Example #1
 private void spawnPoisonParticles(float poisonAmt)
     if (poisonAmt > 0)
         //ensure speed boost particle baseline
         if (rand.NextDouble() < .1f)
             ParticleArbitrary particle = new ParticleArbitrary(location + new Vector2(rand.Next(20) - 10, rand.Next(30) - 10), world, new Vector2(), 100, Game1.texture_particle_bubble);
             particle.startColor = world.decorator.colorManager.groundColor;
             particle.startColor = Color.Green;
             particle.width      = 10;
             particle.height     = 10;
         for (int i = 0; i < rand.Next((int)poisonAmt); i++)
             ParticleArbitrary particle = new ParticleArbitrary(location + new Vector2(rand.Next(20) - 10, rand.Next(30) - 10), world, new Vector2(), 100, Game1.texture_particle_bubble);
             particle.startColor = world.decorator.colorManager.groundColor;
             particle.startColor = Color.Green;
             particle.width      = 10;
             particle.height     = 10;
         * Plays the sound associated with a character unlock. Sprays reward particles everywhere.
         * */
        public static void playUnlockCharacterAlert(int characterIndex, WorldBase world, Vector2 playerLocation)
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                ParticleArbitrary teleportParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(playerLocation + new Vector2(0, -100), world, new Vector2(), 100, Game1.texture_particle_blood);
                teleportParticle.gravityMultiplier = -.3f;
                teleportParticle.endColor          = Color.White;
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                ParticleArbitrary teleportParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(playerLocation + new Vector2(0, -100), world, new Vector2((float)(rand.NextDouble() - .5f) * 2, (float)(rand.NextDouble() - .5f) * 2), 200, Game1.texture_particle_blood);
                teleportParticle.gravityMultiplier = -.01f;
                teleportParticle.startColor        = world.decorator.colorManager.groundColor;
                teleportParticle.endColor          = Color.White;
                teleportParticle.width             = 6;
                teleportParticle.height            = 6;
            ParticleArbitrary unlockParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(playerLocation + new Vector2(0, -100), world, new Vector2(), 300, PlayerKitRegistry.registry[characterIndex].animations.standTex);

            unlockParticle.gravityMultiplier = 0;
Example #3
 private void vibrateGround(Vector2 loc)
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         ParticleArbitrary dirtclod = new ParticleArbitrary(loc + new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble() * 80 - 40, 0), world, new Vector2(0, -(float)rand.NextDouble() * 1.5f), 50, Game1.texture_item_stone);
         dirtclod.width             = 10;
         dirtclod.height            = 10;
         dirtclod.rotation          = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2);
         dirtclod.deltaRotation     = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * .1 - .05);
         dirtclod.gravityMultiplier = 1;
Example #4
 private void sprayEarth()
     for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
         ParticleArbitrary dirtclod = new ParticleArbitrary(location, world, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble() * 4 - 2, -(float)rand.NextDouble() * 15), 200, Game1.texture_item_stone);
         dirtclod.width             = 10;
         dirtclod.height            = 10;
         dirtclod.rotation          = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2);
         dirtclod.deltaRotation     = (float)(rand.NextDouble() * .1 - .05);
         dirtclod.gravityMultiplier = 1;
Example #5
        public override void update(GameTime time)

            if (cutsceneDuration < 1100 && !hasMusicStarted)
                hasMusicStarted = true;

            if (!spawnedSisterTeleport && animatedSister.isDone())
                spawnedSisterTeleport = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                    ParticleArbitrary particle = new ParticleArbitrary(new Vector2(675 + rand.Next(20), 50 - rand.Next(40)), this, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble(), 0), 200, Game1.texture_particle_blood);
                    particle.width             = 4;
                    particle.height            = 4;
                    particle.gravityMultiplier = (float)rand.NextDouble() * -.4f;
                    particle.startColor        = groundColor;
                    particle.endColor          = groundColor;

            if (!spawnedBrotherTeleport && animatedPlayer.isDone())
                spawnedBrotherTeleport = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                    ParticleArbitrary particle = new ParticleArbitrary(new Vector2(900 + rand.Next(20), 50 - rand.Next(40)), this, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble(), 0), 200, Game1.texture_particle_blood);
                    particle.width             = 4;
                    particle.height            = 4;
                    particle.gravityMultiplier = (float)rand.NextDouble() * -.4f;
                    particle.startColor        = groundColor;
                    particle.endColor          = groundColor;

            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))
Example #6
        public override void prePhysicsUpdate(GameTime time)

            facing = velocity.X;


            if (timeRemainingForSpawnParticles > 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    ParticleArbitrary particle = new ParticleArbitrary(new Vector2(location.X + rand.Next(10) - rand.Next(5), location.Y + rand.Next(20)), world, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble() - .5f, 0), 200, Game1.texture_particle_blood);
                    particle.width             = 4;
                    particle.height            = 4;
                    particle.gravityMultiplier = (float)rand.NextDouble() * -.4f;
                    particle.startColor        = world.groundColor;
                    particle.endColor          = world.groundColor;

            /*if (collideBottom && isRunning)
             * {
             *  frameSwitcher--;
             *  if (frameSwitcher <= 0)
             *  {
             *      currentRunFrame = (currentRunFrame + 1) % texture_run.Length;
             *      frameSwitcher = frameSwitchPoint;
             *      selectedFrame = texture_run[currentRunFrame];
             *  }
             * }
             * else if (collideBottom)
             * {
             *  selectedFrame = texture_player_default_stand;
             *  currentRunFrame = 0;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  //currentJumpFrame = 0;
             *  //frameSwitcherJump
             *  if(velocity.Y > 0)
             *  {
             *      frameSwitcherJump--;
             *      if (frameSwitcherJump <= 0)
             *      {
             *          currentJumpFrame = Math.Min(currentJumpFrame + 1, texture_jump.Length - 1);
             *          frameSwitcherJump = frameSwitchPoint;
             *          selectedFrame = texture_jump[currentJumpFrame];
             *      }
             *  }else
             *  {
             *      currentJumpFrame = 0;
             *  }
             *  selectedFrame = texture_jump[currentJumpFrame];
             * }*/

            //isRunning = false;

            selectedFrame = state.getTexture(this);


            if (wereFeetOnGround && !collideBottom)
                bool playSlipSound = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    TileType tile = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(0, i * Chunk.tileDrawWidth));
                    if (tile != null && tile.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID))
                        playSlipSound = false;

                if (playSlipSound && timePlayerWillNotGasp <= 0)
                    timePlayerWillNotGasp = 700;
                    SoundManager.getSound("player-slip").playWithVariance(0, .2f, 0, SoundType.MONSTER);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                        EntityDecorativeRock rock = new EntityDecorativeRock(location + new Vector2(0, 7), world);
                        rock.velocity += new Vector2(0, -rand.Next(7));

            if (!wereFeetOnGround && collideBottom && lastVelocity.Y >= 14)
                this.remainingDamageImmunityTime = 100;
                SoundManager.getSound("player-fall").playWithVariance(0, .45f, 0, SoundType.MONSTER);

            if (timeNextToAFire >= 100)
                timeNextToAFire = 100;
                if (currentControlManager != guitarControlManager)
                    currentControlManager = guitarControlManager;

            wereFeetOnGround = collideBottom;
            lastVelocity     = velocity;
        public FindGirlCutscene(WorldBase returnTo) : base("Content\\Cutscene\\FindGirlCutscene\\cutsceneFindSisterWorld", returnTo)

            SoundEffect music = content.Load <SoundEffect>("Sounds/Music/boy_finds_sister_0");

            musicInstance        = music.CreateInstance();
            musicInstance.Volume = MetaData.audioSettingMusic;

            //set up the next world
            EntityGirl girl = new EntityGirl(new Vector2(100, ((World)returnTo).noise.octavePerlin1D(100) * returnTo.decorator.getTerrainMultiplier() * Chunk.tileDrawWidth), returnTo);

            girl.touchedPlayer = true;

            cutsceneDuration = 800;
            cameraCommands.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(200, 0), new Vector2(200, 0), 650));//pause on the scene to let the player process it

            animatedPlayer = new AnimatedEntity();
            animatedSister = new AnimatedEntity();

            animatedPlayer.animations.Add(new Animation(150, 150, new Texture2D[] { Game1.player_default_animations.standTex }, true));
            animatedPlayer.animations[0].drawFlipped = true;
            animatedPlayer.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(0, 27), new Vector2(0, 27), 150));
            animatedPlayer.animations.Add(new Animation(7 * 7, 100, Game1.player_default_animations.runTex, true));
            animatedPlayer.animations[1].drawFlipped = true;
            animatedPlayer.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(0, 27), new Vector2(140, 27), 100));
            animatedPlayer.animations.Add(new Animation(75, content.loadTextureRange("Cutscene/FindGirlCutscene/player_hug_", 3), false));
            animatedPlayer.animations[2].drawFlipped = true;
            animatedPlayer.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(140, 27), new Vector2(140, 27), 75));
            animatedPlayer.animations.Add(new Animation(100, new Texture2D[] { content.Load <Texture2D>("Cutscene/FindGirlCutscene/player_hug_3") }, false));
            animatedPlayer.animations[3].drawFlipped = true;
            animatedPlayer.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(140, 27), new Vector2(140, 27), 100));
            animatedPlayer.animations.Add(new Animation(7 * 7, 150, Game1.player_default_animations.runTex, true));
            animatedPlayer.animations[4].drawFlipped = true;
            animatedPlayer.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(140, 27), new Vector2(475, 27), 150));

            animatedSister.animations.Add(new Animation(150, 150, new Texture2D[] { Game1.player_girl_animations.standTex }, true));
            animatedSister.animations[0].drawFlipped = false;
            animatedSister.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(300, 25), new Vector2(300, 25), 150));
            animatedSister.animations.Add(new Animation(7 * 7, 100, Game1.player_girl_animations.runTex, true));
            animatedSister.animations[1].drawFlipped = false;
            animatedSister.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(300, 25), new Vector2(160, 25), 100));
            animatedSister.animations.Add(new Animation(75, content.loadTextureRange("Cutscene/FindGirlCutscene/girl_hug_", 3), false));
            animatedSister.animations[2].drawFlipped = false;
            animatedSister.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(160, 25), new Vector2(160, 25), 75));
            animatedSister.animations.Add(new Animation(100, new Texture2D[] { content.Load <Texture2D>("Cutscene/FindGirlCutscene/girl_hug_3") }, false));
            animatedSister.animations[3].drawFlipped = false;
            animatedSister.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(160, 25), new Vector2(160, 25), 100));
            animatedSister.animations.Add(new Animation(7 * 7, 200, Game1.player_girl_animations.runTex, true));
            animatedSister.animations[4].drawFlipped = true;
            animatedSister.movement.Add(new MovementCommand(new Vector2(160, 25), new Vector2(475, 25), 200));

            for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                ParticleArbitrary particle = new ParticleArbitrary(new Vector2(-10 + rand.Next(20), 50 - rand.Next(40)), this, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble(), 0), 300, Game1.texture_particle_blood);
                particle.width             = 4;
                particle.height            = 4;
                particle.gravityMultiplier = (float)rand.NextDouble() * -.4f;
                particle.startColor        = groundColor;
                particle.endColor          = groundColor;
        public override void use(PlayerBase user, WorldBase world, Vector2 location, GameTime time, BinaryInputManager manager)
            if (manager.click())
                if (charges > 0)
                    SoundManager.getSound("card-use-" + (level - 1)).playWithVariance(0, .5f, 0, SoundType.MONSTER);
                    Vector2 teleportLoc    = new Vector2();
                    Vector2 preTeleportLoc = user.location;
                    if (location.X < user.location.X)
                        teleportLoc = new Vector2(user.location.X - level * 2 * Chunk.tileDrawWidth - Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 3, user.location.Y);
                        TileType teleportTo = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                        while (teleportTo != null && teleportTo.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID))
                            teleportLoc += new Vector2(Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0);
                            teleportTo   = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                        user.location = teleportLoc;
                    else if (location.X > user.location.X)
                        teleportLoc = new Vector2(user.location.X + level * 2 * Chunk.tileDrawWidth + Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 3, user.location.Y);
                        TileType teleportTo = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                        while (teleportTo != null && teleportTo.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID))
                            teleportLoc += new Vector2(-Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0);
                            teleportTo   = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                        user.location = teleportLoc;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                        ParticleArbitrary teleportParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(preTeleportLoc + (teleportLoc - preTeleportLoc) * (float)i / 7, world, new Vector2(), (int)(75 * (1 - 1f / (i + 1))), ((Player)user).texture_run[0]);
                        if (preTeleportLoc.X < teleportLoc.X)
                            teleportParticle.flip = true;
                        teleportParticle.gravityMultiplier = 0;
                        teleportParticle.endColor          = teleportParticle.endColor * .01f;

                    if (user.inventory.getItemOfType(new Item_Macuhatil(1)) != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                            ParticleArbitrary teleportParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(preTeleportLoc + (teleportLoc - preTeleportLoc) * (float)i / 7 + new Vector2(0, -10), world, new Vector2(), (int)(75 * (1 - 1f / (i + 1))), Game1.texture_item_macuhatil);
                            teleportParticle.gravityMultiplier = -.1f;
                            teleportParticle.endColor          = Color.Red;

                            EntityMacuhatilSlash macuhatilSlash = new EntityMacuhatilSlash(preTeleportLoc + (teleportLoc - preTeleportLoc) * (float)i / 7, world, user);
                            macuhatilSlash.velocity += Vector2.Normalize(location - user.location) * .1f;

                            SoundManager.getSound("sword-slash").playWithVariance(-.5f, .4f, 0, SoundType.MONSTER);
                    else if (user.inventory.getItemOfType(new Item_Sword(1)) != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                            ParticleArbitrary teleportParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(preTeleportLoc + (teleportLoc - preTeleportLoc) * (float)i / 7 + new Vector2(0, -10), world, new Vector2(), (int)(75 * (1 - 1f / (i + 1))), Game1.texture_item_sword);
                            teleportParticle.gravityMultiplier = -.1f;
                            teleportParticle.endColor          = Color.Red;

                            EntitySwordSlash swordSlash = new EntitySwordSlash(preTeleportLoc + (teleportLoc - preTeleportLoc) * (float)i / 7, world, user);
                            swordSlash.canUnlockWarrior = true;
                            swordSlash.velocity        += Vector2.Normalize(location - user.location) * .1f;

                            SoundManager.getSound("sword-slash").playWithVariance(0f, .4f, 0, SoundType.MONSTER);
            else if (manager.isDown())
                if (charges > 0)
                    Vector2 teleportLoc    = new Vector2();
                    Vector2 preTeleportLoc = user.location;
                    if (location.X < user.location.X)
                        teleportLoc = new Vector2(user.location.X - level * 2 * Chunk.tileDrawWidth - Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 3, user.location.Y);
                        TileType teleportTo = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                        while (teleportTo != null && teleportTo.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID))
                            teleportLoc += new Vector2(Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0);
                            teleportTo   = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                    else if (location.X > user.location.X)
                        teleportLoc = new Vector2(user.location.X + level * 2 * Chunk.tileDrawWidth + Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 3, user.location.Y);
                        TileType teleportTo = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                        while (teleportTo != null && teleportTo.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID))
                            teleportLoc += new Vector2(-Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0);
                            teleportTo   = world.getBlock(teleportLoc);
                    ParticleArbitrary teleportParticle = new ParticleArbitrary(preTeleportLoc + (teleportLoc - preTeleportLoc), world, new Vector2(), 7, ((Player)user).texture_run[0]);
                    if (preTeleportLoc.X < teleportLoc.X)
                        teleportParticle.flip = true;
                    teleportParticle.gravityMultiplier = 0;
                    teleportParticle.startColor        = Color.Lerp(teleportParticle.startColor, Color.White, .5f);
                    teleportParticle.endColor          = teleportParticle.endColor * .01f;