Example #1
    private MelDB LoadIndexFromBytes(byte[] bytes)
        var          stream         = new MemoryStream(bytes);
        BinaryReader br             = new BinaryReader(stream, encoding);
        var          result         = new MelDB();
        int          particlesCount = br.ReadInt32();
        var          particles      = new List <ParticleInfo>(particlesCount);

        result.particles = particles;

        for (int i = particlesCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var p = new ParticleInfo();

            p.atomsHash                  = br.ReadUInt32();
            p.structureHash              = br.ReadUInt32();
            p.structureHashExact         = br.ReadUInt32();
            p.binaryDataLocationInBucket = br.ReadUInt16();
            p.id   = br.ReadUInt64();
            p.name = br.ReadString();
            var flags = (ParticleInfo.ParticleFlags)br.ReadUInt16();
            p.flags = flags;
            if ((flags & ParticleInfo.ParticleFlags.HasChemicalFormula) > 0)
                p.chemicalFormula = br.ReadString();
            if ((flags & ParticleInfo.ParticleFlags.HasParticleCharge) > 0)
                p.charge = br.ReadSByte();
            int casesCount = br.ReadByte();
            p.CASes = new List <uint>(casesCount);
            for (int cas = 0; cas < casesCount; cas++)

        result.__sortedIds = new ushort[particlesCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
            result.__sortedIds[i] = br.ReadUInt16();
        //result.__sortedStructureHashes = new ushort[particlesCount];
        //for (int i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
        //    result.__sortedStructureHashes[i] = br.ReadUInt16();
        //result.__sortedStructureHashesExact = new ushort[particlesCount];
        //for (int i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
        //    result.__sortedStructureHashesExact[i] = br.ReadUInt16();
        result.__sortedAtomsHashes = new ushort[particlesCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
            result.__sortedAtomsHashes[i] = br.ReadUInt16();

Example #2
    public override IEnumerator LoadParticleDataAsync(ParticleInfo p)
        string path = GetParticlePath(p);

        if (!File.Exists(path))
            throw new Exception("file was not found: " + path);

        var request = new ParticleDataRequest();

        var thread = new System.Threading.Thread(() => {
            var reader   = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
            request.data = _pDataSerializer.Deserialize(reader) as ParticleInfo.ParticleInfoData;
            request.isDone = true;

        thread.IsBackground = true;

        while (!request.isDone)
            yield return(null);

        p.data = request.data;
 private void Update()
     //IL_009f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     if (isWorking)
         execSec += Time.get_deltaTime();
         float num = 0f;
         if (execSec >= targetSec)
             execSec   = targetSec;
             num       = 1f;
             isWorking = false;
             num = execSec / targetSec;
         float num2 = 1f - (1f - endScale) * num;
         if (isScale)
             float num3 = firstScale * num2;
             _scale.Set(num3, num3, num3);
         int i = 0;
         for (int count = this.particleInfo.Count; i < count; i++)
             ParticleInfo particleInfo = this.particleInfo[i];
             particleInfo.psr.set_lengthScale(particleInfo.firstLength * num2);
Example #4
        public Form1()

            EnvMeta = new EnvironmentInfo(MapPanel.Height,
            SensorMeta = new SensorInfo(decimal.ToInt32(SensorAngleSpinBttn.Value),
            RobotMeta = new RobotInfo((double)a1SpinBttn.Value,
                                      new Point(EnvMeta.Width / 2, EnvMeta.Height / 2));
            ParticleMeta      = new ParticleInfo(0, ResampleMethod.Multinomial);
            ParticleList.View = View.Details;
Example #5
        private void AddTimeline(ParticleContainer container, ParticleInfo info, ChemicalVisualization viz)
            Timeline tl = new Timeline(info.Name, ConvertColor(info.Color));

            Functions.Add(new BasicFunctionPair(() => viz.Time, () => container.GetNParticles(info.Name)));
Example #6
        public void Launch_AnimatedParticle(ParticleInfo info)
//            isAdditive = false;
            type          = info.type;
            hasGravity    = info.hasGravity;
            isAnimated    = info.isAnimated;
            numAnimFrames = info.numAnimFrames;
            texture       = info.texture[0];
            velocity      = info.velocity;
            mapPosition   = info.startPosition;
            rotation      = info.rotationStart;
            for (int i = 0; i < numAnimFrames; i++)
                Globals.Assert(i < (int)Enum1.kMaxAnimFrames);
                animFrame[i]             = info.texture[i];
                animatedSubtexture[i]    = info.animatedSubtexture[i];
                timeBetweenAnimFrames[i] = info.timeBetweenAnimFrames[i];

            animTimer      = 0;
            currentAnim    = 0;
            scale          = info.scaleStart;
            scaleSpeed     = info.scaleSpeed;
            alpha          = info.alphaStart;
            screenPosition = (Globals.g_world.game).GetScreenPosition(mapPosition);
Example #7
    void randomLocationAndSize()
        for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
            float MidRadius = (MaxRadius + MinRadius) / 2;
            float outRate   = Random.Range(1f, MidRadius / MinRadius);
            float inRate    = Random.Range(MaxRadius / MidRadius, 1f);
            float _radius   = Random.Range(MinRadius * outRate, MaxRadius * inRate);
            radius[i] = _radius;

            float collect_MidRadius = (collect_MaxRadius + collect_MinRadius) / 2;
            float collect_outRate   = Random.Range(1f, collect_MidRadius / collect_MinRadius);
            float collect_inRate    = Random.Range(collect_MaxRadius / collect_MidRadius, 1f);
            float _collect_radius   = Random.Range(collect_MinRadius * collect_outRate, collect_MaxRadius * collect_inRate);
            collect_radius[i] = _collect_radius;

            float size       = Random.Range(MinSize, MaxSize);
            float angleDgree = Random.Range(0, 360f);
            float angle      = (angleDgree * Mathf.PI) / 180;

            float time = Random.Range(0, 360f);

            particles[i]             = new ParticleInfo(_radius, angleDgree, time, size);
            particleArr[i].position  = new Vector3(particles[i].radius * Mathf.Cos(angle), particles[i].radius * Mathf.Sin(angle), 0);
            particleArr[i].startSize = particles[i].size;
        particleSys.SetParticles(particleArr, particleArr.Length);
    // Caches find request.
    private ParticleInfo FindParticleCAS(string cas)
        Debug.Log("FindParticleCAS " + cas);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cas))

        uint casNumber = MelDB.ParseCASNumber(cas);

        if (casNumber == 0)

        if ((_cachedParticle != null) && (_cachedParticle.CASes.Contains(casNumber)))

        _cachedParticle = MelDB.Particles.Find(p => p.CASes.Contains(casNumber));

Example #9
        public override void OnPauseUpdateLoop()

            c = getMouseHoveredCircle();

            if (c != null)
                particleInfo = new ParticleInfo(c.CenterPoint, c.Velocity, c.Mass);

                h = c;

                if (MouseWheelSpins)
                    if (BiggerSmaller == 1)
                        if (h.Mass < 30)
                    if (BiggerSmaller == -1)
                        if (h.Mass != 1)
                    MouseWheelSpins = false;

            if (mouseLeftDown)
                if (h != null)
                    particleInfo = new ParticleInfo(h.CenterPoint, new Vector2((MousePos.x - h.CenterPoint.x) / 20, (MousePos.y - h.CenterPoint.y) / 20), h.Mass);
                if (h == null)
                    new Circle(new Vector2(MousePos.x, MousePos.y), new Vector2(), 20, 1);
                    mouseLeftDown = false;
            if (mouseRightDown)
                if (h != null)
                    h = null;

            if (!mouseLeftDown && h != null)
                h.Velocity = particleInfo.Scale;
                h          = null;
 public void Work(float sec)
     //IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     //IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
     if (!isWorking && sec != 0f)
         int i = 0;
         for (int num = particles.Length; i < num; i++)
             ParticleSystemRenderer component = particles[i].GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>();
             if (!object.ReferenceEquals(component, null))
                 ParticleInfo particleInfo = new ParticleInfo();
                 particleInfo.psr         = component;
                 particleInfo.firstLength = component.get_lengthScale();
         Vector3 localScale = _transform.get_localScale();
         firstScale = localScale.x;
         execSec    = 0f;
         targetSec  = sec;
         isWorking  = true;
    public static string GetMolecularFormula(ParticleInfo particle, bool formatted = true)
        var ordering = GetMolecularFormulaOrderingFor(particle.flags);

        return(GetSimpleMolecularFormulaInner(ordering, formatted));
Example #12
 public static void RemoveParticle(ParticleInfo p)
     if (Instance.particles.Remove(p))
Example #13
        private void SaveParticleBttn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SimulationOn)
            ResampleMethod r;

            if (MultinomialResample.Checked)
                r = ResampleMethod.Multinomial;
            else if (SystematicResample.Checked)
                r = ResampleMethod.Systematic;
            else if (StratifiedResample.Checked)
                r = ResampleMethod.Stratified;
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Resample method", "Particle resample method not implemented");
            ParticleMeta = new ParticleInfo(decimal.ToInt32(ParticleCountSpinBttn.Value), r);
Example #14
    void IniAll()
        float minRadius = 6.0f;  // 最小半径
        float maxRadius = 10.0f; // 最大半径

        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            // 随机每个粒子半径,集中于平均半径附近
            float midRadius = (maxRadius + minRadius) / 2;
            float minRate   = Random.Range(1.0f, midRadius / minRadius);
            float maxRate   = Random.Range(midRadius / maxRadius, 1.0f);
            float radius    = Random.Range(minRadius * minRate, maxRadius * maxRate);

            // 随机每个粒子的角度
            float angle = Random.Range(0, 360);
            // 转换成弧度制
            float radian = angle / 180 * Mathf.PI;

            // 随机每个粒子的大小
            float size = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.03f);

            info[i] = new ParticleInfo(radius, angle);

            particleArr[i].position = new Vector3(info[i].radius * Mathf.Cos(radian), 0f, info[i].radius * Mathf.Sin(radian));
            particleArr[i].size     = size;
        // 通过初始化好的粒子数组设置粒子系统
        particleSys.SetParticles(particleArr, particleArr.Length);
Example #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Compares two particles on topological equality
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="exact">pass true if you want the bonds to be thoroughly compared</param>
    /// <param name="reordering">if you pass it, the correspondance atom indexes will be written in it: if reordering[11] == 22 then atom 11 from particle 1 is the same as atom 22 in particle 2</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool AreEqual(List <Element> atms, List <BondInfo> bonds, ParticleInfo part2, bool exact, List <int> reordering, bool checkMolecularFormula = true)
        _reordering1.selectedReordering = 0;
        _reordering1.reordering         = reordering;
        var result = AreEqual(atms, bonds, part2, exact, _reordering1, checkMolecularFormula);

        _reordering1.reordering = null;
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Compares two particles on topological equality
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="exact">pass true if you want the bonds types to be taken into account</param>
    /// <param name="reordering">if you pass it, the correspondance atom indexes will be written in it: if reordering[11] == 22 then atom 11 from particle 1 is the same as atom 22 in particle 2</param>
    /// <returns>true if the particles are equal</returns>
    public static bool AreEqual(ParticleInfo part1, ParticleInfo part2, bool exact, List <int> reordering)
        _reordering1.selectedReordering = 0;
        _reordering1.reordering         = reordering;
        var result = AreEqual(part1, part2, exact, _reordering1);

        _reordering1.reordering = null;
Example #17
    public static uint GetStructureHash(ParticleInfo particle, bool exact, List <int> reordering)
        _reordering2.selectedReordering = 0;
        _reordering2.reordering         = reordering;
        var hash = GetStructureHash(particle, exact, _reordering2);

        _reordering2.reordering = null;
    public void ShowCAS(string cas)
        Debug.Log("ShowCAS " + cas);

        ParticleInfo particleInfo = FindParticleCAS(cas);


        JSImports.ShowCAS_Callback(cas, particleInfo != null);
Example #19
    protected bool IncludeInBuild(ParticleInfo p)
        var flags = p.flags;

        if ((flags & _include) > 0)
Example #20
    public GameObject Spawner(int effId, Vector3 v, Transform parent)
        ParticleInfo particleInfo = InfoMgr <ParticleInfo> .Instance.GetInfo(effId);

        if (null != particleInfo)
            return(Spawner(particleInfo.data, v, parent));
Example #21
 public void Launch_WaterLine(ParticleInfo info)
     type         = ParticleType.kParticle_WaterLine;
     mapPosition  = info.startPosition;
     animTimer    = 0.0f;
     alphaSpeed   = 1.0f;
     alphaStart   = 1.0f;
     subTextureId = 22;
     scale        = 0.75f;
     rotation     = 0.0f;
Example #22
 public void StopParticle(string name, bool clear = false)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
         ParticleInfo info = _activeParticles.Find(delegate(ParticleInfo p) { return(p._name == name); });
         if (info != null)
             StopParticleInternal(info, clear, clear);
        static internal void Run()
            const double containerSize = 50;
            const double minSpeed      = 0;
            const double maxSpeed      = 4200;
            const double mass          = 1.7e-25;
            Color        color         = Colors.Lavender;
            const int    nParticles    = 1000;
            const double deltaTime     = 0.1;
            const string name          = "Molecule";

            double temperature = 293.15;

            var cont      = new ParticleContainer(containerSize);
            var info      = new ParticleInfo(name, mass, ConvertColor(color));
            var generator = new BoltzmannGenerator(cont, minSpeed, maxSpeed);

            cont.AddRandomParticles(generator, name, nParticles);

            var visualization = new ThermodynamicsVisualization(cont)
                BoxColor = Colors.IndianRed

            var viz = new MotionVisualizer3DControl(visualization)
                TimeIncrement = deltaTime,
                TimeScale     = 1

            viz.FastDraw = true;

            const int histogramBins = 50;

            viz.Manager.AddSingleGraph("Temperature", ConvertColor(Colors.CornflowerBlue), () => visualization.Time, () => cont.GetTemperature(), "Time (s)", "Temperature (K)");

            viz.Manager.AddHist(histogramBins, ConvertColor(Colors.BlueViolet), () => cont.GetParticlePropertyList((Particle part) => part.Velocity.Magnitude), "Speed (m/s)");

            //viz.Manager.AddText("Temperature (K)", ConvertColor(Colors.CadetBlue), () => GetTemperature(cont)+"");

            viz.Manager.AddSingleGraph("Pressure", ConvertColor(Colors.Red), () => visualization.Time, () => cont.Pressure, "Time (s)", "Pressure (Pa)");

            viz.Manager.AddSingleGraph("# Particles", ConvertColor(Colors.Green), () => visualization.Time, () => cont.Particles.Count, "Time (s)", "# Particles");
            viz.Manager.AddSingleGraph("Volume", ConvertColor(Colors.Orange), () => visualization.Time, () => Math.Pow(cont.Size.X, 3), "Time (s)", "Volume (m^3)");

Example #24
    public override void LoadParticleData(ParticleInfo p)
        var path      = BucketFilename + GetParticleBuckedIndex(p).ToString("000");
        var dataAsset = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(path);

        if (dataAsset == null)
            throw new Exception("Failed to load from Resources: " + path);
        LoadParticleFromBytes(dataAsset.bytes, p);
Example #25
 public void Launch_PondBlob(ParticleInfo info)
     type         = ParticleType.kParticle_PondBlob;
     mapPosition  = info.startPosition;
     animTimer    = 0.0f;
     alphaSpeed   = 2.6f;
     alphaStart   = 1.0f;
     subTextureId = 23;
     scale        = 0.75f;
     rotation     = 0.0f;
        static internal void Run()
            const double containerSize = 50;
            const double minSpeed      = 1;
            const double maxSpeed      = 100;
            const double mass          = 4.65e-23;
            Color        color         = Colors.Lavender;
            const int    nParticles    = 1000;
            const double deltaTime     = .01;
            const string name          = "Molecule";
            double       temperature   = 293.15;

            var cont = new ParticleContainer(containerSize, containerSize, containerSize);
            var info = new ParticleInfo(name, mass, ConvertColor(color));
            //var generator = new FlatGenerator(cont, minSpeed, maxSpeed);
            var generator = new BoltzmannDistribution(cont, minSpeed, maxSpeed, temperature);

            cont.AddRandomParticles(generator, name, nParticles);

            cont.Pressure = cont.Particles.Count * DongUtility.Constants.BoltzmannConstant * cont.GetTemperature() / (50 * 50 * 50);

            var visualization = new ThermodynamicsVisualization(cont)
                BoxColor = Colors.IndianRed

            var viz = new MotionVisualizer(visualization)
                TimeIncrement = deltaTime,
                TimeScale     = 1

            const int histogramBins = 50;

            viz.AddSingleGraph("Pressure", Colors.CornflowerBlue, () => visualization.Time, () => cont.Pressure, "Time (s)", "Pressure (N/m^2)");
            //viz.AddText("Pressure", Colors.CadetBlue, () => cont.GetTemperature() * nParticles * DongUtility.Constants.BoltzmannConstant / (Math.Pow(containerSize,3)) );

            //viz.AddSingleGraph("Pressure vs. Temperature", Colors.CornflowerBlue, () => cont.GetTemperature(), () => cont.Pressure, "Temperature (K)", "Pressure (N/m^2)");
            viz.AddSingleGraph("Temperature vs. Time", Colors.CornflowerBlue, () => visualization.Time, () => cont.GetTemperature(), "Time (s)", "Temperature (K)");

            //viz.AddHist(histogramBins, Colors.BlueViolet, () => cont.GetParticlePropertyList((Particle part) => part.Velocity.Magnitude), "Speed (m/s)");

            //Volume vs. Temperature when n and P are constant
            viz.AddSingleGraph("Volume vs. Temperature", Colors.CornflowerBlue, () => cont.GetTemperature(), () => nParticles * DongUtility.Constants.BoltzmannConstant * cont.GetTemperature() / cont.Pressure, "Temperature (K)", "Volume (m^3)");
            //viz.AddText("Volume", Colors.CadetBlue, () => cont.GetTemperature() * nParticles * DongUtility.Constants.BoltzmannConstant / (cont.Pressure) );

            viz.AutoCamera = true;
            viz.AutoCamera = false;
Example #27
        public ParticleGraphProto(ParticleInfo particle, bool exact, uint[] hashes)
            atoms   = new List <AtomNodeProto>();
            _hashes = hashes;
            var atms = particle.atoms;

            for (int i = 0; i < atms.Count; i++)
                atoms.Add(new AtomNodeProto(atms[i].element, i, hashes));
            InitBonds(particle.bonds, exact);
    public bool NamesEqual(ParticleInfo other)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(other.name))
            if (name.Equals(other.name, StringComparison.Ordinal))

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryName) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(other.primaryName))
            if (primaryName.Equals(other.primaryName, StringComparison.Ordinal))

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryName))
            for (int i = 0; i < other.iupacs.Count; i++)
                if (primaryName.Equals(other.iupacs[i], StringComparison.Ordinal))
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(other.primaryName))
            for (int i = 0; i < iupacs.Count; i++)
                if (other.primaryName.Equals(iupacs[i], StringComparison.Ordinal))

        for (int i = 0; i < other.iupacs.Count; i++)
            var otherName = other.iupacs[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < iupacs.Count; j++)
                if (otherName.Equals(iupacs[j], StringComparison.Ordinal))
Example #29
    public ParticleInfo CreateNewParticle()
        ParticleInfo particleInfo = new ParticleInfo
            ConfigValues = m_configValues,
            VertInfo     = new VertInfo(),

        particleInfo.VertInfo.VertID = m_vertIDIndex++;

Example #30
    public static bool AreEqual(ParticleInfo part1, ParticleInfo part2, bool exact, AtomsReordering reordering = null)
        // compare by hashes
        if (exact)
            if (part1.structureHashExact != 0 & part2.structureHashExact != 0) // only if hashes are already calculated
                if (part1.structureHashExact != part2.structureHashExact)
            if (part1.structureHash != 0 & part2.structureHash != 0) // only if hashes are already calculated
                if (part1.structureHash != part2.structureHash)
        // init particles and compare the rest
        var atoms1 = part1.atoms;
        var atoms2 = part2.atoms;

        if (atoms1.Count != atoms2.Count)
        if (part1.bonds.Count != part2.bonds.Count)
        // compare by molecular formula
        var a1hash = ParticleInfo.GetAtomsHash(atoms1);
        var a2hash = ParticleInfo.GetAtomsHash(atoms2);

        if (a1hash != a2hash)
        // compare by topology
        for (int i = 0; i < part1.atoms.Count; i++)
        return(AreEqual(_atomsList, part1.bonds, part2, exact, reordering, false));
    void Setup(int particleCount)
        _particles = new ParticleInfo[particleCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i)
                _particles[i] = new ParticleInfo(particleRadius, fallSpeed);

            int vertexCount = particleCount * 4;

            _mesh = new Mesh();// GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

            _vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
            _indices = new int[particleCount*6];
            _colors = new Color[vertexCount];
            _normals = new Vector3[vertexCount];

            // vertices : ??
            // normals : ??
            // indices
            for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i)
                int vtxBase = i * 4;
                int idxBase = i * 6;

                _indices[idxBase + 0] = vtxBase + 0;
                _indices[idxBase + 1] = vtxBase + 1;
                _indices[idxBase + 2] = vtxBase + 2;
                _indices[idxBase + 3] = vtxBase + 3;
                _indices[idxBase + 4] = vtxBase + 2;
                _indices[idxBase + 5] = vtxBase + 1;

            // colors
            for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                    _colors[i * 4 + j] = _particles[i].color;

            _mesh.vertices = _vertices;
            _mesh.SetIndices(_indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
            _mesh.normals = _normals;
            _mesh.colors = _colors;

            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = _mesh;