public virtual void MarkCommitAsDispatched(Commit commit) { if (commit == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("commit"); } var patch = new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Set, Name = "Dispatched", Value = RavenJToken.Parse("true") }; var data = new PatchCommandData { Key = commit.ToRavenCommitId(), Patches = new[] { patch } }; Logger.Debug(Messages.MarkingCommitAsDispatched, commit.CommitId, commit.BucketId); TryRaven(() => { using (TransactionScope scope = OpenCommandScope()) using (IDocumentSession session = _store.OpenSession()) { session.Advanced.DocumentStore.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new[] { data }); session.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); return(true); } }); }
public void Run(ISagaInfo sagaInfo) { PrintHelper.PrintFunctionCallDetails("SetSagaUniqueValueInMetadata", sagaInfo); var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = sagaInfo.RavenUrl, DefaultDatabase = sagaInfo.DatabaseName }; documentStore.Initialize(); const int pageSize = 100; var commandsList = new List <ICommandData>(); for (var start = 0; ; start += pageSize) { var documents = documentStore.DatabaseCommands.GetDocuments(start, pageSize); foreach (var document in documents) { if (document.Key.StartsWith(sagaInfo.SagaKeyPrefix) && !DocumentHelper.HasServicebusUniqueValue(document)) { var body = document.DataAsJson; var uniqueValue = body.Value <string>(sagaInfo.UniqueField); var patchRequests = new[] { new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Modify, Name = "@metadata", Nested = new[] { new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Set, Name = "NServiceBus-UniqueValue", Value = uniqueValue, } } } }; ICommandData command = new PatchCommandData { Key = document.Key, Patches = patchRequests }; commandsList.Add(command); } } if (documents.Length < pageSize) { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Attempt to patch {0} saga documents", commandsList.Count); var results = documentStore.AsyncDatabaseCommands.BatchAsync(commandsList.ToArray()); PrintHelper.PrintResults("SetSagaUniqueValueInMetadata", results); }
public static void PatchIf <TDocument>(this IAsyncDocumentSession session, string id, PropertyUpdateBatch <TDocument> updates, Expression <Func <TDocument, bool> > condition) { var batch = updates.CreateBatch(); var patchRequest = _patchRequestBuilder.CreatePatchRequest(batch, condition); var patchCommandData = new PatchCommandData(id, null, patchRequest, null); session.Advanced.Defer(new ICommandData[] { patchCommandData }); }
protected override void ConcreteExecute(IJobExecutionContext context) { if (AllApps == null) { return; } var commands = new List <PatchCommandData>(); for (int index = 0; index < AllApps.Count(); index++) { var app = AllApps[index]; var isActive = AllActiveAppIds.Contains(app.AppId.ToString()); if (app.IsActive != isActive) { var cmd = new PatchCommandData() { Key = app.Id, Patches = new[] { new PatchRequest { Name = "IsActive", Value = RavenJToken.FromObject(isActive) } } }; commands.Add(cmd); } } if (commands.Count > 0) { const int batchSize = 512; int handled = 0; do { var commandsToSave = commands .Skip(handled) .Take(batchSize) .ToList(); Store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(commandsToSave); handled += commandsToSave.Count(); Console.WriteLine("Saving {0} {1}/{2} applications", commandsToSave.Count(), handled, commands.Count); Thread.Sleep(5000); } while (handled < commands.Count); } }
async Task BatchDispatchToTransport(TransportOperation[] transportOperations, IReadOnlyCollection <FailedMessage> messages, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, FailedMessageRetry> failedMessageRetriesById, string stagingId) { try { await sender.Dispatch(new TransportOperations(transportOperations), transaction, contextBag).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception e) { var commands = new ICommandData[messages.Count]; var commandIndex = 0; foreach (var failedMessage in messages) { var failedMessageRetry = failedMessageRetriesById[failedMessage.Id]; Log.Warn($"Attempt {1} of {MaxStagingAttempts} to stage a retry message {failedMessage.UniqueMessageId} failed", e); commands[commandIndex] = new PatchCommandData { Patches = new[] { new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Set, Name = "StageAttempts", Value = 1 } }, Key = failedMessageRetry.Id }; commandIndex++; } try { await store.AsyncDatabaseCommands.BatchAsync(commands).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (ConcurrencyException) { Log.DebugFormat("Ignoring concurrency exception while incrementing staging attempt count for {0}", stagingId); } throw new RetryStagingException(e); } }
public virtual void MarkCommitAsDispatched(Commit commit) { if (commit == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("commit"); } var patch = new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Set, Name = "Dispatched", Value = RavenJToken.Parse("true") }; var data = new PatchCommandData { Key = commit.ToRavenCommitId(), Patches = new[] { patch } }; try { using (var scope = this.OpenCommandScope()) using (var session = { session.Advanced.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new[] { data }); session.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } } catch (WebException e) { throw new StorageUnavailableException(e.Message, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StorageException(e.Message, e); } }
private void SaveEmployeeEvents( Employee employee) { var patches = new List <PatchRequest>(); foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) { patches.Add(new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Add, Name = "Events", Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer) }); } var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}"; var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patches = patches.ToArray() }; var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest { Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; " } }; _store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[] { addEmployeeEvents, updateMetadata }); }