public void PlacesPing() { var task = PartyAdvisorApiHelper.GetPlacePing(); task.Wait(); Assert.IsNotNull(task.Result); }
public void Login() { var mock = new FacebookUser() { Email = "*****@*****.**", FacebookId = "3455433333", FirstName = "Ricco", LastName = "Don", Gender = "male", Locale = "fr_FR", TimeZone = 2, AccessToken = "dsqdsqdtazFQDDQtzaSa" }; var task = PartyAdvisorApiHelper.Login(mock); task.Wait(); }
protected async override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Page> e) { var activity = this.Context as Activity; var connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager)activity.GetSystemService(Activity.ConnectivityService); var activeConnection = connectivityManager.ActiveNetworkInfo; if (activeConnection == null || !activeConnection.IsConnected) { var dlgAlert = (new AlertDialog.Builder(activity)).Create(); dlgAlert.SetMessage("No active connection is available, please try to access to an active connection"); dlgAlert.SetTitle("Error"); dlgAlert.SetButton("OK", (s, ev) => { dlgAlert.Dismiss(); Environment.Exit(0); }); dlgAlert.Show(); } else { var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator( clientId: Const.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, // your OAuth2 client id scope: "email", // the scopes for the particular API you're accessing, delimited by "+" symbols authorizeUrl: new System.Uri(""), // the auth URL for the service redirectUrl: new System.Uri("")); // the redirect URL for the service auth.Completed += async(sender, eventArgs) => { if (eventArgs.IsAuthenticated) { //we get the access token var token = eventArgs.Account.Properties["access_token"]; try { var fbUser = await FacebookHelper.GetAsync(token); fbUser.AccessToken = token; await PartyAdvisorApiHelper.Login(fbUser); await UserHelper.SaveUserAsync(fbUser); await App.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { //todo: log what happened here var dlgAlert = (new AlertDialog.Builder(activity)).Create(); dlgAlert.SetMessage("An error occured"); dlgAlert.SetTitle("Error"); dlgAlert.SetButton("OK", (s, ev) => dlgAlert.Dismiss()); dlgAlert.Show(); Environment.Exit(0); } } else { // The user cancelled var dlgAlert = (new AlertDialog.Builder(activity)).Create(); dlgAlert.SetMessage("This app needs you to be connected using Facebook"); dlgAlert.SetTitle("Error"); dlgAlert.SetButton("OK", (s, ev) => dlgAlert.Dismiss()); dlgAlert.Show(); Environment.Exit(0); } }; activity.StartActivity(auth.GetUI(activity)); } }