Example #1
        public void ParserGeneratedStageErrors()
            var grammarText =
                $@"grammar {TestGrammarName};
                start:  rule1+;
                rule:   DIGIT;
                CHAR:   [a-z]+;
                DIGIT:  [0-9]+;
                WS:     [ \r\n\t]+ -> skip;";
            var workflow = new Workflow(GrammarFactory.CreateDefaultCombinedAndFill(grammarText, TestGrammarName, "."));

            var state = workflow.Process();

            Assert.AreEqual(WorkflowStage.ParserGenerated, state.Stage, state.Exception?.ToString());

            var    grammarSource       = new CodeSource(TestGrammarName + ".g4", File.ReadAllText(TestGrammarName + ".g4"));
            char   separator           = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            string testGrammarFullName = $"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}{separator}.{separator}{TestGrammarName}.g4";
            ParserGeneratedState parserGeneratedState = state as ParserGeneratedState;
            string str = new ParsingError(2, 24, $"error(56): {testGrammarFullName}:2:24: reference to undefined rule: rule1", grammarSource, WorkflowStage.ParserGenerated).ToString();

                new [] {
                new ParsingError(2, 24, $"error(56): {testGrammarFullName}:2:24: reference to undefined rule: rule1", grammarSource, WorkflowStage.ParserGenerated),
Example #2
 private static ParsingException GetException(ParsingError error, int lineNo, int columnNo, string line, string message, string path)
     message = string.Format("Error E{0:D2}: ", (int)error) + message + Environment.NewLine +
               string.Format("At {0}{1}:{2}:", path == "" ? "" : path + ':', lineNo + 1, columnNo + 1) + Environment.NewLine +
               line + Environment.NewLine + new string(' ', columnNo) + "^";
     throw new ParsingException(error, message);
        private void HandleDataReceived(object sender, string messageJson)
                var message = Serializer.DeserializeJson <CodeChangeMessage>(messageJson);

                if (message.Error == null)
                else if (message.Error.ParsingError != null)
                else if (message.Error.CompileError != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #4
        private void ParserGeneration_ErrorDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data) && !e.IsIgnoreJavaError())
                var strs = e.Data.Split(':');
                int line = 1, column = 1;

                int locationIndex = strs.Length > 2 && strs[2].Length > 0 && strs[2][0] == '\\' ? 3 : 2;
                if (strs.Length > locationIndex)
                    if (!int.TryParse(strs[locationIndex], out line))
                        line = 1;
                    if (strs.Length > locationIndex + 1)
                        if (!int.TryParse(strs[locationIndex + 1], out column))
                            column = 1;

                bool         isWarning = strs.Length > 0 && strs[0].StartsWith("warning");
                ParsingError error     = new ParsingError(line, column, e.Data, _currentGrammarSource, WorkflowStage.ParserGenerated, isWarning);
                ErrorEvent?.Invoke(this, error);
Example #5
        private static string FormatParsingErrorMessage19(ParsingError error)
            var  words   = ClpUtils.SentenceBuilder19;
            var  message = new StringBuilder();
            bool hasLong = error.BadOption.LongName?.Length > 0;

            if (error.BadOption.ShortName != null)
                message.Append($"-{error.BadOption.ShortName}{(hasLong ? "/" : "")}");
            if (hasLong)
            message.Append($" {(error.ViolatesRequired ? words.RequiredOptionMissingText : words.OptionWord)}");
            if (error.ViolatesFormat)
                message.Append($" {words.ViolatesFormatText}");
            if (error.ViolatesMutualExclusiveness)
                if (error.ViolatesFormat || error.ViolatesRequired)
                    message.Append($" {words.AndWord}");
                message.Append($" {words.ViolatesMutualExclusivenessText}");
Example #6
        public void ParsingErrorSetsMessage()
            var expected = "test message";
            var error    = new ParsingError(expected);

            Assert.True(expected == error.Message, "ParsingError constructor should set message");
Example #7
        public void New()
            var message  = "foo";
            var position = new Position(message);
            var pattern1 = new Literal("foo", "Hello");
            var pattern2 = new Literal("foo");

            var err1 = new ParsingError(message, position, pattern1);

            Assert.AreEqual(message, err1.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(position, err1.Position);
            Assert.AreEqual(pattern1, err1.Pattern);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, err1.InnerError);

            var err2 = new ParsingError(message, position, pattern2);

            Assert.AreEqual(pattern2, err2.Pattern);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, err2.InnerError);

            var err3 = new ParsingError(message, position, pattern1, err1);

            Assert.AreEqual(err1, err3.InnerError);

            var err4 = new ParsingError(message, position, pattern1, err2);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, err4.InnerError);
Example #8
        // All public ctors go through here
        private void CreateThis(string?uri, bool dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)

            // if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(UriKind), uriKind)) -- We currently believe that Enum.IsDefined() is too slow
            // to be used here.
            if ((int)uriKind < (int)UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute || (int)uriKind > (int)UriKind.Relative)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.net_uri_InvalidUriKind, uriKind));

            _string = uri ?? string.Empty;

            Debug.Assert(_originalUnicodeString is null && _info is null && _syntax is null && _flags == Flags.Zero);

            if (dontEscape)
                _flags |= Flags.UserEscaped;

            ParsingError err = ParseScheme(_string, ref _flags, ref _syntax !);

            InitializeUri(err, uriKind, out UriFormatException? e);
            if (e != null)
                throw e;
Example #9
        private void HandleDataReceived(object sender, string request)
                var methodRequest = Serializer.DeserializeJson <CodeChangeRequest>(request);

                if (methodRequest.ParsingError != null)
                else if (methodRequest.CompileError != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #10
        private ParsingError GenerateError(string data, string codeFileName, int line, int column, string rest, bool isWarning = false)
            ParsingError error;
            TextSpan     textSpan;

            if (_grammarCodeMapping.TryGetValue(codeFileName, out List <TextSpanMapping> textSpanMappings))
                string grammarFileName = GetGrammarFromCodeFileName(_currentRuntimeInfo, codeFileName);
                textSpan = TextHelpers.GetSourceTextSpanForLine(textSpanMappings, line, grammarFileName);
                error    = new ParsingError(textSpan, $"{grammarFileName}:{textSpan.GetLineColumn().BeginLine}:{rest}",
                                            WorkflowStage.ParserCompiled, isWarning);
                Dictionary <string, CodeSource> grammarFilesData = _result.ParserGeneratedState.GrammarCheckedState.GrammarFilesData;
                CodeSource codeSource =
                    grammarFilesData.FirstOrDefault(file => file.Key.EndsWith(codeFileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Value;

                textSpan = codeSource != null
                    ? new LineColumnTextSpan(line, column, codeSource).GetTextSpan()
                    : TextSpan.Empty;
                error = new ParsingError(textSpan, data, WorkflowStage.ParserCompiled, isWarning);

Example #11
        private void AddCSharpError(string data)
            if (data.Contains(": error CS"))
                var          errorString = Helpers.FixEncoding(data);
                ParsingError error;
                CodeSource   grammarSource = CodeSource.Empty;
                    // Format:
                    // Lexer.cs(106,11): error CS0103: The  name 'a' does not exist in the current context
                    var    strs             = errorString.Split(':');
                    int    leftParenInd     = strs[0].IndexOf('(');
                    string codeFileName     = strs[0].Remove(leftParenInd);
                    string grammarFileName  = GetGrammarFromCodeFileName(_currentRuntimeInfo, codeFileName);
                    string lineColumnString = strs[0].Substring(leftParenInd);
                    lineColumnString = lineColumnString.Substring(1, lineColumnString.Length - 2); // Remove parenthesis.
                    var    strs2  = lineColumnString.Split(',');
                    int    line   = int.Parse(strs2[0]);
                    int    column = int.Parse(strs2[1]);
                    string rest   = string.Join(":", strs.Skip(1));

                    error = GenerateError(data, codeFileName, line, column, rest);
                    error = new ParsingError(errorString, grammarSource, WorkflowStage.ParserCompiled);
        public async Task GetConfigForFile_FailedToProcessTsConfig_ParsingError_TsConfigIsSkipped()
            const string testedFileName      = "tested\\file";
            var          tsConfigsInSolution = new[] { "config1", "config2" };
            var          tsConfigsLocator    = SetupTsConfigsLocator(testedFileName, tsConfigsInSolution);

            var eslintBridgeClient = new Mock <ITypeScriptEslintBridgeClient>();
            var parsingError       = new ParsingError {
                Code = ParsingErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_TYPESCRIPT, Message = "some message", Line = 5555

            SetupEslintBridgeResponse(eslintBridgeClient, new Dictionary <string, TSConfigResponse>
                    "config1", new TSConfigResponse
                        ParsingError = parsingError,
                        Files        = new[] { testedFileName } // should be ignored
                { "config2", new TSConfigResponse() }

            var logger      = new TestLogger();
            var testSubject = CreateTestSubject(tsConfigsLocator.Object, eslintBridgeClient.Object, logger: logger);
            var result      = await testSubject.GetConfigForFile(testedFileName, CancellationToken.None);


            eslintBridgeClient.Verify(x => x.TsConfigFiles("config1", CancellationToken.None), Times.Once);
            eslintBridgeClient.Verify(x => x.TsConfigFiles("config2", CancellationToken.None), Times.Once);

            logger.AssertPartialOutputStringExists(parsingError.Message, parsingError.Code.ToString(), parsingError.Line.ToString());
Example #13
        // All public ctors go through here
        private void CreateThis(string uri, bool dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
            // if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(UriKind), uriKind)) -- We currently believe that Enum.IsDefined() is too slow
            // to be used here.
            if ((int)uriKind < (int)UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute || (int)uriKind > (int)UriKind.Relative)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.net_uri_InvalidUriKind, uriKind));

            _string = uri == null ? string.Empty : uri;

            if (dontEscape)
                _flags |= Flags.UserEscaped;

            ParsingError       err = ParseScheme(_string, ref _flags, ref _syntax);
            UriFormatException e;

            InitializeUri(err, uriKind, out e);
            if (e != null)
                throw e;
Example #14
 internal ParsingException(int charIndex, int row, int column, ParsingError error)
     : base(FormatMessage(charIndex, row, column, error))
     CharIndex = charIndex;
     Row       = row;
     Column    = column;
     Error     = error;
Example #15
 public ParsingErrors(ParsingError headError, ParsingErrors tailErrors, TextInput errorLocation, bool isFatal = false)
     _headError     = headError;
     _tailErrors    = tailErrors;
     _errorLocation = errorLocation;
     IsFatal        = isFatal;
     // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  " + headError + " " + errorLocation);
Example #16
 public ParsingError(string message, Position position, Pattern pattern, ParsingError innerError = null) : base(position)
     Message = message;
     Pattern = pattern;
     if (innerError != null && innerError.Pattern.Name != null)
         InnerError = innerError;
 private async Task SetupAnalysisWithParsingError(ParsingError parsingError, ILogger logger)
     var response = new AnalysisResponse {
         ParsingError = parsingError
     var eslintBridgeClient = SetupEslintBridgeClient(response: response);
     var testSubject        = CreateTestSubject(eslintBridgeClient.Object, logger: logger);
     await testSubject.Analyze("some path", "some config", CancellationToken.None);
        public static ConvertionResult Convert(string code, AlgoType algotype, Model.File[] includeFiles)
            string calgoCode = null;
            IEnumerable <ParsingError> parsingErrors = new ParsingError[0];
            var compilerErrors = new CompilerError[0];

            var codeBase = CodeBase.Mq4;

            if (CSharpCodeDetector.IsCSharpCode(code))
                codeBase = CodeBase.CSharp;
            else if (MqCodeBaseDetector.IsMq5Code(code))
                codeBase = CodeBase.Mq5;
            else if (!MqCodeBaseDetector.IsValidMq4Code(code))
                codeBase = CodeBase.Invalid;
                var parser = new Mq4Parser();

                var indicatorParsingResult = parser.Parse(code, algotype, includeFiles);
                var algo = indicatorParsingResult.Algo;
                parsingErrors = indicatorParsingResult.ParsingErrors;
                if (parsingErrors.All(e => e.ErrorType < ErrorType.Error))
                    var presenter = CreatePresenter(algotype);
                    calgoCode = presenter.GenerateCodeFrom(algo);

                    var compiler = new CSharpCompiler();
                    var fileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                        var codeToCompile = calgoCode;
                        var indexToInsert = codeToCompile.IndexOf("//Custom Indicators Place Holder");
                        foreach (var customIndicatorName in algo.CustomIndicators)
                            codeToCompile = codeToCompile.Insert(indexToInsert,
                        compilerErrors = compiler.Compile(codeToCompile, fileName);

                        codeBase = MqCodeBaseDetector.GetCodeBaseFromErrors(compilerErrors);

            return(new ConvertionResult(calgoCode, parsingErrors, compilerErrors, codeBase));
Example #19
        // a Uri.TryCreate() method goes through here.
        internal static Uri CreateHelper(string uriString, bool dontEscape, UriKind uriKind, ref UriFormatException e)
            // if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(UriKind), uriKind)) -- We currently believe that Enum.IsDefined() is too slow
            // to be used here.
            if ((int)uriKind < (int)UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute || (int)uriKind > (int)UriKind.Relative)
#if MONO
                if (uriKind != DotNetRelativeOrAbsolute)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_uri_InvalidUriKind, uriKind));

            UriParser    syntax = null;
            Flags        flags  = Flags.Zero;
            ParsingError err    = ParseScheme(uriString, ref flags, ref syntax);

            if (dontEscape)
                flags |= Flags.UserEscaped;

            // We won't use User factory for these errors
            if (err != ParsingError.None)
                // If it looks as a relative Uri, custom factory is ignored
                if (uriKind != UriKind.Absolute && err <= ParsingError.LastRelativeUriOkErrIndex)
                    return(new Uri((flags & Flags.UserEscaped), null, uriString));


            // Cannot be relative Uri if came here
            Uri result = new Uri(flags, syntax, uriString);

            // Validate instance using ether built in or a user Parser
                result.InitializeUri(err, uriKind, out e);

                if (e == null)

            catch (UriFormatException ee)
                Debug.Assert(!syntax.IsSimple, "A UriPraser threw on InitializeAndValidate.");
                e = ee;
                // A precaution since custom Parser should never throw in this case.
Example #20
        private void HandleParsingError(ParsingError error)
            var errorMessage = string.Format("Failed to get indexing data for the domain {0} with error message: {1}", error.DomainURL, error.ErrorMessage);


            var domain = _domainService.GetDomainByUrl(error.DomainURL);

            Sender.Tell(domain, Self);
Example #21
        protected void ReportWarning(string message, IToken token, Group group, CodeSource codeSource)
            var warningTextSpan = new TextSpan(token.StartIndex + group.Index, group.Length, codeSource);
            var lineColumn      = codeSource.ToLineColumn(warningTextSpan);
            var error           = new ParsingError(warningTextSpan,
                                                   Helpers.FormatErrorMessage(codeSource, lineColumn.BeginLine, lineColumn.BeginColumn, message, true),
                                                   WorkflowStage.GrammarChecked, true);

        private async Task SetupAnalysisWithParsingError(ParsingError parsingError, ILogger logger)
            var response = new AnalysisResponse {
                ParsingError = parsingError
            var eslintBridgeClient = SetupEslintBridgeClient(response: response);
            var consumer           = new Mock <IIssueConsumer>();

            var testSubject = CreateTestSubject(eslintBridgeClient.Object, logger: logger);
            await testSubject.ExecuteAnalysis("some path", consumer.Object, CancellationToken.None);

Example #23
        public void ParserTest_Throws(
            string template,
            int row,
            int column,
            ParsingError error)
            var parser = new Parser(template);
            var ex     = Assert.Throws <ParsingException>(
                () => parser.Parse());

            Assert.Equal(row, ex.Row);
            Assert.Equal(column, ex.Column);
            Assert.Equal(error, ex.Error);
Example #24
        private static IEnumerable <ParsingError> ListErrors(ParsingErrors errors, ParsingError error)
            var result = new List <ParsingError> {

            for (var current = errors; current != null; current = current._tailErrors)

Example #25
        /// <summary> Add a new error which occurred during parsing to this MARC record object </summary>
        /// <param name="error"> Error object to add to the list </param>
        public void AddError(ParsingError error)
            // Ensure the list is built
            if (_errors == null)
                _errors = new List <ParsingError>();

            // If no other error of the same type exists, add this
            if (!_errors.Contains(error))
        public async Task ExecuteAnalysis_ResponseWithParsingError_MissingTypescript_ParsingErrorLogged()
            var logger = new TestLogger();

            var parsingError = new ParsingError
                Code    = ParsingErrorCode.MISSING_TYPESCRIPT,
                Line    = 5,
                Message = "some message"

            await SetupAnalysisWithParsingError(parsingError, logger);

        public async Task Analyze_ResponseWithParsingError_UnsupportedTypescript_ParsingErrorLogged()
            var logger = new TestLogger();

            var parsingError = new ParsingError
                Code    = ParsingErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_TYPESCRIPT,
                Line    = 5,
                Message = "some message"

            await SetupAnalysisWithParsingError(parsingError, logger);

 /// <summary>
 /// Java version: https://github.com/SonarSource/SonarJS/blob/1916267988093cb5eb1d0b3d74bb5db5c0dbedec/sonar-javascript-plugin/src/main/java/org/sonar/plugins/javascript/eslint/AbstractEslintSensor.java#L134
 /// </summary>
 private void LogParsingError(string path, ParsingError parsingError)
     if (parsingError.Code == ParsingErrorCode.MISSING_TYPESCRIPT)
     else if (parsingError.Code == ParsingErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_TYPESCRIPT)
         logger.WriteLine(Resources.ERR_ParsingError_General, path, parsingError.Line, parsingError.Code, parsingError.Message);
Example #29
        private static void SetParserStateIfNeeded(object options, OptionInfo option, bool?required,
            IList <Pair <PropertyInfo, ParserStateAttribute> > list =
                ReflectionHelper.RetrievePropertyList <ParserStateAttribute>(options);

            if (list.Count == 0)

            PropertyInfo property = list[0].Left;

            // This method can be called when parser state is still not intialized
            if (property.GetValue(options, null) is null)
                property.SetValue(options, new ParserState(), null);

            var parserState = (IParserState)property.GetValue(options, null);

            if (parserState is null)

            var error = new ParsingError
                BadOption =
                    ShortName = option.ShortName,
                    LongName  = option.LongName

            if (required != null)
                error.ViolatesRequired = required.Value;

            if (mutualExclusiveness != null)
                error.ViolatesMutualExclusiveness = mutualExclusiveness.Value;

        public async Task Analyze_ResponseWithParsingError_ParsingErrorLogged(int errorCode)
            var logger = new TestLogger();

            var parsingError = new ParsingError
                Code    = (ParsingErrorCode)errorCode,
                Line    = 5,
                Message = "some message"

            await SetupAnalysisWithParsingError(parsingError, logger);

Example #31
File: Uri.cs Project: shmao/corefx
        // verifies the syntax of the scheme part
        // Checks on implicit File: scheme due to simple Dos/Unc path passed
        // returns the start of the next component  position
        // throws UriFormatException if invalid scheme
        unsafe static private ushort ParseSchemeCheckImplicitFile(char* uriString, ushort length,
            ref ParsingError err, ref Flags flags, ref UriParser syntax)
            ushort idx = 0;

            //skip whitespace
            while (idx < length && UriHelper.IsLWS(uriString[idx]))

            // sets the recognizer for well known registered schemes
            // file, ftp, http, https, uuid, etc
            // Note that we don't support one-letter schemes that will be put into a DOS path bucket

            ushort end = idx;
            while (end < length && uriString[end] != ':')

            // NB: On 64-bits we will use less optimized code from CheckSchemeSyntax()
            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                // long = 4chars: The minimal size of a known scheme is 2 + ':'
                if (end != length && end >= idx + 2 &&
                    CheckKnownSchemes((long*)(uriString + idx), (ushort)(end - idx), ref syntax))
                    return (ushort)(end + 1);

            //NB: A string must have at least 3 characters and at least 1 before ':'
            if (idx + 2 >= length || end == idx)
                err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                return 0;

            //Check for supported special cases like a DOS file path OR a UNC share path
            //NB: A string may not have ':' if this is a UNC path
                char c;
                if ((c = uriString[idx + 1]) == ':' || c == '|')
                    //DOS-like path?
                    if (UriHelper.IsAsciiLetter(uriString[idx]))
                        if ((c = uriString[idx + 2]) == '\\' || c == '/')
                            flags |= (Flags.DosPath | Flags.ImplicitFile | Flags.AuthorityFound);
                            syntax = UriParser.FileUri;
                            return idx;
                        err = ParsingError.MustRootedPath;
                        return 0;
                    if (c == ':')
                        err = ParsingError.BadScheme;
                        err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                    return 0;
                else if ((c = uriString[idx]) == '/' || c == '\\')
                    //UNC share ?
                    if ((c = uriString[idx + 1]) == '\\' || c == '/')
                        flags |= (Flags.UncPath | Flags.ImplicitFile | Flags.AuthorityFound);
                        syntax = UriParser.FileUri;
                        idx += 2;
                        // V1.1 compat this will simply eat any slashes prepended to a UNC path
                        while (idx < length && ((c = uriString[idx]) == '/' || c == '\\'))

                        return idx;
                    err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                    return 0;

            if (end == length)
                err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                return 0;

            // Here could be a possibly valid, and not well-known scheme
            // Finds the scheme delimiter
            // we don;t work with the schemes names > c_MaxUriSchemeName (should be ~1k)
            if ((end - idx) > c_MaxUriSchemeName)
                err = ParsingError.SchemeLimit;
                return 0;

            //Check the syntax, canonicalize  and avoid a GC call
            char* schemePtr = stackalloc char[end - idx];
            for (length = 0; idx < end; ++idx)
                schemePtr[length++] = uriString[idx];
            err = CheckSchemeSyntax(schemePtr, length, ref syntax);
            if (err != ParsingError.None)
                return 0;
            return (ushort)(end + 1);
Example #32
        private void InitializeUri(ParsingError err, UriKind uriKind, out UriFormatException e)
            if (err == ParsingError.None)
                if (IsImplicitFile)
                    // V1 compat VsWhidbey#252282
                    // A relative Uri wins over implicit UNC path unless the UNC path is of the form "\\something" and 
                    // uriKind != Absolute
                    if (
                        NotAny(Flags.DosPath) &&
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX
                        uriKind != UriKind.Absolute &&
                       (uriKind == UriKind.Relative || (m_String.Length >= 2 && (m_String[0] != '\\' || m_String[1] != '\\'))))

                        m_Syntax = null; //make it be relative Uri
                        m_Flags &= Flags.UserEscaped; // the only flag that makes sense for a relative uri
                        e = null;
                        // Otheriwse an absolute file Uri wins when it's of the form "\\something"
                    // VsWhidbey#423805 and V1 compat issue
                    // We should support relative Uris of the form c:\bla or c:/bla
                    else if (uriKind == UriKind.Relative && InFact(Flags.DosPath))
                        m_Syntax = null; //make it be relative Uri
                        m_Flags &= Flags.UserEscaped; // the only flag that makes sense for a relative uri
                        e = null;
                        // Otheriwse an absolute file Uri wins when it's of the form "c:\something"
#endif // !PLATFORM_UNIX
            else if (err > ParsingError.LastRelativeUriOkErrIndex)
                //This is a fatal error based solely on scheme name parsing
                m_String = null; // make it be invalid Uri
                e = GetException(err);

            bool hasUnicode = false;

            // Is there unicode ..
            if ((!s_ConfigInitialized) && CheckForConfigLoad(m_String)){

            m_iriParsing = (s_IriParsing && ((m_Syntax == null) || m_Syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIriParsing)));
            if (m_iriParsing && 
                (CheckForUnicode(m_String) || CheckForEscapedUnreserved(m_String))) {
                m_Flags |= Flags.HasUnicode;
                hasUnicode = true;
                // switch internal strings
                m_originalUnicodeString = m_String; // original string location changed

            if (m_Syntax != null)
                if (m_Syntax.IsSimple)
                    if ((err = PrivateParseMinimal()) != ParsingError.None)
                        if (uriKind != UriKind.Absolute && err <= ParsingError.LastRelativeUriOkErrIndex)
                            // RFC 3986 Section 5.4.2 - http:(relativeUri) may be considered a valid relative Uri.
                            m_Syntax = null; // convert to relative uri
                            e = null;
                            m_Flags &= Flags.UserEscaped; // the only flag that makes sense for a relative uri
                            e = GetException(err);
                    else if (uriKind == UriKind.Relative)
                        // Here we know that we can create an absolute Uri, but the user has requested only a relative one
                        e = GetException(ParsingError.CannotCreateRelative);
                        e = null;
                    // will return from here

                    if (m_iriParsing && hasUnicode){
                        // In this scenario we need to parse the whole string 
                    // offer custom parser to create a parsing context
                    m_Syntax = m_Syntax.InternalOnNewUri();

                    // incase they won't call us
                    m_Flags |= Flags.UserDrivenParsing;

                    // Ask a registered type to validate this uri
                    m_Syntax.InternalValidate(this, out e);

                    if (e != null)
                        // Can we still take it as a relative Uri?
                        if (uriKind != UriKind.Absolute && err != ParsingError.None 
                            && err <= ParsingError.LastRelativeUriOkErrIndex)
                            m_Syntax = null; // convert it to relative
                            e = null;
                            m_Flags &= Flags.UserEscaped; // the only flag that makes sense for a relative uri
                    else // e == null
                        if (err != ParsingError.None || InFact(Flags.ErrorOrParsingRecursion))
                            // User parser took over on an invalid Uri
                        else if (uriKind == UriKind.Relative)
                            // Here we know that custom parser can create an absolute Uri, but the user has requested only a 
                            // relative one
                            e = GetException(ParsingError.CannotCreateRelative);

                        if (m_iriParsing && hasUnicode){
                            // In this scenario we need to parse the whole string 
                    // will return from here
            // If we encountered any parsing errors that indicate this may be a relative Uri, 
            // and we'll allow relative Uri's, then create one.
            else if (err != ParsingError.None && uriKind != UriKind.Absolute 
                && err <= ParsingError.LastRelativeUriOkErrIndex)
                e = null;
                m_Flags &= (Flags.UserEscaped | Flags.HasUnicode); // the only flags that makes sense for a relative uri
                if (m_iriParsing && hasUnicode)
                    // Iri'ze and then normalize relative uris
                    m_String = EscapeUnescapeIri(m_originalUnicodeString, 0, m_originalUnicodeString.Length,
                        if (UriParser.ShouldUseLegacyV2Quirks)
                            m_String = m_String.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        e = GetException(ParsingError.BadFormat);
               m_String = null; // make it be invalid Uri
               e = GetException(err);
 private unsafe void CheckAuthorityHelperHandleDnsIri(char* pString, ushort start, int end, int startInput, bool iriParsing, bool hasUnicode, UriParser syntax, string userInfoString, ref Flags flags, ref bool justNormalized, ref string newHost, ref ParsingError err)
     flags |= Flags.DnsHostType;
     if ((s_IdnScope == 1) && this.IsIntranet(new string(pString, 0, end)))
         flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IntranetUri;
     if (this.AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))
         bool allAscii = true;
         bool atLeastOneValidIdn = false;
         string idnHost = DomainNameHelper.IdnEquivalent(pString, start, end, ref allAscii, ref atLeastOneValidIdn);
         string str2 = DomainNameHelper.UnicodeEquivalent(idnHost, pString, start, end);
         if (!allAscii)
             flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UnicodeHost;
         if (atLeastOneValidIdn)
             flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IdnHost;
         if ((allAscii && atLeastOneValidIdn) && StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HasUnicode))
             this.m_originalUnicodeString = this.m_String;
             newHost = this.m_originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput) + (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HasUserInfo) ? userInfoString : null);
             justNormalized = true;
         else if (!iriParsing && (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UnicodeHost) || StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IdnHost)))
             this.m_originalUnicodeString = this.m_String;
             newHost = this.m_originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput) + (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HasUserInfo) ? userInfoString : null);
             justNormalized = true;
         if (!allAscii || atLeastOneValidIdn)
             this.m_DnsSafeHost = idnHost;
             newHost = newHost + str2;
             justNormalized = true;
         else if ((allAscii && !atLeastOneValidIdn) && (iriParsing && hasUnicode))
             newHost = newHost + str2;
             justNormalized = true;
     else if (hasUnicode)
         string str3 = StripBidiControlCharacter(pString, start, end - start);
             newHost = newHost + ((str3 != null) ? str3.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC) : null);
         catch (ArgumentException)
             err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
         justNormalized = true;
     flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
 private unsafe void CheckAuthorityHelperHandleAnyHostIri(char* pString, int startInput, int end, bool iriParsing, bool hasUnicode, UriParser syntax, ref Flags flags, ref string newHost, ref ParsingError err)
     if (StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized) && (this.AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags) || (iriParsing && hasUnicode)))
         string str = new string(pString, startInput, end - startInput);
         if (this.AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))
             bool allAscii = true;
             bool atLeastOneValidIdn = false;
             string str2 = DomainNameHelper.UnicodeEquivalent(pString, startInput, end, ref allAscii, ref atLeastOneValidIdn);
             if (((allAscii && atLeastOneValidIdn) || !allAscii) && (!iriParsing || !hasUnicode))
                 this.m_originalUnicodeString = this.m_String;
                 newHost = this.m_originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput);
                 flags |= Flags.HasUnicode;
             if (atLeastOneValidIdn || !allAscii)
                 newHost = newHost + str2;
                 string bidiStrippedHost = null;
                 this.m_DnsSafeHost = DomainNameHelper.IdnEquivalent(pString, startInput, end, ref allAscii, ref bidiStrippedHost);
                 if (atLeastOneValidIdn)
                     flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IdnHost;
                 if (!allAscii)
                     flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UnicodeHost;
             else if (iriParsing && hasUnicode)
                 newHost = newHost + str;
                 newHost = newHost + str.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
             catch (ArgumentException)
                 err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
         flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
 private static unsafe ushort ParseSchemeCheckImplicitFile(char* uriString, ushort length, ref ParsingError err, ref Flags flags, ref UriParser syntax)
     ushort index = 0;
     while ((index < length) && IsLWS(uriString[index]))
         index = (ushort) (index + 1);
     ushort num2 = index;
     while ((num2 < length) && (uriString[num2] != ':'))
         num2 = (ushort) (num2 + 1);
     if (((IntPtr.Size != 4) || (num2 == length)) || ((num2 < (index + 3)) || !CheckKnownSchemes((long*) (uriString + index), (ushort) (num2 - index), ref syntax)))
         char ch;
         if (((index + 2) >= length) || (num2 == index))
             err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
             return 0;
         if (((ch = uriString[index + 1]) == ':') || (ch == '|'))
             if (IsAsciiLetter(uriString[index]))
                 if (((ch = uriString[index + 2]) == '\\') || (ch == '/'))
                     flags |= Flags.AuthorityFound | Flags.DosPath | Flags.ImplicitFile;
                     syntax = UriParser.FileUri;
                     return index;
                 err = ParsingError.MustRootedPath;
                 return 0;
             if (ch == ':')
                 err = ParsingError.BadScheme;
                 err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
             return 0;
         if (((ch = uriString[index]) == '/') || (ch == '\\'))
             if (((ch = uriString[index + 1]) == '\\') || (ch == '/'))
                 flags |= Flags.AuthorityFound | Flags.ImplicitFile | Flags.UncPath;
                 syntax = UriParser.FileUri;
                 index = (ushort) (index + 2);
                 while ((index < length) && (((ch = uriString[index]) == '/') || (ch == '\\')))
                     index = (ushort) (index + 1);
                 return index;
             err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
             return 0;
         if (num2 == length)
             err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
             return 0;
         if ((num2 - index) > 0x400)
             err = ParsingError.SchemeLimit;
             return 0;
         char* ptr = (char*) stackalloc byte[(((IntPtr) (num2 - index)) * 2)];
         length = 0;
         while (index < num2)
             length = (ushort) (length + 1);
             ptr[length] = uriString[index];
             index = (ushort) (index + 1);
         err = CheckSchemeSyntax(ptr, length, ref syntax);
         if (err != ParsingError.None)
             return 0;
     return (ushort) (num2 + 1);
 private void InitializeUri(ParsingError err, UriKind uriKind, out UriFormatException e)
     if (err == ParsingError.None)
         if (this.IsImplicitFile)
             if ((this.NotAny(Flags.DosPath) && (uriKind != UriKind.Absolute)) && ((uriKind == UriKind.Relative) || ((this.m_String.Length >= 2) && ((this.m_String[0] != '\\') || (this.m_String[1] != '\\')))))
                 this.m_Syntax = null;
                 this.m_Flags &= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UserEscaped;
                 e = null;
             if ((uriKind == UriKind.Relative) && this.InFact(Flags.DosPath))
                 this.m_Syntax = null;
                 this.m_Flags &= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UserEscaped;
                 e = null;
     else if (err > ParsingError.EmptyUriString)
         this.m_String = null;
         e = GetException(err);
     bool flag = false;
     if (!s_ConfigInitialized && this.CheckForConfigLoad(this.m_String))
     this.m_iriParsing = s_IriParsing && ((this.m_Syntax == null) || this.m_Syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIriParsing));
     if (this.m_iriParsing && this.CheckForUnicode(this.m_String))
         this.m_Flags |= Flags.HasUnicode;
         flag = true;
         this.m_originalUnicodeString = this.m_String;
     if (this.m_Syntax != null)
         if (!this.m_Syntax.IsSimple)
             this.m_Syntax = this.m_Syntax.InternalOnNewUri();
             this.m_Flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UserDrivenParsing;
             this.m_Syntax.InternalValidate(this, out e);
             if (e == null)
                 if ((err != ParsingError.None) || this.InFact(Flags.ErrorOrParsingRecursion))
                 else if (uriKind == UriKind.Relative)
                     e = GetException(ParsingError.CannotCreateRelative);
                 if (this.m_iriParsing && flag)
             else if (((uriKind != UriKind.Absolute) && (err != ParsingError.None)) && (err <= ParsingError.EmptyUriString))
                 this.m_Syntax = null;
                 e = null;
                 this.m_Flags &= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UserEscaped;
             if ((err = this.PrivateParseMinimal()) != ParsingError.None)
                 if ((uriKind != UriKind.Absolute) && (err <= ParsingError.EmptyUriString))
                     this.m_Syntax = null;
                     e = null;
                     this.m_Flags &= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UserEscaped;
                     e = GetException(err);
             else if (uriKind == UriKind.Relative)
                 e = GetException(ParsingError.CannotCreateRelative);
                 e = null;
             if (this.m_iriParsing && flag)
     else if (((err != ParsingError.None) && (uriKind != UriKind.Absolute)) && (err <= ParsingError.EmptyUriString))
         e = null;
         this.m_Flags &= Flags.HasUnicode | Flags.UserEscaped;
         if (this.m_iriParsing && flag)
             this.m_String = this.EscapeUnescapeIri(this.m_originalUnicodeString, 0, this.m_originalUnicodeString.Length, 0);
                 this.m_String = this.m_String.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
             catch (ArgumentException)
                 e = GetException(ParsingError.BadFormat);
         this.m_String = null;
         e = GetException(err);
        private static UriFormatException GetException(ParsingError err)
            switch (err)
                case ParsingError.None:
                    return null;

                case ParsingError.BadFormat:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadFormatException;

                case ParsingError.BadScheme:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadSchemeException;

                case ParsingError.BadAuthority:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadAuthorityException;

                case ParsingError.EmptyUriString:
                    return ExceptionHelper.EmptyUriException;

                case ParsingError.SchemeLimit:
                    return ExceptionHelper.SchemeLimitException;

                case ParsingError.SizeLimit:
                    return ExceptionHelper.SizeLimitException;

                case ParsingError.MustRootedPath:
                    return ExceptionHelper.MustRootedPathException;

                case ParsingError.BadHostName:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadHostNameException;

                case ParsingError.NonEmptyHost:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadFormatException;

                case ParsingError.BadPort:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadPortException;

                case ParsingError.BadAuthorityTerminator:
                    return ExceptionHelper.BadAuthorityTerminatorException;

                case ParsingError.CannotCreateRelative:
                    return ExceptionHelper.CannotCreateRelativeException;
            return ExceptionHelper.BadFormatException;
Example #38
        private static void SetParserStateIfNeeded(object options, OptionInfo option, bool? required, bool? mutualExclusiveness)
            var list = ReflectionHelper.RetrievePropertyList<ParserStateAttribute>(options);
            if (list.Count == 0)

            var property = list[0].Left;

            // This method can be called when parser state is still not intialized
            if (property.GetValue(options, null) == null)
                property.SetValue(options, new ParserState(), null);

            var parserState = (IParserState)property.GetValue(options, null);
            if (parserState == null)

            var error = new ParsingError
                BadOption =
                    ShortName = option.ShortName,
                    LongName = option.LongName

            if (required != null)
                error.ViolatesRequired = required.Value;

            if (mutualExclusiveness != null)
                error.ViolatesMutualExclusiveness = mutualExclusiveness.Value;

Example #39
File: Uri.cs Project: shmao/corefx
 private static UriFormatException GetException(ParsingError err)
     switch (err)
         case ParsingError.None:
             return null;
         // Could be OK for Relative Uri
         case ParsingError.BadFormat:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadFormat);
         case ParsingError.BadScheme:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadScheme);
         case ParsingError.BadAuthority:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadAuthority);
         case ParsingError.EmptyUriString:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_EmptyUri);
         // Fatal
         case ParsingError.SchemeLimit:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_SchemeLimit);
         case ParsingError.SizeLimit:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_SizeLimit);
         case ParsingError.MustRootedPath:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_MustRootedPath);
         // Derived class controllable
         case ParsingError.BadHostName:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadHostName);
         case ParsingError.NonEmptyHost: //unix-only
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadFormat);
         case ParsingError.BadPort:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadPort);
         case ParsingError.BadAuthorityTerminator:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadAuthorityTerminator);
         case ParsingError.CannotCreateRelative:
             return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_CannotCreateRelative);
     return new UriFormatException(SR.net_uri_BadFormat);
Example #40
File: Uri.cs Project: shmao/corefx
        private unsafe void CheckAuthorityHelperHandleAnyHostIri(char* pString, int startInput, int end,
                                            bool iriParsing, bool hasUnicode, UriParser syntax,
                                            ref Flags flags, ref string newHost, ref ParsingError err)
            if (StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized) && (AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags) ||
                (iriParsing && hasUnicode)))
                // Normalize any other host or do idn
                string user = new string(pString, startInput, end - startInput);

                if (AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))
                    bool allAscii = true;
                    bool atLeastOneIdn = false;

                    string UniEquvlt = DomainNameHelper.UnicodeEquivalent(pString, startInput, end, ref allAscii,
                        ref atLeastOneIdn);

                    if (((allAscii && atLeastOneIdn) || !allAscii) && !(iriParsing && hasUnicode))
                        // original string location changed lazily
                        _originalUnicodeString = _string;
                        newHost = _originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput);
                        flags |= Flags.HasUnicode;
                    if (atLeastOneIdn || !allAscii)
                        newHost += UniEquvlt;
                        string bidiStrippedHost = null;
                        _dnsSafeHost = DomainNameHelper.IdnEquivalent(pString, startInput, end, ref allAscii,
                            ref bidiStrippedHost);
                        if (atLeastOneIdn)
                            flags |= Flags.IdnHost;
                        if (!allAscii)
                            flags |= Flags.UnicodeHost;
                    else if (iriParsing && hasUnicode)
                        newHost += user;
                        newHost += user.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        err = ParsingError.BadHostName;

                flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
Example #41
File: Uri.cs Project: shmao/corefx
        private unsafe void CheckAuthorityHelperHandleDnsIri(char* pString, ushort start, int end, int startInput,
            bool iriParsing, bool hasUnicode, UriParser syntax, string userInfoString, ref Flags flags,
            ref bool justNormalized, ref string newHost, ref ParsingError err)
            // comes here only if host has unicode chars and iri is on or idn is allowed

            flags |= Flags.DnsHostType;

            // check if intranet
            if ((s_IdnScope == UriIdnScope.AllExceptIntranet) && IsIntranet(new string(pString, 0, end)))
                flags |= Flags.IntranetUri;

            if (AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))
                bool allAscii = true;
                bool atLeastOneIdn = false;

                string idnValue = DomainNameHelper.IdnEquivalent(pString, start, end, ref allAscii, ref atLeastOneIdn);
                string UniEquvlt = DomainNameHelper.UnicodeEquivalent(idnValue, pString, start, end);

                if (!allAscii)
                    flags |= Flags.UnicodeHost; // we have a unicode host

                if (atLeastOneIdn)
                    flags |= Flags.IdnHost;   // we have at least one valid idn label

                if (allAscii && atLeastOneIdn && StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HasUnicode))
                    // original string location changed lazily
                    _originalUnicodeString = _string;
                    newHost = _originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput) +
                        (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HasUserInfo) ? userInfoString : null);
                    justNormalized = true;
                else if (!iriParsing && (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.UnicodeHost) || StaticInFact(flags, Flags.IdnHost)))
                    // original string location changed lazily
                    _originalUnicodeString = _string;
                    newHost = _originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput) +
                        (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HasUserInfo) ? userInfoString : null);
                    justNormalized = true;

                if (!(allAscii && !atLeastOneIdn))
                    _dnsSafeHost = idnValue;
                    newHost += UniEquvlt;
                    justNormalized = true;
                else if (allAscii && !atLeastOneIdn && iriParsing && hasUnicode)
                    newHost += UniEquvlt;
                    justNormalized = true;
                if (hasUnicode)
                    string temp = UriHelper.StripBidiControlCharacter(pString, start, end - start);
                        newHost += ((temp != null) ? temp.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC) : null);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                    justNormalized = true;
            flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
Example #42
File: Uri.cs Project: shmao/corefx
        // Checks the syntax of an authority component. It may also get a userInfo if present
        // Returns an error if no/mailformed authority found
        // Does not NOT touch m_Info
        // Returns position of the Path component
        // Must be called in the ctor only
        private unsafe ushort CheckAuthorityHelper(char* pString, ushort idx, ushort length,
            ref ParsingError err, ref Flags flags, UriParser syntax, ref string newHost)
            int end = length;
            char ch;
            int startInput = idx;
            ushort start = idx;
            newHost = null;
            bool justNormalized = false;
            bool iriParsing = (s_IriParsing && IriParsingStatic(syntax)); // perf
            bool hasUnicode = ((flags & Flags.HasUnicode) != 0); // perf
            bool hostNotUnicodeNormalized = ((flags & Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized) == 0); // perf
            UriSyntaxFlags syntaxFlags = syntax.Flags;

            // need to build new Iri'zed string
            if (hasUnicode && iriParsing && hostNotUnicodeNormalized)
                newHost = _originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput);

            //Special case is an empty authority
            if (idx == length || ((ch = pString[idx]) == '/' || (ch == '\\' && StaticIsFile(syntax)) || ch == '#' || ch == '?'))
                if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowEmptyHost))
                    flags &= ~Flags.UncPath;    //UNC cannot have an empty hostname
                    if (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.ImplicitFile))
                        err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                        flags |= Flags.BasicHostType;
                    err = ParsingError.BadHostName;

                if (hasUnicode && iriParsing && hostNotUnicodeNormalized)
                    flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;// no host

                return idx;

            string userInfoString = null;
            // Attempt to parse user info first

            if ((syntaxFlags & UriSyntaxFlags.MayHaveUserInfo) != 0)
                for (; start < end; ++start)
                    if (start == end - 1 || pString[start] == '?' || pString[start] == '#' || pString[start] == '\\' ||
                        pString[start] == '/')
                        start = idx;
                    else if (pString[start] == '@')
                        flags |= Flags.HasUserInfo;

                        // Iri'ze userinfo
                        if (iriParsing || (s_IdnScope != UriIdnScope.None))
                            if (iriParsing && hasUnicode && hostNotUnicodeNormalized)
                                // Normalize user info
                                userInfoString = IriHelper.EscapeUnescapeIri(pString, startInput, start + 1, UriComponents.UserInfo);
                                newHost += userInfoString;
                                userInfoString = new string(pString, startInput, start - startInput + 1);
                        ch = pString[start];

            // DNS name only optimization
            // Fo an overridden parsing the optimization is suppressed since hostname can be changed to anything
            bool dnsNotCanonical = ((syntaxFlags & UriSyntaxFlags.SimpleUserSyntax) == 0);

            if (ch == '[' && syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIPv6Host)
                && IPv6AddressHelper.IsValid(pString, (int)start + 1, ref end))
                flags |= Flags.IPv6HostType;

                _iriParsing = (s_IriParsing && IriParsingStatic(syntax));

                if (hasUnicode && iriParsing && hostNotUnicodeNormalized)
                    newHost += new string(pString, start, end - start);
                    flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
                    justNormalized = true;
            else if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0' && syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIPv4Host) &&
                IPv4AddressHelper.IsValid(pString, (int)start, ref end, false, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.ImplicitFile), syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri)))
                flags |= Flags.IPv4HostType;

                if (hasUnicode && iriParsing && hostNotUnicodeNormalized)
                    newHost += new string(pString, start, end - start);
                    flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
                    justNormalized = true;
            else if (((syntaxFlags & UriSyntaxFlags.AllowDnsHost) != 0) && !iriParsing &&
           DomainNameHelper.IsValid(pString, start, ref end, ref dnsNotCanonical, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.ImplicitFile)))
                // comes here if there are only ascii chars in host with original parsing and no Iri

                flags |= Flags.DnsHostType;
                if (!dnsNotCanonical)
                    flags |= Flags.CanonicalDnsHost;

                if ((s_IdnScope != UriIdnScope.None))
                    // check if intranet
                    if ((s_IdnScope == UriIdnScope.AllExceptIntranet) && IsIntranet(new string(pString, 0, end)))
                        flags |= Flags.IntranetUri;
                    if (AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))
                        bool allAscii = true;
                        bool atLeastOneIdn = false;

                        string idnValue = DomainNameHelper.UnicodeEquivalent(pString, start, end, ref allAscii, ref atLeastOneIdn);

                        // did we find at least one valid idn
                        if (atLeastOneIdn)
                            // need to switch string here since we didn't know beforehand there was an idn host
                            if (StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HasUnicode))
                                _originalUnicodeString = _string; // lazily switching strings
                            flags |= Flags.IdnHost;

                            // need to build string for this special scenario
                            newHost = _originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, startInput) + userInfoString + idnValue;
                            flags |= Flags.CanonicalDnsHost;
                            _dnsSafeHost = new string(pString, start, end - start);
                            justNormalized = true;
                        flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
            else if (((syntaxFlags & UriSyntaxFlags.AllowDnsHost) != 0)
                    && ((syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIriParsing) && hostNotUnicodeNormalized)
                            || syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIdn))
                    && DomainNameHelper.IsValidByIri(pString, start, ref end, ref dnsNotCanonical,
                                            StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.ImplicitFile)))
                CheckAuthorityHelperHandleDnsIri(pString, start, end, startInput, iriParsing, hasUnicode, syntax,
                    userInfoString, ref flags, ref justNormalized, ref newHost, ref err);
            else if ((syntaxFlags & UriSyntaxFlags.AllowUncHost) != 0)
                // This must remain as the last check before BasicHost type
                if (UncNameHelper.IsValid(pString, start, ref end, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.ImplicitFile)))
                    if (end - start <= UncNameHelper.MaximumInternetNameLength)
                        flags |= Flags.UncHostType;

            // The deal here is that we won't allow '\' host terminator except for the File scheme
            // If we see '\' we try to make it a part of a Basic host
            if (end < length && pString[end] == '\\' && (flags & Flags.HostTypeMask) != Flags.HostNotParsed
                && !StaticIsFile(syntax))
                if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri))
                    err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                    flags |= Flags.UnknownHostType;
                    return (ushort)end;
                flags &= ~Flags.HostTypeMask;
            // Here we have checked the syntax up to the end of host
            // The only thing that can cause an exception is the port value
            // Spend some (duplicated) cycles on that.
            else if (end < length && pString[end] == ':')
                if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.MayHavePort))
                    int port = 0;
                    int startPort = end;
                    for (idx = (ushort)(end + 1); idx < length; ++idx)
                        ushort val = (ushort)((ushort)pString[idx] - (ushort)'0');
                        if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 9))
                            if ((port = (port * 10 + val)) > 0xFFFF)
                        else if (val == unchecked((ushort)('/' - '0')) || val == (ushort)('?' - '0')
                            || val == unchecked((ushort)('#' - '0')))
                            // The second check is to keep compatibility with V1 until the UriParser is registered
                            if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowAnyOtherHost)
                                && syntax.NotAny(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri))
                                flags &= ~Flags.HostTypeMask;
                                err = ParsingError.BadPort;
                                return idx;
                    // check on 0-ffff range
                    if (port > 0xFFFF)
                        if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowAnyOtherHost))
                            flags &= ~Flags.HostTypeMask;
                            err = ParsingError.BadPort;
                            return idx;

                    if (iriParsing && hasUnicode && justNormalized)
                        newHost += new string(pString, startPort, idx - startPort);
                    flags &= ~Flags.HostTypeMask;

            // check on whether nothing has worked out
            if ((flags & Flags.HostTypeMask) == Flags.HostNotParsed)
                //No user info for a Basic hostname
                flags &= ~Flags.HasUserInfo;
                // Some schemes do not allow HostType = Basic (plus V1 almost never understands this issue)
                if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowAnyOtherHost))
                    flags |= Flags.BasicHostType;
                    for (end = idx; end < length; ++end)
                        if (pString[end] == '/' || (pString[end] == '?' || pString[end] == '#'))
                    CheckAuthorityHelperHandleAnyHostIri(pString, startInput, end, iriParsing, hasUnicode, syntax,
                                                            ref flags, ref newHost, ref err);
                    // ATTN V1 compat: V1 supports hostnames like ".." and ".", and so we do but only for unknown schemes.
                    if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri))
                        // Can assert here that the host is not empty so we will set dotFound
                        // at least once or fail before exiting the loop
                        bool dotFound = false;
                        int startOtherHost = idx;
                        for (end = idx; end < length; ++end)
                            if (dotFound && (pString[end] == '/' || pString[end] == '?' || pString[end] == '#'))
                            else if (end < (idx + 2) && pString[end] == '.')
                                // allow one or two dots
                                dotFound = true;
                                err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                                flags |= Flags.UnknownHostType;
                                return idx;
                        flags |= Flags.BasicHostType;

                        if (iriParsing && hasUnicode
                            && StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized))
                            // Normalize any other host
                            string user = new string(pString, startOtherHost, startOtherHost - end);
                                newHost += user.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
                            catch (ArgumentException)
                                err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                                return idx;

                            flags |= Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
                    else if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.MustHaveAuthority) ||
                        err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                        flags |= Flags.UnknownHostType;
                        return idx;
            return (ushort)end;
 private unsafe ushort CheckAuthorityHelper(char* pString, ushort idx, ushort length, ref ParsingError err, ref Flags flags, UriParser syntax, ref string newHost)
     char ch;
     int end = length;
     int num2 = idx;
     ushort index = idx;
     newHost = null;
     bool justNormalized = false;
     bool iriParsing = s_IriParsing && IriParsingStatic(syntax);
     bool hasUnicode = (flags & Flags.HasUnicode) != Flags.HostNotParsed;
     bool flag4 = (flags & (Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized)) == Flags.HostNotParsed;
     UriSyntaxFlags flags2 = syntax.Flags;
     if ((hasUnicode && iriParsing) && flag4)
         newHost = this.m_originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, num2);
     if ((((idx == length) || ((ch = pString[idx]) == '/')) || ((ch == '\\') && StaticIsFile(syntax))) || ((ch == '#') || (ch == '?')))
         if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowEmptyHost))
             flags &= ~(Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UncPath);
             if (StaticInFact(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.ImplicitFile))
                 err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                 flags |= Flags.BasicHostType;
             err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
         if ((hasUnicode && iriParsing) && flag4)
             flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
         return idx;
     string userInfoString = null;
     if ((flags2 & UriSyntaxFlags.MayHaveUserInfo) != UriSyntaxFlags.None)
         while (index < end)
             if (((index == (end - 1)) || (pString[index] == '?')) || (((pString[index] == '#') || (pString[index] == '\\')) || (pString[index] == '/')))
                 index = idx;
             if (pString[index] == '@')
                 flags |= Flags.HasUserInfo;
                 if (iriParsing || (s_IdnScope != null))
                     if ((iriParsing && hasUnicode) && flag4)
                         userInfoString = this.EscapeUnescapeIri(pString, num2, index + 1, UriComponents.UserInfo);
                             userInfoString = userInfoString.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
                         catch (ArgumentException)
                             err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                             return idx;
                         newHost = newHost + userInfoString;
                         userInfoString = new string(pString, num2, (index - num2) + 1);
                 index = (ushort) (index + 1);
                 ch = pString[index];
             index = (ushort) (index + 1);
     bool notCanonical = (flags2 & UriSyntaxFlags.SimpleUserSyntax) == UriSyntaxFlags.None;
     if (((ch == '[') && syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIPv6Host)) && IPv6AddressHelper.IsValid(pString, index + 1, ref end))
         flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IPv6HostType;
         if (!s_ConfigInitialized)
             this.m_iriParsing = s_IriParsing && IriParsingStatic(syntax);
         if ((hasUnicode && iriParsing) && flag4)
             newHost = newHost + new string(pString, index, end - index);
             flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
             justNormalized = true;
     else if (((ch <= '9') && (ch >= '0')) && (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowIPv4Host) && IPv4AddressHelper.IsValid(pString, index, ref end, false, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.ImplicitFile))))
         flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IPv4HostType;
         if ((hasUnicode && iriParsing) && flag4)
             newHost = newHost + new string(pString, index, end - index);
             flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
             justNormalized = true;
     else if ((((flags2 & UriSyntaxFlags.AllowDnsHost) != UriSyntaxFlags.None) && !iriParsing) && DomainNameHelper.IsValid(pString, index, ref end, ref notCanonical, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.ImplicitFile)))
         flags |= Flags.DnsHostType;
         if (!notCanonical)
             flags |= Flags.CanonicalDnsHost;
         if (s_IdnScope != null)
             if ((s_IdnScope == 1) && this.IsIntranet(new string(pString, 0, end)))
                 flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IntranetUri;
             if (this.AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))
                 bool allAscii = true;
                 bool atLeastOneValidIdn = false;
                 string str2 = DomainNameHelper.UnicodeEquivalent(pString, index, end, ref allAscii, ref atLeastOneValidIdn);
                 if (atLeastOneValidIdn)
                     if (StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HasUnicode))
                         this.m_originalUnicodeString = this.m_String;
                     flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.IdnHost;
                     newHost = this.m_originalUnicodeString.Substring(0, num2) + userInfoString + str2;
                     flags |= Flags.CanonicalDnsHost;
                     this.m_DnsSafeHost = new string(pString, index, end - index);
                     justNormalized = true;
                 flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
     else if ((((iriParsing || (s_IdnScope != null)) && ((flags2 & UriSyntaxFlags.AllowDnsHost) != UriSyntaxFlags.None)) && ((iriParsing && flag4) || this.AllowIdnStatic(syntax, flags))) && DomainNameHelper.IsValidByIri(pString, index, ref end, ref notCanonical, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.ImplicitFile)))
         this.CheckAuthorityHelperHandleDnsIri(pString, index, end, num2, iriParsing, hasUnicode, syntax, userInfoString, ref flags, ref justNormalized, ref newHost, ref err);
     else if ((((s_IdnScope == null) && !s_IriParsing) && (((flags2 & UriSyntaxFlags.AllowUncHost) != UriSyntaxFlags.None) && UncNameHelper.IsValid(pString, index, ref end, StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.ImplicitFile)))) && ((end - index) <= 0x100))
         flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.UncHostType;
     if (((end < length) && (pString[end] == '\\')) && (((flags & (Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType)) != Flags.HostNotParsed) && !StaticIsFile(syntax)))
         if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri))
             err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
             flags |= Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType;
             return (ushort) end;
         flags &= ~(Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType);
     else if ((end < length) && (pString[end] == ':'))
         if (!syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.MayHavePort))
             flags &= ~(Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType);
             int num4 = 0;
             int startIndex = end;
             idx = (ushort) (end + 1);
             while (idx < length)
                 ushort num6 = pString[idx] - '0';
                 if ((num6 >= 0) && (num6 <= 9))
                     num4 = (num4 * 10) + num6;
                     if (num4 > 0xffff)
                     if (((num6 == 0xffff) || (num6 == 15)) || (num6 == 0xfff3))
                     if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowAnyOtherHost) && syntax.NotAny(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri))
                         flags &= ~(Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType);
                     err = ParsingError.BadPort;
                     return idx;
                 idx = (ushort) (idx + 1);
             if (num4 > 0xffff)
                 if (!syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowAnyOtherHost))
                     err = ParsingError.BadPort;
                     return idx;
                 flags &= ~(Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType);
             if ((iriParsing && hasUnicode) && justNormalized)
                 newHost = newHost + new string(pString, startIndex, idx - startIndex);
     if ((flags & (Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType)) == Flags.HostNotParsed)
         flags &= ~Flags.HasUserInfo;
         if (!syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.AllowAnyOtherHost))
             if (!syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.V1_UnknownUri))
                 if (syntax.InFact(UriSyntaxFlags.MustHaveAuthority))
                     err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                     flags |= Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType;
                     return idx;
                 bool flag8 = false;
                 int num7 = idx;
                 for (end = idx; end < length; end++)
                     if (flag8 && (((pString[end] == '/') || (pString[end] == '?')) || (pString[end] == '#')))
                     if ((end < (idx + 2)) && (pString[end] == '.'))
                         flag8 = true;
                         err = ParsingError.BadHostName;
                         flags |= Flags.BasicHostType | Flags.IPv4HostType;
                         return idx;
                 flags |= Flags.BasicHostType;
                 if ((iriParsing && hasUnicode) && StaticNotAny(flags, Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized))
                     string str3 = new string(pString, num7, num7 - end);
                         newHost = newHost + str3.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC);
                     catch (ArgumentException)
                         err = ParsingError.BadFormat;
                         return idx;
                     flags |= Flags.HostNotParsed | Flags.HostUnicodeNormalized;
             flags |= Flags.BasicHostType;
             end = idx;
             while (end < length)
                 if (((pString[end] == '/') || (pString[end] == '?')) || (pString[end] == '#'))
             this.CheckAuthorityHelperHandleAnyHostIri(pString, num2, end, iriParsing, hasUnicode, syntax, ref flags, ref newHost, ref err);
     return (ushort) end;
Example #44
			/// <summary>
			/// Gets the string representation of the ParsingError enum.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="parsingErrorKey"></param>
			/// <returns>The string representation of the ParsingError enum</returns>
			public string this[ParsingError parsingErrorKey] { get { return _errors[parsingErrorKey]; }