public static void verbo_tax(GameObject attachee, GameObject triggerer)
        if ((GetGlobalFlag(549) && !GetGlobalFlag(826) && !GetGlobalFlag(260)))
            if ((PartyLeader.GetMoney() >= 20000))
                Sound(4178, 1);
                PartyLeader.FloatMesFileLine("mes/float.mes", 4);
                SetGlobalVar(567, GetGlobalVar(567) + 1);

        SetGlobalFlag(260, false);
Example #2
    public static void NighInvulnerable()
        massabset(0, 24);
        var necklace = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(6239, PartyLeader.GetLocation());
        var sword1   = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(4599, PartyLeader.GetLocation());
        var sword2   = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(4599, PartyLeader.GetLocation());
        var helm     = GameSystems.MapObject.CreateObject(6036, PartyLeader.GetLocation());

        necklace.AddConditionToItem("Ring of freedom of movement", 0, 0);
        necklace.AddConditionToItem("Amulet of Mighty Fists", 5, 5);
        necklace.AddConditionToItem("Weapon Enhancement Bonus", 5, 0);
        // necklace.item_condition_add_with_args( 'Weapon Holy', 0, 0 )
        // necklace.item_condition_add_with_args( 'Weapon Lawful', 0, 0 )
        necklace.AddConditionToItem("Weapon Silver", 0, 0);
        // necklace.condition_add_with_args( 'Thieves Tools Masterwork', 0, 0)
        // sword.item_condition_add_with_args( 'Weapon Lawful', 0, 0 )
        // sword.item_condition_add_with_args( 'Weapon Silver', 0, 0 )
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Regeneration 5", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Subdual Immunity", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Energy Immunity", "Fire", 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Energy Immunity", "Cold", 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Energy Immunity", "Electricity", 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Energy Immunity", "Acid", 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Confusion Immunity", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Stable", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Untripable", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Plant", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Monster Poison Immunity", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Saving Throw Resistance Bonus", 0, 10);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Saving Throw Resistance Bonus", 1, 10);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Saving Throw Resistance Bonus", 2, 10);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Weapon Holy", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Weapon Lawful", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.AddCondition("Weapon Silver", 0, 0);
        PartyLeader.SetInt(obj_f.speed_run, 2);
        AttachParticles("Orb-Summon-Air-Elemental", PartyLeader);
    public static void money_script()
        // money script by Agetian
        // strip all money
        SetGlobalFlag(500, true);
        // added by Gaear - denotes you are playing NC
        if ((SelectedPartyLeader.GetMoney() >= 50000))
            // add 200-300 gold pocket money
            PartyLeader.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(20000, 30000));

        foreach (var pc in GameSystems.Party.PartyMembers)
            var lsw = pc.FindItemByProto(4036);
            var scm = pc.FindItemByProto(4045);
            // get rid of an extra longsword (4036) and scimitar(4045)
            for (var pp = 0; pp < 24; pp++)
                var invItem = pc.GetInventoryItem(pp);
                if ((invItem.ProtoId == 4036 && invItem != lsw))

                if ((invItem.ProtoId == 4045 && invItem != scm))

            // give money per PHB (for each class)
            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_barbarian) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(4000, 16000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_bard) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(4000, 16000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_cleric) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(5000, 20000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_druid) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(2000, 8000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_fighter) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(6000, 24000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_monk) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(5000, 20000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_paladin) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(6000, 24000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_ranger) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(6000, 24000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_rogue) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(5000, 20000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_sorcerer) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(3000, 12000));

            if ((pc.GetStat(Stat.level_wizard) > 0))
                pc.AdjustMoney(RandomRange(3000, 12000));
