Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// InsertInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public long InsertInfo(PartsStockInfo info)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.InboundPackageModel) && info.InboundPackage.GetValueOrDefault() <= 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000089");///当入库包装型号不为空时入库包装数量必须大于零
            ///最小库存 小于等于 安全库存 小于 最大库存,最小库存必须大于等于零
            if (info.Min.GetValueOrDefault() > info.SafeStock.GetValueOrDefault())
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000090");///最小库存不能大于安全库存
            //if (info.IsOutput == true)
            //    if (info.SynchronousWmNo == "" || info.SynchronousZoneNo == "")
            //        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000439");///当同步出库标记为是时,同步出库仓库,存储区为必填项

            if (info.SafeStock.GetValueOrDefault() >= 0 &&
                info.Max.GetValueOrDefault() > 0 &&
                info.SafeStock.GetValueOrDefault() >= info.Max.GetValueOrDefault())
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000091");///安全库存不能大于等于最大库存
            int cnt = dal.GetCounts("[PART_NO] = N'" + info.PartNo + "' and [SUPPLIER_NUM] = N'" + info.SupplierNum + "' and [WM_NO] = N'" + info.WmNo + "' and [ZONE_NO] = N'" + info.ZoneNo + "'"
                                    + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Dloc) ? string.Empty : " and [DLOC] = N'" + info.Dloc + "'"));

            if (cnt > 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000094");///相同物料号、供应商代码、仓库代码、存储区代码、库位代码的数据不允许重复
            string sameZoneSameFinalZoneValidFlag = new ConfigDAL().GetValueByCode("SAME_ZONE_SAME_FINAL_ZONE_VALID_FLAG");

            //if (Convert.ToBoolean(sameZoneSameFinalZoneValidFlag) == true )
            //    //判断数据库中是否存在 仓库、存储区、是否同步出库 如果没有跳过如果有进行判断是否同步出库仓库、同步出库存储区一致
            //    int count = new PartsStockDAL().GetCounts("[WM_NO] = N'" + info.WmNo + "' and[ZONE_NO] = N'" + info.ZoneNo );
            //    if (count != 0)
            //    {
            //        count = new PartsStockDAL().GetCounts("[WM_NO] = N'" + info.WmNo + "' and[ZONE_NO] = N'" + info.ZoneNo + "' and [IS_OUTPUT] = N'" + info.IsOutput + "' and [SYNCHRONOUS_WM_NO] = N'" + info.SynchronousWmNo + "' and [SYNCHRONOUS_ZONE_NO] = N'" + info.SynchronousZoneNo + "'");
            //        if (count == 0)
            //            throw new Exception("MC:0x00000438");///需要校验该仓库存储区下所有物料的同步出库仓库、同步出库存储区必须相同
            //    }
