Example #1
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello there! Welcome to Joe's bakery. We have the following specials: ");
        Console.WriteLine("1. Bread is 5 Dollars per Loaf. Buy 2 get 1 free!");
        Console.WriteLine("2. Pastries are 2 Dollars each, or 3 for 5 Dollars!");
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of bread loafs you'd like to purchase: ");
        int        breadLoafs    = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        BreadOrder newBreadOrder = new BreadOrder(breadLoafs);

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of pastries you'd like to purchase: ");
        int         pastries       = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(pastries);

        Console.WriteLine("The cost of your bread order is: ");
        Console.WriteLine(newBreadOrder.OrderCost() + " Dollars");
        Console.WriteLine("The cost of your pastry order is: ");
        Console.WriteLine(newPastryOrder.OrderCost() + " Dollars");
        OrderCalculator newOrderCalculator = new OrderCalculator();

        Console.WriteLine("The total cost of your order is: ");
        Console.WriteLine(newOrderCalculator.TotalCost(newBreadOrder.OrderCost(), newPastryOrder.OrderCost()) + " Dollars");
        public static void Start()
            Console.WriteLine("How many loaves of Bread would you like?");
            BreadOrder newBreadOrder = new BreadOrder(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));

            if (newBreadOrder.IsOnlyPositiveNumberCharacters())
                Console.WriteLine("Here is your bread order total: $" + (newBreadOrder.GetBreadTotal()));
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a positive number");

            Console.WriteLine("How many pastries would you like?");
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));

            if (newPastryOrder.IsOnlyPositiveNumberCharacters2())
                Console.WriteLine("Here is your pastry order total: $" + (newPastryOrder.GetPastryTotal()));
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a positive number");

            Console.WriteLine("Here is your grand total: $" + (newBreadOrder.GetBreadTotal() + newPastryOrder.GetPastryTotal()));
Example #3
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Pierres Bakery.");
            Console.WriteLine("We offer Pastrys and Bread!");
            Console.WriteLine("Here are our deals currently:");
            Console.WriteLine("Bread - Buy 2, get 1 free. A single loaf costs $5.");
            Console.WriteLine("Pastry's - Buy 1 for $2 or 3 for $5.");
            Console.WriteLine("**Special Today Only** Pastry's - Buy 5 for $7");

            Console.WriteLine("How many Pastry's would you like?");
            int pastryWanted = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("How many loaves of Bread would you like?");
            int breadWanted = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            PastryOrder pastry = new PastryOrder();
            BreadOrder  bread  = new BreadOrder();



            Console.WriteLine("Pastry Received: " + pastry.PastryAmount);
            Console.WriteLine("Pastry Price: " + pastry.PastryPrice + "$");

            Console.WriteLine("Bread Received: " + bread.BreadAmount);
            Console.WriteLine("Bread Price: " + bread.BreadPrice + "$");

            int total = bread.BreadPrice + pastry.PastryPrice;

            Console.WriteLine("Your total today will be: " + total + "$");
Example #4
        public void Pastry_InstantiateObject_Int()
            int         pastryAmount = 0;
            PastryOrder newPastry    = new PastryOrder(pastryAmount);
            int         result       = newPastry.PastryAmount;

            Assert.AreEqual(pastryAmount, result);
Example #5
        public void PastryOrder_CreateInstanceOfPastryOrder_PastryOrder()
            int numberOfPastries = 4;

            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(numberOfPastries);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(PastryOrder), newPastryOrder.GetType());
Example #6
        public void Pastry_ReturnInt_Int6()
            int         pastryAmount = 6;
            int         price        = 10;
            PastryOrder newPastry    = new PastryOrder(pastryAmount);
            int         result       = PastryOrder.PriceCalc(pastryAmount);

            Assert.AreEqual(price, result);
Example #7
        public void Pastry_LessThan3ReturnsAmountPrice_Int()
            int         amount    = 2;
            PastryOrder newBakery = new PastryOrder();

            int pastry = newBakery.PastryPrice;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, pastry);
Example #8
        public void Pastry_ReturnsPastryAmount_Int()
            int         amount    = 2;
            PastryOrder newBakery = new PastryOrder();

            int pastry = newBakery.PastryAmount;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, pastry);
Example #9
        public void Pastry_EvenReturnsAmountPrice_Int()
            int         amount    = 10;
            PastryOrder newBakery = new PastryOrder();

            int pastry = newBakery.PastryPrice;

            Assert.AreEqual(14, pastry);
Example #10
        public void OrderCost_CalculateCostOfPastryOrderWithDiscount_int()
            int numberOfPastries  = 3;
            int intendedOrderCost = 5;

            PastryOrder newPastryOrder  = new PastryOrder(numberOfPastries);
            int         pastryOrderCost = newPastryOrder.OrderCost();

            Assert.AreEqual(intendedOrderCost, pastryOrderCost);
Example #11
        public void PastryOrder_SetCostPerPastryTo2_int()
            int numberOfPastries      = 4;
            int intendedCostPerPastry = 2;

            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(numberOfPastries);
            int         costPerPastry  = newPastryOrder.CostPerPastry;

            Assert.AreEqual(intendedCostPerPastry, costPerPastry);
Example #12
        public void Pastry_MoreThan5ReturnsAmountPrice_Int()
            int         amount    = 5;
            PastryOrder newBakery = new PastryOrder();

            int pastry = newBakery.PastryPrice;

            Assert.AreEqual(7, pastry);
Example #13
        public void PastryOrder_ProvideInputForNumberOfPastriesToPurchaseInPastryOrder_int()
            int numberOfPastries         = 4;
            int intendedNumberOfPastries = 4;

            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(numberOfPastries);

            numberOfPastries = newPastryOrder.NumberOfPastries;

            Assert.AreEqual(intendedNumberOfPastries, numberOfPastries);
        public void TotalCost_AddCostOfPastryOrderToCostOfBreadOrderToCalculateTotalCostOfOrder_int()
            int intendedTotalOrderCost = 15;

            int         numberOfPastries = 3;
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder   = new PastryOrder(numberOfPastries);
            int         pastryOrderCost  = newPastryOrder.OrderCost();

            int        numberOfLoafs  = 2;
            BreadOrder newBreadOrder  = new BreadOrder(numberOfLoafs);
            int        breadOrderCost = newBreadOrder.OrderCost();

            OrderCalculator newOrderCalculator = new OrderCalculator();
            int             totalOrderCost     = newOrderCalculator.TotalCost(breadOrderCost, pastryOrderCost);

            Assert.AreEqual(intendedTotalOrderCost, totalOrderCost);
Example #15
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("hello and welcome to Pierre's Bakery!");
            Console.WriteLine("Below are some of the food items availible");
            Console.WriteLine("Bread ------ $5.00 ea or buy 2 or more get one free!");
            Console.WriteLine("Pastry ----- $2.00 ea or 3 for $5.00");
            ////////////////////// ORDERING LOGIC //////////////////////////////////////

            /////////////////////bread logic //////////////////////////
            Console.WriteLine("how many orders of bread would you like?");
            string     breadResponse = Console.ReadLine();
            int        breadNumber   = int.Parse(breadResponse);
            BreadOrder bread         = new BreadOrder(breadNumber);
            int        cost          = bread.AddBreadPrice(breadNumber);

            Console.WriteLine("would you like to buy some pastries?[y] yes [n] no");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();

            if (answer.ToLower() == "y")
                Console.WriteLine("how many orders of pastry would you like?");
                string      pastryResponse  = Console.ReadLine();
                int         pastryNumber    = int.Parse(pastryResponse);
                PastryOrder pastry          = new PastryOrder(pastryNumber);
                int         numberResponse2 = pastry.AddPastryPrice(pastryNumber);
                Console.WriteLine("your order total is $" + (pastry.PastryPrice + bread.BreadPrice) + ".00");
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you for coming in today, we hope to see you again soon!");
            else if (answer.ToLower() == "n")
                Console.WriteLine("your order total is $" + (bread.BreadPrice) + ".00");
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you for coming in today, enjoy your bread!");
                Console.WriteLine("something went wrong, retrying order.....");
Example #16
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to Pierres, what would you like to order? loaves are 1 for 5 dollars and buy 2 get 1 free, and pastries and 2 dollars each with a 3 for 5 deal. Enter 'b' for bread and/or 'p' for pastry!");
            String Pob = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (Pob == "bp" || Pob == "pb")
                Console.WriteLine("How many loaves of bread would you like? Enter a number");
                int Bread = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("How many pastries would you like?");
                int Pastry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you, your order total is below!");
                PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(Pastry);
                int         PastryTotal    = PastryOrder.PriceCalc(newPastryOrder.PastryAmount);
                BreadOrder  newBreadOrder  = new BreadOrder(Bread);
                int         BreadTotal     = BreadOrder.PriceCalc(newBreadOrder.BreadAmount);
                Console.WriteLine(BreadTotal + PastryTotal);
            else if (Pob == "p")
                Console.WriteLine("How many pastries would you like?");
                int Pastry = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you, your order total is below!");
                PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(Pastry);
                int         PastryTotal    = PastryOrder.PriceCalc(newPastryOrder.PastryAmount);
            else if (Pob == "b")
                Console.WriteLine("How many loaves of bread would you like? Enter a number");
                int Bread = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you, your order total is below!");
                BreadOrder newBreadOrder = new BreadOrder(Bread);
                int        BreadTotal    = BreadOrder.PriceCalc(newBreadOrder.BreadAmount);
                Console.WriteLine("We're sorry, something went wrong. Please try again with the response 'p' and/or 'b'. Thank you!");
        public void PastryOrder_CreateInstanceOfPastryOrder_PastryOrder()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(PastryOrder), newPastryOrder.GetType());
        public void GetPastryTotal_ReturnsPastryTotalToUser_4()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, newPastryOrder.GetPastryTotal());
        public void OrderCost_CalculateOrderCostsForNotAMultipleOf3NumberOfPastries_14()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(8);

            Assert.AreEqual(14, newPastryOrder.OrderCost());
        public void PastryOrder_SetCostPerPastryTo2_2()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, newPastryOrder.CostPerPastry);
        public void PastryOrder_ProvideInputForNumberOfPastries_2()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, newPastryOrder.NumberOfPastries);
Example #22
 public static void Main()
     BreadOrder      newBreadOrder      = new BreadOrder(1);
     PastryOrder     newPastryOrder     = new PastryOrder(1);
     OrderCalculator newOrderCalculator = new OrderCalculator();
        public void IsOnlyPositiveNumberCharacters2_ChecksIfInputIsIntOfNumberChars_False()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(-1);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, newPastryOrder.IsOnlyPositiveNumberCharacters2());
Example #24
        public static void Main()
            // Bread Class Call
            List <BreadOrder> Breads = new List <BreadOrder>()
            BreadOrder myBread = new BreadOrder();

            // Bread Class Variables
            int countOneB   = myBread.GetCountOne();
            int countTwoB   = myBread.GetCountTwo();
            int countThreeB = myBread.GetCountThree();

            // Bread Program Sequence
            Console.WriteLine("Here is our Esteemed Bread Selection!: " + myBread.GetBreadOne() + " is " + myBread.GetCostOne() + " Dollars, " + myBread.GetBreadTwo() + " is " + myBread.GetCostTwo() + " Dollars, " + myBread.GetBreadThree() + " is " + myBread.GetCostThree() + " Dollars. If You Buy 2 or More of Any Bread Type, you get 50% off all of them");

            Console.WriteLine("What Type of Bread Would You Like? To Make it Simple for you Guys, Press 1 for White Bread, Press 2 for French Bread, or Press 3 for Elven Bread, oooo");
            string choice = Console.ReadLine();

            if (choice == "1")
                Console.WriteLine("How Many Slices of " + myBread.GetBreadOne() + " Would You Like");
                countOneB = myBread.SetCountOne(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
            else if (choice == "2")
                Console.WriteLine("How Many Slices of " + myBread.GetBreadTwo() + " Would You Like");
                countTwoB = myBread.SetCountTwo(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
            else if (choice == "3")
                Console.WriteLine("How Many Slices of " + myBread.GetBreadThree() + " Would You Like");
                countThreeB = myBread.SetCountThree(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
                Console.WriteLine("We Dont Have That Bread Thanks for Checking for Errors");

            Console.WriteLine("Do You Want to Order More? Press Y for Yes, and N for No");
            string yes = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (yes == "y" || yes == "yes")
                goto startB;

            // Adds Bread Ordered to Bread List

            // Pastry Class Call
            List <PastryOrder> Pastries = new List <PastryOrder>()
            PastryOrder myPastry = new PastryOrder();

            // Pastry Class Variables
            int countOneP   = myPastry.GetCountOne();
            int countTwoP   = myPastry.GetCountTwo();
            int countThreeP = myPastry.GetCountThree();

            // Pastry Program Sequence
            Console.WriteLine("Here is our Exquisite Pastry Selection!: " + myPastry.GetPastryOne() + " are " + myPastry.GetCostOne() + " Dollars, " + myPastry.GetPastryTwo() + " are " + myPastry.GetCostTwo() + " Dollars, " + myPastry.GetPastryThree() + " are " + myPastry.GetCostThree() + " Dollars. If You Buy 2 or More of Any Pastry, you get 50% off all of them");

            Console.WriteLine("What Type of Pastry Would You Like? To Make it Simple for you Guys, Press 1 for Cherry Danish, Press 2 for Bear Claw, or Press 3 for Jedi Pastries woahhhh.");
            string choiceTwo = Console.ReadLine();

            if (choiceTwo == "1")
                Console.WriteLine("How Many Pieces of " + myPastry.GetPastryOne() + " Would You Like");
                countOneP = myPastry.SetCountOne(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
            else if (choiceTwo == "2")
                Console.WriteLine("How Many Pieces of " + myPastry.GetPastryTwo() + " Would You Like");
                countTwoP = myPastry.SetCountTwo(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
            else if (choiceTwo == "3")
                Console.WriteLine("How Many Pieces of " + myPastry.GetPastryThree() + " Would You Like");
                countThreeP = myPastry.SetCountThree(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
                Console.WriteLine("We Dont Have That Pastry Thanks for Checking for Errors");

            Console.WriteLine("Do You Want to Order More? Press Y for Yes, and N for No");
            string yesTwo = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (yesTwo == "y" || yesTwo == "yes")
                goto startP;


            int TotalCostBread  = myBread.TotalPrice();
            int TotalCostPastry = myPastry.TotalPrice();

            int FinalCost = TotalCostBread + TotalCostPastry;

            Console.WriteLine("Your Order Total is " + FinalCost + " Dollars. You Spent " + TotalCostBread + " Dollars On Bread and " + TotalCostPastry + " Dollars On Pastries");
        public void PastryOrderConstructor_ConstructAnInstanceOfPastryClass_PastryOrder()
            PastryOrder newPastryOrder = new PastryOrder(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(PastryOrder), newPastryOrder.GetType());