this.movementPath.Count;)

            //If the tile that the mouse is over is NOT connected to the last tile in the current movement path but is still in the path
            else if (this.movementPath.Contains(CombatTile.mouseOverTile))
                //Removing all tiles in the movement path that come after this one
                int indexOfPrevTile = this.movementPath.IndexOf(CombatTile.mouseOverTile) + 1;
                for (int t = indexOfPrevTile; t < this.movementPath.Count;)

            //If the tile that the mouse is over is neither on the movement path or on a tile connected to it
                //Making sure the tile that the mouse is over is within this action's range
                if (CombatTile.mouseOverTile.inActionRange)
                    //Looping through all of the tiles currently in the movement path and clearing them
                    for (int p = 1; p < this.movementPath.Count; ++p)

                    //Use the breadth first search algorithm to find the path to this tile from the player
                    List <CombatTile> newPath = PathfindingAlgorithms.BreadthFirstSearchCombat(this.movementPath[0], CombatTile.mouseOverTile, this.ignoreObstacles, this.ignoreEnemies);
                    if (newPath.Count > 0)
                        this.movementPath = newPath;

                    //Looping through each tile that's now in the movement path and coloring it in
                    for (int t = 1; t < this.movementPath.Count; ++t)
                        this.movementPath[t].GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.blue;
Example #9
 public List <Node> RequestNodesAtRadiusWithObstacles(int radius, Vector3 origin)
     Debug.Log("originX = " + _pathfindingGrid.GetNodeFromWorldPosition(origin).GridX + " y originZ = " + _pathfindingGrid.GetNodeFromWorldPosition(origin).GridZ);
     return(PathfindingAlgorithms.BFSWithObstacles(_pathfindingGrid.GetNodeFromWorldPosition(origin), radius, _pathfindingGrid));
Example #10
    //Function called every frame
    private void Update()
        //If we should be animating this character moving from tile to tile
        if (this.moveCharacter)
            //Increasing the total time that's passed
            this.currentTimePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            GameObject charModel = CombatManager.globalReference.characterHandler.GetCharacterModel(this.actingCharacter);

            //If enough time has passed that we've moved one more tile further. We progress the acting character one more tile along the movement path
            if (this.currentTimePassed >= this.timeToCompleteAction)
                //Increasing the index for the number of tiles moved
                this.currentNumTilesMoved += 1;

                //Resetting the current movement time
                this.currentTimePassed = 0;

                //Moving the character sprite to the new tile position
                charModel.transform.position = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position;

                //Removing the acting character from the tile they're on
                CombatManager.globalReference.tileHandler.combatTileGrid[this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionCol][this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionRow].SetObjectOnTile(null, TileObjectType.Nothing);

                //Once the time has passed for this tile, the selected character's position is updated
                this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionCol = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].col;
                this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionRow = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].row;
                CombatManager.globalReference.tileHandler.combatTileGrid[this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionCol][this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.gridPositionRow].SetObjectOnTile(this.actingCharacter.gameObject, TileObjectType.Player);

                //Looping through and triggering all effects on the moving character that happen during movement
                foreach (Effect e in this.actingCharacter.charCombatStats.combatEffects)

                    //Checking to see if the acting character has died due to some effect
                    if (this.actingCharacter.GetComponent <PhysicalState>().currentHealth <= 0)
                        //Clearing the movement path tiles
                        for (int t = this.currentNumTilesMoved; t < this.movementPath.Count; ++t)
                        //This game object is destroyed

                //If we've moved through all of the tiles on the movement path, this object is destroyed
                if (this.currentNumTilesMoved + 1 == this.movementPath.Count)
                    //Setting the character's combat sprite to a stationary position directly on the last tile in our movement path
                    CombatManager.globalReference.characterHandler.GetCharacterModel(this.actingCharacter).transform.position = this.movementPath[this.movementPath.Count - 1].transform.position;

            //Otherwise we interpolate the character's model to move between tiles
                //Interpolating this character model between the tiles they're moving from and moving to
                Vector3 startPos = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved].transform.position;
                Vector3 endPos   = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved + 1].transform.position;

                float   interpPercent = this.currentTimePassed / this.timeToCompleteAction;
                Vector3 interpPos     = (endPos - startPos) * interpPercent;
                interpPos += startPos;

                charModel.transform.position = interpPos;

                //Rotating the model to face the tile they're moving to
                Vector3 targetPos = this.movementPath[this.currentNumTilesMoved + 1].transform.position;
                targetPos.y = charModel.transform.position.y;
        //If there are tiles in the movement path and the mouse is hovering over a combat tile
        else if (this.movementPath.Count > 0 && CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile != null)
            CombatTile3D        lastPathTile   = this.movementPath[this.movementPath.Count - 1];
            List <CombatTile3D> connectedTiles = new List <CombatTile3D>()
                lastPathTile.left, lastPathTile.right, lastPathTile.up, lastPathTile.down

            //If the tile that the mouse is over is connected to the last tile in the current movement path
            if (connectedTiles.Contains(CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile) && this.movementPath.Count <= this.range)
                //If the tile that the mouse is over isn't already in the movement path and this type of movement allows the user to ignore obstacles
                if (!this.movementPath.Contains(CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile))
                    //If the tile has no object on it OR if there is an object and the movement action ignores objects
                    if (CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == TileObjectType.Nothing ||
                        (CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == TileObjectType.Object && this.ignoreObstacles) ||
                        ((CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == TileObjectType.Enemy || CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile.typeOnTile == TileObjectType.Player) && this.ignoreEnemies))
                        CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile.HighlightTile(true, true);
                //If the tile that the mouse is over IS already in the movement path and isn't the most recent tile
                    //Removing all tiles in the movement path that come after this one
                    int indexOfPrevTile = this.movementPath.IndexOf(CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile) + 1;
                    for (int t = indexOfPrevTile; t < this.movementPath.Count;)

            //If the tile that the mouse is over is NOT connected to the last tile in the current movement path but is still in the path
            else if (this.movementPath.Contains(CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile))
                //Removing all tiles in the movement path that come after this one
                int indexOfPrevTile = this.movementPath.IndexOf(CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile) + 1;
                for (int t = indexOfPrevTile; t < this.movementPath.Count;)

            //If the tile that the mouse is over is neither on the movement path or on a tile connected to it
                //Making sure the tile that the mouse is over is within this action's range
                if (CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile.inActionRange)
                    //Looping through all of the tiles currently in the movement path and clearing them
                    for (int p = 1; p < this.movementPath.Count; ++p)

                    //Use the breadth first search algorithm to find the path to this tile from the player
                    List <CombatTile3D> newPath = PathfindingAlgorithms.BreadthFirstSearchCombat(this.movementPath[0], CombatTile3D.mouseOverTile, this.ignoreObstacles, this.ignoreEnemies);
                    if (newPath.Count > 0)
                        this.movementPath = newPath;

                    //Looping through each tile that's now in the movement path and coloring it in
                    for (int t = 1; t < this.movementPath.Count; ++t)
                        this.movementPath[t].HighlightTile(true, true);
    //Function called externally from the buttons on the action panel. Tells the combat manager to hilight an action's range
    public void SelectActionAtIndex(int actionIndex_)
        //Clearing all tile highlights before we highlight different ones

        //Getting a reference to the character that's currently acting
        Character actingCharacter = CombatManager.globalReference.actingCharacters[0];
        //Finding out which tile the acting character is on
        CombatTile actingCharsTile = CombatManager.globalReference.FindCharactersTile(actingCharacter);

        //If the currently selected action is a move action, we need to clear tile highlights along its movement path
        if (this.selectedAction != null && this.selectedAction.GetComponent <MoveAction>())
            this.selectedAction.GetComponent <MoveAction>().ClearMovePathHighlights();

        //Destroying the game object that holds the currently selected action
        if (this.selectedAction != null)

        //Creating an instance of the newly selected action prefab object
        GameObject actionObj = null;

        //Finding the range of the action based on the button hit
        int actionRange = 0;

        switch (this.actionTypeShown)
        case Action.ActionType.Major:
            actionRange = actingCharacter.charActionList.majorActions[actionIndex_].range;
            actionObj   = GameObject.Instantiate(actingCharacter.charActionList.majorActions[actionIndex_].gameObject);
            //this.selectedAction = actingCharacter.charActionList.standardActions[actionIndex_];

        case Action.ActionType.Minor:
            actionRange = actingCharacter.charActionList.minorActions[actionIndex_].range;
            actionObj   = GameObject.Instantiate(actingCharacter.charActionList.minorActions[actionIndex_].gameObject);

        case Action.ActionType.Fast:
            actionRange = actingCharacter.charActionList.fastActions[actionIndex_].range;
            actionObj   = GameObject.Instantiate(actingCharacter.charActionList.fastActions[actionIndex_].gameObject);

        case Action.ActionType.Massive:
            actionRange = actingCharacter.charActionList.massiveActions[actionIndex_].range;
            actionObj   = GameObject.Instantiate(actingCharacter.charActionList.massiveActions[actionIndex_].gameObject);

        //Getting the action component reference from the created action object
        this.selectedAction = actionObj.GetComponent <Action>();

        //Finding out which tiles need to be hilighted if this action isn't a move action
        List <CombatTile> tilesToHighlight;
        List <CombatTile> tilesToCheckForCharacters = new List <CombatTile>();

        if (!this.selectedAction.GetComponent <MoveAction>())
            tilesToHighlight          = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindTilesInActionRange(actingCharsTile, actionRange);
            tilesToCheckForCharacters = tilesToHighlight;
        //If this action is a move action, we have to find the selected tiles based on environment obstacles
            MoveAction ourMoveAct = this.selectedAction.GetComponent <MoveAction>();

            //Looping through all of the acting character's perks to see if there are any movement boost perks
            int rangeModifier = 0;
            foreach (Perk charPerk in actingCharacter.charPerks.allPerks)
                //If the current perk is a movement boost perk that applies to this movement's action type, we apply the number of added spaces
                if (charPerk.GetType() == typeof(MovementBoostPerk) && ourMoveAct.type == charPerk.GetComponent <MovementBoostPerk>().actionTypeToBoost)
                    rangeModifier += charPerk.GetComponent <MovementBoostPerk>().addedMovementSpaces;

            //Highlighting all tiles in range
            tilesToHighlight          = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindTilesInActionRange(actingCharsTile, actionRange + rangeModifier, ourMoveAct.ignoreObstacles);
            tilesToCheckForCharacters = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindTilesInActionRange(actingCharsTile, actionRange + rangeModifier + 1);

        //Looping through all tiles in range and hilighting them
        foreach (CombatTile tile in tilesToHighlight)
            tile.inActionRange = true;

        //Looping through all of the tiles around the action highlights to check for characters
        foreach (CombatTile checkedTile in tilesToCheckForCharacters)
            //If there's a character sprite on this tile, we hide it a bit
            if (checkedTile.objectOnThisTile != null)
                if (checkedTile.objectOnThisTile.GetComponent <Character>())
                    //Getting the sprite base for the character
                    CharacterSpriteBase cSprite = CombatManager.globalReference.GetCharacterSprite(checkedTile.objectOnThisTile.GetComponent <Character>());
                    //If the character on the tile isn't the one that's acting
                    if (cSprite.ourCharacter != CombatManager.globalReference.actingCharacters[0])

        //Displays the action's details
Example #12
    //Function called externally from Movement.cs and from StartMapCreation. Spawns the nearest tiles around the player party
    public void GenerateVisibleLand(TileInfo currentTile_)
        //Getting all of the tiles within view range of the current tile
        List <TileInfo> tilesInRange = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindLandTilesInRange(currentTile_, this.visibilityRange);

        //Creating a list to hold all of the tiles that are just coming into view
        List <TileInfo> newTiles = new List <TileInfo>();
        //Creating a list to hold all of the tiles that are now outside our view
        List <TileInfo> oldTiles = new List <TileInfo>();

        //Looping through all of the tiles that are currently in view
        foreach (TileInfo inRangeTile in tilesInRange)
            //If the tile in range isn't in the current dictionary of visible objects
            if (!this.visibleTileObjects.ContainsKey(inRangeTile))
                //The tile is new

        //Looping through all of the tiles that are currently visible
        foreach (TileInfo visibleTile in this.visibleTileObjects.Keys)
            //If the visible tile isn't in range of the new tile
            if (!tilesInRange.Contains(visibleTile))

        //Looping through and removing each tile in the list of old tiles
        foreach (TileInfo oldTile in oldTiles)
            //Deleting the game object for this tile in the visible tile objects dictionary
            //Removing this tile from the list

        //Looping through all of the new tiles and creating an instance of its game object
        foreach (TileInfo newTile in newTiles)
            //Resetting the tile to say it hasn't been checked
            newTile.hasBeenChecked = false;

            GameObject hexMesh = this.GetComponent <CreateTileGrid>().hexMesh.gameObject;

            //Creating an instance of the hex mesh for this tile
            GameObject tileMesh = Instantiate(hexMesh, new Vector3(newTile.tilePosition.x, newTile.elevation, newTile.tilePosition.z), new Quaternion());
            //Setting the mesh's material to the correct one for the tile
            Material[] tileMat = tileMesh.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials;
            tileMat[0] = newTile.tileMaterial;
            tileMesh.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = tileMat;
            //Setting the tile's reference in the LandTile component
            tileMesh.GetComponent <LandTile>().tileReference = newTile;

            //Adding the hex mesh to our list of visible tile objects
            this.visibleTileObjects.Add(newTile, tileMesh);

            //If this tile has a decoration model, an instance of it is created and parented to this tile's mesh object
            if (newTile.decorationModel != null)
                GameObject decor = Instantiate(newTile.decorationModel.gameObject, tileMesh.transform.position, new Quaternion());
                decor.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, newTile.decorationRotation, 0);
    //Public function called from TileMapManager. Creates a region of a specific zone type using "spokes" that extend outward from the given tile
    public void GenerateSpokeRegion(int startTileRow_, int startTileCol_, Vector2 spokeMinMax_, Vector2 spokeLengthMinMax_, RegionInfo regionInfo_)
        //Throwing an exception if the user inputs a starting tile that isn't on the grid
        if (startTileCol_ < 0 || startTileCol_ >= TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid.Count || startTileRow_ < 0 || startTileRow_ >= TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[0].Count)
            throw new System.Exception("The starting tile row or column must be within the bounds of the tile grid");

        //Created a list of int arrays to hold all row/column locations for the tiles in this region
        //List<List<int>> tilesInRegion = new List<List<int>>();
        //tilesInRegion.Add(new List<int> { startTileCol_, startTileRow_ });
        List <TileInfo> tilesInRegion = new List <TileInfo>();


        //Finding the number of spokes
        int numberOfSpokes = Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(spokeMinMax_.x, spokeMinMax_.y));

        //The total angle covered by all spokes. Used to offset each spoke from the previous one
        float totalAngle  = Random.Range(0, 360);
        float newMinAngle = (360f / numberOfSpokes) * 0.5f;
        float newMaxAngle = newMinAngle * 3;

        //Looping through to create each spoke
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfSpokes; ++s)
            //Finding the angle of the current spoke offset from the previous spoke
            float spokeAngle = Random.Range(newMinAngle, newMaxAngle);

            totalAngle += spokeAngle;

            //Making sure the total angle is between 0 and 360 degrees
            if (totalAngle > 360)
                totalAngle -= 360;

            //Finding the length of the current spoke
            float spokeLength = Random.Range(spokeLengthMinMax_.x, spokeLengthMinMax_.y);

            //Floats to hold the difference in XY coordinates from the starting tile
            int xDiff = 0;
            int yDiff = 0;

            //Finding the angle under 90 degrees so that we can use trig functions
            float trigAngle = totalAngle % 90;

            //Finding the XY difference from the starting tile
            if (totalAngle <= 90)
                //Tile is up and right
                xDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Cos(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * spokeLength);
                yDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sin(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * spokeLength);
            else if (totalAngle <= 180)
                //Tile is up and left
                xDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sin(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * -spokeLength);
                yDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Cos(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * spokeLength);
            else if (totalAngle <= 270)
                //Tile is down and left
                xDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Cos(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * -spokeLength);
                yDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sin(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * -spokeLength);
                //Tile is down and right
                xDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sin(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * spokeLength);
                yDiff = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Cos(trigAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * -spokeLength);

            //Making sure the tile is within the bouderies of the map
            if (startTileCol_ + xDiff >= TileMapManager.globalReference.cols)
                xDiff = TileMapManager.globalReference.cols - startTileCol_ - 1;
            else if (startTileCol_ + xDiff < 0)
                xDiff = -startTileCol_;

            if (startTileRow_ + yDiff >= TileMapManager.globalReference.rows)
                yDiff = TileMapManager.globalReference.rows - startTileRow_ - 1;
            else if (startTileRow_ + yDiff < 0)
                yDiff = -startTileRow_;

            //Adding this tile to the list of tiles in the region
            //tilesInRegion.Add(new List<int> { startTileCol_ + xDiff, startTileRow_ + yDiff });
            tilesInRegion.Add(TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[startTileCol_ + xDiff][startTileRow_ + yDiff]);

        //Creating a list to hold all of the tiles along the edge of this region
        List <TileInfo> edgeTiles = new List <TileInfo>();

        //Looping through each spoke point to draw a line between them
        for (int p = 1; p < tilesInRegion.Count - 1; p++)
            List <TileInfo> borderLine = PathfindingAlgorithms.BreadthFirstSearch(tilesInRegion[p], tilesInRegion[p + 1]);
            for (int bt = 0; bt < borderLine.Count; bt++)

        //Connecting the first point with the last point to close the loop
        List <TileInfo> finalLine = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindLineOfTiles(tilesInRegion[1], tilesInRegion[tilesInRegion.Count - 1]);

        for (int bt = 0; bt < finalLine.Count; bt++)

        //Filling in all tiles inside the region's border
        this.FillInRegionOfTiles(tilesInRegion[0], edgeTiles, regionInfo_);

        //Increasing the size of the region to help smooth it out
        this.IncreaseRegionSize(edgeTiles, regionInfo_);
    //Function called from StartMapCreation to expand the borders of each region
    private void ExpandRegionBorders()
        //Making a list of each index for the number of total cities
        List <int> numCities = new List <int>();

        for (int r = 0; r < TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles.Count; ++r)

        //Creating a separate list to randomize the order of the city indexes
        List <int> randCityOrder = new List <int>();

        for (int c = 0; c < TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles.Count; ++c)
            //Getting a random index from the numCities list
            int randIndex = Random.Range(0, TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles.Count);
            //Adding the city index to our list of random city orders

        //Looping through each city in our randomized order
        foreach (int index in randCityOrder)
            //We get the tile reference for the given index's city
            TileInfo cityTile = TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles[index];

            //We find the list of tiles along the edge of the city tile's region
            List <TileInfo> edgeTiles = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindRegionEdgeTiles(cityTile);

            //And then we have the region step outward based on the size of the region's boarders
            Vector2 minMaxSteps = new Vector2();
            minMaxSteps.x = edgeTiles.Count * this.minMaxStepPercent.x;
            minMaxSteps.y = edgeTiles.Count * this.minMaxStepPercent.y;
            PathfindingAlgorithms.StepOutRegionEdge(edgeTiles, minMaxSteps, this.absoluteMinimumSteps);

        //Making a list of each index for the number of total dungeons
        List <int> numDungeons = new List <int>();

        for (int d = 0; d < TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles.Count; ++d)

        //Creating a separate list to randomize the order of the dungeon indexes
        List <int> randDungeonOrder = new List <int>();

        for (int c = 0; c < TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles.Count; ++c)
            //Getting a random index from the numDungeons list
            int randIndex = Random.Range(0, TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles.Count);
            //Adding the dungeon index to our list of random dungeon orders

        //Looping through each dungeon in our randomized order
        foreach (int index in randDungeonOrder)
            //We get the tile reference for the given index's dungeon
            TileInfo dungeonTile = TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles[index];

            //We find the list of tiles along the edge of the dungeon tile's region
            List <TileInfo> edgeTiles = PathfindingAlgorithms.FindRegionEdgeTiles(dungeonTile);

            //And then we have the region step outward based on the size of the region's boarders
            Vector2 minMaxSteps = new Vector2();
            minMaxSteps.x = edgeTiles.Count * this.minMaxStepPercent.x;
            minMaxSteps.y = edgeTiles.Count * this.minMaxStepPercent.y;
            PathfindingAlgorithms.StepOutRegionEdge(edgeTiles, minMaxSteps, this.absoluteMinimumSteps);